Can you be Anti Authoritarian on the left?

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ROFL! Which of Chavez's economic policies did the American left object to?
The biggest thing was the house of cards he built on a single income stream.
When did the American left object to that? New industries don't develop under socialism. Why would anyone invest money in a socialist country? You would have to be suffering from brain damage to even consider such an idea.
You're just repeating talking points.
No, those are facts. name any new industry the developed under socialism.
Lol, here's one for the rwnjs:

The Kalashnikov rifle. More commonly known as AK-47.
He wasn't given a choice about playing, dumbass.
He has a choice. Nobody is trapped here.

Right, and eventually if the left-wing moves far enough in that direction, you end up with every prison society that has ever existed.

The whole reason the Soviets ordered the border to be closed, was not to keep people from swarming in to enjoy 'playing the game' under left-wing rule. It was to keep people from escaping.

Same with Cuba, and North Korea, and the Vietnamese boat people.

Left-wing socialism, is a nightmare to live in. No matter how much you guys make it out like is a joy and workers paradise, the end result is Venezuela, where people are fleeing by the millions now.

And when you say:
"We don't need you, there are billions of folks who would do virtually anything to have your spot."
That statement is in itself, and authoritarian statement. Stalin said the same thing, which is why he had all those show trials, and slaughtered millions of people..

The only reason people are trying to get into this country today, is because we are not a left-wing socialist Utopia, and that is only because the right-wing capitalists have kept the socialist left-wing at bay.

When we don't, you end up with California, where now Apple computer is planning a new campus in Texas, to escape California.

What do you think will happen when enough companies start leaving California that they start seeing real economic decline? They already tried to put a tax on people leaving the state once.

Because we have to force them to stay here, and pay our high taxes.
All fine and dandy, except that they weren't really left wing. They were authoritarian dictatorships masquerading as communism.
I love the way leftwingers claim every incarnation of their ideals is not a genuine incarnation of their ideals.
View attachment 236302
The soviet union wasn't really communism because they had a separate ruling class that the rules didn't apply to.
Good....Can I quit being forced, at gunpoint if necessary, to pay for your "game"?
You're playing, ya gotta pay.

Don't wanna play? Well there's the door, as oreviprevi mentioned.
He wasn't given a choice about playing, dumbass.
He has a choice. Nobody is trapped here.

Right, and eventually if the left-wing moves far enough in that direction, you end up with every prison society that has ever existed.

The whole reason the Soviets ordered the border to be closed, was not to keep people from swarming in to enjoy 'playing the game' under left-wing rule. It was to keep people from escaping.

Same with Cuba, and North Korea, and the Vietnamese boat people.

Left-wing socialism, is a nightmare to live in. No matter how much you guys make it out like is a joy and workers paradise, the end result is Venezuela, where people are fleeing by the millions now.

And when you say:
"We don't need you, there are billions of folks who would do virtually anything to have your spot."
That statement is in itself, and authoritarian statement. Stalin said the same thing, which is why he had all those show trials, and slaughtered millions of people..

The only reason people are trying to get into this country today, is because we are not a left-wing socialist Utopia, and that is only because the right-wing capitalists have kept the socialist left-wing at bay.

When we don't, you end up with California, where now Apple computer is planning a new campus in Texas, to escape California.

What do you think will happen when enough companies start leaving California that they start seeing real economic decline? They already tried to put a tax on people leaving the state once.

Because we have to force them to stay here, and pay our high taxes.
All fine and dandy, except that they weren't really left wing. They were authoritarian dictatorships masquerading as communism.
There may be a question when using "left wing" in this case. It tends to group all "left" as extreme. Left does not mean socialist.
He has a choice. Nobody is trapped here.

Right, and eventually if the left-wing moves far enough in that direction, you end up with every prison society that has ever existed.

The whole reason the Soviets ordered the border to be closed, was not to keep people from swarming in to enjoy 'playing the game' under left-wing rule. It was to keep people from escaping.

Same with Cuba, and North Korea, and the Vietnamese boat people.

Left-wing socialism, is a nightmare to live in. No matter how much you guys make it out like is a joy and workers paradise, the end result is Venezuela, where people are fleeing by the millions now.

