Can We Agree Obama Failed?

ACA—huge success; could be better
Out of Iraq…total victory
Stock market up.
Deficit down
OBL dead.
GM alive

All facts.

The only thing Rabbi can say is all of these arent perfect and therefore they are not successes. Thats his MO. If he can find one problem with something the entire thing is a failure.
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Yes, he failed to turn a shit sandwich into filet mignon. I will admit that he blew the opportunity to grind the republicans noses into the big pile of steaming shit they left behind. He really should have done that.
Obviously you've been told obama's shit sandwiches are fillet mignon and you gobble them up and beg for more. We are not in good shape, the economy is still limping along, and the Republicans didn't create the recession.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Obama ....hasn't seen his end yet.....he has not seen anything yet

He hasn't seen or feel the hatred....of all America towards him....all the hatred.

He will soon.
Lemme're a self-proclaimed Christian, yes?

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ACA—huge success; could be better
Out of Iraq…total victory
Stock market up.
Deficit down
OBL dead.
GM alive

All facts.

The only thing Rabbi can say is all of these arent perfect and therefore they are not successes. Thats him MO. If he can find one problem with something the entire thing is a failure.

Who? Oh, the OP. I guess he abandoned his own thread.

You’re right. The programs are not perfect but Obama is held to an unreasonable standard. It’s juxtaposed to the Drumpf standard.

For example, the campaign promises from 2008 and 2012 were apparently gospel.
Today, the campaign promises from 2016 made by Drumpf are being lauded as “mere suggestions” and embraced by his supporters as, “All campaign promises are suggestions”
Yes, he failed to turn a shit sandwich into filet mignon. I will admit that he blew the opportunity to grind the republicans noses into the big pile of steaming shit they left behind. He really should have done that.
Obviously you've been told obama's shit sandwiches are fillet mignon and you gobble them up and beg for more. We are not in good shape, the economy is still limping along, and the Republicans didn't create the recession.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
I haven't been much of an Obama fan for a while. I think he's given up a few things way too easily - single payer Obamacare being the most important. However, the republicans with Mitch McConnell leading the way have been the biggest scumbags I've ever seen in office. And that's really saying something.
Yes, he failed to turn a shit sandwich into filet mignon. I will admit that he blew the opportunity to grind the republicans noses into the big pile of steaming shit they left behind. He really should have done that.
Obviously you've been told obama's shit sandwiches are fillet mignon and you gobble them up and beg for more. We are not in good shape, the economy is still limping along, and the Republicans didn't create the recession.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
I haven't been much of an Obama fan for a while. I think he's given up a few things way too easily - single payer Obamacare being the most important. However, the republicans with Mitch McConnell leading the way have been the biggest scumbags I've ever seen in office. And that's really saying something.
Sorry if they stood in the way of your shit sandwich.
Yes, he failed to turn a shit sandwich into filet mignon. I will admit that he blew the opportunity to grind the republicans noses into the big pile of steaming shit they left behind. He really should have done that.
Obviously you've been told obama's shit sandwiches are fillet mignon and you gobble them up and beg for more. We are not in good shape, the economy is still limping along, and the Republicans didn't create the recession.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
I haven't been much of an Obama fan for a while. I think he's given up a few things way too easily - single payer Obamacare being the most important. However, the republicans with Mitch McConnell leading the way have been the biggest scumbags I've ever seen in office. And that's really saying something.
Sorry if they stood in the way of your shit sandwich.
Fortunately, it appears that I'm one of the people who will probably do well no matter how bad the economy gets. Maybe it's because I'm not easily replaced like most of the the brain dead republican voters out there.
Yes, he failed to turn a shit sandwich into filet mignon. I will admit that he blew the opportunity to grind the republicans noses into the big pile of steaming shit they left behind. He really should have done that.
Obviously you've been told obama's shit sandwiches are fillet mignon and you gobble them up and beg for more. We are not in good shape, the economy is still limping along, and the Republicans didn't create the recession.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
I haven't been much of an Obama fan for a while. I think he's given up a few things way too easily - single payer Obamacare being the most important. However, the republicans with Mitch McConnell leading the way have been the biggest scumbags I've ever seen in office. And that's really saying something.
Sorry if they stood in the way of your shit sandwich.
Fortunately, it appears that I'm one of the people who will probably do well no matter how bad the economy gets. Maybe it's because I'm not easily replaced like most of the the brain dead republican voters out there.
Wow, what a zinger. You must be a rocket scientist then?
Yes, he failed to turn a shit sandwich into filet mignon. I will admit that he blew the opportunity to grind the republicans noses into the big pile of steaming shit they left behind. He really should have done that.
Obviously you've been told obama's shit sandwiches are fillet mignon and you gobble them up and beg for more. We are not in good shape, the economy is still limping along, and the Republicans didn't create the recession.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
I haven't been much of an Obama fan for a while. I think he's given up a few things way too easily - single payer Obamacare being the most important. However, the republicans with Mitch McConnell leading the way have been the biggest scumbags I've ever seen in office. And that's really saying something.
Sorry if they stood in the way of your shit sandwich.
Fortunately, it appears that I'm one of the people who will probably do well no matter how bad the economy gets. Maybe it's because I'm not easily replaced like most of the the brain dead republican voters out there.
Wow, what a zinger. You must be a rocket scientist then?
Obviously you've been told obama's shit sandwiches are fillet mignon and you gobble them up and beg for more. We are not in good shape, the economy is still limping along, and the Republicans didn't create the recession.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
I haven't been much of an Obama fan for a while. I think he's given up a few things way too easily - single payer Obamacare being the most important. However, the republicans with Mitch McConnell leading the way have been the biggest scumbags I've ever seen in office. And that's really saying something.
Sorry if they stood in the way of your shit sandwich.
Fortunately, it appears that I'm one of the people who will probably do well no matter how bad the economy gets. Maybe it's because I'm not easily replaced like most of the the brain dead republican voters out there.
Wow, what a zinger. You must be a rocket scientist then?
Ah, deep fry specialist at Burger King. That's what I thought.
I haven't been much of an Obama fan for a while. I think he's given up a few things way too easily - single payer Obamacare being the most important. However, the republicans with Mitch McConnell leading the way have been the biggest scumbags I've ever seen in office. And that's really saying something.
Sorry if they stood in the way of your shit sandwich.
Fortunately, it appears that I'm one of the people who will probably do well no matter how bad the economy gets. Maybe it's because I'm not easily replaced like most of the the brain dead republican voters out there.
Wow, what a zinger. You must be a rocket scientist then?
Ah, deep fry specialist at Burger King. That's what I thought.
That's probably you if you're lucky enough to have a job in the first place.
We are still fighting in Iraq, dumbshit. There was a US soldier killed there last week.

