Can We Agree Obama Failed?

LOL. Like him or not, Obama has accomplished a lot of what he said he would. So no, he's far from a failure and with a 51% approval rating is actually in pretty good shape.
Haters are going to hate.
Did he say he would increase divisiveness in Washington, screw the middle class, and increase government dependence?
Because that's what he did.

President Obama was hated before he took the oath of office. He did not create the racism he and the first lady have tolerated with grace, dignity and of late, humor. Did you hear him say "ignorance is not a virtue"? That may have been directed at Rabbi(t) and others of his kind. In every step of the way efforts to roadblock President Obama were in place no matter how beneficial they might have been for the American people.

As posted above, he passed much of his agenda, kept America safe and will be remembered by historians and a majority of Americans as a good man who tried his best to make life better for the common men, women and children in our nation. As we continue to drift away from the principles of a democratic republic, and more and more of our citizens come to understand that we are now ruled by a power elite, the only real constituency which the Republicans in The Congress and legislatures in the states support, life will become harder for out kids and theirs.

Another far left drone that proves they will believe in their religious narratives over reality..


As always the far left ignore the facts and reality!

Good grief you're dumb. Yes, race relations are worse than they were before Obama was nominated and then elected to the highest office in the land. Yet why is not answered by a graph. If anyone has ignored the facts, and there are many, it is you.
The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?

If the Democrats had had enough votes to pass a major liberal agenda,

would you be happy?
No. We would be Europe.
LOL. Like him or not, Obama has accomplished a lot of what he said he would. So no, he's far from a failure and with a 51% approval rating is actually in pretty good shape.
Haters are going to hate.
Did he say he would increase divisiveness in Washington, screw the middle class, and increase government dependence?
Because that's what he did.

President Obama was hated before he took the oath of office. He did not create the racism he and the first lady have tolerated with grace, dignity and of late, humor. Did you hear him say "ignorance is not a virtue"? That may have been directed at Rabbi(t) and others of his kind. In every step of the way efforts to roadblock President Obama were in place no matter how beneficial they might have been for the American people.

As posted above, he passed much of his agenda, kept America safe and will be remembered by historians and a majority of Americans as a good man who tried his best to make life better for the common men, women and children in our nation. As we continue to drift away from the principles of a democratic republic, and more and more of our citizens come to understand that we are now ruled by a power elite, the only real constituency which the Republicans in The Congress and legislatures in the states support, life will become harder for out kids and theirs.

Another far left drone that proves they will believe in their religious narratives over reality..


As always the far left ignore the facts and reality!

Good grief you're dumb. Yes, race relations are worse than they were before Obama was nominated and then elected to the highest office in the land. Yet why is not answered by a graph. If anyone has ignored the facts, and there are many, it is you.

See how the far left will rewrite history to fit their religious narrative!

Race relations have become worse under Obama..

See how the far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they are wrong!

But what do you expect from those that voted worse than Bush twice..
LOL. Like him or not, Obama has accomplished a lot of what he said he would. So no, he's far from a failure and with a 51% approval rating is actually in pretty good shape.
Haters are going to hate.
THE morons forget what a real failure was,,,,,, Bush on leaving the WH with a 22% approval was the all time failure Now these miserable pos want to give us trump???? Will they ever learn?

Remember these?


Haven't seen one in years.
Yeah we miss Bush. A lot. I remember when a president was presidential and didnt act like a school yard thug.

Bend over, I think I found the WMD and the thousands I finally recouped from my 401k, house and other investments.
LOL. Like him or not, Obama has accomplished a lot of what he said he would. So no, he's far from a failure and with a 51% approval rating is actually in pretty good shape.
Haters are going to hate.
THE morons forget what a real failure was,,,,,, Bush on leaving the WH with a 22% approval was the all time failure Now these miserable pos want to give us trump???? Will they ever learn?

Remember these?


Haven't seen one in years.
Yeah we miss Bush. A lot. I remember when a president was presidential and didnt act like a school yard thug.

Bend over, I think I found the WMD and the thousands I finally recouped from my 401k, house and other investments.
Yeah we miss Bush. A lot. I remember when a president was presidential and didnt act like a school yard thug.



Yeah we miss Bush. A lot. I remember when a president was presidential and didnt act like a school yard thug.



Here we see Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama trying to get back in the White House...through the window!


If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?
LOL. Like him or not, Obama has accomplished a lot of what he said he would.
The largest overall promise he made was that he was going to "fundamentally transform" the country. "Change" it at a very basic level.

