Can we talk about the connection between Obama and the unemployment rate?

Explain to me why it is Obama's fault so many people are dropping out the workforce. It's not politics. That is just the nature of our great recession. Shit goes bad.
Because the policies of Obama especially his signature piece of legislation Obamacare have put a great deal of uncertainty in the business community when you have that businesses tend to hold back on investment, expansion, and hiring.

There is no evidence that ObamaCare has had a SIGNIFICANT negative impact on the economy.

Oh I would say the lack of improvement in the economy since it became law and was rolled out is evidence of that along with the tons of new regulations that have been imposed on businesses under Obama the fact Obama keeps pushing the employer mandate part of Obamacare back now I might add beyond next years midterms is pretty significant evidence that the Obama administration it's self thinks it will have a negative impact on the economy.
Billly name one Obama Policy that helped lowering the UE? till where it is today.

Obama and Obama care is the problem with the slow recovery rate.

Youd learn a lot if you just read the links in the OP. Get a clue.
Imagine how many more would be unemployed had Obama not continued the wars he promised to end. The dead in His wars don't come home to look for work. He probably had that figured out while he was campaigning but lied and said he'd make the whole world love us and bring all the troops home to attend his second set of campaign spectaculars.

You do realize that Obama ended the Iraq war right?

Based on the Bush era policies, it was not Obama policies that ended the war.

Also Nixon ended the Vietnam war.

Your point?
Because the policies of Obama especially his signature piece of legislation Obamacare have put a great deal of uncertainty in the business community when you have that businesses tend to hold back on investment, expansion, and hiring.

There is no evidence that ObamaCare has had a SIGNIFICANT negative impact on the economy.

Oh I would say the lack of improvement in the economy since it became law and was rolled out is evidence of that along with the tons of new regulations that have been imposed on businesses under Obama the fact Obama keeps pushing the employer mandate part of Obamacare back now I might add beyond next years midterms is pretty significant evidence that the Obama administration it's self thinks it will have a negative impact on the economy.

Without actual documented proof, you are just white noise.
So there are NO troops in any of those places and those headlines about Americans being killed there is simply anti-Bush propaganda.

Tip: Avoid mirrors.
Imagine how many more would be unemployed had Obama not continued the wars he promised to end. The dead in His wars don't come home to look for work. He probably had that figured out while he was campaigning but lied and said he'd make the whole world love us and bring all the troops home to attend his second set of campaign spectaculars.

You do realize that Obama ended the Iraq war right?

You do realize that is incorrect right? The status of forces agreement which called for the removal of U.S. forces from Iraq was negotiated in the final months of the Bush Presidency the Obama administration and the Iraq government could not reach a agreement to extend it so the Iraqi government then insisted on the time frame in the original agreement.
Gee another far left propaganda thread.

No, it's a thread with actual facts. I know facts are scary but they are necessary to learn.

Yes I know that facts scare the far left that is why they make up stuff and run when they are confronted with facts, like Obama is worse than Bush.

What makes my facts bullshit? If you can't explain why than don't bother saying it.
No, it's a thread with actual facts. I know facts are scary but they are necessary to learn.

Yes I know that facts scare the far left that is why they make up stuff and run when they are confronted with facts, like Obama is worse than Bush.

What makes my facts bullshit? If you can't explain why than don't bother saying it.

They have been posted already in your little troll thread.
Yes I know that facts scare the far left that is why they make up stuff and run when they are confronted with facts, like Obama is worse than Bush.

What makes my facts bullshit? If you can't explain why than don't bother saying it.

They have been posted already in your little troll thread.

Um no, so far no one has refuted the facts in the thread.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

current; actual UE 20.4 million

2008; actual UE 13.6 million

2004; actual E 13.8 million

go fuck yourself Billy

Get the proper information and learn that obama doesn't give a fuck about any of us.

Your denial is so lame dude. Just accept the positive impact Obama has done. Is he spending too much? Yeah, youre right. That is his biggest problem. However guess what Obama is spending so much money on? DEFENSE SPENDING
What makes my facts bullshit? If you can't explain why than don't bother saying it.

They have been posted already in your little troll thread.

Um no, so far no one has refuted the facts in the thread.

What facts? That Obama is responsible for the recovery but his policies had nothing to do with the high unemployment rate?
That Bush negotiated the end of the Iraq War and Obama bungled the status of forces agreement?
That more soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan by Obama than by Bush
That the workforce participation rate is the lowest it's been since the early 1980s?
That public assistance is at an all time high, despite 5 years of "recovery"?
That the debt is 70% higher today than when Bush left office?
That the deficit is on a permanently high plateau?
That Obamacare has cost millions their health insurance?
That household income is lower today than the day Obama took office?
That the only beneficiaries of Obama's policies have been the wealthy?

There is no refuting bullshit. It stands on its own.

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