Can We Agree Obama Failed?

Can we agreed he failed.....?

At what ?

No criteria for a report card was ever created.

He did get Obamacare passed. That was a success (if you are on the left).
He failed on every promise he made as a candidate.
He failed to make America better now than it was 8 years ago.

I wondered myself why the OP didnt include what the "failures" were.

And then he comes back with "Oh the failures are...EVERYTHING ALL OVER"

Sounds like a reasonable objection
"Can We Agree Obama Failed?"

Of course not.

Anyone who makes such an ‘argument’ is either an idiot or a lying rightwing partisan hack.

An accurate, objective, and factual analysis of any president can be made only decades after he’s left office; any such attempt during a president’s term is subjective foolishness and nonsense.

During his presidency Truman was very unpopular and perceived to be a ‘failure,’ so much so that he decided to not run for a second term, after losing the New Hampshire primary.

Today he’s considered to be among our greatest presidents.
Please name one succesful program or policy he enacted.

The GOP’s entire identity is based on a lie: How the Obama presidency exposed Republican deficit delusions

How exactly did Obama manage to slash the deficit so drastically? It’s true that Republicans have controlled the House of Representatives since January 2011 (along with the Senate this term) and those years have been marked by aggressive GOP attempts to roll back the welfare state, punctuated by episodes of legislative brinksmanship that ultimately resulted in the dreaded sequester. But that only tells a part of the story.

Nearly every bill signed by the president has included offsets to make the spending deficit neutral. Why? Because it’s been the law of the land ever since President Obama signed the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act in February 2010, which mandates that new spending be offset with spending cuts or new revenue. Yes, a Democratic president and a Democratic Congress passed this legislation. Guess how many congressional Republicans voted for the law. Zero. Not one.

Consequently, the president is responsible for the lowest government spending growth in 60 years. Once again, let’s reference Market Watch:

I can name two Democratic presidents who’ve cut the deficit through the duration of their presidencies: Clinton and Obama. And what about Republican presidents? Bush 43? He turned a $200 billion surplus into a $400 billion deficit by the end of his first term, and a $1.2 trillion deficit by the end of his second term. Bush 41? Nope. Reagan? No. Ford? No. Nixon? No. The last Republican president who cut the deficit was Eisenhower. Along those lines, the recently introduced tax plan of the Republican frontrunner, Donald Trump, would explode the deficit by as much as $10 trillion over a decade. Tell me again: Which is the party of fiscal responsibility?
Your post is a fail in that you did not name one succesful program or policy Obama instituted. The "slowest growth in decades" meme is a lie because when Obama took over the deficit was exploding, due to the recession. Now the deficit is still higher than it was in the Bush era pre-recession despite record revenues.

Pay as you go and ending the war in Iraq. Bush immediately killed off Clinton's surplus and sent us back into deficits thanks to tax cuts for the rich. Buddy, Republicans are lying to you.
"Can We Agree Obama Failed?"

Of course not.

Anyone who makes such an ‘argument’ is either an idiot or a lying rightwing partisan hack.

An accurate, objective, and factual analysis of any president can be made only decades after he’s left office; any such attempt during a president’s term is subjective foolishness and nonsense.

During his presidency Truman was very unpopular and perceived to be a ‘failure,’ so much so that he decided to not run for a second term, after losing the New Hampshire primary.

Today he’s considered to be among our greatest presidents.
Please name one succesful program or policy he enacted.

The GOP’s entire identity is based on a lie: How the Obama presidency exposed Republican deficit delusions

How exactly did Obama manage to slash the deficit so drastically? It’s true that Republicans have controlled the House of Representatives since January 2011 (along with the Senate this term) and those years have been marked by aggressive GOP attempts to roll back the welfare state, punctuated by episodes of legislative brinksmanship that ultimately resulted in the dreaded sequester. But that only tells a part of the story.

Nearly every bill signed by the president has included offsets to make the spending deficit neutral. Why? Because it’s been the law of the land ever since President Obama signed the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act in February 2010, which mandates that new spending be offset with spending cuts or new revenue. Yes, a Democratic president and a Democratic Congress passed this legislation. Guess how many congressional Republicans voted for the law. Zero. Not one.

