Can we stop with the racist BS in politics

When did it become necessary for some to state that their race is superior to others for them to be racist?

Do you think any of the race baiters I listed would say they were racist?

  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
    "a program to combat racism"
    synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, casteism
    "Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia"
    • the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
      noun: racism
      "theories of racism"
So where is the "racism" from the right again?

You couldn't even find a "racist" quote from a goofball like Richard Spencer using that definition.


We must give up the false dreams of equality and democracy—not so that we could “wake up" to reality; reality is boring—but so that we can take up the new dreams of channelling our energies and labor towards the exploration of our universe, towards the fostering of a new people, who are healthier, stronger, more intelligent, more beautiful, more athletic.

Hint, he's saying white people are better.
No, he is saying that in the future white people would be superior to our current and past selves if we applied ourselves fully today.

Yeah, by getting rid of the 'mud people'. He's pretty much preaching eugenics.
By getting rid of white liberal betas like yourself.

Eugenics is a GOOD thing, dumbass.

Would you rather we practice dysgenics?
  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
    "a program to combat racism"
    synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, casteism
    "Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia"
    • the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
      noun: racism
      "theories of racism"
So where is the "racism" from the right again?

You couldn't even find a "racist" quote from a goofball like Richard Spencer using that definition.


We must give up the false dreams of equality and democracy—not so that we could “wake up" to reality; reality is boring—but so that we can take up the new dreams of channelling our energies and labor towards the exploration of our universe, towards the fostering of a new people, who are healthier, stronger, more intelligent, more beautiful, more athletic.

Hint, he's saying white people are better.
No, he is saying that in the future white people would be superior to our current and past selves if we applied ourselves fully today.

Yeah, by getting rid of the 'mud people'. He's pretty much preaching eugenics.
By getting rid of white liberal betas like yourself.

Eugenics is a GOOD thing, dumbass.

Would you rather we practice dysgenics?

Uh-oh, watch out, all those idiots who had their pitchforks pointing at Margaret Sanger are going to come after you.....any moment now......
So where is the "racism" from the right again?

You couldn't even find a "racist" quote from a goofball like Richard Spencer using that definition.


We must give up the false dreams of equality and democracy—not so that we could “wake up" to reality; reality is boring—but so that we can take up the new dreams of channelling our energies and labor towards the exploration of our universe, towards the fostering of a new people, who are healthier, stronger, more intelligent, more beautiful, more athletic.

Hint, he's saying white people are better.
No, he is saying that in the future white people would be superior to our current and past selves if we applied ourselves fully today.

Yeah, by getting rid of the 'mud people'. He's pretty much preaching eugenics.
By getting rid of white liberal betas like yourself.

Eugenics is a GOOD thing, dumbass.

Would you rather we practice dysgenics?

Uh-oh, watch out, all those idiots who had their pitchforks pointing at Margaret Sanger are going to come after you.....any moment now......
Abortion is not eugenics, moron.
Where the majority go wrong; is that they cry “racist” even when no claim of “superiority” has been made...

No need for any claim of superiority to be made.

Do you deny that someone can be racist and not know or realize they are racist?
I think all humans are hardwired to have some level of racial recognition. At the very least, insofar as to be able to place themselves into a “common group”. So to that end, yes. Though superiority in this context is irrelevant. But for many on the left mere recognition of racial differences is enough to warrant a cry of “”racism!” Now, if you express a preference for your own common group...?! Gird your loins. Attack is eminent.

We must give up the false dreams of equality and democracy—not so that we could “wake up" to reality; reality is boring—but so that we can take up the new dreams of channelling our energies and labor towards the exploration of our universe, towards the fostering of a new people, who are healthier, stronger, more intelligent, more beautiful, more athletic.

Hint, he's saying white people are better.
No, he is saying that in the future white people would be superior to our current and past selves if we applied ourselves fully today.

Yeah, by getting rid of the 'mud people'. He's pretty much preaching eugenics.
By getting rid of white liberal betas like yourself.

Eugenics is a GOOD thing, dumbass.

Would you rather we practice dysgenics?

Uh-oh, watch out, all those idiots who had their pitchforks pointing at Margaret Sanger are going to come after you.....any moment now......
Abortion is not eugenics, moron.

