Can We All, left and right, black and white, All Agree...

I totally agree.
I do not like him at all.
2 was bad enough without this 3rd one.
He would be last on my list of preferred candidates, although I would think the left would prefer him the most, as he is probably the most liberal.
No, we can't agree. I'll listen to his spiel. He couldn't possibly be WORSE than the yoyo that just ended the "failed" relationship with Cuba.
A bigger douche than his brother?

Does that mean you don't want our country to smell springtime fresh?
Not my preferred candidate, but over Warren or clinton? In a New York minute!
I dislike the bushs simply because they are pro immigration in all its forms . GWB was pretty good except for his pushing of amnesty and his 'compassionate conservatism' . The old man bush did pretty good in 1992 as I really liked his 'highway of death' as he as CIC attacked the Iraqi army as it was leaving Kuwait . I didn't much care for the old mans concept of ' conservatism with a ' thousand points of light ' though . --------- And this jeb bush , man , I can't stand him as he welcomes illegals that jumped the border in an 'act of love'. Be interesting to see what happens but no bush will ever , ever get my vote . And just wait for the next generation of bush's that are oozing their way out of Texas !!
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Not pure enough, might try to cooperate with other adults, doesn't want to shut down most of government.

Shit, he probably thinks Obama was born in Hawaii.

Yeah, boot 'im.


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