Consequently, the president is responsible for the lowest government spending growth in 60 years. Once again, let’s reference Market Watch:

I can name two Democratic presidents who’ve cut the deficit through the duration of their presidencies: Clinton and Obama. And what about Republican presidents? Bush 43? He turned a $200 billion surplus into a $400 billion deficit by the end of his first term, and a $1.2 trillion deficit by the end of his second term. Bush 41? Nope. Reagan? No. Ford? No. Nixon? No. The last Republican president who cut the deficit was Eisenhower. Along those lines, the recently introduced tax plan of the Republican frontrunner, Donald Trump, would explode the deficit by as much as $10 trillion over a decade. Tell me again: Which is the party of fiscal responsibility?
Your post is a fail in that you did not name one succesful program or policy Obama instituted. The "slowest growth in decades" meme is a lie because when Obama took over the deficit was exploding, due to the recession. Now the deficit is still higher than it was in the Bush era pre-recession despite record revenues.

Pay as you go and ending the war in Iraq. Bush immediately killed off Clinton's surplus and sent us back into deficits thanks to tax cuts for the rich. Buddy, Republicans are lying to you.
Democrats ended paygo.
We are still fighting in Iraq, dumbshit. There was a US soldier killed there last week.
There was no Clinton surplurs and Bush inherited Clinton's failed policy on terror.
Can we agreed he failed.....?

At what ?

No criteria for a report card was ever created.

He did get Obamacare passed. That was a success (if you are on the left).
He failed on every promise he made as a candidate.
He failed to make America better now than it was 8 years ago.

I wondered myself why the OP didnt include what the "failures" were.

And then he comes back with "Oh the failures are...EVERYTHING ALL OVER"

Sounds like a reasonable objection
Every single program or policy has been a failure. Name one that wasnt.
Can we agreed he failed.....?

At what ?

No criteria for a report card was ever created.

He did get Obamacare passed. That was a success (if you are on the left).
He failed on every promise he made as a candidate.
He failed to make America better now than it was 8 years ago.

I wondered myself why the OP didnt include what the "failures" were.

And then he comes back with "Oh the failures are...EVERYTHING ALL OVER"

Sounds like a reasonable objection
Every single program or policy has been a failure. Name one that wasnt.

Thats not how this works. You cant peanut gallery or teenage girl your way out of making a point.

You asked if we can agree Obama failed, When asked at what you say "everything". So no, you're not being serious.

About what? Oh,.....EVERYTHING prove you are! :mad:

"Can We Agree Obama Failed?"

Of course not.

Anyone who makes such an ‘argument’ is either an idiot or a lying rightwing partisan hack.

An accurate, objective, and factual analysis of any president can be made only decades after he’s left office; any such attempt during a president’s term is subjective foolishness and nonsense.

During his presidency Truman was very unpopular and perceived to be a ‘failure,’ so much so that he decided to not run for a second term, after losing the New Hampshire primary.

Today he’s considered to be among our greatest presidents.
Please name one succesful program or policy he enacted.

The GOP’s entire identity is based on a lie: How the Obama presidency exposed Republican deficit delusions

How exactly did Obama manage to slash the deficit so drastically? It’s true that Republicans have controlled the House of Representatives since January 2011 (along with the Senate this term) and those years have been marked by aggressive GOP attempts to roll back the welfare state, punctuated by episodes of legislative brinksmanship that ultimately resulted in the dreaded sequester. But that only tells a part of the story.

Nearly every bill signed by the president has included offsets to make the spending deficit neutral. Why? Because it’s been the law of the land ever since President Obama signed the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act in February 2010, which mandates that new spending be offset with spending cuts or new revenue. Yes, a Democratic president and a Democratic Congress passed this legislation. Guess how many congressional Republicans voted for the law. Zero. Not one.

