Can we talk about the connection between Obama and the unemployment rate?

They have been posted already in your little troll thread.

Um no, so far no one has refuted the facts in the thread.

What facts? That Obama is responsible for the recovery but his policies had nothing to do with the high unemployment rate?
That Bush negotiated the end of the Iraq War and Obama bungled the status of forces agreement?
That more soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan by Obama than by Bush
That the workforce participation rate is the lowest it's been since the early 1980s?
That public assistance is at an all time high, despite 5 years of "recovery"?
That the debt is 70% higher today than when Bush left office?
That the deficit is on a permanently high plateau?
That Obamacare has cost millions their health insurance?
That household income is lower today than the day Obama took office?
That the only beneficiaries of Obama's policies have been the wealthy?

There is no refuting bullshit. It stands on its own.

Um, no the Iraq war ended as scheduled.
Prove that.
How is that Obama's fault?
Obviously that would be needed given how high the unemployment rate is. :cuckoo:
Yes, Obama has spent a lot. ON DEFENSE
Um, no it's not. In fact it has dropped a lot.
Yes, true. I am not defending ObamaCare thus far
I blame republicans for that.
Um, no every economic level has benefited from Obama
Again name them.

Dude I already named them. The links are in my OP. God almighty.
Seriously the Stimulous? That was just political pay back and not all the money was used

And exteding UE Benifits? I won't hire a lazy bum who didn't work for 99 weeks

You do know most of Bush tax cuts are permenet r

The stimulus created millions and saved millions of jobs. These are facts.

Tax cuts are mostly useless. If that policy did work, a shit load more jobs would have been created under Bush. Job growth was pitiful under Bush.
Dude I already named them. The links are in my OP. God almighty.
Seriously the Stimulous? That was just political pay back and not all the money was used

And exteding UE Benifits? I won't hire a lazy bum who didn't work for 99 weeks

You do know most of Bush tax cuts are permenet r

The stimulus created millions and saved millions of jobs. These are facts.

Tax cuts are mostly useless. If that policy did work, a shit load more jobs would have been created under Bush. Job growth was pitiful under Bush.


You have no way of knowing the stimulus did anything. You can't isolate it's effects.
Seriously the Stimulous? That was just political pay back and not all the money was used

And exteding UE Benifits? I won't hire a lazy bum who didn't work for 99 weeks

You do know most of Bush tax cuts are permenet r

The stimulus created millions and saved millions of jobs. These are facts.

Tax cuts are mostly useless. If that policy did work, a shit load more jobs would have been created under Bush. Job growth was pitiful under Bush.


You have no way of knowing the stimulus did anything. You can't isolate it's effects.

I don't understand why you think that. Why? Why can't the effects be isolated? You still havent explained that.
The stimulus created millions and saved millions of jobs. These are facts.

Tax cuts are mostly useless. If that policy did work, a shit load more jobs would have been created under Bush. Job growth was pitiful under Bush.


You have no way of knowing the stimulus did anything. You can't isolate it's effects.

I don't understand why you think that. Why? Why can't the effects be isolated? You still havent explained that.

What have you shown ?

I've explained it a dozen times already. Any reasonable economist will tell you that you can't identify a single variable cause and effect in a complex economy like ours.

I just read some left wing bullshyt that talked about the stock market under Obama and how it had outperformed Reagan. It would have outperformed Reagan in spit of Bozobama. It was less than half of what it was. The market always recovers most of what it loses if it drops in dramatic fashion like that.

You have no way of knowing the stimulus did anything. You can't isolate it's effects.

I don't understand why you think that. Why? Why can't the effects be isolated? You still havent explained that.

What have you shown ?

I've explained it a dozen times already. Any reasonable economist will tell you that you can't identify a single variable cause and effect in a complex economy like ours.

I just read some left wing bullshyt that talked about the stock market under Obama and how it had outperformed Reagan. It would have outperformed Reagan in spit of Bozobama. It was less than half of what it was. The market always recovers most of what it loses if it drops in dramatic fashion like that.

