Can we all agree that Germany no longer needs U.S. Occupation?

It is a staging point in Europe. It isn't about Germany it is about the USA's interests in the world. Or do you think we can move tons of material and personal over to that area in a day?????? Learn something about logistics and strategic staging.
I get that point but then I think why do we need to be there in a day? Maybe the EU or Germany, or Brittian should ramp their defenses at their own expense to make sure they can last long enough for us to get there and save them.
It was about a year last time wasn't it?
This is probably the first time in history where the country that's occupied provide better life condiions in general than the occupier's country men and women.
The occupation has ended. Did you not get the memo?
This is probably the first time in history where the country that's occupied provide better life condiions in general than the occupier's country men and women.
The occupation has ended. Did you not get the memo?
Having thousands among thousands of US soldiers under their soil. Dictate what thry can and can't have in fire power is occupation sir.
Otherwise Germany could've developed better armament than us like they do in cars.
Seriously. WTF are we still doing in Germany?

For how many decades must Germany atone for the sins of prior generations before it is allowed complete autonomy?

Our military should GET THE FUCK OUT. (and save us a bunch of money in the process)

Free Germany NOW!!



Sing The Scorpions with me:

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away (dream away)
In the wind of change


No - and it is the epitome of international ignorance to even suggest it.
I try my best to avoid taking a stance until hearing the facts. Does Germany want us out? What military services do our German bases support? Does getting out also refer to the military hospital there and if so, how would that effect care of our injured?
Germany is no friend of the US
Seriously. WTF are we still doing in Germany?

For how many decades must Germany atone for the sins of prior generations before it is allowed complete autonomy?

Our military should GET THE FUCK OUT. (and save us a bunch of money in the process)

Free Germany NOW!!



Sing The Scorpions with me:

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away (dream away)
In the wind of change


As much as I disagree with the idea of overseas deployment of US troops, it warms my heart just a little to hear the Germans hate it.

A little humiliating debasement can only be good for the Germans.
This is probably the first time in history where the country that's occupied provide better life condiions in general than the occupier's country men and women.
I can add Japan to do except they are workaholics.
Socialist Europe is a shit hole you stupid ass motherfucker
This country occupies NO ONE. Meaning, this country subjugates NO ONE. Always love it when amateurs comment about shit like this.

They really have no clue about the LOGISTICAL REALITY of our interest having bases over there, or in any other part of the world.

If problems happen on that SIDE OF THE WORLD which includes the ME etc, where does the OP and people like the OP suppose troops are deployed from?

That goes for all of our bases around the world. In ALL of the cases, those countries LOVE OUR MONEY. Those locations are ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Get a clue.
Seriously. WTF are we still doing in Germany?

For how many decades must Germany atone for the sins of prior generations before it is allowed complete autonomy?

Our military should GET THE FUCK OUT. (and save us a bunch of money in the process)

Free Germany NOW!!



Sing The Scorpions with me:

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away (dream away)
In the wind of change


US "occupation" has never been about Germanys "needs". /Thread...
Seriously. WTF are we still doing in Germany?

For how many decades must Germany atone for the sins of prior generations before it is allowed complete autonomy?

Our military should GET THE FUCK OUT. (and save us a bunch of money in the process)

Free Germany NOW!!



Sing The Scorpions with me:

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away (dream away)
In the wind of change


Our troops are not there to keep an eye on the a Germans lest they revert to Nazism. There are there to keep an eye on Russia. I doubt the Germans want us out anyway. Our troops help their economy.
Indeed they do. Those US soldiers live in Germany and therefore they spend their paychecks in Germany.

It would be much wiser to station those troops on the US-Mexico border with orders to capture invaders (or shoot and kill invaders as necessary)and supervise chain gangs of illegal aliens breaking big rocks into small rocks to be used as aggregate for the concrete wall.
Seriously. WTF are we still doing in Germany?

For how many decades must Germany atone for the sins of prior generations before it is allowed complete autonomy?

Our military should GET THE FUCK OUT. (and save us a bunch of money in the process)

Free Germany NOW!!



Sing The Scorpions with me:

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away (dream away)
In the wind of change


Our troops are not there to keep an eye on the a Germans lest they revert to Nazism. There are there to keep an eye on Russia. I doubt the Germans want us out anyway. Our troops help their economy.

Yup. We pay for those bases that we use and that hospital benefits from US dollars as well.

I doubt the Germans want us out.
Can we all agree that Germany no longer needs U.S. Occupation?

The occupation of Germany ended in the 1949-1956 time frame.

We remained there to counter a very real Soviet threat until the early 1990s.

We have been there since the early 1990s to counter the Russian threat.

Trying to 'Divide and Conquer', Comrade Commisar?

We continue to hold the American Shield over Europe - the ancestral home region of a majority of the American population.

Advance bases and pre-positioned equipment in Europe continue to make good strategic and tactical sense.

We have already closed most of our bases in Germany and brought most of our units and troops home, in the time frame 1995 - 2010.

What remains is the functional "core" needed to crank back up to a large-scale presence quickly, to counter a threat on short notice.

Close enough for Gubmint work.

So long as our European cousins want us there, we'll stay.

Last edited:
Nobody answered the real question.

Why do WE have to do it?

Why do WE need to have bases in Europe to deploy troops quickly?


None of you have answered that.
Nobody answered the real question...

...Why do WE have to do it?...
Several people have already contributed to that collective, comprehensive, complex, multi-faceted answer.

...Why do WE need to have bases in Europe to deploy troops quickly?...
Take a couple of courses in military history and gain an understanding of deterrence and forward positioning and ask again.

Because the world is a dangerous place, and our strength allows us to fight our wars forward rather than in our back yards... a much better strategy.

...None of you have answered that.
Sure they have... you just aren't listening.
Will leaving Germany cause a furor over there?
Several people have already contributed to that collective, comprehensive, complex, multi-faceted answer.
No they didn't. They all assumed that no one else can do the job, which is a fucking lie.

Take a couple of courses in military history and gain an understanding of deterrence and forward positioning and ask again.
This is assuming that ONLY Americans can fight a war in Europe or ME. Why does AMERICA need to have forward position?

Because it is better to fight our wars forward than to fight them in your back yard.
Who is fighting a war in our backyard? What is the threat?

So, again, why do WE have to do it?
Seriously. WTF are we still doing in Germany?

For how many decades must Germany atone for the sins of prior generations before it is allowed complete autonomy?

Our military should GET THE FUCK OUT. (and save us a bunch of money in the process)

Free Germany NOW!!



Sing The Scorpions with me:

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away (dream away)
In the wind of change


I agree 100%. Take them out, put them on the southern border. Two problems solved and lots of money saved.

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