Consequently, the president is responsible for the lowest government spending growth in 60 years. Once again, let’s reference Market Watch:

I can name two Democratic presidents who’ve cut the deficit through the duration of their presidencies: Clinton and Obama. And what about Republican presidents? Bush 43? He turned a $200 billion surplus into a $400 billion deficit by the end of his first term, and a $1.2 trillion deficit by the end of his second term. Bush 41? Nope. Reagan? No. Ford? No. Nixon? No. The last Republican president who cut the deficit was Eisenhower. Along those lines, the recently introduced tax plan of the Republican frontrunner, Donald Trump, would explode the deficit by as much as $10 trillion over a decade. Tell me again: Which is the party of fiscal responsibility?
Your post is a fail in that you did not name one succesful program or policy Obama instituted. The "slowest growth in decades" meme is a lie because when Obama took over the deficit was exploding, due to the recession. Now the deficit is still higher than it was in the Bush era pre-recession despite record revenues.

Pay as you go and ending the war in Iraq. Bush immediately killed off Clinton's surplus and sent us back into deficits thanks to tax cuts for the rich. Buddy, Republicans are lying to you.
Democrats ended paygo.
We are still fighting in Iraq, dumbshit. There was a US soldier killed there last week.
There was no Clinton surplurs and Bush inherited Clinton's failed policy on terror.

Not at the cost we were under Bush, not even close Obama signed PAYGO into effect in 2010, it had expired in 2002 and it would have been a mistake to reenact back then as Bush's tax cuts were already killing us.

When it comes to the debt, who gets the blame when our deficit looks like this?

Please name one succesful program or policy he enacted.

The GOP’s entire identity is based on a lie: How the Obama presidency exposed Republican deficit delusions

How exactly did Obama manage to slash the deficit so drastically? It’s true that Republicans have controlled the House of Representatives since January 2011 (along with the Senate this term) and those years have been marked by aggressive GOP attempts to roll back the welfare state, punctuated by episodes of legislative brinksmanship that ultimately resulted in the dreaded sequester. But that only tells a part of the story.

Nearly every bill signed by the president has included offsets to make the spending deficit neutral. Why? Because it’s been the law of the land ever since President Obama signed the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act in February 2010, which mandates that new spending be offset with spending cuts or new revenue. Yes, a Democratic president and a Democratic Congress passed this legislation. Guess how many congressional Republicans voted for the law. Zero. Not one.

Consequently, the president is responsible for the lowest government spending growth in 60 years. Once again, let’s reference Market Watch:

I can name two Democratic presidents who’ve cut the deficit through the duration of their presidencies: Clinton and Obama. And what about Republican presidents? Bush 43? He turned a $200 billion surplus into a $400 billion deficit by the end of his first term, and a $1.2 trillion deficit by the end of his second term. Bush 41? Nope. Reagan? No. Ford? No. Nixon? No. The last Republican president who cut the deficit was Eisenhower. Along those lines, the recently introduced tax plan of the Republican frontrunner, Donald Trump, would explode the deficit by as much as $10 trillion over a decade. Tell me again: Which is the party of fiscal responsibility?
Your post is a fail in that you did not name one succesful program or policy Obama instituted. The "slowest growth in decades" meme is a lie because when Obama took over the deficit was exploding, due to the recession. Now the deficit is still higher than it was in the Bush era pre-recession despite record revenues.

Pay as you go and ending the war in Iraq. Bush immediately killed off Clinton's surplus and sent us back into deficits thanks to tax cuts for the rich. Buddy, Republicans are lying to you.
Democrats ended paygo.
We are still fighting in Iraq, dumbshit. There was a US soldier killed there last week.
There was no Clinton surplurs and Bush inherited Clinton's failed policy on terror.

Not at the cost we were under Bush, not even close Obama signed PAYGO into effect in 2010, it had expired in 2002 and it would have been a mistake to reenact back then as Bush's tax cuts were already killing us.

When it comes to the debt, who gets the blame?

Your post in unintelligble.
It is simply fact that the deficit is higher than it was under Bush pre recession and any restraint in spending is due to COngressional Republicans.
We are still fighting in Iraq, dumbshit. There was a US soldier killed there last week.

One? Thats an improvement wouldnt you say? Or are you going to pretend that our current policy is equal to boots on the ground war under Bush? The only way to do that is to just go "war is war" and numbers dont matter.

There was no Clinton surplurs and Bush inherited Clinton's failed policy on terror.

Now we are also denying reality too? This is impossible. Obama inherited Bush's war and failed economy. And made it better. Deny reality all you want
"Can We Agree Obama Failed?"