And when you say:
"We don't need you, there are billions of folks who would do virtually anything to have your spot."
That statement is in itself, and authoritarian statement. Stalin said the same thing, which is why he had all those show trials, and slaughtered millions of people..

The only reason people are trying to get into this country today, is because we are not a left-wing socialist Utopia, and that is only because the right-wing capitalists have kept the socialist left-wing at bay.

When we don't, you end up with California, where now Apple computer is planning a new campus in Texas, to escape California.

What do you think will happen when enough companies start leaving California that they start seeing real economic decline? They already tried to put a tax on people leaving the state once.

Because we have to force them to stay here, and pay our high taxes.
All fine and dandy, except that they weren't really left wing. They were authoritarian dictatorships masquerading as communism.
I love the way leftwingers claim every incarnation of their ideals is not a genuine incarnation of their ideals.
View attachment 236302
The soviet union wasn't really communism because they had a separate ruling class that the rules didn't apply to.
He has a choice. Nobody is trapped here.

Right, and eventually if the left-wing moves far enough in that direction, you end up with every prison society that has ever existed.

The whole reason the Soviets ordered the border to be closed, was not to keep people from swarming in to enjoy 'playing the game' under left-wing rule. It was to keep people from escaping.

Same with Cuba, and North Korea, and the Vietnamese boat people.

Left-wing socialism, is a nightmare to live in. No matter how much you guys make it out like is a joy and workers paradise, the end result is Venezuela, where people are fleeing by the millions now.

And when you say:
"We don't need you, there are billions of folks who would do virtually anything to have your spot."
That statement is in itself, and authoritarian statement. Stalin said the same thing, which is why he had all those show trials, and slaughtered millions of people..

The only reason people are trying to get into this country today, is because we are not a left-wing socialist Utopia, and that is only because the right-wing capitalists have kept the socialist left-wing at bay.

When we don't, you end up with California, where now Apple computer is planning a new campus in Texas, to escape California.

What do you think will happen when enough companies start leaving California that they start seeing real economic decline? They already tried to put a tax on people leaving the state once.

Because we have to force them to stay here, and pay our high taxes.
All fine and dandy, except that they weren't really left wing. They were authoritarian dictatorships masquerading as communism.
I love the way leftwingers claim every incarnation of their ideals is not a genuine incarnation of their ideals.
View attachment 236302
The soviet union wasn't really communism because they had a separate ruling class that the rules didn't apply to.
What self-professed "communist" countries have arrived at different results?
Right, and eventually if the left-wing moves far enough in that direction, you end up with every prison society that has ever existed.

The whole reason the Soviets ordered the border to be closed, was not to keep people from swarming in to enjoy 'playing the game' under left-wing rule. It was to keep people from escaping.

Same with Cuba, and North Korea, and the Vietnamese boat people.

Left-wing socialism, is a nightmare to live in. No matter how much you guys make it out like is a joy and workers paradise, the end result is Venezuela, where people are fleeing by the millions now.

And when you say:
"We don't need you, there are billions of folks who would do virtually anything to have your spot."
That statement is in itself, and authoritarian statement. Stalin said the same thing, which is why he had all those show trials, and slaughtered millions of people..

The only reason people are trying to get into this country today, is because we are not a left-wing socialist Utopia, and that is only because the right-wing capitalists have kept the socialist left-wing at bay.

When we don't, you end up with California, where now Apple computer is planning a new campus in Texas, to escape California.

What do you think will happen when enough companies start leaving California that they start seeing real economic decline? They already tried to put a tax on people leaving the state once.

Because we have to force them to stay here, and pay our high taxes.
All fine and dandy, except that they weren't really left wing. They were authoritarian dictatorships masquerading as communism.
I love the way leftwingers claim every incarnation of their ideals is not a genuine incarnation of their ideals.
View attachment 236302
The soviet union wasn't really communism because they had a separate ruling class that the rules didn't apply to.
View attachment 236312
No, this is not a "no true Scotsman" situation. You are equating apples and oranges
Right, and eventually if the left-wing moves far enough in that direction, you end up with every prison society that has ever existed.

The whole reason the Soviets ordered the border to be closed, was not to keep people from swarming in to enjoy 'playing the game' under left-wing rule. It was to keep people from escaping.

