Can you be religious and pro science and technology?

I know a southern Baptist who served as a military officer who loves movies like The Martian, Star Wars, etc and TV shows like Babylon 5, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica.

SciFi and science are not the same. But sure, you could be religious and support science.

Science is a PROCESS of discovery, not a religion on it's own.
OK, so you admit that he must have existed. Good for you.

If its all about about control and money, why did a movement that had no control or money threaten those who already had all of the control and money to the core?
Not "must have" existed, but more like possibly with gusts to probably, lol. But there is no proof whatsoever that he ever did anything. And if he actually got crucified, it was probably because the people with all the money were afraid of those without who would come and take it from them. But they could have just as easily scapegoated Jesus at random and made all the stories about him up.
Sure there is. Those same 24,000 written manuscripts tell the account. The accuracy between the copies is astonishing.
They printed 4 million copies of the book 1984, AND THEY'RE ALL THE SAME!!! Astonishing!! :eek:
So if I make 19,000 copies of a Superman comic, you'll think he's god too?
Only if he changes the world with a lasting impact of 2000 years. Not bad for a convicted criminal who only taught for 3 1/2 years and was put to death by the superpower of the day.
Superman changes the world, didn't you read comics growing up? Well... aside from the bible. :D
Get back to me in 1950 years.
Jesus is nothing but allegorical, like the rest of the bible. No proof Jesus even existed.
There are over 24,000 written manuscripts of proof. The early Christians wrote about Him. Jewish historians have written about about Him and secular historians have written about Him.
Books of fiction aren't proof, please try again.
OK, so you admit that he must have existed. Good for you.

If its all about about control and money, why did a movement that had no control or money threaten those who already had all of the control and money to the core?
Not "must have" existed, but more like possibly with gusts to probably, lol. But there is no proof whatsoever that he ever did anything. And if he actually got crucified, it was probably because the people with all the money were afraid of those without who would come and take it from them. But they could have just as easily scapegoated Jesus at random and made all the stories about him up.

Sure, but why Jesus unless he was the source of the unrest? It would be like you taking some random guy living in a cardboard box screaming gibberish about the end of the world and turning him to a god for no reason..

how likely is that?

They already had the population deluded by an assortment of gods that needed appeasement with gifts of expensive fragrances and offered favors for cash.
So you compare Jesus to a nut in a cardboard box screaming gibberish? Ya, sounds about right. :D
OK, so you admit that he must have existed. Good for you.

If its all about about control and money, why did a movement that had no control or money threaten those who already had all of the control and money to the core?
Not "must have" existed, but more like possibly with gusts to probably, lol. But there is no proof whatsoever that he ever did anything. And if he actually got crucified, it was probably because the people with all the money were afraid of those without who would come and take it from them. But they could have just as easily scapegoated Jesus at random and made all the stories about him up.

Sure, but why Jesus unless he was the source of the unrest? It would be like you taking some random guy living in a cardboard box screaming gibberish about the end of the world and turning him to a god for no reason..

how likely is that?

They already had the population deluded by an assortment of gods that needed appeasement with gifts of expensive fragrances and offered favors for cash.
So you compare Jesus to a nut in a cardboard box screaming gibberish? Ya, sounds about right. :D

Im sure he appeared that way to people whose only concern was the harsh realities of the daily grind under brutal Roman occupation. Saying things like he came to bring a sword, set people free, and if they believed him they would never die while he was standing there unarmed and destitute being mocked and scorned must have sounded quite insane..even funny.

Why would anyone want to have killed him much less turn him into a God and bury his teaching unless it eventually dawned on them that he wasn't crazy at all, just speaking in a strange figurative language that went over their heads of the enemy in all its forms and inspired and empowered those who understood to resist subjugation and ruthlessly stick it to the man..
OK, so you admit that he must have existed. Good for you.

If its all about about control and money, why did a movement that had no control or money threaten those who already had all of the control and money to the core?
Not "must have" existed, but more like possibly with gusts to probably, lol. But there is no proof whatsoever that he ever did anything. And if he actually got crucified, it was probably because the people with all the money were afraid of those without who would come and take it from them. But they could have just as easily scapegoated Jesus at random and made all the stories about him up.
Sure there is. Those same 24,000 written manuscripts tell the account. The accuracy between the copies is astonishing.
They printed 4 million copies of the book 1984, AND THEY'RE ALL THE SAME!!! Astonishing!! :eek:
Your ability to misapply context is epic. The irony of your choice of using 1984 as your example was ironic.
OK, so you admit that he must have existed. Good for you.