Eugenics is eugenics, moron.
No, he is saying that in the future white people would be superior to our current and past selves if we applied ourselves fully today.

Yeah, by getting rid of the 'mud people'. He's pretty much preaching eugenics.
By getting rid of white liberal betas like yourself.

Eugenics is a GOOD thing, dumbass.

Would you rather we practice dysgenics?

Uh-oh, watch out, all those idiots who had their pitchforks pointing at Margaret Sanger are going to come after you.....any moment now......
Abortion is not eugenics, moron.

Eugenics is eugenics, moron.
You are the idiot who brought up Sanger.
Ammo to destroy Eastern Europe like they are trying to do to Russia.

If they think we're racist in Eastern Europe, they'll be more likely to not go there.

Hungary and Poland are not an immigration destination they themselves migrate to other places.
They have a hell of a lot more immigration than most Muslim countries....
Countries like the UAE have over 50% of the population are immigrants.
Poland and Hungary are not Germany, France, Spain, Italy they are not an immigration destination.
Poland and Hungary aren't "immigration destinations" because they don't allow immigration
Have you ever been to Poland? Yes there are immigrants mostly East Europeans and Ukranians (almost a million of them)...thry put measuresnot accept africans and middle westerners to stay in Poland, which is dumb because the refugees d ont wanna stay in those countries that their own citizens are migrating to western Europe.

Europe is aging and have a very low birth rate, that's why they allow people from third world countries to come in and work. It's a necessity.
Hey Grampa Murked U , this may be one the best and funniest examples of your point.

In this delightful clip, brilliant Regressive Ben Affleck acts like a dick from the very beginning and then accuses liberals Bill Maher and Sam Harris of being racist when they criticize ISLAM.

I am not making this up. Enjoy.
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This honest (and actual) liberal gets it, and he nails it, particularly in the last paragraph:
If they think we're racist in Eastern Europe, they'll be more likely to not go there.

Hungary and Poland are not an immigration destination they themselves migrate to other places.
They have a hell of a lot more immigration than most Muslim countries....
Countries like the UAE have over 50% of the population are immigrants.
Poland and Hungary are not Germany, France, Spain, Italy they are not an immigration destination.
Poland and Hungary aren't "immigration destinations" because they don't allow immigration
Have you ever been to Poland? Yes there are immigrants mostly East Europeans and Ukranians (almost a million of them)...thry put measuresnot accept africans and middle westerners to stay in Poland, which is dumb because the refugees d ont wanna stay in those countries that their own citizens are migrating to western Europe.

Europe is aging and have a very low birth rate, that's why they allow people from third world countries to come in and work. It's a necessity.

"They" don't allow it. Merkel and other douche bag politicians allow it.
The solution to every political problem we face is not to call everyone a racist.
If I were a person who had been the target of real racism I would be furious that you tools have dumbed down the word to the point it has no relevance to reality.

highly improbable if not impossible for a Simian
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If they think we're racist in Eastern Europe, they'll be more likely to not go there.

Hungary and Poland are not an immigration destination they themselves migrate to other places.
They have a hell of a lot more immigration than most Muslim countries....
Countries like the UAE have over 50% of the population are immigrants.
Poland and Hungary are not Germany, France, Spain, Italy they are not an immigration destination.
Poland and Hungary aren't "immigration destinations" because they don't allow immigration
Have you ever been to Poland? Yes there are immigrants mostly East Europeans and Ukranians (almost a million of them)...thry put measuresnot accept africans and middle westerners to stay in Poland, which is dumb because the refugees d ont wanna stay in those countries that their own citizens are migrating to western Europe.

Europe is aging and have a very low birth rate, that's why they allow people from third world countries to come in and work. It's a necessity.
Not a true necessity. What makes it seem to be is all the entitlements. Pensions and what not. The same excuse is given here in the states. The truth is, the answer is to cut entitlements, and eliminate programs that generate them. Not import third worlders.
Hey Grampa Murked U , this may be one the best and funniest examples of your point.

In this delightful clip, brilliant Regressive Ben Affleck acts like a dick from the very beginning and then accuses liberals Bill Maher and Sam Harris of being racist when they criticize ISLAM.