Of course not.

Anyone who makes such an ‘argument’ is either an idiot or a lying rightwing partisan hack.

An accurate, objective, and factual analysis of any president can be made only decades after he’s left office; any such attempt during a president’s term is subjective foolishness and nonsense.

During his presidency Truman was very unpopular and perceived to be a ‘failure,’ so much so that he decided to not run for a second term, after losing the New Hampshire primary.

Today he’s considered to be among our greatest presidents.
Please name one succesful program or policy he enacted.

The ACA.

You now can get coverage with PECs, no caps on your insurance, children can stay on parent’s plans until they are 26. Etc...
The GOP’s entire identity is based on a lie: How the Obama presidency exposed Republican deficit delusions

How exactly did Obama manage to slash the deficit so drastically? It’s true that Republicans have controlled the House of Representatives since January 2011 (along with the Senate this term) and those years have been marked by aggressive GOP attempts to roll back the welfare state, punctuated by episodes of legislative brinksmanship that ultimately resulted in the dreaded sequester. But that only tells a part of the story.

Nearly every bill signed by the president has included offsets to make the spending deficit neutral. Why? Because it’s been the law of the land ever since President Obama signed the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act in February 2010, which mandates that new spending be offset with spending cuts or new revenue. Yes, a Democratic president and a Democratic Congress passed this legislation. Guess how many congressional Republicans voted for the law. Zero. Not one.

Consequently, the president is responsible for the lowest government spending growth in 60 years. Once again, let’s reference Market Watch:

I can name two Democratic presidents who’ve cut the deficit through the duration of their presidencies: Clinton and Obama. And what about Republican presidents? Bush 43? He turned a $200 billion surplus into a $400 billion deficit by the end of his first term, and a $1.2 trillion deficit by the end of his second term. Bush 41? Nope. Reagan? No. Ford? No. Nixon? No. The last Republican president who cut the deficit was Eisenhower. Along those lines, the recently introduced tax plan of the Republican frontrunner, Donald Trump, would explode the deficit by as much as $10 trillion over a decade. Tell me again: Which is the party of fiscal responsibility?
Your post is a fail in that you did not name one succesful program or policy Obama instituted. The "slowest growth in decades" meme is a lie because when Obama took over the deficit was exploding, due to the recession. Now the deficit is still higher than it was in the Bush era pre-recession despite record revenues.

Pay as you go and ending the war in Iraq. Bush immediately killed off Clinton's surplus and sent us back into deficits thanks to tax cuts for the rich. Buddy, Republicans are lying to you.
Democrats ended paygo.
We are still fighting in Iraq, dumbshit. There was a US soldier killed there last week.
There was no Clinton surplurs and Bush inherited Clinton's failed policy on terror.

Not at the cost we were under Bush, not even close Obama signed PAYGO into effect in 2010, it had expired in 2002 and it would have been a mistake to reenact back then as Bush's tax cuts were already killing us.

When it comes to the debt, who gets the blame?

Your post in unintelligble.
It is simply fact that the deficit is higher than it was under Bush pre recession and any restraint in spending is due to COngressional Republicans.

We're still paying for Bush's fuck ups and tax cuts, revenue lost forever.
"Can We Agree Obama Failed?"

Of course not.

Anyone who makes such an ‘argument’ is either an idiot or a lying rightwing partisan hack.

An accurate, objective, and factual analysis of any president can be made only decades after he’s left office; any such attempt during a president’s term is subjective foolishness and nonsense.

During his presidency Truman was very unpopular and perceived to be a ‘failure,’ so much so that he decided to not run for a second term, after losing the New Hampshire primary.

Today he’s considered to be among our greatest presidents.
Please name one succesful program or policy he enacted.

The ACA.

You now can get coverage with PECs, no caps on your insurance, children can stay on parent’s plans until they are 26. Etc...
ACA is the worst program in history. It has destroyed the health care system.
In any case he had very little to do with it, having been pushed by Congressional Dems.
Your post is a fail in that you did not name one succesful program or policy Obama instituted. The "slowest growth in decades" meme is a lie because when Obama took over the deficit was exploding, due to the recession. Now the deficit is still higher than it was in the Bush era pre-recession despite record revenues.