I have no doubt at all that when his presidency is reviewed in a decade, his term will be the time that this did indeed begin to happen.
Last edited:
Economically I'd say Obama has been a success.
10.1% to 5%
14 million jobs
Longest private sector adding of jobs in our nations history.

On the otherhand, foreign policy wasn't as good.
The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?

If the Democrats had had enough votes to pass a major liberal agenda,

would you be happy?
No. We would be Europe.

Quite a few western european countries are worthier per capita then America. Far less difference between the poor and the super rich for one and that is a good thing. America would do well copying some of the europeans ideas.
Did he say he would increase divisiveness in Washington, screw the middle class, and increase government dependence?
Because that's what he did.

The meat puppet faggot said he would cut the deficit in half, he doubled it. He never got a single budget passed even when democrook sociopaths owned both branches.He said he was going to "fix" healthcare. Good luck on that keeping your doctor or saving much. He said he would make our world image better. We're such a joke that a modern more savage Al-Queda that conquers lands rather than hiding under the flag of an unstable nation. The list of the moonbat messiah's so called "failures" are endless but not when looked at through the lens of a bed wetter. To vacuous libturd zealot eyes, they're unseen. They aren't true or they're contorted into some sort of "success" that benefited someone or thing they're programmed to believe deserves.

To the INFORMED democrook voter these are "successes" when your agenda is to bring the nation down. It isn't a "failure" when your intentions achieve the results you were looking for. It's a "success" when you managed to convince the people hit hardest by the negative consequences of your intentions the fault lies elsewhere. That there are more important issues that are of a greater concern to YOU, the people struggling to get by or are waiting in the government hammock. Issues like a fringe segment of the population who is stupid enough to be "confused" about their gender and they can't piss in the right bathroom "for them".

Do you know what the deficit is?


U.S. Annual Budget Deficit Remains Near 7-Year Low in June
Did he say he would increase divisiveness in Washington, screw the middle class, and increase government dependence?
Because that's what he did.

The meat puppet faggot said he would cut the deficit in half, he doubled it. He never got a single budget passed even when democrook sociopaths owned both branches.He said he was going to "fix" healthcare. Good luck on that keeping your doctor or saving much. He said he would make our world image better. We're such a joke that a modern more savage Al-Queda that conquers lands rather than hiding under the flag of an unstable nation. The list of the moonbat messiah's so called "failures" are endless but not when looked at through the lens of a bed wetter. To vacuous libturd zealot eyes, they're unseen. They aren't true or they're contorted into some sort of "success" that benefited someone or thing they're programmed to believe deserves.

To the INFORMED democrook voter these are "successes" when your agenda is to bring the nation down. It isn't a "failure" when your intentions achieve the results you were looking for. It's a "success" when you managed to convince the people hit hardest by the negative consequences of your intentions the fault lies elsewhere. That there are more important issues that are of a greater concern to YOU, the people struggling to get by or are waiting in the government hammock. Issues like a fringe segment of the population who is stupid enough to be "confused" about their gender and they can't piss in the right bathroom "for them".

Do you know what the deficit is?


U.S. Annual Budget Deficit Remains Near 7-Year Low in June

As you know, a DEFICT is a paper figure having nothing, whatsoever, with the NATIONAL DEBT. Even so, through 2015, Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama's DEFICIT has not gone below former President George Bush's entire term.

You do recall that House Speaker Nancy "we have to pass it to know what's in it" Pelosi refused to bring the 2009 budget proposed by George Bush. President Obama signed the budget in March of 2009.
LOL. Like him or not, Obama has accomplished a lot of what he said he would. So no, he's far from a failure and with a 51% approval rating is actually in pretty good shape.
Haters are going to hate.
Did he say he would increase divisiveness in Washington, screw the middle class, and increase government dependence?
Because that's what he did.

President Obama was hated before he took the oath of office. He did not create the racism he and the first lady have tolerated with grace, dignity and of late, humor. Did you hear him say "ignorance is not a virtue"? That may have been directed at Rabbi(t) and others of his kind. In every step of the way efforts to roadblock President Obama were in place no matter how beneficial they might have been for the American people.

As posted above, he passed much of his agenda, kept America safe and will be remembered by historians and a majority of Americans as a good man who tried his best to make life better for the common men, women and children in our nation. As we continue to drift away from the principles of a democratic republic, and more and more of our citizens come to understand that we are now ruled by a power elite, the only real constituency which the Republicans in The Congress and legislatures in the states support, life will become harder for out kids and theirs.

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Barack Obama's mentor Hillary ain’t never been called a ....

