Can We Agree Obama Failed?

Not at the cost we were under Bush, not even close Obama signed PAYGO into effect in 2010, it had expired in 2002 and it would have been a mistake to reenact back then as Bush's tax cuts were already killing us.

When it comes to the debt, who gets the blame?

Your post in unintelligble.
It is simply fact that the deficit is higher than it was under Bush pre recession and any restraint in spending is due to COngressional Republicans.

We're still paying for Bush's fuck ups and tax cuts, revenue lost forever.
After 8 years of Democrats that indicates Dems are incompetent.

Oh? You just got through telling me the Republicans were actually the ones who lowered the deficit and then when we look at where much of that money goes (Bush's mistakes) it's now the Democrats fault. Consistency isn't your strong suit is it, Bush apologist?

Rabid posts his hateful opinions as facts and rejects reality.

We are still fighting in Iraq, dumbshit. There was a US soldier killed there last week.

One? Thats an improvement wouldnt you say? Or are you going to pretend that our current policy is equal to boots on the ground war under Bush? The only way to do that is to just go "war is war" and numbers dont matter.

There was no Clinton surplurs and Bush inherited Clinton's failed policy on terror.

Now we are also denying reality too? This is impossible. Obama inherited Bush's war and failed economy. And made it better. Deny reality all you want
The claim was Obama ended the war in Iraq. I showed he didnt.
SO ending the war was not an accomplishment of Obama. His Iraq policy was a failure.

We’re no longer shedding blood by the gallon in the ME in unwindable wars. Great accomplishment by your president.
No other people are shedding blood by the gallon while we watch. But we will be soon anyway.
In any case the claim that Obama ended the war has been proven false.
So, please name one succesful program or policy he has instituted.
LOL. Like him or not, Obama has accomplished a lot of what he said he would. So no, he's far from a failure and with a 51% approval rating is actually in pretty good shape.
Haters are going to hate.
Did he say he would increase divisiveness in Washington, screw the middle class, and increase government dependence?
Because that's what he did.
Which candidate would you recommend to DECREASE the divisiveness?

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We are still fighting in Iraq, dumbshit. There was a US soldier killed there last week.

One? Thats an improvement wouldnt you say? Or are you going to pretend that our current policy is equal to boots on the ground war under Bush? The only way to do that is to just go "war is war" and numbers dont matter.

There was no Clinton surplurs and Bush inherited Clinton's failed policy on terror.

Now we are also denying reality too? This is impossible. Obama inherited Bush's war and failed economy. And made it better. Deny reality all you want
The claim was Obama ended the war in Iraq. I showed he didnt.
SO ending the war was not an accomplishment of Obama. His Iraq policy was a failure.

Reducing the number of boots on the ground and deaths is a success, right? Or doesnt matter how many die, 1 is just like hundreds?
Please name one succesful program or policy he enacted.

The ACA.

You now can get coverage with PECs, no caps on your insurance, children can stay on parent’s plans until they are 26. Etc...
ACA is the worst program in history. It has destroyed the health care system.
In any case he had very little to do with it, having been pushed by Congressional Dems.

Sorry to hear you no longer have health care. Somehow the world will keep turning once you’re gone. You’re really contributing nothing so can we agree it’s no great loss?
Health care is not health insurance. Thanks for bringing that up.
You deflected because you cannot refute my point.

You mean your opinion.

Try getting professionally delivered healthcare without insurance.
I do it all the time. It's called paying cash. My insurnace has a deductible of $5000 so it never pays out anyway.
Thanks for demonstrating your ignorance of health insurance.
Your post in unintelligble.
It is simply fact that the deficit is higher than it was under Bush pre recession and any restraint in spending is due to COngressional Republicans.

We're still paying for Bush's fuck ups and tax cuts, revenue lost forever.
After 8 years of Democrats that indicates Dems are incompetent.

Oh? You just got through telling me the Republicans were actually the ones who lowered the deficit and then when we look at where much of that money goes (Bush's mistakes) it's now the Democrats fault. Consistency isn't your strong suit is it, Bush apologist?

Rabid posts his hateful opinions as facts and rejects reality.

Translation: The Rabbi is kicking our asses so we have to agree with each other.
We are still fighting in Iraq, dumbshit. There was a US soldier killed there last week.

One? Thats an improvement wouldnt you say? Or are you going to pretend that our current policy is equal to boots on the ground war under Bush? The only way to do that is to just go "war is war" and numbers dont matter.

There was no Clinton surplurs and Bush inherited Clinton's failed policy on terror.

Now we are also denying reality too? This is impossible. Obama inherited Bush's war and failed economy. And made it better. Deny reality all you want
The claim was Obama ended the war in Iraq. I showed he didnt.
SO ending the war was not an accomplishment of Obama. His Iraq policy was a failure.

Reducing the number of boots on the ground and deaths is a success, right? Or doesnt matter how many die, 1 is just like hundreds?
The claim was he ended the war. Ishowed that was untrue. His actions have destabilized the country and the middle east completely. His middle east policy and Iraq policy are failures.
We're still paying for Bush's fuck ups and tax cuts, revenue lost forever.
After 8 years of Democrats that indicates Dems are incompetent.

Oh? You just got through telling me the Republicans were actually the ones who lowered the deficit and then when we look at where much of that money goes (Bush's mistakes) it's now the Democrats fault. Consistency isn't your strong suit is it, Bush apologist?

