Can Trump have one News Conference without Slamming and Insulting the Democrats?

Ill admit that what I saw with the blood gone didn't look half as bad But even still a bad beating deserves death? and remember zim wasn't a little weakling

If I'm on the ground and someone is beating my head against a concrete sidewalk and I have a gun in reach, I shoot, then ask questions. Period.

What would you do?
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

Did you mind when Obama was slamming the republicans? Or is that different?

That's different.

Obama bashing Bush = Good
Trump bashing Obama = BAD

Snowflake logic.
Oh Pleeze Obama was real kind to the incoming president while Trump who bashed all 16 candidates at the debates bashed Obama relentlessly
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare


It's funny, because the last group of people who united the US were al Qaeda.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

Did you mind when Obama was slamming the republicans? Or is that different?

That's different.

Obama bashing Bush = Good
Trump bashing Obama = BAD

Snowflake logic.
Oh Pleeze Obama was real kind to the incoming president while Trump who bashed all 16 candidates at the debates bashed Obama relentlessly

Obama bashed Bush for 8 years.
Trump is going to be bashing Obama for as long as he is POTUS...get used to it.

Carter and Obama abandoned the POTUS unwritten rule of bashing predecessors. I don't even think slick Willie really bashed Bush that much.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

Did you mind when Obama was slamming the republicans? Or is that different?

That's different.

Obama bashing Bush = Good
Trump bashing Obama = BAD

Snowflake logic.
Oh Pleeze Obama was real kind to the incoming president while Trump who bashed all 16 candidates at the debates bashed Obama relentlessly

Obama bashed Bush for 8 years.
Trump is going to be bashing Obama for as long as he is POTUS...get used to it.

Carter and Obama abandoned the POTUS unwritten rule of bashing predecessors. I don't even think slick Willie really bashed Bush that much.
Sure trump will bash obama ,,,He'll bash anyone,lie about anyone Remember his lies about Obamas citizenship??? If I was Obama I'd have gone after that pos every day of my presidency,,
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

Personally, I'd like to have one news day without hearing about: Trump, Russia.....Flynn, Russia....Trump, Flynn, Russia....Russia, Russia, Russia.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

Personally, I'd like to have one news day without hearing about: Trump, Russia.....Flynn, Russia....Trump, Flynn, Russia....Russia, Russia, Russia.
Me too Funny .trumps own people have told him if he shuts up about it it would go away
Ill admit that what I saw with the blood gone didn't look half as bad But even still a bad beating deserves death? and remember zim wasn't a little weakling

If I'm on the ground and someone is beating my head against a concrete sidewalk and I have a gun in reach, I shoot, then ask questions. Period.

What would you do?
Guess I'd shoot but trying not to kill A shoulder a leg an arm ? You ever fight anyone close to 230,240 lbs ? Can't see how he was overcome and beaten like that Something smelled at least imo
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

Personally, I'd like to have one news day without hearing about: Trump, Russia.....Flynn, Russia....Trump, Flynn, Russia....Russia, Russia, Russia.
Me too Funny .trumps own people have told him if he shuts up about it it would go away
They aren't going to shut up about it for four more years and if he actually runs again in four years, they'll still be screaming about Russia.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

Personally, I'd like to have one news day without hearing about: Trump, Russia.....Flynn, Russia....Trump, Flynn, Russia....Russia, Russia, Russia.
Me too Funny .trumps own people have told him if he shuts up about it it would go away
They aren't going to shut up about it for four more years and if he actually runs again in four years, they'll still be screaming about Russia.
Do you believe if you do the crime you do the time?? If trump was in anyway implicated in Russian interference in our election shouldn't he be sent away given a nice double ex large orange jump suit?
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

Did you mind when Obama was slamming the republicans? Or is that different?

That's different.

Obama bashing Bush = Good
Trump bashing Obama = BAD

Snowflake logic.
Oh Pleeze Obama was real kind to the incoming president while Trump who bashed all 16 candidates at the debates bashed Obama relentlessly

Obama bashed Bush for 8 years.
Trump is going to be bashing Obama for as long as he is POTUS...get used to it.

Carter and Obama abandoned the POTUS unwritten rule of bashing predecessors. I don't even think slick Willie really bashed Bush that much.
Sure trump will bash obama ,,,He'll bash anyone,lie about anyone Remember his lies about Obamas citizenship??? If I was Obama I'd have gone after that pos every day of my presidency,,

So we are in agreement. Obama can bash Bush and Trump can bash Obama.
Did you mind when Obama was slamming the republicans? Or is that different?

That's different.

Obama bashing Bush = Good
Trump bashing Obama = BAD

Snowflake logic.
Oh Pleeze Obama was real kind to the incoming president while Trump who bashed all 16 candidates at the debates bashed Obama relentlessly

Obama bashed Bush for 8 years.
Trump is going to be bashing Obama for as long as he is POTUS...get used to it.

Carter and Obama abandoned the POTUS unwritten rule of bashing predecessors. I don't even think slick Willie really bashed Bush that much.
Sure trump will bash obama ,,,He'll bash anyone,lie about anyone Remember his lies about Obamas citizenship??? If I was Obama I'd have gone after that pos every day of my presidency,,

So we are in agreement. Obama can bash Bush and Trump can bash Obama.
NO not at all the degrees were quite different GWB started a war of BS Started a great recession on his watch etc etc etc and Obama never gave him both barrels Trump is crazy will say anything to make himself look good or protect his lying self
That's different.

Obama bashing Bush = Good
Trump bashing Obama = BAD

Snowflake logic.
Oh Pleeze Obama was real kind to the incoming president while Trump who bashed all 16 candidates at the debates bashed Obama relentlessly

Obama bashed Bush for 8 years.
Trump is going to be bashing Obama for as long as he is POTUS...get used to it.