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Jeremiah Wright

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“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.”

Obama to Latinos: "Punish" Your "Enemies" in the Voting Booth
Did he say he would increase divisiveness in Washington, screw the middle class, and increase government dependence?
Because that's what he did.

The meat puppet faggot said he would cut the deficit in half, he doubled it. He never got a single budget passed even when democrook sociopaths owned both branches.He said he was going to "fix" healthcare. Good luck on that keeping your doctor or saving much. He said he would make our world image better. We're such a joke that a modern more savage Al-Queda that conquers lands rather than hiding under the flag of an unstable nation. The list of the moonbat messiah's so called "failures" are endless but not when looked at through the lens of a bed wetter. To vacuous libturd zealot eyes, they're unseen. They aren't true or they're contorted into some sort of "success" that benefited someone or thing they're programmed to believe deserves.

To the INFORMED democrook voter these are "successes" when your agenda is to bring the nation down. It isn't a "failure" when your intentions achieve the results you were looking for. It's a "success" when you managed to convince the people hit hardest by the negative consequences of your intentions the fault lies elsewhere. That there are more important issues that are of a greater concern to YOU, the people struggling to get by or are waiting in the government hammock. Issues like a fringe segment of the population who is stupid enough to be "confused" about their gender and they can't piss in the right bathroom "for them".

Do you know what the deficit is?


U.S. Annual Budget Deficit Remains Near 7-Year Low in June

7 year low.....????


From 2015 yeah, that puts us at the end of GWBs term. So, yeah, not a bad job to reverse that cluster fuck.
What policies or laws did he enact that did that? Be specific here.
Because the GOP has held the House since 2011 and instituted the sequestration, which mostly accounts for that.
In any case it is not such a big deal because revenues are at record levels, while the deficit is still higher than it was pre-recession BUsh era.
LOL. Like him or not, Obama has accomplished a lot of what he said he would. So no, he's far from a failure and with a 51% approval rating is actually in pretty good shape.
Haters are going to hate.
Did he say he would increase divisiveness in Washington, screw the middle class, and increase government dependence?
Because that's what he did.

President Obama was hated before he took the oath of office. He did not create the racism he and the first lady have tolerated with grace, dignity and of late, humor. Did you hear him say "ignorance is not a virtue"? That may have been directed at Rabbi(t) and others of his kind. In every step of the way efforts to roadblock President Obama were in place no matter how beneficial they might have been for the American people.

As posted above, he passed much of his agenda, kept America safe and will be remembered by historians and a majority of Americans as a good man who tried his best to make life better for the common men, women and children in our nation. As we continue to drift away from the principles of a democratic republic, and more and more of our citizens come to understand that we are now ruled by a power elite, the only real constituency which the Republicans in The Congress and legislatures in the states support, life will become harder for out kids and theirs.
He did not pass any of his agenda. What was passed was the Democrats' agenda. He had little role in Obamacare, leaving it mostly to Dems in Congress.
As for racism, his Justice Dept fed racism, refusing to prosecute blacks for election fraud while ginning up false racial accusations against lenders. Obama himself felt he had to insert himself into every racial incident, from the Harvard professor, where he called the cop an idiot, to Trayvon, who looked like his son, to Ferguson.
It is undoubted that race relations here are at their worst point since the 1960s and that is mostly Obama's doing.
"Can We Agree Obama Failed?"

Of course not.

Anyone who makes such an ‘argument’ is either an idiot or a lying rightwing partisan hack.

An accurate, objective, and factual analysis of any president can be made only decades after he’s left office; any such attempt during a president’s term is subjective foolishness and nonsense.

During his presidency Truman was very unpopular and perceived to be a ‘failure,’ so much so that he decided to not run for a second term, after losing the New Hampshire primary.

Today he’s considered to be among our greatest presidents.
Please name one succesful program or policy he enacted.
The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?

Both dems & repubs are selling out the working man. The only difference, dems are offering up a little welfare in exchange, while repubs offer up nothing, except for free advise on how you failed
"Can We Agree Obama Failed?"

Of course not.

Anyone who makes such an ‘argument’ is either an idiot or a lying rightwing partisan hack.

An accurate, objective, and factual analysis of any president can be made only decades after he’s left office; any such attempt during a president’s term is subjective foolishness and nonsense.

During his presidency Truman was very unpopular and perceived to be a ‘failure,’ so much so that he decided to not run for a second term, after losing the New Hampshire primary.

Today he’s considered to be among our greatest presidents.
Please name one succesful program or policy he enacted.

