Can we all agree that Germany no longer needs U.S. Occupation?

It's funny really, people arguing over something they know absolutely nothing about.
I try my best to avoid taking a stance until hearing the facts. Does Germany want us out? What military services do our German bases support? Does getting out also refer to the military hospital there and if so, how would that effect care of our injured?
Who cares what they want?
Nobody answered the real question.

Why do WE have to do it?

Why do WE need to have bases in Europe to deploy troops quickly?


None of you have answered that.
Exactly. People act like we HAVE to do it. If we are so goddamn important, why do we have International groups like the UN? Why not just call it the USA?
I understand why we WERE there but things have changed.
Lets get the fuck out.
Exactly. People act like we HAVE to do it. If we are so goddamn important, why do we have International groups like the UN? Why not just call it the USA?
I understand why we WERE there but things have changed.
Lets get the fuck out.
The military/industrial complex's narrative setting has been very effective. The discussion is never about who must do the job. It always devolves into what must be done, and why it is so important. The complex has successfully made us the "who" as a foregone conclusion.
I try my best to avoid taking a stance until hearing the facts. Does Germany want us out? What military services do our German bases support? Does getting out also refer to the military hospital there and if so, how would that effect care of our injured?
Germany is no friend of the US

Says the Russian troll farm worker.
we're not there for Germany...

We are there for a combination of a tripwire for Russia, and actually as a "deterrent" for Germany.

Not for actual German desires for expansion, but simply because the surrounding countries still don't trust the Germans.

Having US troops there is mostly symbolic, but makes them feel better.
Seriously. WTF are we still doing in Germany? For how many decades must Germany atone for the sins of prior generations before it is allowed complete autonomy?
It's not an occupation. It's the fulfillment of NATO treaty obligations.
I try my best to avoid taking a stance until hearing the facts.
You're a smart man.

The United States is not 'occupying' Germany, as the irrational OP is attempting to claim. The US has a mutually beneficial agreement / relationship with Germany. We are 'friends' and NATO allies.

On 9/11/01, after the attack, a German battleship pulled parallel to a US battleship - their crew was standing on deck. They unfurled a large sign that stated, 'We are all Americans today.' Does that sound like an 'occupied' people?

To conduct operations around the world, to 'project power', and to be ready to protect allies, bases are needed around the world. We have one of the best hospitals in Europe there, NATO HQ, staging bases for re-supply, etc...

There is much the OP has to learn about our relationship WITH (not occupation OF) Germany.
I try my best to avoid taking a stance until hearing the facts.
You're a smart man.

The United States is not 'occupying' Germany, as the irrational OP is attempting to claim. The US has a mutually beneficial agreement / relationship with Germany. We are 'friends' and NATO allies.

On 9/11/01, after the attack, a German battleship pulled parallel to a US battleship - their crew was standing on deck. They unfurled a large sign that stated, 'We are all Americans today.' Does that sound like an 'occupied' people?

To conduct operations around the world, to 'project power', and to be ready to protect allies, bases are needed around the world. We have one of the best hospitals in Europe there, NATO HQ, staging bases for re-supply, etc...

There is much the OP has to learn about our relationship WITH (not occupation OF) Germany.
He could have used a different word, yes. But you also know what his point is. Why ignore it?
I try my best to avoid taking a stance until hearing the facts.
You're a smart man.

The United States is not 'occupying' Germany, as the irrational OP is attempting to claim. The US has a mutually beneficial agreement / relationship with Germany. We are 'friends' and NATO allies.

On 9/11/01, after the attack, a German battleship pulled parallel to a US battleship - their crew was standing on deck. They unfurled a large sign that stated, 'We are all Americans today.' Does that sound like an 'occupied' people?

To conduct operations around the world, to 'project power', and to be ready to protect allies, bases are needed around the world. We have one of the best hospitals in Europe there, NATO HQ, staging bases for re-supply, etc...

There is much the OP has to learn about our relationship WITH (not occupation OF) Germany.
He could have used a different word, yes. But you also know what his point is. Why ignore it?
I did not ignore it. I corrected his factual inaccuracy. We are not an 'occupying force', and we are not 'occupying' Germany. Words mean something.
To conduct operations around the world, to 'project power', and to be ready to protect allies, bases are needed around the world. We have one of the best hospitals in Europe there, NATO HQ, staging bases for re-supply, etc...
Why do WE have to project power and have forces in Europe to protect our allies? Do they have forces here to protect us? Do other NATO countries or other allies have staging bases in the Western hemisphere for re-supply?

We protect them, but they don't protect us. We throw money at them for defense, and we get.....what out of the deal?

