Can we just accept that the left is never going to understand biology?

The only one being evasive is you. I've agreed with you and added to your point, acknowledging that what we BOTH agree isn't a baby and isn't a person could become one.

You have yet to even disagree with me.
I admit that a fetus - at any stage - is innocent human life, and I can certainly understand the pro-lifers' sincere and passionate position that they don't want to slaughter that innocent human life.

So a cell with unique DNA is an 'innocent human life'. I wasn't aware that a cell had guilt or innocence. Or was capable of either. You're playing semantic games, for all of your complaints about it. And 'slaughtering innocent human life' really insinuates that you do consider this both a person and a baby. Or at least that a cell with unique DNA is as valuable as any person.

I don't consider an acorn to be an oaktree. Nor do I consider a cell to be a person or a human. We're far more than DNA and cytoplasm. Any person with as much brain activity and consciousness as is exhibited by that cell would be legally dead. And rightly so.

Per the prolife version of 'human life', you could scoop out a person's brain. You could remove everything that makes them human, every memory, every capacity to think, feel, or relate. And as long as you left enough of the brainstem to keep the heart pumping what limbs and organs are left is still an 'innocent human life.' Both our law and any reasoning person can recognize the distinction between biological life and being alive as a person. As what makes us alive isn't merely metabolic processes. And the prolife argument reduces us to nothing more than this.

Being a person involves consciousness and at least a semblance of autonomy. As the part you 'if left alone' argument that you completely that if left alone it would instantly die. That it must, without a moment's pause, constantly use the body of another. That it cannot be left alone for an instant and continue to develop.

And that 'another' a singular and exclusive person. That has rights, feelings, consciousness, and liberties of her own.

I'm willing to admit to the pro-lifers that a fetus is innocent human life. You, apparently, are not. At least that's what I'm guessing from your voluminous parsing, above.

So, and I'll say it again, we'll just have to disagree.


Once again you're arguing with liberals you agree with. You are sick.

Sometimes I envy the simple, shallow little thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues.

Most of the time I don't.


If you believe the fetus is a person, then abortion is murder. Do you?
With the understanding that we're not talking about a baby or a person, sure. I agree with that. Its a cell, it has unique human DNA. Its life. Its not a human. And it could become a person.
You're semantically separating the embryo from the baby, and I just don't think that's honest.

You've already said that its not a person, not a baby.

So what distinction are we disagreeing on?
Your words "it's not a human. It could become a person."

That's really, really, really parsing it. If left alone, unless something goes terribly wrong, it will be a person. A human. A child.


First you say a fetus is a human being, then you say it will become a human being. Which is it.
I'll keep this as simple as I can, because I've already said it more than once:

It is human life.

Can I make that any more clear for you?


So is your appendix. Is that what you mean?
You're semantically separating the embryo from the baby, and I just don't think that's honest.

You've already said that its not a person, not a baby.

So what distinction are we disagreeing on?
Your words "it's not a human. It could become a person."

That's really, really, really parsing it. If left alone, unless something goes terribly wrong, it will be a person. A human. A child.


First you say a fetus is a human being, then you say it will become a human being. Which is it.
I'll keep this as simple as I can, because I've already said it more than once:

It is human life.

Can I make that any more clear for you?


So is your appendix. Is that what you mean?
You're clearly confused here, and I'm under no obligation to help you.

I've said the same thing enough times now, and you keep illustrating my original point for me.

The anti-abortionists keep throwing it into the faces of the pro-choicers saying that they are killing innocent human life.

But 99% of those same anti-abortionists cannot bring themselves to call for the appropriate punishment of women who have abortions,

which would be in most cases life in prison.

Why are you people pretending you believe that the fetus is a person?
Good post from a dumb ass liberal.....j/k

You bring up a good point.
It is not your body and you have no right to tell a woman she must have a child she cannot afford and doesn't want.

Having a child is a life altering decision, with serious life-long financial implications. You and the state has no right to force that on a woman or a family.
You've already said that its not a person, not a baby.