Carter and Obama abandoned the POTUS unwritten rule of bashing predecessors. I don't even think slick Willie really bashed Bush that much.
Sure trump will bash obama ,,,He'll bash anyone,lie about anyone Remember his lies about Obamas citizenship??? If I was Obama I'd have gone after that pos every day of my presidency,,

So we are in agreement. Obama can bash Bush and Trump can bash Obama.
NO not at all the degrees were quite different GWB started a war of BS Started a great recession on his watch etc etc etc and Obama never gave him both barrels Trump is crazy will say anything to make himself look good or protect his lying self

OK. So if you like the President, he is allowed to bash other Presidents but no other Presidents are allowed to bash him.

I totally disagree, but I am not an ideologue.

Continue your outrage. This conversation won't go anywhere if you have double standards.
My point was that the Republicans allowed that shithead Obama to raise taxes.

The only thing you've been able to point to is Obamacare. So OK, you oppose Obamacare's tax increases to fund it. So what's the alternative? You had seven fucking years to come up with something. What were you assholes doing those seven years that was more important than crafting a replacement for the ACA you screeched was this horrible thing destroying everything...except not so much because there's no urgency to repeal it today?

So that would mean the last 7 years of your Obamacare opposition was just a bunch of reactionary bullshit, wasn't it?
The alternative is very simple.

We need to get the dumbass oppressive government out of the business of trying to control health care and stop taking money from the people that earn it and giving it away to the shitheads that didn't earn it to pay their heath care bills. I don't need the government getting involved in my health care and I sure as hell don't need the government taking my money by force to be used to pay the health care bills of somebody else.

You really have serious problems with comprehension. I have said that I am not a Republican so you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. The Republicans believe in government control health care just like the filthy ass Democrats.

I don't know why you filthy ass Democrats are so upset with the Republican plan. It is Obamacare Light. It simply improves some of the things that Obama fucked up. It is the bill that the stupid Democrats should have passed if they would have just bothered to read what the hell they voted for. It still gives massive government intervention in health care so you Liberals should be thrilled. However, you are simply too stupid to know that Republicans are just as bad as the Democrats.

The filthy ass Democrats run on a platform of bad government and they always deliver bad government.

Republicans run on a platform of good government but they usually deliver the same bad big government as the filthy ass Democrats.

You would know things like that if you weren't filled with that mindless partisan Moon Bat hate. Try reading news than other than what you find on The Daily Show, hate mongers like Rachael Maddow or the discussion forum on democratunderground.
Last edited:

1. What taxes?

You dumbass. I provided the link that listed all the filthy taxes that Obama passed with the help of the Democrat and Republican progressives in Congress. You didn't even bother to read it, did you?

You really have the attention span of a gnat, don't you? Either that or piss poor reading comprehension. Typical for a pink pussy hat wearing Moon Bat filled with mindless partisan hate.

You are a dumbass that voted for a worthless affirmative action idiot President that increased poverty, decreased family income, really really increased debt, increased income disparity, and had eight years of dismal economic growth so that pretty well establishes you credential of not being able to get anything right, doesn't it? Let me guess, you also voted for that corrupt, dishonest and incompetent bitch Crooked Hillary and you think Slick Will was honest and not a pussy grabber?
Know anyone like this
Definition of megalomania
  1. 1: a mania (see mania 2a) for great or grandiose performancean outburst of wildly extravagant commercial megalomaniaThe Times Literary Supplement (London)

  2. 2: a delusional mental illness that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur
play\-ˈmā-nē-ˌak\ adjective or noun
play\-mə-ˈnī-ə-kəl\ or less commonly
play \-ˈma-nik\ adjective
play\-mə-ˈnī-ə-k(ə-)lē\ adverb
So I'm pretending the words you use actually mean what they mean? Glad to see you admit to intentionally trying to deceive.

No, your problem is that you don't read anything because you do rushed, sloppy work here.
You dumbass. I provided the link that listed all the filthy taxes that Obama passed with the help of the Democrat and Republican progressives in Congress. You didn't even bother to read it, did you?

I did read it and I responded to it. You obviously didn't read my response because you do rushed, sloppy work here. The tax increases you posted were just Obamacare. And those tax increases don't hit every middle and lower class American. The Obamacare taxes go to fund Obamacare. You all had 7 years to come up with a better replacement and you couldn't. So that means you all were posturing about Obamacare, and it doesn't destroy the system as you all claimed. If it did, you would have had a replacement plan ready to go. You didn't. There's no escaping that posturing.
As always, you've got nothing.

No, you have nothing. Hence, no Obamacare replacement plan. The reason is obvious; you exaggerated the impact of Obamacare, lack the brain power to devise a replacement, and were just a bunch of bullshitting, lying, posturing douchebags.
How long did it take to bribe, payoff and most likely blackmail enough Democrats to pass Obamacare and what did we know about what was being passed. How many LIES were told to us in order to shove it up our...throats?

Obamacare was openly debated for more than a month. It took about a year from conception to passage. Conservatives chose not to be a part of the legislation. They chose to oppose everything Obama did because they were never held accountable for the failures of Bush the Dumber, who they rubber-stamped for 8 years. You don't get to take a shit on the table, then pretend you didn't when everyone can smell your un-wiped asshole. It's bizarre how Conservatives could oppose a plan they came up with in the 90's, and one of their nominees for President passed the same plan in Massachusetts to great success. Actually, it's not that bizarre...Conservatives are racist losers who want to drag everyone down to their level of failure. Bush the Dumber was a massive failure and Conservatives are desperate for an equivalence to him because that way their failures don't look as bad.

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