Can Trump have one News Conference without Slamming and Insulting the Democrats?

The alternative is very simple.
We need to get the dumbass oppressive government out of the business of trying to control health care and stop taking money from the people that earn it and giving it away to the shitheads that didn't earn it to pay their heath care bills. .

So, as I said, you have no fucking idea what alternatives there are because you haven't bothered to do the work of understanding what Obamacare is, what health insurance is, and what amount of influence health insurance has on your actual health care.

In 7 fucking years, Conservatives have not produced one single alternative plan to Obamacare. The reason is obvious; you cannot guarantee universal coverage without mandates. That's why the House GOP AHCA kicks 23,000,000 off their insurance, and why the Senate GOP's AHCA will result in the same thing. Conservatives simply don't understand what health insurance actually is. That's why there's no Conservative replacement, despite 7 years of posturing bullshit. it's also why Conservatives will never be able to produce a plan that delivers on their promises. Because they fundamentally misunderstand what health insurance is, what health insurance companies do, and how it relates to your health.

So that's why we're left with a bunch of platitudes, generalized bullshit, and fantastically magical thinking from the right.
The alternative is very simple.
We need to get the dumbass oppressive government out of the business of trying to control health care and stop taking money from the people that earn it and giving it away to the shitheads that didn't earn it to pay their heath care bills. .

So, as I said, you have no fucking idea what alternatives there are because you haven't bothered to do the work of understanding what Obamacare is, what health insurance is, and what amount of influence health insurance has on your actual health care.
Normal people know what it is. And we know you're shill. Obiecare can't work and was a lie from the outset. Private insurance can't keep losing money and private citizens can't support theirs and their neighbor's insurance.
That's thee definition of "trickle down economics"? Is it possible Kansas had all kinds of obligations to meet? When did Reagan eliminate business tax? You don't know what you're talking about.

So, Iceweasel, it helps if you actually know about the thing you are screeching about. The only obligation KS had was their Balanced Budget Amendment, that required them to balance the budget each fiscal year. Unfortunately, revenue projections consistently were above actuals, so the state was forced to cut spending in order to balance the budget. That's what caused the KS Board of Regents to increase tuition costs at state colleges, which forced students and their parents to borrow more money to get a college degree. It's also what caused co-pays and co-insurance to rise, as Medicaid was cut by the state of KS, forcing the elderly, disabled, and children to pay more out of pocket for health care.

And for this tax cut, did Kansas experience better growth? Nope. KS GDP growth was below the national average since the Brownback Tax Cuts started. KS job growth was also below the national average. Its credit rating was downgraded three times. It's rainy day fund vanished. It's Highway Fund vanished. It raided the welfare block grant to cover deficits. Below is the reason why they repealed the tax cuts...very clearly those tax cuts caused deficits. SB 30 is the repeal of the Brownback Tax CUts. See how suddenly, once tax cuts are repealed there are surpluses? Why do you think that is? Because tax cuts create deficits.


There ya go, in black and orange for your reading pleasure.
You posted links, not evidence

The links contain the evidence. How am I supposed to post evidence without posting links? Seems to me like you don't really want to have this debate, so you invent ridiculous standards while possibly (?) feigning ignorance. Not sure of why you are pretending to be so obtuse. You seem like a semi-literate person, so why are you debating as a sophist here?
The alternative is very simple.
We need to get the dumbass oppressive government out of the business of trying to control health care and stop taking money from the people that earn it and giving it away to the shitheads that didn't earn it to pay their heath care bills. .

So, as I said, you have no fucking idea what alternatives there are because you haven't bothered to do the work of understanding what Obamacare is, what health insurance is, and what amount of influence health insurance has on your actual health care.

