Can We Agree Obama Failed?

ACA—huge success; could be better
Out of Iraq…total victory
Stock market up.
Deficit down
OBL dead.
GM alive

All facts.

The only thing Rabbi can say is all of these arent perfect and therefore they are not successes. Thats his MO. If he can find one problem with something the entire thing is a failure.
Wrong. They arent just not perfect. They are total and complete fucking disasters of epic proportions only morons like you don't understand.
ACA—huge success; could be better
Out of Iraq…total victory
Stock market up.
Deficit down
OBL dead.
GM alive

All facts.

The only thing Rabbi can say is all of these arent perfect and therefore they are not successes. Thats him MO. If he can find one problem with something the entire thing is a failure.

Who? Oh, the OP. I guess he abandoned his own thread.

You’re right. The programs are not perfect but Obama is held to an unreasonable standard. It’s juxtaposed to the Drumpf standard.

For example, the campaign promises from 2008 and 2012 were apparently gospel.
Today, the campaign promises from 2016 made by Drumpf are being lauded as “mere suggestions” and embraced by his supporters as, “All campaign promises are suggestions”
Unfortuntely for you Im still here, debunking your bullshit.
LOL. Like him or not, Obama has accomplished a lot of what he said he would. So no, he's far from a failure and with a 51% approval rating is actually in pretty good shape.
Haters are going to hate.
THE morons forget what a real failure was,,,,,, Bush on leaving the WH with a 22% approval was the all time failure Now these miserable pos want to give us trump???? Will they ever learn?
Ed blames Bush for everything from Islamofacism to his car needing an oil change.
ACA—huge success; could be better
Out of Iraq…total victory
Stock market up.
Deficit down
OBL dead.
GM alive

All facts.
Not out of Iraq, you are repeating lies already debunked.
He had nothijng to do with the stock market.
Deficit higher than under Bush.
Bush's program to get OBL a success
Bush's program to rescue GM a success.

Reset with Russia
Dodd Frank
Race relations
North Korea
Bo Bergdahl
VA Scandal
etc etc etc
Iran nukes
Slowest economic recovery in US history
Terrorist attacks within America now routine.
Obama is not a failure.
His goal was to fundamentally transform America into a third world Banana Republic and he succeeded.
I think our major corporations have the honor of claiming that victory.
Major corporations created the debacle in the middle east and the worst race relations since the 1960s?
What part of Banana Republic don't you understand?
What part of stupid do you not exemplify?
Wow, what a zinger. You must be a rocket scientist then?
Ah, deep fry specialist at Burger King. That's what I thought.
That's probably you if you're lucky enough to have a job in the first place.
Got my own job, thanks. I think for myself, unlike you.
I'd be curious as to what that job might consist of.
DING, your fries are ready.
Obama is not a failure.
His goal was to fundamentally transform America into a third world Banana Republic and he succeeded.
I think our major corporations have the honor of claiming that victory.
Major corporations created the debacle in the middle east and the worst race relations since the 1960s?
What part of Banana Republic don't you understand?
What part of stupid do you not exemplify?
It's fun imagining you saying what you do as Gilbert Gottfried.
Ah, deep fry specialist at Burger King. That's what I thought.
That's probably you if you're lucky enough to have a job in the first place.
Got my own job, thanks. I think for myself, unlike you.
I'd be curious as to what that job might consist of.
DING, your fries are ready.
You work as a fry cook? Oh well, at least it's something.
Obama is not a failure.
His goal was to fundamentally transform America into a third world Banana Republic and he succeeded.
I think our major corporations have the honor of claiming that victory.
Major corporations created the debacle in the middle east and the worst race relations since the 1960s?
What part of Banana Republic don't you understand?
Forgive weather ,,,he believes the cancer gwb spread meant nothing
Obama is not a failure.
His goal was to fundamentally transform America into a third world Banana Republic and he succeeded.
I think our major corporations have the honor of claiming that victory.
Major corporations created the debacle in the middle east and the worst race relations since the 1960s?
What part of Banana Republic don't you understand?
Forgive weather ,,,he believes the cancer gwb spread meant nothing
I think it's too painful for most republicans to actually 'see' what their ideology has done.
Obama is not a failure.
His goal was to fundamentally transform America into a third world Banana Republic and he succeeded.
I think our major corporations have the honor of claiming that victory.
Stuck on stupid thinking CEO's sit in their big chairs with a white Persian kitty in their lap trying to devise sinister plots to hurt America.
Doesn't have to be a sinister plot... The whole premise of unbridled capitalism is short term self interest.

The wonderful corporation I work for has tried to send the high tech jobs that I and a bunch of other American engineers have basically created over to India. Fortunately for us, they can't seem to get the job done. Even at 3x as cheap as us, they can't do what we do in 3x as much time and that doesn't even factor in opportunity cost.

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