Can we heal the divide?


Look at the threads created on this site.
Literally 70% are MAGA Butthurt of the Day crap stacks.
no intention to discuss ideas. The only intent is to stir anger and justify their hate.

If we were to give MAGA all they demand, does anyone think they'd be "happy?"

30 years ago these fools sere alone. Separate. Their communications limited to listening to a few radio IF the shows happened to be syndicated in their area and maybe a few dial up message boards.

There was no FAUX news, no OANN, Rush was popular but still fairly limited in reach.

The internet has allowed their insanity to develop into a group think.

They're not interested in making things better, in tearing down that which others build.

Thus you have Trump, MTG, BOBO, Gosar. GAYEtz...
Whose only skills are shit stirring and whining.

No, reconciliation is impossible.
The best reasonable people can do is vote and vote a lot.
Erase the hate platform.
It will not erase the hate but will get reasonable people working together on reasonable solutions.
Completely correct.

They crave violence.
The only divide is among the political activist groups with ''special interest'' their elected lapdogs and their'' special needs'' followers. The rest of the country is fine.
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so you don't care about people struggling with skyrocketing costs eh ? so Dems don't care about things like that eh ? admit it .. youde vote for Dems even if you knew it would hurt average Americans ..
Conservatives don‘t care, they just need an issue to use at election time.
  • The 70’s this place was burning down with social change and war protests and growing drug problem.
  • The 60’s this place was burning down with racial strife and class warfare
  • The 80s and 90s this place was a crime infested drug den of poverty and daily near war moves from Russia
  • The 50’s were race oppressive and a gender subservient culture where women couldn’t buy stuff without their husbands permission and blacks could not drink from the clean fountain.

Our country is built to challenge its thinking and evolve and that is always messy. The biggest strife happens just before and during major progress.
So how come what with all the "troubles" you listed it never really got better?

Still waiting for that "major progress" are ya? :laughing0301:
They have a great deal of rage.

The ends of the spectrum won't be a part of any healing. It's going to take some brave moderates to step up and be the adults in the room, before it's too late.
We're not outraged because Trump will win for the benefit of the American people who love freedom and despise communism that starves and enslaves protesters. And you think the right is wrong for Nancy's little entrapment of conservatives on her little Jan. 6 snare? Tch, tch, tch.
Healing can never happen until those like you who are trying to "fundamentally transform" the nation acknowledge their deceitful actions of the past 12 years....
Conservative media is one of the most harmful institutions in this country. It has created an alternate reality for people like you who don’t want to deal with anything challenging to your worldview.
The left has given us plenty....You just don't like that it's pointed out...
Sure, the left has made a lot of mistakes. I don’t doubt it.

But that doesn’t change the fact you conservatives genuinely do not care about the poor in this country. Never have.
and the left will bring us together by attempting to imprison political opponents eh ?
Only if they are felonious criminals and found guilty, not because they are politicians or political foes....

If you can't do the time.... Don't commit the crime! Pretty simple, common sense!
So you’re working twice as many hours and have less pay.

You’re not very bright.

I'm quite bright. I just have joeflation to deal with. Instead of 50 dollars a week for food, I spend 150 and eat less. Thanks Joe! A bag of Oreos at Wal Mart now costs 6 dollars. Thank you so much Joe! Was 3 dollars under Trump. A footlong Sub at Wal Mart was 4 dollars forever, Now they're 7 dollars under Biden. Thanks Joe! 2 liters of coke were 1 dollar under Trump, 2.25 under Biden. Thanks Joe! Even cheap Fanta that was 1 dollar for a 2 liter is 2 dollars now. Nothing like 200% inflation. Thanks Joe! Non food items: blue jeans were 10 dollars under Trump, 25 under Biden. Thanks Joe! Tide detergent was 8 dollars under Trump. 16 under Biden. Thanks Joe!
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The left has given us plenty....You just don't like that it's pointed out...
sure they have: abortion as birth control, trans as normal, lgbtq, world wars, inflation, unemployment, high gas prices, lack of respect for the rule of law, woke bullshit. yeah the left has destroyed civilization and you fools think that is good.
The Ukrainian flag was waved in the senate. Rashida Tlaib has a Palestinian flag outside her office. Palestinian flags and the flag of China are common sights. The American flag is so triggering to some it can't be seen. Some events have opted to stop playing the Star Spangled Banner. Some cities have stopped saying the Pledge of Allegiance and replaced it with a stolen land statement.

This country isn't divided, it's fragmented. The pre obama America no longer exists.
Conservative media is one of the most harmful institutions in this country. It has created an alternate reality for people like you who don’t want to deal with anything challenging to your worldview.
Wow, literally 100%, completely backwards...Let me show you.....

Liberal media is one of the most harmful institutions in this country. It has created an alternate reality for people like you who don’t want to deal with anything challenging to your worldview.

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