Can we all agree that Germany no longer needs U.S. Occupation?

So when the price of oil quadruples because someone mines the Straits of Hormuz you won't be concerned that our military is three weeks away and has no lines of supply to counter that problem? That's why we have minesweepers forward deployed in that region.

My property is on top of the Haynesville Shale.
Of course some will suffer ... And even more were stupid enough to lease their mineral rights instead holding out long-term for the royalties.

But ... Making shitloads of money without endangering our troops would be fine with me ... :thup:
Sorry to see you would rather pay foreigners instead of me, endanger our troops ... And even lose the tax revenue ... Thanks for nothing.


Try reading that again. You did not answer the question. I have no idea what question you were even attempting to answer.
So when the price of oil quadruples because someone mines the Straits of Hormuz you won't be concerned that our military is three weeks away and has no lines of supply to counter that problem? That's why we have minesweepers forward deployed in that region.

My property is on top of the Haynesville Shale.
Of course some will suffer ... And even more were stupid enough to lease their mineral rights instead holding out long-term for the royalties.

But ... Making shitloads of money without endangering our troops would be fine with me ... :thup:
Sorry to see you would rather pay foreigners instead of me, endanger our troops ... And even lose the tax revenue ... Thanks for nothing.


Try reading that again. You did not answer the question. I have no idea what question you were even attempting to answer.

You are correct you have no idea ... Especially if you think I need to reread your question.
Instead of assuming I do not have a clue... I will try to make it more simple for you

I have oil and natural gas under my property that is nowhere near the Straight of Hormuz ... I am willing to sell.
No troops nor International meddling are required to ensure its delivery.

No ... I would not be concerned ... Sorry you feel the need to have our troops defend foreign oil and its supply routes.

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So when the price of oil quadruples because someone mines the Straits of Hormuz you won't be concerned that our military is three weeks away and has no lines of supply to counter that problem? That's why we have minesweepers forward deployed in that region.

My property is on top of the Haynesville Shale.
Of course some will suffer ... And even more were stupid enough to lease their mineral rights instead holding out long-term for the royalties.

But ... Making shitloads of money without endangering our troops would be fine with me ... :thup:
Sorry to see you would rather pay foreigners instead of me, endanger our troops ... And even lose the tax revenue ... Thanks for nothing.


Try reading that again. You did not answer the question. I have no idea what question you were even attempting to answer.

You are correct you have no idea ... Especially if you think I need to reread your question.
Instead of assuming I do not have a clue... I will try to make it more simple for you

I have oil and natural gas under my property that is nowhere near the Straight of Hormuz ... I am willing to sell.
No troops nor International meddling are required to ensure its delivery.

No ... I would not be concerned ... Sorry you feel the need to have our troops defend foreign oil and its supply routes.


You have no idea how the world oil market works, dumbass!

That oil under your property will cost the same as oil from Mexico, Indonesia, Africa, etc.

If the oil is in short supply all over the world, it will become more expensive and that will wreck everything else in our economy.

You are being an ignorant, short-sighted boob.

Even if we don't get a barrel of oil from there, the rest of the world does!
You have no idea how the world oil market works, dumbass!

That oil under your property will cost the same as oil from Mexico, Indonesia, Africa, etc.

If the oil is in short supply all over the world, it will become more expensive and that will wreck everything else in our economy.

You are being an ignorant, short-sighted boob.

Even if we don't get a barrel of oil from there, the rest of the world does!

I have every idea how the world market for oil works ... You incessant nit-wit.
You asked the question and I answered it.

Sorry if you think I give a fuck where the rest of the world gets their oil.
Let their troops worry about the Straights of Hormuz you ignorant shortsighted boob.

You have no idea how the world oil market works, dumbass!

That oil under your property will cost the same as oil from Mexico, Indonesia, Africa, etc.

If the oil is in short supply all over the world, it will become more expensive and that will wreck everything else in our economy.

You are being an ignorant, short-sighted boob.

Even if we don't get a barrel of oil from there, the rest of the world does!

I have every idea how the world market for oil works ... You incessant nit-wit.
You asked the question and I answered it.

Sorry if you think I give a fuck where the rest of the world gets their oil.
Let their troops worry about the Straights of Hormuz you ignorant shortsighted boob.


Why are you such an ignorant prick?

You have about as much sense about the oil market as my Shih Tzu!

Go play in traffic somewhere and stop posting your stupidity all over the forum.
Why are you such an ignorant prick?

You have about as much sense about the oil market as my Shih Tzu!

Go play in traffic somewhere and stop posting your stupidity all over the forum.

Why are you such an ignorant prick?
You have about as much sense as a doorstop ... My comments were never about how the oil market works and it's possible your Shih Tzu is smarter than you.
Go chew on your crayons instead of posting your stupidity in the forums.

Learn something about logistics and strategic staging
For what? Is the United States preparing for another war? Why does the U.S. Military have to be the world's policemen? Do they in their hubris think nobody else is capable of handling their own affairs? The Neocons war mongering agenda of "Full Spectrum Dominance" and the "Wolfowitz Doctrine" is what's afoot here. The Military Industrial Complex always needs bogeymen to justify their enormous budgets and expansion. Fear mongering is one of their useful weapons. With the policy against Russia I ask, who is encroaching on whose border? The map shows a ring fencing in process against Russia with military bases.

