Can you be a "non-Christian" and still go to heaven?

So God set us up to fail? What a dick.

It only says that you don't have the intelligence to figure things out. Blame your own intelligence if you can't get a better answer than this.

Maybe it actually takes more intelligence to think on your own instead of accepting a dogmatic religion that was created by man, based on an old book that was originally written and edited etc.

Let's face it, the vast majority of people believe what they believe because they were taught to by someone else, and not their own personal experience.
I think our lives are shaped by what we learn and experience. Most people who hate Christians tend to be highly cynical human beings. Their negativity tends to lead them to believe that God is cruel......and if he exists, he does terrible things to them. Then they go to college and some of them think they can replace God, because they feel they are so smart. The more they learn the more cynical they become, as opposed to some Bible-bangers that are too stupid to function on their own. BBs wrap the Gospel around them like a security blanket.
The closer you get to God the more Satan works on you. He breeds pride, a lack of compassion, an overblown feeling of self worth. Those who are on the other end of the spectrum develop the same flaws.
FYI I don't hate Christians. My parents are both still Christians. They are great people, as are the majority of Christians. My observations of people at Church when I do go is interesting. Most people look bored out of their minds. They stand when they are supposed to stand, repeat the same stuff every week ( often sounding like bored robots) and then stand around drinking coffee after. Sorry, that just doesn't inspire me.
So God set us up to fail? What a dick.

It only says that you don't have the intelligence to figure things out. Blame your own intelligence if you can't get a better answer than this.

Maybe it actually takes more intelligence to think on your own instead of accepting a dogmatic religion that was created by man, based on an old book that was originally written and edited etc.

Let's face it, the vast majority of people believe what they believe because they were taught to by someone else, and not their own personal experience.

See, you based that on your limited understanding of Christianity, and people of faith. And in fact, you are describing your own faults, rather than ours.
I spent the first 20 years of my life going to church, so I do have an understanding of Christianity. It just doesn't float my ark.
So God set us up to fail? What a dick.

It only says that you don't have the intelligence to figure things out. Blame your own intelligence if you can't get a better answer than this.

Maybe it actually takes more intelligence to think on your own instead of accepting a dogmatic religion that was created by man, based on an old book that was originally written and edited etc.

Let's face it, the vast majority of people believe what they believe because they were taught to by someone else, and not their own personal experience.

See, you based that on your limited understanding of Christianity, and people of faith. And in fact, you are describing your own faults, rather than ours.
I spent the first 20 years of my life going to church, so I do have an understanding of Christianity. It just doesn't float my ark.

Good for you. You base your disdain on impressions gleaned during adolescence. Awesome.
So God set us up to fail? What a dick.

It only says that you don't have the intelligence to figure things out. Blame your own intelligence if you can't get a better answer than this.

Maybe it actually takes more intelligence to think on your own instead of accepting a dogmatic religion that was created by man, based on an old book that was originally written and edited etc.

Let's face it, the vast majority of people believe what they believe because they were taught to by someone else, and not their own personal experience.

See, you based that on your limited understanding of Christianity, and people of faith. And in fact, you are describing your own faults, rather than ours.
I spent the first 20 years of my life going to church, so I do have an understanding of Christianity. It just doesn't float my ark.

Good for you. You base your disdain on impressions gleaned during adolescence. Awesome.


Instinctively I thought it was a pile of crap in the second grade. I took a much harder and closer look as an adult and found out that I was right.
FYI I don't hate Christians. My parents are both still Christians. They are great people, as are the majority of Christians. My observations of people at Church when I do go is interesting. Most people look bored out of their minds. They stand when they are supposed to stand, repeat the same stuff every week ( often sounding like bored robots) and then stand around drinking coffee after. Sorry, that just doesn't inspire me.
What would inspire you?
FYI I don't hate Christians. My parents are both still Christians. They are great people, as are the majority of Christians. My observations of people at Church when I do go is interesting. Most people look bored out of their minds. They stand when they are supposed to stand, repeat the same stuff every week ( often sounding like bored robots) and then stand around drinking coffee after. Sorry, that just doesn't inspire me.
What would inspire you?

#1) People staying awake
#2) If it were actually a learning experience, with an open dialogue with opened minded people, as opposed to being preached at by someone.
#3) Exotic dancers (female)
#4) See #3
So God set us up to fail? What a dick.

It only says that you don't have the intelligence to figure things out. Blame your own intelligence if you can't get a better answer than this.

Maybe it actually takes more intelligence to think on your own instead of accepting a dogmatic religion that was created by man, based on an old book that was originally written and edited etc.

