Can we heal the divide?

People always need to be fighting someone and have a bad guy. When we are not fighting a war we fight eachother. Human nature. Maybe we just need a good old fashion world war to unite us? I’d rather we argue with each other about gender rules in sports than whether it was right to sacrifice 5,000 US boys to their deaths in a beach assault.
But it’s not your platform. If it were, youd never win an election.

We don’t know what your platform is but we do know conservatives aren’t honest enough to admit that there is none.
Again, our platform basics haven’t changed in over a hundred years….Smaller decentralized government, less taxation, constitutional adherence…Whats so difficult there?

Look at the threads created on this site.
Literally 70% are MAGA Butthurt of the Day crap stacks.
no intention to discuss ideas. The only intent is to stir anger and justify their hate.

If we were to give MAGA all they demand, does anyone think they'd be "happy?"

30 years ago these fools sere alone. Separate. Their communications limited to listening to a few radio IF the shows happened to be syndicated in their area and maybe a few dial up message boards.

There was no FAUX news, no OANN, Rush was popular but still fairly limited in reach.

The internet has allowed their insanity to develop into a group think.

They're not interested in making things better, in tearing down that which others build.

Thus you have Trump, MTG, BOBO, Gosar. GAYEtz...
Whose only skills are shit stirring and whining.

No, reconciliation is impossible.
The best reasonable people can do is vote and vote a lot.
Erase the hate platform.
It will not erase the hate but will get reasonable people working together on reasonable solutions.
Life in America seems okay to me. I owe it to God-fearing believers who bless the nation with hard work, honoring the laws of the land, and voting for those who respect voters. The nation deals with providing good things, not bad. I love America.
People always need to be fighting someone and have a bad guy. When we are not fighting a war we fight eachother. Human nature. Maybe we just need a good old fashion world war to unite us? I’d rather we argue with each other about gender rules in sports than whether it was right to sacrifice 5,000 US boys to their deaths in a beach assault.
Then you should be for Trump, no war under his watch…
Perhaps. Of course some government agency monitoring this media might come across some triggering statement. A caravan of FBI will be at the offenders door. We have free speech, as long as we aren't caught.

Do you always live in fear of the black helos?
.Smaller decentralized government, less taxation, constitutional adherence…Whats so difficult there?

the fact you have not elected anyone that actually does that stuff in a 100 years.
Again, our platform basics haven’t changed in over a hundred years….Smaller decentralized government, less taxation, constitutional adherence…Whats so difficult there?
Nothing except your unwillingness to run on it.

Conservatives love to complain about inflation. They never say anything about the fact that they think it’s your problem, not theirs.
Oh yeah..another internet anonymous millionaire….yeah right…🙄

Nope, no where close to a millionaire, though half way there with my 401k.

But I am sure making more money now than I did under Trump.

Myself it is about 25k, for my wife it is about 35k a year.
While it’s true that politicians lie to gain office, I know that’s a shocker to you. That doesn’t mean that we don’t long for those principles…

what good is it to claim to long for those things yet keep voting for the same people that never do them?

You sound like a friend of mine that is always whining about being fat and out of shape. Yeah, he longs to be in shape but will not do anything to get there.

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