Can you be a "non-Christian" and still go to heaven?

So God set us up to fail? What a dick.

It only says that you don't have the intelligence to figure things out. Blame your own intelligence if you can't get a better answer than this.

Maybe it actually takes more intelligence to think on your own instead of accepting a dogmatic religion that was created by man, based on an old book that was originally written and edited etc.

Let's face it, the vast majority of people believe what they believe because they were taught to by someone else, and not their own personal experience.

You don't have the intelligence to figure out and no sane humans will martyr themselves for lying about what have been eye-witnesses. That's the foundation of Christianity.

You don't have the intelligence to figure out that trusting with faith in human witnessing is the exclusive way humans in majority employed on a daily basis to reach a truth of any kind.

Your problem is that you choose to rely on your own unreliable low intelligence to get to a conclusion which will someday back fire. Just as prophesied some thousands years ago, "the same day you choose to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, the same day you shall surely die!"
God didn't want robots.
He wanted us to love him.

We could be perfect and inerrant (maybe?) I don't know.
Can God recreate Himself.
I mean honestly, there are things our minds just are not able to grasp.

People just have to come to terms with this!
So God set us up to fail? What a dick.

It only says that you don't have the intelligence to figure things out. Blame your own intelligence if you can't get a better answer than this.

There really is nothing going on here that requires a high IQ but there is something that maybe you with your magnificent intelligence can explain to me that I don't understand...

Why do some people not notice that they are standing in a pile of shit when anyone with eyes that see can see that they are standing in a pile of shit, not to mention that smell.

Can't you smell that smell?

Actually I keep showing in the thread that how low people's IQ are in terms of figuring things out!
So God set us up to fail? What a dick.

It only says that you don't have the intelligence to figure things out. Blame your own intelligence if you can't get a better answer than this.

There really is nothing going on here that requires a high IQ but there is something that maybe you with your magnificent intelligence can explain to me that I don't understand...

Why do some people not notice that they are standing in a pile of shit when anyone with eyes that see can see that they are standing in a pile of shit, not to mention that smell.

Can't you smell that smell?

Actually I keep showing in the thread that how low people's IQ are in terms of figuring things out!

There is a thread on testing your IQ
Only 4 people participated.
I figure that means there are only 4 people on this board with a high IQ
So God set us up to fail? What a dick.

It only says that you don't have the intelligence to figure things out. Blame your own intelligence if you can't get a better answer than this.

There really is nothing going on here that requires a high IQ but there is something that maybe you with your magnificent intelligence can explain to me that I don't understand...

Why do some people not notice that they are standing in a pile of shit when anyone with eyes that see can see that they are standing in a pile of shit, not to mention that smell.

Can't you smell that smell?

Actually I keep showing in the thread that how low people's IQ are in terms of figuring things out!

There is a thread on testing your IQ
Only 4 people participated.
I figure that means there are only 4 people on this board with a high IQ

No, it's a thread showing that you lack IQ but have to troll.
So God set us up to fail? What a dick.

It only says that you don't have the intelligence to figure things out. Blame your own intelligence if you can't get a better answer than this.

There really is nothing going on here that requires a high IQ but there is something that maybe you with your magnificent intelligence can explain to me that I don't understand...

Why do some people not notice that they are standing in a pile of shit when anyone with eyes that see can see that they are standing in a pile of shit, not to mention that smell.

Can't you smell that smell?

Actually I keep showing in the thread that how low people's IQ are in terms of figuring things out!

There is a thread on testing your IQ
Only 4 people participated.
I figure that means there are only 4 people on this board with a high IQ

No, it's a thread showing that you lack IQ but have to troll.

Take the IQ test and get back to me. Chicken.
God didn't want robots.
He wanted us to love him.

We could be perfect and inerrant (maybe?) I don't know.
Can God recreate Himself.
I mean honestly, there are things our minds just are not able to grasp.

People just have to come to terms with this!

Why do you have to assume that God has to do something illogical and makes no sense. That only shows your stupidity.
So God set us up to fail? What a dick.

It only says that you don't have the intelligence to figure things out. Blame your own intelligence if you can't get a better answer than this.

Maybe it actually takes more intelligence to think on your own instead of accepting a dogmatic religion that was created by man, based on an old book that was originally written and edited etc.