See here's the difference between us. I cited an economic study that shows CAUSATION between the stimulus package and private sector job growth. You have not provided anything that disputes what I have presented.

It really isn't hard to understand why the stimulus worked. The people who received those additional benefits spent their money on basic services. That stimulated the economy significantly which created jobs. The study scrutinized that additional economic stimulus and found that jobs were created from it.
The stimulus created millions and saved millions of jobs. These are facts.

Tax cuts are mostly useless. If that policy did work, a shit load more jobs would have been created under Bush. Job growth was pitiful under Bush.


You have no way of knowing the stimulus did anything. You can't isolate it's effects.

I don't understand why you think that. Why? Why can't the effects be isolated? You still havent explained that.
Sorry my phone connection is acting up tonight.

How many stimluos did bush have? Useless

And you still don't want to admit Obama. Ran out of. Ideas and made most of Bush tax cuts ermanet?

You could say that is driving the recovery today more then you can say the pay back of Obama stimulous package is. That money only created tempoary jobs. Like planting trees and stupid shit like that.

You have no way of knowing the stimulus did anything. You can't isolate it's effects.

I don't understand why you think that. Why? Why can't the effects be isolated? You still havent explained that.
Sorry my phone connection is acting up tonight.

How many stimluos did bush have? Useless

And you still don't want to admit Obama. Ran out of. Ideas and made most of Bush tax cuts ermanet?

You could say that is driving the recovery today more then you can say the pay back of Obama stimulous package is. That money only created tempoary jobs. Like planting trees and stupid shit like that.

You are greatly exaggerating, but you are right to an extent. The biggest problem with the stimulus is that it wasn't big enough. It was supposed to be bigger than it actually was. Had it been bigger, more jobs would have been created.
Dude I already named them. The links are in my OP. God almighty.
Seriously the Stimulous? That was just political pay back and not all the money was used

And exteding UE Benifits? I won't hire a lazy bum who didn't work for 99 weeks

You do know most of Bush tax cuts are permenet r

The stimulus created millions and saved millions of jobs. These are facts.

Tax cuts are mostly useless. If that policy did work, a shit load more jobs would have been created under Bush. Job growth was pitiful under Bush.

If the stimulus created millions of jobs why has job creation been the worst on record post recession?
Seriously the Stimulous? That was just political pay back and not all the money was used

And exteding UE Benifits? I won't hire a lazy bum who didn't work for 99 weeks

You do know most of Bush tax cuts are permenet r

The stimulus created millions and saved millions of jobs. These are facts.

Tax cuts are mostly useless. If that policy did work, a shit load more jobs would have been created under Bush. Job growth was pitiful under Bush.

If the stimulus created millions of jobs why has job creation been the worst on record post recession?

Largely because the stimulus was too small. I already explained this.
The stimulus created millions and saved millions of jobs. These are facts.

Tax cuts are mostly useless. If that policy did work, a shit load more jobs would have been created under Bush. Job growth was pitiful under Bush.

If the stimulus created millions of jobs why has job creation been the worst on record post recession?

Largely because the stimulus was too small. I already explained this.

No. That's a non sequitur. You said the stimulus created millions of jobs. But if it created millions of jobs then the UE rate would be much lower than it is. Job creation was running 100-150k for most months post recession. That isn't millions.
And the stimulus was the most it was contemplated to be.
I don't understand why you think that. Why? Why can't the effects be isolated? You still havent explained that.

What have you shown ?

I've explained it a dozen times already. Any reasonable economist will tell you that you can't identify a single variable cause and effect in a complex economy like ours.

I just read some left wing bullshyt that talked about the stock market under Obama and how it had outperformed Reagan. It would have outperformed Reagan in spit of Bozobama. It was less than half of what it was. The market always recovers most of what it loses if it drops in dramatic fashion like that.

See here's the difference between us. I cited an economic study that shows CAUSATION between the stimulus package and private sector job growth. You have not provided anything that disputes what I have presented.

It really isn't hard to understand why the stimulus worked. The people who received those additional benefits spent their money on basic services. That stimulated the economy significantly which created jobs. The study scrutinized that additional economic stimulus and found that jobs were created from it.