Let's face it, the vast majority of people believe what they believe because they were taught to by someone else, and not their own personal experience.

See, you based that on your limited understanding of Christianity, and people of faith. And in fact, you are describing your own faults, rather than ours.
I spent the first 20 years of my life going to church, so I do have an understanding of Christianity. It just doesn't float my ark.

Good for you. You base your disdain on impressions gleaned during adolescence. Awesome.

Nope, no disdain. Don't get all defensive on me. After all, we are probably both completely wrong in our beliefs.
Math and other scientific discoveries are not man-made but existed before man discovered them. Ex: man did not set the speed of light, but merely observed it and quantified it. Whereas, because nothing about god is observable, this makes god a theory until such point that something about god can be proven.

Now you are getting my point. The same is true of God. Man did not create God, but observed God's presence within life. Once again, we cannot measure that which is spirit by physical means. We do not measure rocks using a liter measurement, nor do we measure rainfall in terms of miles. If mankind ever does find the means to measure God, we can be certain we won't be using a yardstick. Consider, for example: How do we measure the beauty of an almond blossom against the beauty of a pear blossom? Just as we do not have a measure for beauty and other things qualitative, we don't have a measure for spiritual. We can observe.
Except nobody has ever observed god, so you're still at the theory point.
Moses saw him.
Wishful thinking. Moses is a guy in a book of fiction, like the Hobbit.
It only says that you don't have the intelligence to figure things out. Blame your own intelligence if you can't get a better answer than this.

Maybe it actually takes more intelligence to think on your own instead of accepting a dogmatic religion that was created by man, based on an old book that was originally written and edited etc.

Let's face it, the vast majority of people believe what they believe because they were taught to by someone else, and not their own personal experience.

See, you based that on your limited understanding of Christianity, and people of faith. And in fact, you are describing your own faults, rather than ours.
I spent the first 20 years of my life going to church, so I do have an understanding of Christianity. It just doesn't float my ark.

Good for you. You base your disdain on impressions gleaned during adolescence. Awesome.

Nope, no disdain. Don't get all defensive on me. After all, we are probably both completely wrong in our beliefs.
Well you're half.right.

You don't understand the.nature.of Christianity if you think it is.sourced in the traditions of the church, or the.ramblings of a.preacher. Those are structures to strengthen and facilitate one's journey in faith...but they are not the source of faith or of.God. People are fallible, not all preachers riveting. But we submit to the practices of.religion because the bible tells us to, because the discipline is vood for us,, and because they are worthy things ro engage in....worthwhile practices. Not because the.other people engaging in them are perfect.

And we receive blessings from God when we devote.ourselves to things of God.
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I care about God. I am God, so I care quite a lot, thank you very much.

I'm also a very moral person, I don't need others to tell me what morals I should follow, I have a brain and I use it.

I live my life in the way I deem to be the best way, I care about other people around me, and I put a lot of effort into trying to help others to achieve what it is they want to achieve.

I don't need to be criticized by others simply because I don't accept their make belief.
Anyone who claims to be God probably isn't going to be welcomed into Heaven. Not only do you replace God in your heart, but you have no sense of humility.....which has a tendency to rule your thoughts and actions. Another thing that was stressed in the Gospel was good works alone cannot get you into the kingdom of Heaven. Faith is essential.
Heaven, is that the same place that god through adam out of for having sex with a woman?
Nope. That was the Garden Of Eden.

Heaven is not on Earth.
So where is heaven?
How should I know. Obviously I'm not dead
So you have nothing. Got it.
Math and other scientific discoveries are not man-made but existed before man discovered them. Ex: man did not set the speed of light, but merely observed it and quantified it. Whereas, because nothing about god is observable, this makes god a theory until such point that something about god can be proven.

Now you are getting my point. The same is true of God. Man did not create God, but observed God's presence within life. Once again, we cannot measure that which is spirit by physical means. We do not measure rocks using a liter measurement, nor do we measure rainfall in terms of miles. If mankind ever does find the means to measure God, we can be certain we won't be using a yardstick. Consider, for example: How do we measure the beauty of an almond blossom against the beauty of a pear blossom? Just as we do not have a measure for beauty and other things qualitative, we don't have a measure for spiritual. We can observe.
Except nobody has ever observed god, so you're still at the theory point.
Moses saw him.
Wishful thinking. Moses is a guy in a book of fiction, like the Hobbit.