Same with Cuba, and North Korea, and the Vietnamese boat people.

Left-wing socialism, is a nightmare to live in. No matter how much you guys make it out like is a joy and workers paradise, the end result is Venezuela, where people are fleeing by the millions now.

And when you say:
"We don't need you, there are billions of folks who would do virtually anything to have your spot."
That statement is in itself, and authoritarian statement. Stalin said the same thing, which is why he had all those show trials, and slaughtered millions of people..

The only reason people are trying to get into this country today, is because we are not a left-wing socialist Utopia, and that is only because the right-wing capitalists have kept the socialist left-wing at bay.

When we don't, you end up with California, where now Apple computer is planning a new campus in Texas, to escape California.

What do you think will happen when enough companies start leaving California that they start seeing real economic decline? They already tried to put a tax on people leaving the state once.

Because we have to force them to stay here, and pay our high taxes.
All fine and dandy, except that they weren't really left wing. They were authoritarian dictatorships masquerading as communism.
I love the way leftwingers claim every incarnation of their ideals is not a genuine incarnation of their ideals.
View attachment 236302
The soviet union wasn't really communism because they had a separate ruling class that the rules didn't apply to.
What self-professed "communist" countries have arrived at different results?
What difference does that make? It doesn't change the fact that thise societies don't fit the definition of communism.
Keeping it short since that seems to get more of a response.

Mostly a question to those who self identify as being more left wing.
And hopefully is treated with honest responses and not just emotional venting.

Also is there a forum "topic" for just asking questions and getting honest responses from both sides of the spectrum? you know, learn why a side thinks the way the do?
Notice, no one on the right asks if right wingers can be anti authoritarian. Looking at Trump, the GOP and voter suppression and election fraud, the answer is obvious. So obvious in fact, it's overt. Especially after what the legislature has been doing in Wisconsin and Michigan.
Keeping it short since that seems to get more of a response.

Mostly a question to those who self identify as being more left wing.
And hopefully is treated with honest responses and not just emotional venting.

Also is there a forum "topic" for just asking questions and getting honest responses from both sides of the spectrum? you know, learn why a side thinks the way the do?
Notice, no one on the right asks if right wingers can be anti authoritarian. Looking at Trump, the GOP and voter suppression and election fraud, the answer is obvious. So obvious in fact, it's overt. Especially after what the legislature has been doing in Wisconsin and Michigan. is obvious.....the Right in the United States is the opposite of socialism...which means we want less government, not more, we don't want collective Rights or collective guilt......we want a government that is hemmed in by separation of powers, and limits.....that way no one group can dominate any other group....

There is no Republican voter suppression, that is a lie created by the asshats on the left to enable them to get illegal aliens to be able to vote them power.
ROFL! Which of Chavez's economic policies did the American left object to?
The biggest thing was the house of cards he built on a single income stream.
When did the American left object to that? New industries don't develop under socialism. Why would anyone invest money in a socialist country? You would have to be suffering from brain damage to even consider such an idea.
You're just repeating talking points.
No, those are facts. name any new industry the developed under socialism.
Lol, here's one for the rwnjs:

The Kalashnikov rifle. More commonly known as AK-47.

What? That is a 'new industry' in your book? You do know that the whole reason the AK-47 exists, is because the Russians were being slaughtered by the German automatic rifles.

So the very fact they built a rifle to compete with an existing rifle, and arguably a superior rifle, would suggest they did not create a "new industry".
The biggest thing was the house of cards he built on a single income stream.
When did the American left object to that? New industries don't develop under socialism. Why would anyone invest money in a socialist country? You would have to be suffering from brain damage to even consider such an idea.
You're just repeating talking points.
No, those are facts. name any new industry the developed under socialism.
Lol, here's one for the rwnjs:

The Kalashnikov rifle. More commonly known as AK-47.

What? That is a 'new industry' in your book? You do know that the whole reason the AK-47 exists, is because the Russians were being slaughtered by the German automatic rifles.