If its all about about control and money, why did a movement that had no control or money threaten those who already had all of the control and money to the core?
Not "must have" existed, but more like possibly with gusts to probably, lol. But there is no proof whatsoever that he ever did anything. And if he actually got crucified, it was probably because the people with all the money were afraid of those without who would come and take it from them. But they could have just as easily scapegoated Jesus at random and made all the stories about him up.

Sure, but why Jesus unless he was the source of the unrest? It would be like you taking some random guy living in a cardboard box screaming gibberish about the end of the world and turning him to a god for no reason..

how likely is that?

They already had the population deluded by an assortment of gods that needed appeasement with gifts of expensive fragrances and offered favors for cash.
So you compare Jesus to a nut in a cardboard box screaming gibberish? Ya, sounds about right. :D

Im sure he appeared that way to people whose only concern was the harsh realities of the daily grind under brutal Roman occupation. Saying things like he came to bring a sword, set people free, and if they believed him they would never die while he was standing there unarmed and destitute being mocked and scorned must have sounded quite insane..even funny.

Why would anyone want to have killed him much less turn him into a God unless it eventually dawned on them that he wasn't crazy at all, just speaking in a strange figurative language that went over their heads of the enemy in all its forms and inspired and empowered those who understood to resist subjugation and ruthlessly stick it to the man..
Or He was exactly what He said He was.
Only if he changes the world with a lasting impact of 2000 years. Not bad for a convicted criminal who only taught for 3 1/2 years and was put to death by the superpower of the day.
Superman changes the world, didn't you read comics growing up? Well... aside from the bible. :D
Get back to me in 1950 years.
Jesus is nothing but allegorical, like the rest of the bible. No proof Jesus even existed.
There are over 24,000 written manuscripts of proof. The early Christians wrote about Him. Jewish historians have written about about Him and secular historians have written about Him.
Books of fiction aren't proof, please try again.
The NT isn't fiction. It is the historical account of the ministry of Jesus Christ.
Superman changes the world, didn't you read comics growing up? Well... aside from the bible. :D
Get back to me in 1950 years.
Jesus is nothing but allegorical, like the rest of the bible. No proof Jesus even existed.
There are over 24,000 written manuscripts of proof. The early Christians wrote about Him. Jewish historians have written about about Him and secular historians have written about Him.
Books of fiction aren't proof, please try again.
The NT isn't fiction. It is the historical account of the ministry of Jesus Christ.

Yes, buried and hidden in a fairy tale.

To know what he actually taught and to know what even happened you have to decipher the coded language, by thinking hard and digging deeply......

No one ever turned water into wine, walked on water, cured the crippled, healed the sick or raised the dead with a word except figuratively.

To believe that any of those things literally happened is to believe a lie.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."
Get back to me in 1950 years.
Jesus is nothing but allegorical, like the rest of the bible. No proof Jesus even existed.
There are over 24,000 written manuscripts of proof. The early Christians wrote about Him. Jewish historians have written about about Him and secular historians have written about Him.
Books of fiction aren't proof, please try again.
The NT isn't fiction. It is the historical account of the ministry of Jesus Christ.

Yes, buried and hidden in a fairy tale.

To know what he actually taught and to know what even happened you have to decipher the coded language, by thinking hard and digging deeply......

No one ever turned water into wine, walked on water, cured the crippled, healed the sick or raised the dead with a word except figuratively.

To believe that any of those things literally happened is to believe a lie.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."
Why do you believe it is a lie?
Jesus is nothing but allegorical, like the rest of the bible. No proof Jesus even existed.
There are over 24,000 written manuscripts of proof. The early Christians wrote about Him. Jewish historians have written about about Him and secular historians have written about Him.
Books of fiction aren't proof, please try again.
The NT isn't fiction. It is the historical account of the ministry of Jesus Christ.

Yes, buried and hidden in a fairy tale.

To know what he actually taught and to know what even happened you have to decipher the coded language, by thinking hard and digging deeply......

No one ever turned water into wine, walked on water, cured the crippled, healed the sick or raised the dead with a word except figuratively.

To believe that any of those things literally happened is to believe a lie.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."
Why do you believe it is a lie?

Because this is the earth, not fantasyland.

And because there is a rational way to interpret every single miracle of Jesus that conforms to reality and does not require a belief in the supernatural or the suspension of disbelief.

It really isn't that great a leap of intelligence to understand that giving sight to the blind was never about restoring vision but perception. Do not be dismayed. The fact that the miracles were never intended to be taken literally by intelligent people does not make them any less miraculous.

It would be like your mind suddenly being opened to the realization that God cannot be eaten.

Now that would be a miracle!
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OK, so you admit that he must have existed. Good for you.