Which study was that. The one that appealed to a case that said Food Stamps stimulated the economy ?

Here is a pretty honest treatment of the discussion.
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If the stimulus created millions of jobs why has job creation been the worst on record post recession?

Largely because the stimulus was too small. I already explained this.

No. That's a non sequitur. You said the stimulus created millions of jobs. But if it created millions of jobs then the UE rate would be much lower than it is. Job creation was running 100-150k for most months post recession. That isn't millions.
And the stimulus was the most it was contemplated to be.

The UE extension was always meant to be temporary. I never said we were creating millions of jobs a month. I mean that's not even close to realistic anyway.
What have you shown ?

I've explained it a dozen times already. Any reasonable economist will tell you that you can't identify a single variable cause and effect in a complex economy like ours.

I just read some left wing bullshyt that talked about the stock market under Obama and how it had outperformed Reagan. It would have outperformed Reagan in spit of Bozobama. It was less than half of what it was. The market always recovers most of what it loses if it drops in dramatic fashion like that.

See here's the difference between us. I cited an economic study that shows CAUSATION between the stimulus package and private sector job growth. You have not provided anything that disputes what I have presented.

It really isn't hard to understand why the stimulus worked. The people who received those additional benefits spent their money on basic services. That stimulated the economy significantly which created jobs. The study scrutinized that additional economic stimulus and found that jobs were created from it.

Which study was that. The one that appealed to a case that said Food Stamps stimulated the economy ?

No, not food stamps. Unemployment insurance stimulates the economy. That is the topic of the study.
I don't understand why you think that. Why? Why can't the effects be isolated? You still havent explained that.

What have you shown ?

I've explained it a dozen times already. Any reasonable economist will tell you that you can't identify a single variable cause and effect in a complex economy like ours.

I just read some left wing bullshyt that talked about the stock market under Obama and how it had outperformed Reagan. It would have outperformed Reagan in spit of Bozobama. It was less than half of what it was. The market always recovers most of what it loses if it drops in dramatic fashion like that.

See here's the difference between us. I cited an economic study that shows CAUSATION between the stimulus package and private sector job growth. You have not provided anything that disputes what I have presented.

It really isn't hard to understand why the stimulus worked. The people who received those additional benefits spent their money on basic services. That stimulated the economy significantly which created jobs. The study scrutinized that additional economic stimulus and found that jobs were created from it.

It's not hard to recognize a worn out Keyensian shovel job either.
Reagan had higher interest rates to deal with. He was handed an economy that had a lousy trajectory and did not have the benefit of the sudden drop that Obama had.

I can recall interest rates as high as 18%. If Obama had that, we'd be dead.

The real tell is that workforce participation in 1983 was growing. For Obama it is the reverse.

Obama had to fight for re-election. Reagan hardly had to run an ad. He won 49 states.
Reagan had higher interest rates to deal with. He was handed an economy that had a lousy trajectory and did not have the benefit of the sudden drop that Obama had.

I can recall interest rates as high as 18%. If Obama had that, we'd be dead.

The real tell is that workforce participation in 1983 was growing. For Obama it is the reverse.

Obama had to fight for re-election. Reagan hardly had to run an ad. He won 49 states.

The economy that Obama inherited was NOTHING like the economy Reagan inherited.

Why are you even bringing Reagan up anyway?
Reagan had higher interest rates to deal with. He was handed an economy that had a lousy trajectory and did not have the benefit of the sudden drop that Obama had.

I can recall interest rates as high as 18%. If Obama had that, we'd be dead.

The real tell is that workforce participation in 1983 was growing. For Obama it is the reverse.

Obama had to fight for re-election. Reagan hardly had to run an ad. He won 49 states.

The economy that Obama inherited was NOTHING like the economy Reagan inherited.

Why are you even bringing Reagan up anyway?

You are right. It was better.

And Reagan had to let it continue to squeeze down for a year before he got it turned around.

He did a much better job.

Clinton was the major benefactor of that economy.

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