In 7 fucking years, Conservatives have not produced one single alternative plan to Obamacare. The reason is obvious; you cannot guarantee universal coverage without mandates. That's why the House GOP AHCA kicks 23,000,000 off their insurance, and why the Senate GOP's AHCA will result in the same thing. Conservatives simply don't understand what health insurance actually is. That's why there's no Conservative replacement, despite 7 years of posturing bullshit. it's also why Conservatives will never be able to produce a plan that delivers on their promises. Because they fundamentally misunderstand what health insurance is, what health insurance companies do, and how it relates to your health.

So that's why we're left with a bunch of platitudes, generalized bullshit, and fantastically magical thinking from the right.

Odd, the Republicans didn't produce an alternative, yet they passed the alternative they didn't produce?

Perhaps you are just lying as always. You are a hack above all things.

To be sure, the Republican plan sucks, but you lied that they have no plan.
That's thee definition of "trickle down economics"? Is it possible Kansas had all kinds of obligations to meet? When did Reagan eliminate business tax? You don't know what you're talking about.

So, Iceweasel, it helps if you actually know about the thing you are screeching about. The only obligation KS had was their Balanced Budget Amendment, that required them to balance the budget each fiscal year. Unfortunately, revenue projections consistently were above actuals, so the state was forced to cut spending in order to balance the budget. That's what caused the KS Board of Regents to increase tuition costs at state colleges, which forced students and their parents to borrow more money to get a college degree. It's also what caused co-pays and co-insurance to rise, as Medicaid was cut by the state of KS, forcing the elderly, disabled, and children to pay more out of pocket for health care.

And for this tax cut, did Kansas experience better growth? Nope. KS GDP growth was below the national average since the Brownback Tax Cuts started. KS job growth was also below the national average. Its credit rating was downgraded three times. It's rainy day fund vanished. It's Highway Fund vanished. It raided the welfare block grant to cover deficits. Below is the reason why they repealed the tax cuts...very clearly those tax cuts caused deficits. SB 30 is the repeal of the Brownback Tax CUts. See how suddenly, once tax cuts are repealed there are surpluses? Why do you think that is? Because tax cuts create deficits.


There ya go, in black and orange for your reading pleasure. other words irt was not planned out well. It isn't me doing the screeching, it's little bitches like you that want to demonstrate a failure of supply side economics because it flies in the face of your politico-religious beliefs.
You posted links, not evidence

The links contain the evidence. How am I supposed to post evidence without posting links? Seems to me like you don't really want to have this debate, so you invent ridiculous standards while possibly (?) feigning ignorance. Not sure of why you are pretending to be so obtuse. You seem like a semi-literate person, so why are you debating as a sophist here?
You don't know what the links contained. In the time frame there's no way you read them, you did a quicky search and expected me to do the reading for you. Like I said, you're nothing but a punk.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare


God he's pathetic...

Trump sure is doing a great job uniting. Not.
He's only been in office a few months asshole!
NOTHING unites the country more than a growing economy and jobs. That's what President Trump is already accomplishing. Check out the stock market.
BONOBO had eight fucking years and he fucking GOLFED!!!!! and vacationed.
Zimmerman is a murderer that escaped justice thanks to republicans

Defending your own life is not the definition of "murder" Herr Goebbels.
And what is your definition of defending your own life ? a very large guy getting beaten up by a smaller guy and the large guy pulls a gun and kills the kid??? Bet you think that cop who shot a black guy in the back as he was running away from a traffic stop was ok too
Normal people know what it is. And we know you're shill. Obiecare can't work and was a lie from the outset. Private insurance can't keep losing money and private citizens can't support theirs and their neighbor's insurance.

Private insurance does nothing to improve or enhance your health care. All it does is restrict access to it.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare


God he's pathetic...

Trump sure is doing a great job uniting. Not.
He's only been in office a few months asshole!
NOTHING unites the country more than a growing economy and jobs. That's what President Trump is already accomplishing. Check out the stock market.
BONOBO had eight fucking years and he fucking GOLFED!!!!! and vacationed.
A growing economy, growing jobs, growing stock market is what Obama handed Trump.
“That could be my son” alienated people?

That's not exactly what Obie Wan Farrakhan said, is it?

