Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

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  • Yes

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With 3.5 months left can Biden find his way out of the basement.

He does not need to. Trump is imploding.

So you're saying he won't on hopes Trump implodes...yep, good plan.

Trump is imploding and can't defend the crises he has put the United States in. That crises, with the economy and covid-19 is not going to end in the next 3 months. BIDEN does not really have to do anything since things are so terrible under Trump right now and will still be that way in 3 months. Everyone except the blindly partisan will vote for the other guy who is NOT TRUMP which in this case is BIDEN. That's just the way it is. Trump is the President and the BUCK stops with the President. The country is experiencing an economic and health crises and Trump is responsible. When things are bad and getting worse, the American people throw the sitting President out of office. The sitting President right now is TRUMP.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
The only way the Trump moron wins is if he sends the militia to the voting booths, and disallows away all mail in votes
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.

Actually 2,5-3 months. Many people will be voting by mail.

There will be only 2 major issue. The coronavirus and race relations. Trump dails on both counts.
That you think those will be the only issues confirms a lot...
Trump is imploding and can't defend the crises he has put the United States in. That crises, with the economy and covid-19 is not going to end in the next 3 months. BIDEN does not really have to do anything since things are so terrible under Trump right now and will still be that way in 3 months. Everyone except the blindly partisan will vote for the other guy who is NOT TRUMP which in this case is BIDEN. That's just the way it is. Trump is the President and the BUCK stops with the President. The country is experiencing an economic and health crises and Trump is responsible. When things are bad and getting worse, the American people throw the sitting President out of office. The sitting President right now is TRUMP.


No. Trump has a MASSIVE lead. But keep swearing by those polls
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Trump is imploding and can't defend the crises he has put the United States in. That crises, with the economy and covid-19 is not going to end in the next 3 months. BIDEN does not really have to do anything since things are so terrible under Trump right now and will still be that way in 3 months. Everyone except the blindly partisan will vote for the other guy who is NOT TRUMP which in this case is BIDEN. That's just the way it is. Trump is the President and the BUCK stops with the President. The country is experiencing an economic and health crises and Trump is responsible. When things are bad and getting worse, the American people throw the sitting President out of office. The sitting President right now is TRUMP.


No. Trump has a MASSIVE lead. But keep swearing by those polls

I have not used any polls in this thread. I've just discussed the condition the country is in and what it means for Trump on election night, November 3, 2020.
Trump is imploding and can't defend the crises he has put the United States in.
How did he put us in this Chinese Virus "crisis"?

By not sealing/blocking entry into the United States on January 20, 2020 like TAIWAN did. Trump did not do this for another two months until late March, by which time the virus had already spread far and wide among the U.S. population.
I have not used any polls in this thread. I've just discussed the condition the country is in and what it means for Trump on election night, November 3, 2020.

You have discussed the MEDIA REPORTED condition of the country. That does not infer accuracy by ANY means.
YUGE difference

As I go about my daily life, I am finding that the number of people who intend to vote FOR Trump to significantly exceed those who will not.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.

Nope, and now he says he's gonna veto funding for any more testing and contact tracing. I can only surmise that he WANTS to lose as tens of thousands more die thanks to Donnie's dithering, downplaying, and magical thinking.

Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Nope, and now he says he's gonna veto funding for any more testing and contact tracing. I can only surmise that he WANTS to lose as tens of thousands more die thanks to Donnie's dithering, downplaying, and magical thinking.

Yeah but Trump is still ahead even in the most liberal polls. The question is whether democrats can save Biden's campaign from utter destruction if they ever let him out of the basement.

What planet are you from? :rolleyes:

Yeah but Trump is still ahead even in the most liberal polls. The question is whether democrats can save Biden's campaign from utter destruction if they ever let him out of the basement.
No. What a ridiculous response.
No? ...That's it? Didn't teachers in your last grade in grammar school ever tell you that you can't argue a point by claiming that he other side is "ridiculous"? Biden has yet to appear in public without his wife guarding every scripted response. Trump is still ahead in almost every pol.

Could you posts a few of those polls please. And Rasmussen doesn't count. ;)
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
“Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?”

For the sake of the country everyone should hope not.

It’s imperative that Trump be voted out of office this November.

"Imperative" is an understatement. Mary Trump is right. A second term would be the end of the American Experiment.
It's amazing the media just let's Biden hide.

A good chunk of Americans don't know anything about Biden

Democrats stand behind Biden because they dare not stand in front of Biden

Democrats be like... well derp. trump grabs chicks by the pussy so that makes it ok for Biden to do it.

Everything Democrats claim to hate about trump, Biden is. You think they would have picked a different candidate if their shit was legit.
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With 3.5 months left can Biden find his way out of the basement.

He does not need to. Trump is imploding.

The Dotard just admitted that he can't have his yuuuge super-spreader rallies anymore thanks to the virus.

So Uncle Joe is playing it exactly right - Stay in the basement and let Trump continue to say stupid stuff in the Rose Garden to sycophants ...

Like how scary black people will ruin the suburbs and rape our daughters. :rolleyes:

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