Can you be Anti Authoritarian on the left?

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It says that of "persons." You're so fucking ignorant, your deformed brain actually translated that into meaning that means the court doesn't consider it a "life."

See what I mean when I say conservatism is a mental illness. And you're the poster child.


So now a baby isn't a person? How does that work?

Let's review the 5th, shall we...?

No person...

...shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger...

Is an embryo a person who be held to a capital, or otherwise infamous crime? No.
Is an embryo a person who can be indicted by a grand jury? No.
Is an embryo a person who serve during time of war or public danger? No.

...nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb...

Is an embryo a person who can be placed in double jeopardy? No.

...nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself...

Is an embryo a person who can be compelled in any criminal case? No.
Is an embryo a person who can be a witness against itself? No.

...nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation...​

Is an embryo a person who can own property? No.
Is an embryo a person who can be monetarily compensated? No.

Now we get to the juicy part...

...nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.

Is an embryo a person who can be deprived of life? No.
Is an embryo a person who can be deprived of liberty? No.
Is an embryo a person who can be deprived of property? No.
Is an embryo a person who can be guaranteed due process? No.

An embryo is not a person protected by the 5th Amendment.

Remember, you were an embryo once. I rest my case.

"I rest my case."


Ok, you go girl. Whatever helps you sleep better at night.

Meanwhile, while you're declaring victory where there is none, I demonstrated the 5th Amendment does not apply to embryos.

And yes, I too was once an embryo. And then I was born and the 5th Amendment then protected my rights.

You can claim that if you wish, if you weren't protected then, there no reason you should be protected now. You're nothing but an older embryo.

"You're nothing but an older embryo."


Now you're just piling on the retard.

Abortion pretty much points out that cons are control freaks and want to tell a woman what to do with her body. :rolleyes:
It’s not “her body” snowflake. Science proves the baby is in an individual life - complete with unique DNA. You lose. Big.
You’re the one who wants to use the government to deny gays legal marriage.
Yeah...government doesn’t belong in their bed. If they can find a church to marry them - go for it! Nobody is stopping them.
You cons are trying to stop it. You are trying to control peoples life.’re the one demanding government climb into bed with homosexuals. All we demand is they stay OUT and adhere to the U.S. Constitution.
The women have the right to be preganant or not be pregnant.
Yes they do, snowflake. An if they didn’t want a baby, they should have chosen the right to “not be pregnant”. Why are basic concepts so challenging for you?
So now a baby isn't a person? How does that work?

Let's review the 5th, shall we...?

No person...

...shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger...

Is an embryo a person who be held to a capital, or otherwise infamous crime? No.
Is an embryo a person who can be indicted by a grand jury? No.
Is an embryo a person who serve during time of war or public danger? No.

...nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb...

Is an embryo a person who can be placed in double jeopardy? No.

...nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself...

Is an embryo a person who can be compelled in any criminal case? No.
Is an embryo a person who can be a witness against itself? No.

...nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation...​

Is an embryo a person who can own property? No.
Is an embryo a person who can be monetarily compensated? No.

Now we get to the juicy part...

...nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.

Is an embryo a person who can be deprived of life? No.
Is an embryo a person who can be deprived of liberty? No.
Is an embryo a person who can be deprived of property? No.
Is an embryo a person who can be guaranteed due process? No.

An embryo is not a person protected by the 5th Amendment.

Remember, you were an embryo once. I rest my case.

"I rest my case."


Ok, you go girl. Whatever helps you sleep better at night.

Meanwhile, while you're declaring victory where there is none, I demonstrated the 5th Amendment does not apply to embryos.

And yes, I too was once an embryo. And then I was born and the 5th Amendment then protected my rights.

You can claim that if you wish, if you weren't protected then, there no reason you should be protected now. You're nothing but an older embryo.

"You're nothing but an older embryo."


Now you're just piling on the retard.


So now you're denying that embryo that was in your mommas belly is you?

An embryo is not a person protected by the 5th Amendment.
I’ve already disproven that ignorant statement. An “embryo” is exclusively a person (protected by the 5th Amendment when the U.S. Constitution is upheld). It sure as hell isn’t a puppy. It’s not a Ford F-150. And it’s not nation. It’s a person.
You can claim that if you wish, if you weren't protected then, there no reason you should be protected now. You're nothing but an older embryo.
"You're nothing but an older embryo." LOL Now you're just piling on the retard.
Which is good...because nobody consumes retard like you do. It is clearly 100% of your daily diet! That’s illustrated by the fact that you can’t manufacture an intelligent response to OKT’s factual statement which bent you over and embarrassed you.
You’re the one who wants to use the government to deny gays legal marriage.
Yeah...government doesn’t belong in their bed. If they can find a church to marry them - go for it! Nobody is stopping them.
You cons are trying to stop it. You are trying to control peoples life.’re the one demanding government climb into bed with homosexuals. All we demand is they stay OUT and adhere to the U.S. Constitution.
You’re fucking nuts, Buttplug. :cuckoo:

I’m a heterosexual man, married to a heterosexual woman, and the government is not in bed with us. Likewise, the government is not in bed with homosexuals.

You say the dumbest shit.

And Obergefell is in line with the Constitution’s equality clause.
An embryo is not a person protected by the 5th Amendment.
I’ve already disproven that ignorant statement. An “embryo” is exclusively a person (protected by the 5th Amendment when the U.S. Constitution is upheld). It sure as hell isn’t a puppy. It’s not a Ford F-150. And it’s not nation. It’s a person.

Nope, you’re just a moron. Here, watch....

The 5th Amendment dictates, nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.... g’head and explain how an embryo can own property to be covered by that....
Let's review the 5th, shall we...?

No person...

...shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger...

Is an embryo a person who be held to a capital, or otherwise infamous crime? No.
Is an embryo a person who can be indicted by a grand jury? No.
Is an embryo a person who serve during time of war or public danger? No.

...nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb...

Is an embryo a person who can be placed in double jeopardy? No.

...nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself...

Is an embryo a person who can be compelled in any criminal case? No.
Is an embryo a person who can be a witness against itself? No.

...nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation...​

Is an embryo a person who can own property? No.
Is an embryo a person who can be monetarily compensated? No.

Now we get to the juicy part...

...nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.

Is an embryo a person who can be deprived of life? No.
Is an embryo a person who can be deprived of liberty? No.
Is an embryo a person who can be deprived of property? No.
Is an embryo a person who can be guaranteed due process? No.

An embryo is not a person protected by the 5th Amendment.

Remember, you were an embryo once. I rest my case.

"I rest my case."


Ok, you go girl. Whatever helps you sleep better at night.

Meanwhile, while you're declaring victory where there is none, I demonstrated the 5th Amendment does not apply to embryos.

And yes, I too was once an embryo. And then I was born and the 5th Amendment then protected my rights.

You can claim that if you wish, if you weren't protected then, there no reason you should be protected now. You're nothing but an older embryo.

"You're nothing but an older embryo."


Now you're just piling on the retard.


So now you're denying that embryo that was in your mommas belly is you?

Dayam, you're growing increasingly stupid. :cuckoo:

Of course I’m not denying I was an embryo inside my mother. I’m denying your moronic notion that I’m still an embryo. I can’t believe this is necessary, but it seems I need to educate you on what an embryo is...


the young of a viviparous animal, especially of a mammal, in the early stages of development within the womb, in humans up to the end of the second month.
We're into the 5th or 6th page of an abortion derail here. Isn't gonna be another abortion thread. Seems the original topic is long gone --- closed...
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