One? Thats an improvement wouldnt you say? Or are you going to pretend that our current policy is equal to boots on the ground war under Bush? The only way to do that is to just go "war is war" and numbers dont matter.

There was no Clinton surplurs and Bush inherited Clinton's failed policy on terror.

Now we are also denying reality too? This is impossible. Obama inherited Bush's war and failed economy. And made it better. Deny reality all you want
The claim was Obama ended the war in Iraq. I showed he didnt.
SO ending the war was not an accomplishment of Obama. His Iraq policy was a failure.

Reducing the number of boots on the ground and deaths is a success, right? Or doesnt matter how many die, 1 is just like hundreds?
The claim was he ended the war. Ishowed that was untrue. His actions have destabilized the country and the middle east completely. His middle east policy and Iraq policy are failures.

Actually Iraq is more stable than it was when we had troops over there acting as target practice for Al Queda.
Those are the facts, now back to the spin.
LOL. We left Iraq a stable democracy. Obama said so himself.
Talk about denying reality.
Sorry if they stood in the way of your shit sandwich.
Fortunately, it appears that I'm one of the people who will probably do well no matter how bad the economy gets. Maybe it's because I'm not easily replaced like most of the the brain dead republican voters out there.
Wow, what a zinger. You must be a rocket scientist then?
Ah, deep fry specialist at Burger King. That's what I thought.
That's probably you if you're lucky enough to have a job in the first place.
Got my own job, thanks. I think for myself, unlike you.
Fortunately, it appears that I'm one of the people who will probably do well no matter how bad the economy gets. Maybe it's because I'm not easily replaced like most of the the brain dead republican voters out there.
Wow, what a zinger. You must be a rocket scientist then?
Ah, deep fry specialist at Burger King. That's what I thought.
That's probably you if you're lucky enough to have a job in the first place.
Got my own job, thanks. I think for myself, unlike you.
I'd be curious as to what that job might consist of.
ACA is the worst program in history. It has destroyed the health care system.
In any case he had very little to do with it, having been pushed by Congressional Dems.

Sorry to hear you no longer have health care. Somehow the world will keep turning once you’re gone. You’re really contributing nothing so can we agree it’s no great loss?
Health care is not health insurance. Thanks for bringing that up.
You deflected because you cannot refute my point.

You mean your opinion.

Try getting professionally delivered healthcare without insurance.
I do it all the time. It's called paying cash. My insurnace has a deductible of $5000 so it never pays out anyway.
Thanks for demonstrating your ignorance of health insurance.

You’re dumber than I tell people you are.

We can add insurance to the list of things you don't know.
Oh? You just got through telling me the Republicans were actually the ones who lowered the deficit and then when we look at where much of that money goes (Bush's mistakes) it's now the Democrats fault. Consistency isn't your strong suit is it, Bush apologist?

Rabid posts his hateful opinions as facts and rejects reality.

Translation: The Rabbi is kicking our asses so we have to agree with each other.

There you are rejecting reality again. Nice thread backfire.

Its like trying to explain oxygen to a fish.
You understand fish need oxygen like any other living thing, right? We can add fish to the list of things you don't understand.
ACA—huge success; could be better
Out of Iraq…total victory
Stock market up.
Deficit down
OBL dead.
GM alive

All facts.
Not out of Iraq, you are repeating lies already debunked.
He had nothijng to do with the stock market.
Deficit higher than under Bush.
Bush's program to get OBL a success
Bush's program to rescue GM a success.

Reset with Russia
Dodd Frank
Race relations
North Korea
Bo Bergdahl
VA Scandal
etc etc etc
The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?
Yes, he failed to turn a shit sandwich into filet mignon. I will admit that he blew the opportunity to grind the republicans noses into the big pile of steaming shit they left behind. He really should have done that.
He took a stable situation in Iraq and made it a disaster, despite the advice of his own staff.

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