Can we heal the divide?

Thread summary:

The Democrats call for unity, the Republicans call for violence and tearing the USA apart.

That is, Republicans are traitors to the USA, and generally vile people. The Democrats are patriots, and generally good people.

So, the question. Are the Repubicans here serving Moscow and Beijing willingly, or are they just brainwashed patsies?
Yeah, not where I was going with this. I meant that compromise is going to have to me made in politics and social issues.

Democrats have been willing to compromise on EVERYTHING, and Republicans refuse to pass anything that Republicans want. The refusal of Republicans to pass the immigration bill which THEY negotiated, echoes the Affordable Care Act, which Republicans negotiated with Democrats for more than a year and then refused to vote for. Or the January 6th Committee, which was to be established on the same basis as the September 11th Investigation, and then Republicans tried to derail by appointing insurrectionists to the Committee to turn it into a circus.

What was amazing this past weekend was seeing the complete turn around in Speaker Johnson's position on Ukraine funding. The guy who voted AGAINST the last round of Ukraine funding was on TV on Friday, touting the necessity of passing this funding.

I'm not naive enough to think that Johnson has really seen the anti-MAGA light in all matters, but on this one item, he seems to have pulled his head out of Trump's ass. It's a beginning.
The only way we can heal the divide is to destroy the dimocrap scum party. Completely, totally, without mercy or sympathy.

The only way you can heal the divide is to ostracize ANYONE who promotes violence against the other side. Send this asshole back under the rock he crawled out from under. Nothing will be accomplished as long as you listen to fools like this one.
Thread summary:

The Democrats call for unity, the Republicans call for violence and tearing the USA apart.

That is, Republicans are traitors to the USA, and generally vile people. The Democrats are patriots, and generally good people.

So, the question. Are the Repubicans here serving Moscow and Beijing willingly, or are they just brainwashed patsies?

My money is on brainwashed patsies. They're not smart enough to be anything else.
Thread summary:

The Democrats call for unity, the Republicans call for violence and tearing the USA apart.

That is, Republicans are traitors to the USA, and generally vile people. The Democrats are patriots, and generally good people.

So, the question. Are the Repubicans here serving Moscow and Beijing willingly, or are they just brainwashed patsies?
more bullshit, your senile boy Biden is on the payroll of both China and Russia, wake the fuck up, idiot.
more bullshit, your senile boy Biden is on the payroll of both China and Russia, wake the fuck up, idiot.
He should get one of those Chinese bank Trump has if that was the case (which it isn’t).

Thread summary:

The Democrats call for unity, the Republicans call for violence and tearing the USA apart.

That is, Republicans are traitors to the USA, and generally vile people. The Democrats are patriots, and generally good people.

So, the question. Are the Repubicans here serving Moscow and Beijing willingly, or are they just brainwashed patsies?

They are simple, stupid creatures.

So anything that harms Biden is something they endorse. Bombs were falling on Israel last week and the GOP couldn’t decide on whether or not to support Israel. The bombs were launched from IRAN!!!!! I would understand if maybe it was another US ally bombing Israel and we were having a real debate on whose side we should come down on...but it was fucking IRAN. And the GOP hesitated.

They finally passed an aid bill in the House. And the guy who wrangled the votes is likely going to lose his job because of it.

But nobody from the right wing will ever admit that they are completely dysfunctional for what amounts to their support of Iran, HAMAS, and Russia. Its bizarro world.
We just may, you libs can have the west coast and the northeast, call them libtardia west and libtardia east. The normal americans will take the rest. Do it, put actions instead of bullshit.

The MAGA country will descend into chaos and be bankrupt within 5 years. They are incapable of running anything. Look at the mess that Texas is in with their failing power grid. And of the Red States, Texas is the ONLY one that isn't a "taker" state. How long will Texas be able to financially carry the rest of your nation. Look at how the House has functioned since Republicans have been the majority.

How many Americans are willing to living in a country where there is no minimum wage, no unions, no Medicare, no Social Security, and no healthcare for pregnant women?

Last but not least, the Democrats get the entire federal government and you get to write your own white nationalist constitution. Given that 80% of Americans are NOT MAGA, and don't want anthing to do with white nationalist policies, good luck with that.

Half of Republicans don't want Trump running for President. We saw that in the early primaries. 30% of Republicans won't vote for Trump if he is convicted in the criminal trial now under way.

Good luck with creating that new country MAGA BOY.
Democrats have been willing to compromise on EVERYTHING, and Republicans refuse to pass anything that Republicans want. The refusal of Republicans to pass the immigration bill which THEY negotiated, echoes the Affordable Care Act, which Republicans negotiated with Democrats for more than a year and then refused to vote for. Or the January 6th Committee, which was to be established on the same basis as the September 11th Investigation, and then Republicans tried to derail by appointing insurrectionists to the Committee to turn it into a circus.

What was amazing this past weekend was seeing the complete turn around in Speaker Johnson's position on Ukraine funding. The guy who voted AGAINST the last round of Ukraine funding was on TV on Friday, touting the necessity of passing this funding.

I'm not naive enough to think that Johnson has really seen the anti-MAGA light in all matters, but on this one item, he seems to have pulled his head out of Trump's ass. It's a beginning.
Seriously? Democrats compromise on everything? Good grief. You need to pay more attention to…the ONLY reason dems were willing to go along with that immigration bill is because it gave dems everything they wanted and almost nothing the repubs wanted. Yes, the dems would have been happy to pass that bill because it would have basically legalized illegal immigration, and given them the power to “pause” border crossings, if they chose to do so, which they never would have, and yet it would have given them all of the funding they wanted

THIS bill wasn’t any better but it wasn’t any worse either. In both cases dems got what they wanted and repubs didn’t get anything.

In the immigration bill, if there hadn’t been concessions for immigration, the dems wouldn’t have compromised a thing. If they hadn’t gotten what they wanted for Ukraine funding, they wouldn’t have compromised a thing. The only reason they are spinning that yarn is because they got everything they wanted.

Don’t kid yourself, the dems are just as selfish as the repubs.
more bullshit, your senile boy Biden is on the payroll of both China and Russia, wake the fuck up, idiot.

The problem for YOU is that you haven't a shred of evidence of any of this and you've been told this more than once.

You must be exception thicked headed and stupid, to continue to peddle this bullshit. Even Comer has given it up.
Serious question: our nation is so divided right now that nothing positive is getting done. We, the citizens, are suffering like never before and our media has become the propaganda arm or one side or the other.

Can our nation survive this or is the only solution some sort of revolution or secession making us into two distinct countries?

comments welcome.

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