Can we just accept that the left is never going to understand biology?

20,000 children die every DAY around the world from starvation and illness.

From what I see conservatives believe life beings at conception and ends at birth. Once you are born they don't want to know you exist. If a woman tries to come to the U.S. with a newborn baby so the baby can have a life they want the border patrol to physically kick them out with great prejudice.

Conservatives beliefs are based on what makes them feel good in the moment and what they don't have to exert any effort or money on. Their lives are spent in a never ending quest to make their beliefs seem noble.

But they aren't.

Stop spending money on your computer hobby cons and go save the children that are dying while you type your angry vomit into the ether.
It really is pointless trying to discuss anything related to that branch of study with them, from whether sexual reproduction is a type of reproduction to whether life begins before or after toddlerhood. I mean, think about it. They don't need to listen to what you're saying about it, since they already know they're more intelligent, educated, enlightened, compassionate, perfect, and good than any non-leftist could ever be. They don't need any facts you could provide, since they're more than capable of making up their own as necessary. They don't even need each others' opinions on the matter, since a core aspect of their ideology is that there is no objective reality and so what's true is what's true for you. So I have to ask, why even broach the topic with them when we approach it from such irreconcilably different directions?

Life begins at birth.

Toddlerhood begins after the baby is walking and starting to talk.

You've never had children (hopefully), so STFU.

Yes...and when you cut the spinal cord with scissors and the baby jumps....yeah...that baby wasn't alive was he/she?

keep telling yourself that it isn't human as it kicks and moves in the womb..........does it make it easier to fill mass graves when you start with the "baby" step of ending the life of babies?
It really is pointless trying to discuss anything related to that branch of study with them, from whether sexual reproduction is a type of reproduction to whether life begins before or after toddlerhood. I mean, think about it. They don't need to listen to what you're saying about it, since they already know they're more intelligent, educated, enlightened, compassionate, perfect, and good than any non-leftist could ever be. They don't need any facts you could provide, since they're more than capable of making up their own as necessary. They don't even need each others' opinions on the matter, since a core aspect of their ideology is that there is no objective reality and so what's true is what's true for you. So I have to ask, why even broach the topic with them when we approach it from such irreconcilably different directions?

Life begins at birth.

Toddlerhood begins after the baby is walking and starting to talk.

You've never had children (hopefully), so STFU.
Hazels first law of biology is that every man needs a penis in her ass.
How long have you been barking up that tree?
20,000 children die every DAY around the world from starvation and illness.

From what I see conservatives believe life beings at conception and ends at birth. Once you are born they don't want to know you exist. If a woman tries to come to the U.S. with a newborn baby so the baby can have a life they want the border patrol to physically kick them out with great prejudice.

Conservatives beliefs are based on what makes them feel good in the moment and what they don't have to exert any effort or money on. Their lives are spent in a never ending quest to make their beliefs seem noble.

But they aren't.

Stop spending money on your computer hobby cons and go save the children that are dying while you type your angry vomit into the ether.

Boy..Are you stupid.....
Given what I see in school, it is the 'Conservatives' that have no idea of what science consists of. And given what is posted on these boards, they actively resist anything that would illuminate their ignorance.
Given what I see in school, it is the 'Conservatives' that have no idea of what science consists of. And given what is posted on these boards, they actively resist anything that would illuminate their ignorance.

The mythical man made global warming? That isn't science, that is political activism disguiesed as science....
It really is pointless trying to discuss anything related to that branch of study with them, from whether sexual reproduction is a type of reproduction to whether life begins before or after toddlerhood. I mean, think about it. They don't need to listen to what you're saying about it, since they already know they're more intelligent, educated, enlightened, compassionate, perfect, and good than any non-leftist could ever be. They don't need any facts you could provide, since they're more than capable of making up their own as necessary. They don't even need each others' opinions on the matter, since a core aspect of their ideology is that there is no objective reality and so what's true is what's true for you. So I have to ask, why even broach the topic with them when we approach it from such irreconcilably different directions?

So to be clear, your 'objective reality' is that 'human life' is a fertilized egg. A single cell.