Rabid posts his hateful opinions as facts and rejects reality.

Translation: The Rabbi is kicking our asses so we have to agree with each other.

There you are rejecting reality again. Nice thread backfire.
We are still fighting in Iraq, dumbshit. There was a US soldier killed there last week.

One? Thats an improvement wouldnt you say? Or are you going to pretend that our current policy is equal to boots on the ground war under Bush? The only way to do that is to just go "war is war" and numbers dont matter.

There was no Clinton surplurs and Bush inherited Clinton's failed policy on terror.

Now we are also denying reality too? This is impossible. Obama inherited Bush's war and failed economy. And made it better. Deny reality all you want
The claim was Obama ended the war in Iraq. I showed he didnt.
SO ending the war was not an accomplishment of Obama. His Iraq policy was a failure.

Reducing the number of boots on the ground and deaths is a success, right? Or doesnt matter how many die, 1 is just like hundreds?
The claim was he ended the war. Ishowed that was untrue. His actions have destabilized the country and the middle east completely. His middle east policy and Iraq policy are failures.

Actually Iraq is more stable than it was when we had troops over there acting as target practice for Al Queda.
Those are the facts, now back to the spin.
The ACA.

You now can get coverage with PECs, no caps on your insurance, children can stay on parent’s plans until they are 26. Etc...
ACA is the worst program in history. It has destroyed the health care system.
In any case he had very little to do with it, having been pushed by Congressional Dems.

Sorry to hear you no longer have health care. Somehow the world will keep turning once you’re gone. You’re really contributing nothing so can we agree it’s no great loss?
Health care is not health insurance. Thanks for bringing that up.
You deflected because you cannot refute my point.

You mean your opinion.

Try getting professionally delivered healthcare without insurance.
I do it all the time. It's called paying cash. My insurnace has a deductible of $5000 so it never pays out anyway.
Thanks for demonstrating your ignorance of health insurance.

You’re dumber than I tell people you are.

ACA is the worst program in history. It has destroyed the health care system.
In any case he had very little to do with it, having been pushed by Congressional Dems.

Sorry to hear you no longer have health care. Somehow the world will keep turning once you’re gone. You’re really contributing nothing so can we agree it’s no great loss?
Health care is not health insurance. Thanks for bringing that up.
You deflected because you cannot refute my point.

You mean your opinion.

Try getting professionally delivered healthcare without insurance.
I do it all the time. It's called paying cash. My insurnace has a deductible of $5000 so it never pays out anyway.
Thanks for demonstrating your ignorance of health insurance.

You’re dumber than I tell people you are.

And you pay for THAT insurance? LOL
After 8 years of Democrats that indicates Dems are incompetent.

Oh? You just got through telling me the Republicans were actually the ones who lowered the deficit and then when we look at where much of that money goes (Bush's mistakes) it's now the Democrats fault. Consistency isn't your strong suit is it, Bush apologist?

Rabid posts his hateful opinions as facts and rejects reality.

Translation: The Rabbi is kicking our asses so we have to agree with each other.

There you are rejecting reality again. Nice thread backfire.

Its like trying to explain oxygen to a fish.
LOL. Like him or not, Obama has accomplished a lot of what he said he would. So no, he's far from a failure and with a 51% approval rating is actually in pretty good shape.
Haters are going to hate.
THE morons forget what a real failure was,,,,,, Bush on leaving the WH with a 22% approval was the all time failure Now these miserable pos want to give us trump???? Will they ever learn?
No, they never will. That's why they need to be beaten into submission.

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The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?
The largest overall promise he made was that he was going to "fundamentally transform" the country. "Change" it at a very basic level.

Yea Obama brought the homophobic, racist, xenophobic right wingers out of the woodwork, the shadows and the closet.

That's change I could have done without. Those crazy right wingers stayed hidden while Bush was in office.
LOL. Like him or not, Obama has accomplished a lot of what he said he would. So no, he's far from a failure and with a 51% approval rating is actually in pretty good shape.
Haters are going to hate.
THE morons forget what a real failure was,,,,,, Bush on leaving the WH with a 22% approval was the all time failure Now these miserable pos want to give us trump???? Will they ever learn?

Remember these?


Haven't seen one in years.
Yeah we miss Bush. A lot. I remember when a president was presidential and didnt act like a school yard thug.
Yeah right. That's why Jeb! was SOUNDLY rejected by his own party. Even after trying to not-so-successfully run from his last name.


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?
Yes, he failed to turn a shit sandwich into filet mignon. I will admit that he blew the opportunity to grind the republicans noses into the big pile of steaming shit they left behind. He really should have done that.
I avoided impeachment because I was the first black president.

See, the GOP plays the race card all the time.

Sure I do.

When a liberal makes the allegation that you disagree with Obama because he is black, you’re offended and claim the libs are playing the race card.
When a conservative makes the allegation that Obama got elected/didn’t get impeached/got re-elected/ or got over because he was black, you too are playing the race card.

See how that works?

Probably not. You’re pretty stupid.
I dont see because I dont speak moron, a language you're fluent in.
Obama was elected and avoided impeachment because he is black. There is no doubt about it.
People criticize Obama's policies because they are failures, as even Bernie and Hillary agree.

There's that race card again.
The dunces don't even realize their doing it. That's how far their rightwing brains have atrophied.

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