I'd rather believe we just live and die then think I have a chance of burning in hell forever!
Why might any non-Christian have any interest in going to Cloud Cuckoo Land....or even whether there might be some such place?
You said: "I said the only way to Heaven is through Christ." as well as ". Who really knows. Anyone who says they do is lying." Which means you're lying when you say the first statement.
Well you were mistaken. I have no problem with short-term memory loss, which allows me to not be distracted easily. Sometimes instead of showing your stupidity and making silly statements you should read the comment that a person is responding to first before popping off some wild accusation about what the intention was. It helps to formulate proper context before make a fool of one's self.
Oh, so it's time to move the goalposts while you backtrack. Nice move, but you lose.
No....I'm just letting you know you are mistaken. It's not my fault you're don't do your homework and like to jump to conclusions.
Says the guys who has no proof of heaven but jumps to the conclusion that because someone wrote it in a book, it must exist. :lol:
I never went to Australia but I know it exists.

I know Heaven exists in the same way.

You can't see air, but you know it exists. Without it we wouldn't exist.
Air and Australia can be touched and measured in a whole bunch of ways. Heaven? You have nothing. You admitted as much because you're not dead, you don't know where it is. EPIC FAIL.
#1) People staying awake
#2) If it were actually a learning experience, with an open dialogue with opened minded people, as opposed to being preached at by someone.
#3) Exotic dancers (female)
#4) See #3

Kind of interesting then, to see a lot of online reports of people looking/being bored at strip clubs. Do you look at people's faces in a theater? They look bored. One of the reasons why people complain about boredom in an exotic dance club is....too loud to have an open dialogue with open minded people.

When people are concentrating on interior thoughts, they often look bored--just as people watching TV often look bored--when what they are is just outwardly passive.

One of the reasons some of us like church (even though we may look passive/bored) is because we don't have to talk or converse. We are able to listen, think of how we can apply what we are hearing to our current, personal life. It's between God and the individual--and for much of worship, we are in a private, interior place.

Does nothing inspire you in church? Nothing you hear, nothing you think about?
Why might any non-Christian have any interest in going to Cloud Cuckoo Land....or even whether there might be some such place?

a non Christian would HATE heaven
after being in hell they might find it preferable, but, who knows....
I care about God. I am God, so I care quite a lot, thank you very much.

I'm also a very moral person, I don't need others to tell me what morals I should follow, I have a brain and I use it.

I live my life in the way I deem to be the best way, I care about other people around me, and I put a lot of effort into trying to help others to achieve what it is they want to achieve.

I don't need to be criticized by others simply because I don't accept their make belief.
Anyone who claims to be God probably isn't going to be welcomed into Heaven. Not only do you replace God in your heart, but you have no sense of humility.....which has a tendency to rule your thoughts and actions. Another thing that was stressed in the Gospel was good works alone cannot get you into the kingdom of Heaven. Faith is essential.
Heaven, is that the same place that god through adam out of for having sex with a woman?
Nope. That was the Garden Of Eden.

Heaven is not on Earth.
So where is heaven?
You can detect 4 dimensions. Yet there are several dozen more you cannot see or feel. But they exist.
First of all, the extra dimensions are still a theory, like your god. And secondly, I'm agnostic, I see no proof either way for or against the possibility of their being a god, and if anyone ever puts forth proof either way, I'm open to changing my mind. It's the only rational position to have.
Anyone who claims to be God probably isn't going to be welcomed into Heaven. Not only do you replace God in your heart, but you have no sense of humility.....which has a tendency to rule your thoughts and actions. Another thing that was stressed in the Gospel was good works alone cannot get you into the kingdom of Heaven. Faith is essential.
Heaven, is that the same place that god through adam out of for having sex with a woman?
Nope. That was the Garden Of Eden.

Heaven is not on Earth.
So where is heaven?
How should I know. Obviously I'm not dead
So you have nothing. Got it.
You can't even tell the difference between the Garden of Eden and Heaven, so STFU.
FYI I don't hate Christians. My parents are both still Christians. They are great people, as are the majority of Christians. My observations of people at Church when I do go is interesting. Most people look bored out of their minds. They stand when they are supposed to stand, repeat the same stuff every week ( often sounding like bored robots) and then stand around drinking coffee after. Sorry, that just doesn't inspire me.
What would inspire you?

#1) People staying awake
#2) If it were actually a learning experience, with an open dialogue with opened minded people, as opposed to being preached at by someone.
#3) Exotic dancers (female)
#4) See #3
You obviously never bothered to even try. Hundreds of thousands of Bible studies taking place in America this week having great discussions and debate.

But your 3&4 show you just like sinning without having to think you are held accountable to a higher authority. Don't feel bad, many men try to live that same delusional life.

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