So what distinction are we disagreeing on?
Your words "it's not a human. It could become a person."

That's really, really, really parsing it. If left alone, unless something goes terribly wrong, it will be a person. A human. A child.


First you say a fetus is a human being, then you say it will become a human being. Which is it.
I'll keep this as simple as I can, because I've already said it more than once:

It is human life.

Can I make that any more clear for you?


So is your appendix. Is that what you mean?
You're clearly confused here, and I'm under no obligation to help you.

I've said the same thing enough times now, and you keep illustrating my original point for me.


So your appendix isn't human life? lol, do you have an alien appendix?
The anti-abortionists keep throwing it into the faces of the pro-choicers saying that they are killing innocent human life.

But 99% of those same anti-abortionists cannot bring themselves to call for the appropriate punishment of women who have abortions,

which would be in most cases life in prison.

Why are you people pretending you believe that the fetus is a person?
Good post from a dumb ass liberal.....j/k

You bring up a good point.

I especially know the above is an excellent point just for the fact that 99% of the anti-abortionists around here won't touch it.

Because they are frauds.
The anti-abortionists keep throwing it into the faces of the pro-choicers saying that they are killing innocent human life.

But 99% of those same anti-abortionists cannot bring themselves to call for the appropriate punishment of women who have abortions,

which would be in most cases life in prison.

Why are you people pretending you believe that the fetus is a person?
Good post from a dumb ass liberal.....j/k

You bring up a good point.

I especially know the above is an excellent point just for the fact that 99% of the anti-abortionists around here won't touch it.

Because they are frauds.
yea NY I love that point you made, wish I thought of it, perfect
You've already said that its not a person, not a baby.

So what distinction are we disagreeing on?
Your words "it's not a human. It could become a person."

That's really, really, really parsing it. If left alone, unless something goes terribly wrong, it will be a person. A human. A child.


First you say a fetus is a human being, then you say it will become a human being. Which is it.
I'll keep this as simple as I can, because I've already said it more than once:

It is human life.

Can I make that any more clear for you?


So is your appendix. Is that what you mean?
You're clearly confused here, and I'm under no obligation to help you.

I've said the same thing enough times now, and you keep illustrating my original point for me.


Your point is that calling something human life is not an all or nothing distinction. There can be variations within the definition of human life that make it reasonable and rational to treat those variations differently.

That a 2 celled fertilized human egg can fall under the broad definition of human life in no way makes a rational argument that it must be treated exactly as we would treat a born person.

Using the term 'human life' is a fallacious argument to elicit a fallacious conclusion.
OK lets say you have guest and you pull out a lump of frozen cookie dough and you say to them "here is a cookie". They are going to think you are off your rocker. The cookie dough contains all the elements but is not considered a cookie yet .. Think ..........A fertilized egg is not the same as a "human being"...a cookie is not a cookie when its still uncooked dough.........
20,000 children die every DAY around the world from starvation and illness.

From what I see conservatives believe life beings at conception and ends at birth. Once you are born they don't want to know you exist. If a woman tries to come to the U.S. with a newborn baby so the baby can have a life they want the border patrol to physically kick them out with great prejudice.

Conservatives beliefs are based on what makes them feel good in the moment and what they don't have to exert any effort or money on. Their lives are spent in a never ending quest to make their beliefs seem noble.

But they aren't.

Stop spending money on your computer hobby cons and go save the children that are dying while you type your angry vomit into the ether.

You're chock full of left loon talking points.
Life begins at birth.
Okay, so just to confirm:

This is not life.


You see most folks do not refer to raw cookie dough as a "cookie" does not call a blastocyst a baby....there is a reason and a logic to that...
  1. 1.
    (of a woman or female animal) having a child or young developing in the uterus.
    "a pregnant woman"
    synonyms: expecting a baby, expectant, carrying a child; More
    You libtards need to change the you did conform to your reality.

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