If so, is a human being the same thing as human life? If so, then you're arguing that this single cell is a human being?
What I'm arguing in what you quoted is that we are never going to find common ground because we're more or less coming from two separate realities. In mine, facts are true independently of whether anyone acknowledges them or not. In yours, facts are what is commonly agreed to be true. In mine, "life" is a defined state with set criteria. In yours, it's a basic right to determine when it begins for yourself. In mine, the entire process of sex works to facilitate the creation of new life. In yours, sex is a pleasurable social activity that sometimes results in pregnancy for reasons. All of that is just pulled from prior conversations you and I have had about it. I'm sure any future discussion will reveal many other differences between our realities' unique versions of science.

In your view of things, your subjective view is fact and everyone else's is opinion. You are a very confused person when it comes to reality, but brainwashing will do that to a person. I feel for you.
It really is pointless trying to discuss anything related to that branch of study with them, from whether sexual reproduction is a type of reproduction to whether life begins before or after toddlerhood. I mean, think about it. They don't need to listen to what you're saying about it, since they already know they're more intelligent, educated, enlightened, compassionate, perfect, and good than any non-leftist could ever be. They don't need any facts you could provide, since they're more than capable of making up their own as necessary. They don't even need each others' opinions on the matter, since a core aspect of their ideology is that there is no objective reality and so what's true is what's true for you. So I have to ask, why even broach the topic with them when we approach it from such irreconcilably different directions?

So to be clear, your 'objective reality' is that 'human life' is a fertilized egg. A single cell.

If so, is a human being the same thing as human life? If so, then you're arguing that this single cell is a human being?
What I'm arguing in what you quoted is that we are never going to find common ground because we're more or less coming from two separate realities. In mine, facts are true independently of whether anyone acknowledges them or not. In yours, facts are what is commonly agreed to be true. In mine, "life" is a defined state with set criteria. In yours, it's a basic right to determine when it begins for yourself. In mine, the entire process of sex works to facilitate the creation of new life. In yours, sex is a pleasurable social activity that sometimes results in pregnancy for reasons. All of that is just pulled from prior conversations you and I have had about it. I'm sure any future discussion will reveal many other differences between our realities' unique versions of science.

In your view of things, your subjective view is fact and everyone else's is opinion. You are a very confused person when it comes to reality, but brainwashing will do that to a person. I feel for you.

And you just summed up the pro-life perspective. They have to believe that their subjective beliefs translate into objective they're using their beliefs to try and control someone else's body.
It really is pointless trying to discuss anything related to that branch of study with them, from whether sexual reproduction is a type of reproduction to whether life begins before or after toddlerhood. I mean, think about it. They don't need to listen to what you're saying about it, since they already know they're more intelligent, educated, enlightened, compassionate, perfect, and good than any non-leftist could ever be. They don't need any facts you could provide, since they're more than capable of making up their own as necessary. They don't even need each others' opinions on the matter, since a core aspect of their ideology is that there is no objective reality and so what's true is what's true for you. So I have to ask, why even broach the topic with them when we approach it from such irreconcilably different directions?

So to be clear, your 'objective reality' is that 'human life' is a fertilized egg. A single cell.

If so, is a human being the same thing as human life? If so, then you're arguing that this single cell is a human being?
What I'm arguing in what you quoted is that we are never going to find common ground because we're more or less coming from two separate realities. In mine, facts are true independently of whether anyone acknowledges them or not. In yours, facts are what is commonly agreed to be true. In mine, "life" is a defined state with set criteria. In yours, it's a basic right to determine when it begins for yourself. In mine, the entire process of sex works to facilitate the creation of new life. In yours, sex is a pleasurable social activity that sometimes results in pregnancy for reasons. All of that is just pulled from prior conversations you and I have had about it. I'm sure any future discussion will reveal many other differences between our realities' unique versions of science.

In your view of things, your subjective view is fact and everyone else's is opinion. You are a very confused person when it comes to reality, but brainwashing will do that to a person. I feel for you.

And you just summed up the pro-life perspective. They have to believe that their subjective beliefs translate into objective they're using their beliefs to try and control someone else's body.

We aren't trying to control someone elses body.....the baby inside the woman is not that woman's inside her sure......but a living, breathing human being..............and you can call it anything but a baby because you have to cope with the fact that you support killing innocent babies........a horrible thing to day you won't be able to keep doing it.........and then you will truly be sorry....
Given what I see in school, it is the 'Conservatives' that have no idea of what science consists of. And given what is posted on these boards, they actively resist anything that would illuminate their ignorance.