His endless bullshit wars is a raging sucess.
"Can We Agree Obama Failed?"

Of course not.

Anyone who makes such an ‘argument’ is either an idiot or a lying rightwing partisan hack.

An accurate, objective, and factual analysis of any president can be made only decades after he’s left office; any such attempt during a president’s term is subjective foolishness and nonsense.

During his presidency Truman was very unpopular and perceived to be a ‘failure,’ so much so that he decided to not run for a second term, after losing the New Hampshire primary.

Today he’s considered to be among our greatest presidents.
Please name one succesful program or policy he enacted.

The GOP’s entire identity is based on a lie: How the Obama presidency exposed Republican deficit delusions

How exactly did Obama manage to slash the deficit so drastically? It’s true that Republicans have controlled the House of Representatives since January 2011 (along with the Senate this term) and those years have been marked by aggressive GOP attempts to roll back the welfare state, punctuated by episodes of legislative brinksmanship that ultimately resulted in the dreaded sequester. But that only tells a part of the story.

Nearly every bill signed by the president has included offsets to make the spending deficit neutral. Why? Because it’s been the law of the land ever since President Obama signed the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act in February 2010, which mandates that new spending be offset with spending cuts or new revenue. Yes, a Democratic president and a Democratic Congress passed this legislation. Guess how many congressional Republicans voted for the law. Zero. Not one.

Consequently, the president is responsible for the lowest government spending growth in 60 years. Once again, let’s reference Market Watch:

I can name two Democratic presidents who’ve cut the deficit through the duration of their presidencies: Clinton and Obama. And what about Republican presidents? Bush 43? He turned a $200 billion surplus into a $400 billion deficit by the end of his first term, and a $1.2 trillion deficit by the end of his second term. Bush 41? Nope. Reagan? No. Ford? No. Nixon? No. The last Republican president who cut the deficit was Eisenhower. Along those lines, the recently introduced tax plan of the Republican frontrunner, Donald Trump, would explode the deficit by as much as $10 trillion over a decade. Tell me again: Which is the party of fiscal responsibility?
The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?

Both dems & repubs are selling out the working man. The only difference, dems are offering up a little welfare in exchange, while repubs offer up nothing, except for free advise on how you failed
Democrats bribe people with others' money.
Republicans, depending on who you're talking about, want to end the bribery.
"Can We Agree Obama Failed?"

Of course not.

Anyone who makes such an ‘argument’ is either an idiot or a lying rightwing partisan hack.

An accurate, objective, and factual analysis of any president can be made only decades after he’s left office; any such attempt during a president’s term is subjective foolishness and nonsense.

During his presidency Truman was very unpopular and perceived to be a ‘failure,’ so much so that he decided to not run for a second term, after losing the New Hampshire primary.

Today he’s considered to be among our greatest presidents.
Please name one succesful program or policy he enacted.

The GOP’s entire identity is based on a lie: How the Obama presidency exposed Republican deficit delusions

How exactly did Obama manage to slash the deficit so drastically? It’s true that Republicans have controlled the House of Representatives since January 2011 (along with the Senate this term) and those years have been marked by aggressive GOP attempts to roll back the welfare state, punctuated by episodes of legislative brinksmanship that ultimately resulted in the dreaded sequester. But that only tells a part of the story.

Nearly every bill signed by the president has included offsets to make the spending deficit neutral. Why? Because it’s been the law of the land ever since President Obama signed the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act in February 2010, which mandates that new spending be offset with spending cuts or new revenue. Yes, a Democratic president and a Democratic Congress passed this legislation. Guess how many congressional Republicans voted for the law. Zero. Not one.

Consequently, the president is responsible for the lowest government spending growth in 60 years. Once again, let’s reference Market Watch:

I can name two Democratic presidents who’ve cut the deficit through the duration of their presidencies: Clinton and Obama. And what about Republican presidents? Bush 43? He turned a $200 billion surplus into a $400 billion deficit by the end of his first term, and a $1.2 trillion deficit by the end of his second term. Bush 41? Nope. Reagan? No. Ford? No. Nixon? No. The last Republican president who cut the deficit was Eisenhower. Along those lines, the recently introduced tax plan of the Republican frontrunner, Donald Trump, would explode the deficit by as much as $10 trillion over a decade. Tell me again: Which is the party of fiscal responsibility?
Your post is a fail in that you did not name one succesful program or policy Obama instituted. The "slowest growth in decades" meme is a lie because when Obama took over the deficit was exploding, due to the recession. Now the deficit is still higher than it was in the Bush era pre-recession despite record revenues.

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