Can we heal the divide?

I'm quite bright.
Not if you’re working 2X as much and making less than you made 4 years ago.

I think when you were allegedly “gunned down” you suffered some brain damage or something.

After being gunned down by a black man 2 months ago for no fucking reason while I was walking my dog while AT WORK, I failed to shed a single tear watching these blacks get slaughtered.
Serious question: our nation is so divided right now that nothing positive is getting done. We, the citizens, are suffering like never before and our media has become the propaganda arm or one side or the other.

Can our nation survive this or is the only solution some sort of revolution or secession making us into two distinct countries?

comments welcome.

As long as we keep electing people who go out of their way to divide the country, there is no way to fix it
The violence is in Prog areas. Prog women love it. They get their asses handed to them and say "more please" as they vote for more Progs.
The AWFULs ( affluent white female unaware liberals) cut off their nose in spite of their face.
Again, a lie....And a very old one too boot...

Look, The difference between our ideology is that Conservatives believe in teaching a man to fish, when Liberals believe in giving a man a fish....

By making people dependent on government handouts ensures that libs get to control them, while Conservatives know that our country thrives when we have successful, hard working people...

Face it, your vision is one of failure.
Sorry, the last time "conservatives" cared about the working voter, Eisenhower was in the Oval Office.
Your OP is a duplicate thread: with no border, there is no more Country to save.

"There is no recovering from the road we’re heading down. The damage is done. America cannot be salvaged. The Uniparty is either intentionally destroying the country from within, or is so fantastically incompetent at every they touch. The faster we collapse the entire system the faster we can pick up the pieces and rebuild. It’s nothing shocking really. It has happened to just about ever great nation in the past. The more we allow the US to go on as it is, the more strife and suffering our citizens will endure. We’re heading toward a dead end. You know it. Everyone is feeling it."
What "bad economic policy" under Trump (or even Obama) drove prices to be stable until Biden took office,

They were not stable. We were discussing the rising costs before Biden ever became president.

Confirmed. Consumer and US businesses paying nearly all tariff costs.

then then shoot up overnight? Because under Trump we had 3.5% unemployment, 3.5% GDP growth, less than 2% inflation, lowest black unemployment in history, lowest hispanic unemployment in history. Under Biden everything costs twice as much. Democrats teased Trump that under his administration we ran out of toilet paper. Under Biden we ran out of new cars.

We had Covid and trillions pumped into the markets. Econ 101, that causes inflation.
Not if you’re working 2X as much and making less than you made 4 years ago.

I think when you were allegedly “gunned down” you suffered some brain damage or something.

I'm not making less, I'm taking less home. That would mean my disposable income (income taken home AFTER all expenses) is far less now. Because I'm spending MORE on everything than I did before. EVERYTHING. Homeowners insurance, 900 a year under Trump, 3000 a year under Biden. The list goes on and on. My riding mower was 1500 under Trump, the same mower is 3499 under Biden. Pickets for my fence 1.25 each under Trump, 3.50 if you're lucky to find it on sale, under Biden. A 16' 2x6 for my storage building, 15.99 under Trump, 25 under Biden.
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Again, a lie....And a very old one too boot...

Look, The difference between our ideology is that Conservatives believe in teaching a man to fish, when Liberals believe in giving a man a fish....

By making people dependent on government handouts ensures that libs get to control them, while Conservatives know that our country thrives when we have successful, hard working people...

Face it, your vision is one of failure.

what a loser you are.
someone with the drive to work 70 hrs a week is no loser pal .
The only way we can stop that is by fixing a political/electoral system that incentivizes and rewards the worst behaviors of its participants.
I blame the media

The ability of a partisan media to destroy any candidate who dares to compromise or make deals with the other side prevents anyone from sticking their head out
yet here we all are, freely speaking our minds.

Perhaps. Of course some government agency monitoring this media might come across some triggering statement. A caravan of FBI will be at the offenders door. We have free speech, as long as we aren't caught.
Better than a platform of nanny state government communism....Only a severe dumbass would want that....
But it’s not your platform. If it were, youd never win an election.

We don’t know what your platform is but we do know conservatives aren’t honest enough to admit that there is none.

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