The mythical man made global warming? That isn't science, that is political activism disguiesed as science....
Really? Every Scientific Society on this planet, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say otherwise. When you have even one Scientific Society that states what you just did, get back to us, Mr. 2aguy.
It really is pointless trying to discuss anything related to that branch of study with them, from whether sexual reproduction is a type of reproduction to whether life begins before or after toddlerhood. I mean, think about it. They don't need to listen to what you're saying about it, since they already know they're more intelligent, educated, enlightened, compassionate, perfect, and good than any non-leftist could ever be. They don't need any facts you could provide, since they're more than capable of making up their own as necessary. They don't even need each others' opinions on the matter, since a core aspect of their ideology is that there is no objective reality and so what's true is what's true for you. So I have to ask, why even broach the topic with them when we approach it from such irreconcilably different directions?

So to be clear, your 'objective reality' is that 'human life' is a fertilized egg. A single cell.

If so, is a human being the same thing as human life? If so, then you're arguing that this single cell is a human being?
What I'm arguing in what you quoted is that we are never going to find common ground because we're more or less coming from two separate realities. In mine, facts are true independently of whether anyone acknowledges them or not. In yours, facts are what is commonly agreed to be true. In mine, "life" is a defined state with set criteria. In yours, it's a basic right to determine when it begins for yourself. In mine, the entire process of sex works to facilitate the creation of new life. In yours, sex is a pleasurable social activity that sometimes results in pregnancy for reasons. All of that is just pulled from prior conversations you and I have had about it. I'm sure any future discussion will reveal many other differences between our realities' unique versions of science.

In your view of things, your subjective view is fact and everyone else's is opinion. You are a very confused person when it comes to reality, but brainwashing will do that to a person. I feel for you.

And you just summed up the pro-life perspective. They have to believe that their subjective beliefs translate into objective they're using their beliefs to try and control someone else's body.

We aren't trying to control someone elses body.....

The purest bullshit. Controlling someone else's body is exactly what you're trying to do. After your denial, you merely give us all the reasons WHY you're trying to control someone else's body:

the baby inside the woman is not that woman's inside her sure......but a living, breathing human being..............and you can call it anything but a baby because you have to cope with the fact that you support killing innocent babies........a horrible thing to day you won't be able to keep doing it.........and then you will truly be sorry....

And thus we're back where we started. Is one cell with unique DNA a 'baby' and a 'person'? Or is it merely the potential for such? Pro-lifers are certain that their interpretation is objective fact. And based on their own assumption of infallibility that they must control women's bodies against their will.

A prochoicer doesn't need that assumption of infallibility. As the only body they are trying to control is their own.
Given what I see in school, it is the 'Conservatives' that have no idea of what science consists of. And given what is posted on these boards, they actively resist anything that would illuminate their ignorance.

The mythical man made global warming? That isn't science, that is political activism disguiesed as science....
Really? Every Scientific Society on this planet, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say otherwise. When you have even one Scientific Society that states what you just did, get back to us, Mr. 2aguy.

Based on lies and false questions.....look it up.....check climate gate first, the NASA changing temperature data and the information about the lie about global warming consensus....
It really is pointless trying to discuss anything related to that branch of study with them, from whether sexual reproduction is a type of reproduction to whether life begins before or after toddlerhood. I mean, think about it. They don't need to listen to what you're saying about it, since they already know they're more intelligent, educated, enlightened, compassionate, perfect, and good than any non-leftist could ever be. They don't need any facts you could provide, since they're more than capable of making up their own as necessary. They don't even need each others' opinions on the matter, since a core aspect of their ideology is that there is no objective reality and so what's true is what's true for you. So I have to ask, why even broach the topic with them when we approach it from such irreconcilably different directions?

Life begins at birth.

Toddlerhood begins after the baby is walking and starting to talk.

You've never had children (hopefully), so STFU.

Yes...and when you cut the spinal cord with scissors and the baby jumps....yeah...that baby wasn't alive was he/she?

keep telling yourself that it isn't human as it kicks and moves in the womb..........does it make it easier to fill mass graves when you start with the "baby" step of ending the life of babies?