So the very fact they built a rifle to compete with an existing rifle, and arguably a superior rifle, would suggest they did not create a "new industry".
Building better weapons is the only example the snowflake can come up with. However, the AK-47 was just the Russian version of the German Sturmgewehr 44.
The biggest thing was the house of cards he built on a single income stream.
When did the American left object to that? New industries don't develop under socialism. Why would anyone invest money in a socialist country? You would have to be suffering from brain damage to even consider such an idea.
You're just repeating talking points.
No, those are facts. name any new industry the developed under socialism.
Lol, here's one for the rwnjs:

The Kalashnikov rifle. More commonly known as AK-47.

What? That is a 'new industry' in your book? You do know that the whole reason the AK-47 exists, is because the Russians were being slaughtered by the German automatic rifles.

So the very fact they built a rifle to compete with an existing rifle, and arguably a superior rifle, would suggest they did not create a "new industry".
When did the American left object to that? New industries don't develop under socialism. Why would anyone invest money in a socialist country? You would have to be suffering from brain damage to even consider such an idea.
You're just repeating talking points.
No, those are facts. name any new industry the developed under socialism.
Lol, here's one for the rwnjs:

The Kalashnikov rifle. More commonly known as AK-47.

What? That is a 'new industry' in your book? You do know that the whole reason the AK-47 exists, is because the Russians were being slaughtered by the German automatic rifles.

So the very fact they built a rifle to compete with an existing rifle, and arguably a superior rifle, would suggest they did not create a "new industry".
Building better weapons is the only example the snowflake can come up with. However, the AK-47 was just the Russian version of the German Sturmgewehr 44.
As far as I understand it the vast majority of "left-wing" actions are taken to remove individual freedom. I'm not making a case against this but simply confused.
Are there causes in the left wing circle where they fight for less power in the hands of Government?

Is it possible to be liberal minded but be overall against the addition of regulations laws already in place?

I'm trying my best to articulate my thoughts I understand its still going to be misconstrued as an insult to the left wing but I'm trying to understand the "overall" beliefs of "Left & Right" since everyone has different definitions, so I'm trying to formulate my own.
Youre confusing power with authority. Power is simply the ability to do something. Authority is a claim to legitimacy of the ability to do something.
I feel like in order for the left to achieve what they desire it commonly takes away individual rights. Am I wrong in that assumption?

Not true.

The Left wants to let you use illicit drugs and be able to murder your unborn child

Outside of that, though, you are correct, they want to have a say in everything you say and do and think.
When did the American left object to that? New industries don't develop under socialism. Why would anyone invest money in a socialist country? You would have to be suffering from brain damage to even consider such an idea.
You're just repeating talking points.
No, those are facts. name any new industry the developed under socialism.
Lol, here's one for the rwnjs:

The Kalashnikov rifle. More commonly known as AK-47.

What? That is a 'new industry' in your book? You do know that the whole reason the AK-47 exists, is because the Russians were being slaughtered by the German automatic rifles.

So the very fact they built a rifle to compete with an existing rifle, and arguably a superior rifle, would suggest they did not create a "new industry".
View attachment 236383

He did say "new industry" right? That was the question, correct? So you point to a copy of an existing industry, right?

Am I missing something?

But let us even grant you that.

I would say that socialist systems can create new things. At high expense, and to the deteriment to the public, it can create new stuff.

The Egyptians created the pyramids, at the expense of millions of slaves. Granted the pyramids did little to improve the lives of the average Egyptians.

In a free market capitalist economy, the producers have to create something, that generates value to the average person. Why? Because I don't buy your product, unless I find value in that product.

And generally speaking, I typically find value in products that improve my life. My kitchen appliances. My automobile. My food. My washer and drier. Furniture. Computer. Natural gas, electricity, water.

So on and so forth.

In a capitalist free market system, things that improve the lives of the citizens, are typically the things that people buy, and thus fund, and thus are invested in and created.

In a socialist system, you end up with things that primarily benefit the state. Did the AK-47 benefit the average Russian citizen? No. But it sure benefited the government, and other authoritarian governments around the world. No doubt about that.
Actually freedom would be being able to kill someone with no consequences
No it wouldn't. It's common sense that your rights end where mine begin. You're "freedom" to kill me strips me of my right to live.

Are you really this stupid? Yes. Yes you are. :lmao:
I dont care what rights it strips you of moron. Freedom is being able to kill you with no consequences. :rolleyes:
No. Not it’s not. Your freedom ends where my begins. :laugh:
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