It sounds like they need us WAY more than we need them. In fact, it sounds like they need us, and we DON'T need them. Why are we contributing ANYTHING?

THIS is the ultimate point of my OP.
It sounds like they need us WAY more than we need them. In fact, it sounds like they need us, and we DON'T need them. Why are we contributing ANYTHING?

THIS is the ultimate point of my OP.
The United States can not survive in this world without allies. It may SEEM like we do not need anyone, but that is not the case.
I try my best to avoid taking a stance until hearing the facts.
You're a smart man.

The United States is not 'occupying' Germany, as the irrational OP is attempting to claim. The US has a mutually beneficial agreement / relationship with Germany. We are 'friends' and NATO allies.

On 9/11/01, after the attack, a German battleship pulled parallel to a US battleship - their crew was standing on deck. They unfurled a large sign that stated, 'We are all Americans today.' Does that sound like an 'occupied' people?

To conduct operations around the world, to 'project power', and to be ready to protect allies, bases are needed around the world. We have one of the best hospitals in Europe there, NATO HQ, staging bases for re-supply, etc...

There is much the OP has to learn about our relationship WITH (not occupation OF) Germany.
He could have used a different word, yes. But you also know what his point is. Why ignore it?
I did not ignore it. I corrected his factual inaccuracy. We are not an 'occupying force', and we are not 'occupying' Germany. Words mean something.
We need to get the fuck out
To conduct operations around the world, to 'project power', and to be ready to protect allies, bases are needed around the world. We have one of the best hospitals in Europe there, NATO HQ, staging bases for re-supply, etc...
Why do WE have to project power and have forces in Europe to protect our allies? Do they have forces here to protect us? Do other NATO countries or other allies have staging bases in the Western hemisphere for re-supply?

We protect them, but they don't protect us. We throw money at them for defense, and we get.....what out of the deal?

It sounds like they need us WAY more than we need them. In fact, it sounds like they need us, and we DON'T need them. Why are we contributing ANYTHING?

THIS is the ultimate point of my OP.
We dont need anybody but so many need us.
We are like a goddamn international welfare office.
The United States can not survive in this world without allies. It may SEEM like we do not need anyone, but that is not the case.
So, in order to have allies, we have to do all the work for them and get nothing in return? That doesn't sound like an alliance. It sounds like a parent-child relationship.

We can have allies without being sugar daddy.
We need to get the fuck out
Abandon our NATO obligations / agreements.

Leave the best hospital we have in Europe, where the wounded from the ME are brought - we will just put them on a plane, fly them back to the states, and hope they make it.

We'll cede Europe to Vlad, let him slowly spread across Europe again, like with Crimea, which he will probably do seeing us cut 'n-run, knowing we know longer have a foothold to fight from if needed to....

Send the message to our NATO allies that they can't really count on us anymore, not right away....

Why don't we pull out of every country, pull back inside the walls of our own country, and hunker down....of wait, we don't have any walls. Our 'fortress of solitude' has open borders / no walls.....

We need to keep a grip on all those unruly German mooslims.
So, in order to have allies, we have to do all the work for them and get nothing in return? That doesn't sound like an alliance. It sounds like a parent-child relationship.

1. I did not say that.

2. We don't get 'nothing'. The ignorance of those trying to say we do not need other nations, that strategic locations around the globe are not needed, and alliances are needless.
We need to get the fuck out
Abandon our NATO obligations / agreements.

Leave the best hospital we have in Europe, where the wounded from the ME are brought - we will just put them on a plane, fly them back to the states, and hope they make it.

We'll cede Europe to Vlad, let him slowly spread across Europe again, like with Crimea, which he will probably do seeing us cut 'n-run, knowing we know longer have a foothold to fight from if needed to....

Send the message to our NATO allies that they can't really count on us anymore, not right away....

Why don't we pull out of every country, pull back inside the walls of our own country, and hunker down....of wait, we don't have any walls. Our 'fortress of solitude' has open borders / no walls.....

Who said they couldnt count on us? Why cant we come to their aid when they NEED IT?
Why are we in the ME as well? Thanks for bringing that up!
So, in order to have allies, we have to do all the work for them and get nothing in return? That doesn't sound like an alliance. It sounds like a parent-child relationship.

1. I did not say that.

2. We don't get 'nothing'. The ignorance of those trying to say we do not need other nations, that strategic locations around the globe are not needed, and alliances are needless.
The justification is a big circle of continuous exceptionalism and world police.
The justification for being in thsi country is because we have to keep a watch on that country :rolleyes:

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