You realize that partial birth abortion has been banned for decades, don't you?
It really is pointless trying to discuss anything related to that branch of study with them, from whether sexual reproduction is a type of reproduction to whether life begins before or after toddlerhood. I mean, think about it. They don't need to listen to what you're saying about it, since they already know they're more intelligent, educated, enlightened, compassionate, perfect, and good than any non-leftist could ever be. They don't need any facts you could provide, since they're more than capable of making up their own as necessary. They don't even need each others' opinions on the matter, since a core aspect of their ideology is that there is no objective reality and so what's true is what's true for you. So I have to ask, why even broach the topic with them when we approach it from such irreconcilably different directions?

Speaking of biology, you are going to have to explain to us leftists why every single Republican presidential candidate in the 2012 election cycle either believed in creationism, or else admitted that they didn't believe in the biological theory of evolution, the best documented scientific theory in history. Leftists don't understand biology? HA! Give us a friggin break!
Life began billions of years ago. We make decisions about human life all the time. Tax payers make the collective choice to send their drones to kill women's babies every day. Hypocrites want to take the same choice away from a woman faced with a distressing life situation.
To be 'pro-life' (as if any sane person isn't) and continue to support war, capital punishment, etc., is incoherent. To be 'anti-choice' is absurd.
It really is pointless trying to discuss anything related to that branch of study with them, from whether sexual reproduction is a type of reproduction to whether life begins before or after toddlerhood. I mean, think about it. They don't need to listen to what you're saying about it, since they already know they're more intelligent, educated, enlightened, compassionate, perfect, and good than any non-leftist could ever be. They don't need any facts you could provide, since they're more than capable of making up their own as necessary. They don't even need each others' opinions on the matter, since a core aspect of their ideology is that there is no objective reality and so what's true is what's true for you. So I have to ask, why even broach the topic with them when we approach it from such irreconcilably different directions?
It's not about understanding biology, it's just about honesty.

For some reason, my pro-choice brethren don't want to be honest about the fact that a fetus is human life. They'll play games and say it's not a person or an individual or an astronaut or whatever, they'll play silly games and compare a fetus to an inanimate object, they'll (of course) insult anyone who disagrees with them, but they can't deny it is human life. DNA-specific, blood flow, moving limbs.

I'm pro choice because I believe a civilization must make some tough choices about what is best for it as a whole -- this goes for everything from abortion to war -- and sometimes both choices are bad. I'd be for restrictions on how late into a pregnancy an abortion can be performed, but I want it to be safe and legal. If we can find a way to reduce demand for abortions through the culture, great.

The Left's unwillingness to just be honest is something I struggle with on multiple issues, since I agree with them on several of them.

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It really is pointless trying to discuss anything related to that branch of study with them, from whether sexual reproduction is a type of reproduction to whether life begins before or after toddlerhood. I mean, think about it. They don't need to listen to what you're saying about it, since they already know they're more intelligent, educated, enlightened, compassionate, perfect, and good than any non-leftist could ever be. They don't need any facts you could provide, since they're more than capable of making up their own as necessary. They don't even need each others' opinions on the matter, since a core aspect of their ideology is that there is no objective reality and so what's true is what's true for you. So I have to ask, why even broach the topic with them when we approach it from such irreconcilably different directions?
It's not about understanding biology, it's just about honesty.

For some reason, my pro-choice brethren don't want to be honest about the fact that a fetus is human life.

Is a single cell with unique DNA a person? Is it a baby? And if you believe it is, would it follow that an acorn is an oak tree?

And be honest.
It really is pointless trying to discuss anything related to that branch of study with them, from whether sexual reproduction is a type of reproduction to whether life begins before or after toddlerhood. I mean, think about it. They don't need to listen to what you're saying about it, since they already know they're more intelligent, educated, enlightened, compassionate, perfect, and good than any non-leftist could ever be. They don't need any facts you could provide, since they're more than capable of making up their own as necessary. They don't even need each others' opinions on the matter, since a core aspect of their ideology is that there is no objective reality and so what's true is what's true for you. So I have to ask, why even broach the topic with them when we approach it from such irreconcilably different directions?
It's not about understanding biology, it's just about honesty.

For some reason, my pro-choice brethren don't want to be honest about the fact that a fetus is human life.

Is a single cell with unique DNA a person? Is it a baby? And if you believe it is, would it follow that an acorn is an oak tree?

And be honest.
You just did it again, you just illustrated my entire point.

To directly answer your question, an embryo (or whatever stage of it you want to identify) is human life.

Human life. Not a person or a baby. Human life.

Do you agree with my answer or not?


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