I am not making this up. Enjoy.

Wow what a dumb son of a bitch... He couldn't wait to be offended.
I got the Regressives all cranky again.


Hey Mac, can you name all the 'regressives'?
All of 'em?

Gosh, no.

One good rule of thumb here is when a person gets pissy when I use the word "Regressive", which was coined by a liberal Muslim.

Kind of like what you're doing.

That's neat, I believe Nawaz uses that term only for how he perceives liberals treat Islam. So, to call everyone 'regressive' if they make a claim of racism would be incorrect.

I find it interesting that you see all these 'regressives' but can't name a single racist. It's funny how you like to make fun of ignorant partisans, but you're no different, you have you're point of view and you clutch it to the bitter end.
I can name plenty of them. I had a conversation with two conservatives this morning who refused to admit that racism exists. In other words, I was on your side.

But I've long since learned that there is no answer that will satisfy people like you, so I just no longer bother.

If you want to think that makes me a racist, or a ___________, or a ___________, or a __________, I'm perfectly fine with that.

See? I in no way called you a racist but you just implied I did. Maybe something to think about.

methinx mac just "self identified"! :laugh:
Hey Grampa Murked U , this may be one the best and funniest examples of your point.

In this delightful clip, brilliant Regressive Ben Affleck acts like a dick from the very beginning and then accuses liberals Bill Maher and Sam Harris of being racist when they criticize ISLAM.

I am not making this up. Enjoy.

Wow what a dumb son of a bitch... He couldn't wait to be offended.

Harris actually discusses this bizarre moment with fellow (actual) liberal Dave Rubin here. He was totally surprised by Affleck's bizarre behavior, and thinks that ol' Ben was told ahead of time, incorrectly, that he's a right winger. These two guys (among many other actual liberals) have taken a lot of heat for exposing the Regressives, but they do a great job.

The crux of it is when Harris says here, "The irony is that the sentence he was reacting to, where I say that everyone conflates criticism of Islam, a set of ideas, with bigotry against Muslims as people -- no sooner were those words uttered that he demonstrated my thesis with every subsequent statement".

Yeah Sam, I get that every day here too.

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Hey Grampa Murked U , this may be one the best and funniest examples of your point.

In this delightful clip, brilliant Regressive Ben Affleck acts like a dick from the very beginning and then accuses liberals Bill Maher and Sam Harris of being racist when they criticize ISLAM.

I am not making this up. Enjoy.

Wow what a dumb son of a bitch... He couldn't wait to be offended.

Harris actually discusses this bizarre moment with fellow (actual) liberal Dave Rubin here. He was totally surprised by Affleck's bizarre behavior, and thinks that ol' Ben was told ahead of time, incorrectly, that he's a right winger. These two guys (among many other actual liberals) have taken a lot of heat for exposing the Regressives, but they do a great job.

Sam Harris is one of the few liberals whom I find myself agreeing with on numerous issues. Probably the same issues that cause his fellow lefties to turn on him for...
The solution to every political problem we face is not to call everyone a racist.
If I were a person who had been the target of real racism I would be furious that you tools have dumbed down the word to the point it has no relevance to reality.
---------------------------------------------- thats a Good thing that the racist and racism words hurled about is losing power isn't it . Generally speaking there is nothing ILLEGAL about being Racist is there . Morally wrong to be racist , well it MAY BE but legally it should be no problem to be racist Gramps ?? --- Definition of RACISM ---
The solution to every political problem we face is not to call everyone a racist.
If I were a person who had been the target of real racism I would be furious that you tools have dumbed down the word to the point it has no relevance to reality.
---------------------------------------------- thats a Good thing that the racist and racism words hurled about is losing power isn't it . Generally speaking there is nothing ILLEGAL about being Racist is there . Morally wrong to be racist , well it MAY BE but legally it should be no problem to be racist Gramps ?? --- Definition of RACISM ---
Racists are as bad as leftist progressive twats
The solution to every political problem we face is not to call everyone a racist.
If I were a person who had been the target of real racism I would be furious that you tools have dumbed down the word to the point it has no relevance to reality.

That's funny coming from you considering the names you have called me. Hypocrite much?

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