“If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” Obama said. “When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids.”

I did wonder if the aspiration of Obama to have his kids expelled from school for having dope baggies in their locker. Or perhaps he dreams of the day when his children will wander into the night stoned out of their heads texting thug life 4eva to their fellow gangstas; such as these from Obie's "son"

{“U gotta gun?” he asked the friend on Feb. 18, 2012. His friend replied, “It my mommy but she buy for me.”

“She let u hold it?” Mr. Martin asked. “Yea,” the friend replied. “But she keep it,” Mr. Martin said. “Yea,” the friend texted back.}

Trayvon Martin Texts Are Released

Obama defended Martin because the color of his skin was all that mattered, not the content of his character.
Odd, the Republicans didn't produce an alternative, yet they passed the alternative they didn't produce?

You mean the plan they slapped together haphazardly a couple months ago? You'd think if Obamacare is this massive, terrible, horrible thing that is destroying health care they would have had a plan ready to go on day one. Their "plan" kicks 23,000,000 off insurance and spikes costs for seniors and older workers. It doesn't provide universal coverage (Trump's promise), and it doesn't reduce costs (Also, Trump's promise).

To be sure, the Republican plan sucks, but you lied that they have no plan.

The reason that plan sucks is the reason why any plan from Conservatives will suck...they don't understand what health insurance is and the role it plays in your health care.
Normal people know what it is. And we know you're shill. Obiecare can't work and was a lie from the outset. Private insurance can't keep losing money and private citizens can't support theirs and their neighbor's insurance.

Private insurance does nothing to improve or enhance your health care. All it does is restrict access to it.
Liar. What a dumb thing to say. so all this time and people haven't been helped? You're just a brainwashed Moonie.
The reason that plan sucks is the reason why any plan from Conservatives will suck...they don't understand what health insurance is and the role it plays in your health care.
But we understand full well what you commie fucks are all about. History is on our side, not yours. other words irt was not planned out well. It isn't me doing the screeching, it's little bitches like you that want to demonstrate a failure of supply side economics because it flies in the face of your politico-religious beliefs.

How was it not "planned out well"? In what form would it have been "planned well"? The problem isn't the planning, the problem is the policy itself. The idea that cutting taxes for businesses will create growth is debunked by the growth rates KS had post-tax cuts. That growth rate was below the national average since 2012.
Zimmerman is a murderer that escaped justice thanks to republicans

Defending your own life is not the definition of "murder" Herr Goebbels.
And what is your definition of defending your own life ? a very large guy getting beaten up by a smaller guy and the large guy pulls a gun and kills the kid??? Bet you think that cop who shot a black guy in the back as he was running away from a traffic stop was ok too

You are too stupid to deal with.

Zimmerman, 5'8"
Martin, 6'2"

You lie a great deal and are a racist, beyond that you contribute nothing.

You don't know what the links contained. In the time frame there's no way you read them, you did a quicky search and expected me to do the reading for you. Like I said, you're nothing but a punk.

I do know what the links contain because I posted them. I'm not a Conservative in that I don't post links without knowing the content in them. That's a practice you all do. You do that because you do rushed, sloppy work.
Liar. What a dumb thing to say. so all this time and people haven't been helped? You're just a brainwashed Moonie.

What is the actual function an insurance company performs? Do they perform checkups? No. Do they perform prostate exams? No. Do they prescribe drugs? No. Do they perform X-rays, CATSCANs, and MRI's? No. All they do is administer reimbursement to providers for those services. There is no role health insurance plays in your health care other than the administration of reimbursements to providers from the premium pool you've already paid into. Medicare does the exact same administration, but does it for a fraction of the cost, and does it for far more, sicker, older people on its own. Many insurance companies use Medicare as their template for process as well. Insurance companies do nothing when it comes to your care. They are wholly extraneous to the process. They do not improve or enhace your care; a doctor doesn't perform a procedure "better" based on your insurance, as much as you are trying to pretend they do.

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