If its all about about control and money, why did a movement that had no control or money threaten those who already had all of the control and money to the core?
Not "must have" existed, but more like possibly with gusts to probably, lol. But there is no proof whatsoever that he ever did anything. And if he actually got crucified, it was probably because the people with all the money were afraid of those without who would come and take it from them. But they could have just as easily scapegoated Jesus at random and made all the stories about him up.

Sure, but why Jesus unless he was the source of the unrest? It would be like you taking some random guy living in a cardboard box screaming gibberish about the end of the world and turning him to a god for no reason..

how likely is that?

They already had the population deluded by an assortment of gods that needed appeasement with gifts of expensive fragrances and offered favors for cash.
So you compare Jesus to a nut in a cardboard box screaming gibberish? Ya, sounds about right. :D

Im sure he appeared that way to people whose only concern was the harsh realities of the daily grind under brutal Roman occupation. Saying things like he came to bring a sword, set people free, and if they believed him they would never die while he was standing there unarmed and destitute being mocked and scorned must have sounded quite insane..even funny.

Why would anyone want to have killed him much less turn him into a God and bury his teaching unless it eventually dawned on them that he wasn't crazy at all, just speaking in a strange figurative language that went over their heads of the enemy in all its forms and inspired and empowered those who understood to resist subjugation and ruthlessly stick it to the man..
Jesus was gay, that's why they killed him.
OK, so you admit that he must have existed. Good for you.

If its all about about control and money, why did a movement that had no control or money threaten those who already had all of the control and money to the core?
Not "must have" existed, but more like possibly with gusts to probably, lol. But there is no proof whatsoever that he ever did anything. And if he actually got crucified, it was probably because the people with all the money were afraid of those without who would come and take it from them. But they could have just as easily scapegoated Jesus at random and made all the stories about him up.
Sure there is. Those same 24,000 written manuscripts tell the account. The accuracy between the copies is astonishing.
They printed 4 million copies of the book 1984, AND THEY'RE ALL THE SAME!!! Astonishing!! :eek:
Your ability to misapply context is epic. The irony of your choice of using 1984 as your example was ironic.
So you're saying that because the 24,000 copies were the same, that proves its veracity? So your thinking that 24,000 people wrote it from scratch and they all happened to turn out the same?
OK, so you admit that he must have existed. Good for you.

If its all about about control and money, why did a movement that had no control or money threaten those who already had all of the control and money to the core?
Not "must have" existed, but more like possibly with gusts to probably, lol. But there is no proof whatsoever that he ever did anything. And if he actually got crucified, it was probably because the people with all the money were afraid of those without who would come and take it from them. But they could have just as easily scapegoated Jesus at random and made all the stories about him up.

Sure, but why Jesus unless he was the source of the unrest? It would be like you taking some random guy living in a cardboard box screaming gibberish about the end of the world and turning him to a god for no reason..

how likely is that?

They already had the population deluded by an assortment of gods that needed appeasement with gifts of expensive fragrances and offered favors for cash.
So you compare Jesus to a nut in a cardboard box screaming gibberish? Ya, sounds about right. :D

Im sure he appeared that way to people whose only concern was the harsh realities of the daily grind under brutal Roman occupation. Saying things like he came to bring a sword, set people free, and if they believed him they would never die while he was standing there unarmed and destitute being mocked and scorned must have sounded quite insane..even funny.

Why would anyone want to have killed him much less turn him into a God unless it eventually dawned on them that he wasn't crazy at all, just speaking in a strange figurative language that went over their heads of the enemy in all its forms and inspired and empowered those who understood to resist subjugation and ruthlessly stick it to the man..
Or He was exactly what He said He was.
You mean what other people said he was because Jesus didn't write shit.
OK, so you admit that he must have existed. Good for you.

If its all about about control and money, why did a movement that had no control or money threaten those who already had all of the control and money to the core?
Not "must have" existed, but more like possibly with gusts to probably, lol. But there is no proof whatsoever that he ever did anything. And if he actually got crucified, it was probably because the people with all the money were afraid of those without who would come and take it from them. But they could have just as easily scapegoated Jesus at random and made all the stories about him up.

Sure, but why Jesus unless he was the source of the unrest? It would be like you taking some random guy living in a cardboard box screaming gibberish about the end of the world and turning him to a god for no reason..

how likely is that?

They already had the population deluded by an assortment of gods that needed appeasement with gifts of expensive fragrances and offered favors for cash.
So you compare Jesus to a nut in a cardboard box screaming gibberish? Ya, sounds about right. :D

Im sure he appeared that way to people whose only concern was the harsh realities of the daily grind under brutal Roman occupation. Saying things like he came to bring a sword, set people free, and if they believed him they would never die while he was standing there unarmed and destitute being mocked and scorned must have sounded quite insane..even funny.