Pay as you go and ending the war in Iraq. Bush immediately killed off Clinton's surplus and sent us back into deficits thanks to tax cuts for the rich. Buddy, Republicans are lying to you.
Democrats ended paygo.
We are still fighting in Iraq, dumbshit. There was a US soldier killed there last week.
There was no Clinton surplurs and Bush inherited Clinton's failed policy on terror.

Not at the cost we were under Bush, not even close Obama signed PAYGO into effect in 2010, it had expired in 2002 and it would have been a mistake to reenact back then as Bush's tax cuts were already killing us.

When it comes to the debt, who gets the blame?

Your post in unintelligble.
It is simply fact that the deficit is higher than it was under Bush pre recession and any restraint in spending is due to COngressional Republicans.

We're still paying for Bush's fuck ups and tax cuts, revenue lost forever.
After 8 years of Democrats that indicates Dems are incompetent.
We are still fighting in Iraq, dumbshit. There was a US soldier killed there last week.

One? Thats an improvement wouldnt you say? Or are you going to pretend that our current policy is equal to boots on the ground war under Bush? The only way to do that is to just go "war is war" and numbers dont matter.

There was no Clinton surplurs and Bush inherited Clinton's failed policy on terror.

Now we are also denying reality too? This is impossible. Obama inherited Bush's war and failed economy. And made it better. Deny reality all you want
The claim was Obama ended the war in Iraq. I showed he didnt.
SO ending the war was not an accomplishment of Obama. His Iraq policy was a failure.
"Can We Agree Obama Failed?"

Of course not.

Anyone who makes such an ‘argument’ is either an idiot or a lying rightwing partisan hack.

An accurate, objective, and factual analysis of any president can be made only decades after he’s left office; any such attempt during a president’s term is subjective foolishness and nonsense.

During his presidency Truman was very unpopular and perceived to be a ‘failure,’ so much so that he decided to not run for a second term, after losing the New Hampshire primary.

Today he’s considered to be among our greatest presidents.
Please name one succesful program or policy he enacted.

The ACA.

You now can get coverage with PECs, no caps on your insurance, children can stay on parent’s plans until they are 26. Etc...
ACA is the worst program in history. It has destroyed the health care system.
In any case he had very little to do with it, having been pushed by Congressional Dems.

Sorry to hear you no longer have health care. Somehow the world will keep turning once you’re gone. You’re really contributing nothing so can we agree it’s no great loss?
Pay as you go and ending the war in Iraq. Bush immediately killed off Clinton's surplus and sent us back into deficits thanks to tax cuts for the rich. Buddy, Republicans are lying to you.
Democrats ended paygo.
We are still fighting in Iraq, dumbshit. There was a US soldier killed there last week.
There was no Clinton surplurs and Bush inherited Clinton's failed policy on terror.

Not at the cost we were under Bush, not even close Obama signed PAYGO into effect in 2010, it had expired in 2002 and it would have been a mistake to reenact back then as Bush's tax cuts were already killing us.

When it comes to the debt, who gets the blame?

Your post in unintelligble.
It is simply fact that the deficit is higher than it was under Bush pre recession and any restraint in spending is due to COngressional Republicans.

We're still paying for Bush's fuck ups and tax cuts, revenue lost forever.
After 8 years of Democrats that indicates Dems are incompetent.

Oh? You just got through telling me the Republicans were actually the ones who lowered the deficit and then when we look at where much of that money goes (Bush's mistakes) it's now the Democrats fault. Consistency isn't your strong suit is it, Bush apologist?
We are still fighting in Iraq, dumbshit. There was a US soldier killed there last week.

One? Thats an improvement wouldnt you say? Or are you going to pretend that our current policy is equal to boots on the ground war under Bush? The only way to do that is to just go "war is war" and numbers dont matter.

There was no Clinton surplurs and Bush inherited Clinton's failed policy on terror.

Now we are also denying reality too? This is impossible. Obama inherited Bush's war and failed economy. And made it better. Deny reality all you want
The claim was Obama ended the war in Iraq. I showed he didnt.
SO ending the war was not an accomplishment of Obama. His Iraq policy was a failure.