The Pentagon’s Strategy for World Domination: Full Spectrum Dominance, from Asia to Africa

Want to Understand US Action in the Middle East? Look at the Wolfowitz Doctrine

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Why are you such an ignorant prick?

You have about as much sense about the oil market as my Shih Tzu!

Go play in traffic somewhere and stop posting your stupidity all over the forum.

Why are you such an ignorant prick?
You have about as much sense as a doorstop ... My comments were never about how the oil market works and it's possible your Shih Tzu is smarter than you.
Go chew on your crayons instead of posting your stupidity in the forums.


Yes, I see everyone clamoring to support your idiotic comments.

What I stated was the truth, with no room for any other discussion. That is simply how retarded you are.

Good luck with your oil. You'll never get it to market.
Yes, I see everyone clamoring to support your idiotic comments.

What I stated was the truth, with no room for any other discussion. That is simply how retarded you are.

Good luck with your oil. You'll never get it to market.

Yeah ... I can see where your intelligence is barely able to manage your shitload of support there Mary Poppins.
You didn't state anything nit-wit ... You asked a question and then provided your retarded opinion absent the ability to understand anything that wasn't your idea.

There's two wells producing already.
If you had a clue what the fuck you were talking about you would understand the difference in production/delivery versus receiving royalties because of mineral rights.

I alluded to that in the first post of mine you responded to ... Dumbass ... :thup:

You're a moron..No doubt a muslim scumbag :cuckoo:

Have you ever ran across the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan for Europe?

The man of the future will be a mongrel. Today's races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space, time, and prejudice.

The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
Read more at>>Practical Idealism - Richard Nicolaus Coudenhove Kalergi - (Praktischer Idealismus) - The Racist and Supremacist Roots of the European Union

The Kalergi Plan - White Genocide?
Learn something about logistics and strategic staging
For what? Is the United States preparing for another war? Why does the U.S. Military have to be the world's policemen? Do they in their hubris think nobody else is capable of handling their own affairs? The Neocons war mongering agenda of "Full Spectrum Dominance" and the "Wolfowitz Doctrine" is what's afoot here. The Military Industrial Complex always needs bogeymen to justify their enormous budgets and expansion. Fear mongering is one of their useful weapons. With the policy against Russia I ask, who is encroaching on whose border? The map shows a ring fencing in process against Russia with military bases.

The Pentagon’s Strategy for World Domination: Full Spectrum Dominance, from Asia to Africa

Want to Understand US Action in the Middle East? Look at the Wolfowitz Doctrine

Always prepare for war. Thats just comon sense.

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
I can definitely agree. Personally, i feel NATO should be disbanded. It's no longer a 'Defensive' entity. It's now all around the world starting conflicts. Time to abolish it. And as far as Germany goes, there are many Germans who still want a US presence in their country. They should just put it to a vote, and do what the German People decide.
NATO is a treaty - an agreement - nothing more, nothing less.

You propose we abrogate our commitment? That we go back on our word?


NATO is no longer a defensive entity. It's promoting conflict around the world at this point. That's not what it was set up for. Time to disband it and move on.
Promoting conflict around the world, huh?

Maybe you can give us some examples, right? Heck, just give us two or three ... that'll be enough.

NATO is routinely involved in invasions and 'Regime Change.' It's an aggressor now. And that's not what it was created for. I'd like to see it disbanded.
I can definitely agree. Personally, i feel NATO should be disbanded. It's no longer a 'Defensive' entity. It's now all around the world starting conflicts. Time to abolish it. And as far as Germany goes, there are many Germans who still want a US presence in their country. They should just put it to a vote, and do what the German People decide.
NATO is a treaty - an agreement - nothing more, nothing less.

You propose we abrogate our commitment? That we go back on our word?


NATO is no longer a defensive entity. It's promoting conflict around the world at this point. That's not what it was set up for. Time to disband it and move on.
Promoting conflict around the world, huh?

Maybe you can give us some examples, right? Heck, just give us two or three ... that'll be enough.

NATO is routinely involved in invasions and 'Regime Change.' It's an aggressor now. And that's not what it was created for. I'd like to see it disbanded.
perhaps we can just go and hug our problems out right comrade?
I can definitely agree. Personally, i feel NATO should be disbanded. It's no longer a 'Defensive' entity. It's now all around the world starting conflicts. Time to abolish it. And as far as Germany goes, there are many Germans who still want a US presence in their country. They should just put it to a vote, and do what the German People decide.
NATO is a treaty - an agreement - nothing more, nothing less.

You propose we abrogate our commitment? That we go back on our word?


NATO is no longer a defensive entity. It's promoting conflict around the world at this point. That's not what it was set up for. Time to disband it and move on.
Promoting conflict around the world, huh?

Maybe you can give us some examples, right? Heck, just give us two or three ... that'll be enough.

NATO is routinely involved in invasions and 'Regime Change.' It's an aggressor now. And that's not what it was created for. I'd like to see it disbanded.
Maybe you could give us some great examples .... since the last one was Bosnia in 1992. That might not even be classified as an invasion, since it was in response to an attack.

But, feel free to educate us. We'll wait right here.

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