Let's face it, the vast majority of people believe what they believe because they were taught to by someone else, and not their own personal experience.
I think our lives are shaped by what we learn and experience. Most people who hate Christians tend to be highly cynical human beings. Their negativity tends to lead them to believe that God is cruel......and if he exists, he does terrible things to them. Then they go to college and some of them think they can replace God, because they feel they are so smart. The more they learn the more cynical they become, as opposed to some Bible-bangers that are too stupid to function on their own. BBs wrap the Gospel around them like a security blanket.
The closer you get to God the more Satan works on you. He breeds pride, a lack of compassion, an overblown feeling of self worth. Those who are on the other end of the spectrum develop the same flaws.
It only says that you don't have the intelligence to figure things out. Blame your own intelligence if you can't get a better answer than this.

There really is nothing going on here that requires a high IQ but there is something that maybe you with your magnificent intelligence can explain to me that I don't understand...

Why do some people not notice that they are standing in a pile of shit when anyone with eyes that see can see that they are standing in a pile of shit, not to mention that smell.

Can't you smell that smell?

Actually I keep showing in the thread that how low people's IQ are in terms of figuring things out!

There is a thread on testing your IQ
Only 4 people participated.
I figure that means there are only 4 people on this board with a high IQ

No, it's a thread showing that you lack IQ but have to troll.

Take the IQ test and get back to me. Chicken.
I got a 181!!!!
It only says that you don't have the intelligence to figure things out. Blame your own intelligence if you can't get a better answer than this.

There really is nothing going on here that requires a high IQ but there is something that maybe you with your magnificent intelligence can explain to me that I don't understand...

Why do some people not notice that they are standing in a pile of shit when anyone with eyes that see can see that they are standing in a pile of shit, not to mention that smell.

Can't you smell that smell?

Actually I keep showing in the thread that how low people's IQ are in terms of figuring things out!

There is a thread on testing your IQ
Only 4 people participated.
I figure that means there are only 4 people on this board with a high IQ

No, it's a thread showing that you lack IQ but have to troll.

Take the IQ test and get back to me. Chicken.

Get to know what a discussion is then get back to a public forum like this. You are incapable of a basic discussion, besides a low IQ!
There really is nothing going on here that requires a high IQ but there is something that maybe you with your magnificent intelligence can explain to me that I don't understand...

Why do some people not notice that they are standing in a pile of shit when anyone with eyes that see can see that they are standing in a pile of shit, not to mention that smell.

Can't you smell that smell?

Actually I keep showing in the thread that how low people's IQ are in terms of figuring things out!

There is a thread on testing your IQ
Only 4 people participated.
I figure that means there are only 4 people on this board with a high IQ

No, it's a thread showing that you lack IQ but have to troll.

Take the IQ test and get back to me. Chicken.

Get to know what a discussion is then get back to a public forum like this. You are incapable of a basic discussion, besides a low IQ!
Basic discussion?

Don't you mean rational debate?

The 10 Commandments of Rational Debate [logical fallacies explained]
Maybe, Jesus saying "no one goes to the Father, but through me" was talking about Jesus being the Judge and only Judge of all mankind, on judgement day....he spoke of Christians being judged by Him in one way, and nonbelievers being judged by the LAW?
So God set us up to fail? What a dick.

It only says that you don't have the intelligence to figure things out. Blame your own intelligence if you can't get a better answer than this.

Maybe it actually takes more intelligence to think on your own instead of accepting a dogmatic religion that was created by man, based on an old book that was originally written and edited etc.

Let's face it, the vast majority of people believe what they believe because they were taught to by someone else, and not their own personal experience.

See, you based that on your limited understanding of Christianity, and people of faith. And in fact, you are describing your own faults, rather than ours.
Maybe, Jesus saying "no one goes to the Father, but through me" was talking about Jesus being the Judge and only Judge of all mankind, on judgement day....he spoke of Christians being judged by Him in one way, and nonbelievers being judged by the LAW?

Its not about Jesus being the judge on judgment day although I can see how one might think that.

The choice between life and death is not only about choosing if one follows the law or not but its also about the way in which the law is interpreted and followed.. a test about whether the law is literal or figurative.

One way creates a false image of a capricious and petty god that does not exist, the other way reveals the wisdom of a loving and benevolent God that actually exists.

The realm of God, the sanctuary of God, the kingdom of heaven, Eternal life itself, is only accessible to the people who accept the way that Jesus taught to understand the law and do it, eat his flesh and drink his blood.

Thats what he meant by saying that no one can come to the Father but by me..

No one can receive the promise of eternal life, come to the Father, in this world unless they follow the way that Jesus taught people to understand the law and do it...
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