We’re no longer shedding blood by the gallon in the ME in unwindable wars. Great accomplishment by your president.
"Can We Agree Obama Failed?"

Of course not.

Anyone who makes such an ‘argument’ is either an idiot or a lying rightwing partisan hack.

An accurate, objective, and factual analysis of any president can be made only decades after he’s left office; any such attempt during a president’s term is subjective foolishness and nonsense.

During his presidency Truman was very unpopular and perceived to be a ‘failure,’ so much so that he decided to not run for a second term, after losing the New Hampshire primary.

Today he’s considered to be among our greatest presidents.
Please name one succesful program or policy he enacted.

The ACA.

You now can get coverage with PECs, no caps on your insurance, children can stay on parent’s plans until they are 26. Etc...
ACA is the worst program in history. It has destroyed the health care system.
In any case he had very little to do with it, having been pushed by Congressional Dems.

Sorry to hear you no longer have health care. Somehow the world will keep turning once you’re gone. You’re really contributing nothing so can we agree it’s no great loss?
Health care is not health insurance. Thanks for bringing that up.
You deflected because you cannot refute my point.
Democrats ended paygo.
We are still fighting in Iraq, dumbshit. There was a US soldier killed there last week.
There was no Clinton surplurs and Bush inherited Clinton's failed policy on terror.

Not at the cost we were under Bush, not even close Obama signed PAYGO into effect in 2010, it had expired in 2002 and it would have been a mistake to reenact back then as Bush's tax cuts were already killing us.

When it comes to the debt, who gets the blame?

Your post in unintelligble.
It is simply fact that the deficit is higher than it was under Bush pre recession and any restraint in spending is due to COngressional Republicans.

We're still paying for Bush's fuck ups and tax cuts, revenue lost forever.
After 8 years of Democrats that indicates Dems are incompetent.

Oh? You just got through telling me the Republicans were actually the ones who lowered the deficit and then when we look at where much of that money goes (Bush's mistakes) it's now the Democrats fault. Consistency isn't your strong suit is it, Bush apologist?

Rabid posts his hateful opinions as facts and rejects reality.
Democrats ended paygo.
We are still fighting in Iraq, dumbshit. There was a US soldier killed there last week.
There was no Clinton surplurs and Bush inherited Clinton's failed policy on terror.

Not at the cost we were under Bush, not even close Obama signed PAYGO into effect in 2010, it had expired in 2002 and it would have been a mistake to reenact back then as Bush's tax cuts were already killing us.

When it comes to the debt, who gets the blame?

Your post in unintelligble.
It is simply fact that the deficit is higher than it was under Bush pre recession and any restraint in spending is due to COngressional Republicans.

We're still paying for Bush's fuck ups and tax cuts, revenue lost forever.
After 8 years of Democrats that indicates Dems are incompetent.

Oh? You just got through telling me the Republicans were actually the ones who lowered the deficit and then when we look at where much of that money goes (Bush's mistakes) it's now the Democrats fault. Consistency isn't your strong suit is it, Bush apologist?
Who controlled the House from 2007 to 2011?
"Can We Agree Obama Failed?"

Of course not.

Anyone who makes such an ‘argument’ is either an idiot or a lying rightwing partisan hack.

An accurate, objective, and factual analysis of any president can be made only decades after he’s left office; any such attempt during a president’s term is subjective foolishness and nonsense.

During his presidency Truman was very unpopular and perceived to be a ‘failure,’ so much so that he decided to not run for a second term, after losing the New Hampshire primary.

Today he’s considered to be among our greatest presidents.
Please name one succesful program or policy he enacted.

The ACA.

You now can get coverage with PECs, no caps on your insurance, children can stay on parent’s plans until they are 26. Etc...
ACA is the worst program in history. It has destroyed the health care system.
In any case he had very little to do with it, having been pushed by Congressional Dems.

Sorry to hear you no longer have health care. Somehow the world will keep turning once you’re gone. You’re really contributing nothing so can we agree it’s no great loss?
Health care is not health insurance. Thanks for bringing that up.
You deflected because you cannot refute my point.

You mean your opinion.

Try getting professionally delivered healthcare without insurance.

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