Why would anyone want to have killed him much less turn him into a God and bury his teaching unless it eventually dawned on them that he wasn't crazy at all, just speaking in a strange figurative language that went over their heads of the enemy in all its forms and inspired and empowered those who understood to resist subjugation and ruthlessly stick it to the man..
Jesus was gay, that's why they killed him.

Hashev says that Jesus got head from the woman at the well.

Got anything other than gossip?
Superman changes the world, didn't you read comics growing up? Well... aside from the bible. :D
Get back to me in 1950 years.
Jesus is nothing but allegorical, like the rest of the bible. No proof Jesus even existed.
There are over 24,000 written manuscripts of proof. The early Christians wrote about Him. Jewish historians have written about about Him and secular historians have written about Him.
Books of fiction aren't proof, please try again.
The NT isn't fiction. It is the historical account of the ministry of Jesus Christ.
It hasn't been proven that the bible was written at the time of the events, nor has it been proven that the events really happened. You're just really, really gullible and have a need to believe alternative facts that have yet to be proven.
Not "must have" existed, but more like possibly with gusts to probably, lol. But there is no proof whatsoever that he ever did anything. And if he actually got crucified, it was probably because the people with all the money were afraid of those without who would come and take it from them. But they could have just as easily scapegoated Jesus at random and made all the stories about him up.

Sure, but why Jesus unless he was the source of the unrest? It would be like you taking some random guy living in a cardboard box screaming gibberish about the end of the world and turning him to a god for no reason..

how likely is that?

They already had the population deluded by an assortment of gods that needed appeasement with gifts of expensive fragrances and offered favors for cash.
So you compare Jesus to a nut in a cardboard box screaming gibberish? Ya, sounds about right. :D

Im sure he appeared that way to people whose only concern was the harsh realities of the daily grind under brutal Roman occupation. Saying things like he came to bring a sword, set people free, and if they believed him they would never die while he was standing there unarmed and destitute being mocked and scorned must have sounded quite insane..even funny.

Why would anyone want to have killed him much less turn him into a God and bury his teaching unless it eventually dawned on them that he wasn't crazy at all, just speaking in a strange figurative language that went over their heads of the enemy in all its forms and inspired and empowered those who understood to resist subjugation and ruthlessly stick it to the man..
Jesus was gay, that's why they killed him.

Hashev says that Jesus got head from the woman at the well.

Got anything other than gossip?
- Jesus only hung around with guys.
- Jesus wore a dress.
- Jesus only banged a girl once, and "once" means he didn't like it.
- Jesus rode a donkey, which was usually reserved for women and slaves, and we know he wasn't a slave.
- Jesus is always depicted as being buff.
As well:
- The direct descendant of Jesus' teachings, the Catholic church, is rife with butt pluggers. In fact, you can't be a priest if you're into women.
- God threw Adam out of Eden because Adam preferred having hetero sex with Eve rather than stay in gay heaven with god.
Sure, but why Jesus unless he was the source of the unrest? It would be like you taking some random guy living in a cardboard box screaming gibberish about the end of the world and turning him to a god for no reason..

how likely is that?

They already had the population deluded by an assortment of gods that needed appeasement with gifts of expensive fragrances and offered favors for cash.
So you compare Jesus to a nut in a cardboard box screaming gibberish? Ya, sounds about right. :D

Im sure he appeared that way to people whose only concern was the harsh realities of the daily grind under brutal Roman occupation. Saying things like he came to bring a sword, set people free, and if they believed him they would never die while he was standing there unarmed and destitute being mocked and scorned must have sounded quite insane..even funny.

Why would anyone want to have killed him much less turn him into a God and bury his teaching unless it eventually dawned on them that he wasn't crazy at all, just speaking in a strange figurative language that went over their heads of the enemy in all its forms and inspired and empowered those who understood to resist subjugation and ruthlessly stick it to the man..
Jesus was gay, that's why they killed him.

Hashev says that Jesus got head from the woman at the well.

Got anything other than gossip?
- Jesus only hung around with guys.
- Jesus wore a dress.
- Jesus only banged a girl once, and "once" means he didn't like it.
- Jesus rode a donkey, which was usually reserved for women and slaves, and we know he wasn't a slave.
- Jesus is always depicted as being buff.
As well:
- The direct descendant of Jesus' teachings, the Catholic church, is rife with butt pluggers.
- God threw Adam out of Eden because Adam preferred having hetero sex with Eve rather than stay in gay heaven with god.

And he seemed to like to drink and party with sinners and female prostitutes, and kept all sorts of bad company. A wild and crazy guy. Hardly a threat to national security or the established order or someone even worthy of notice, unless there was something terrifying and explosive hidden in the crazy things he said.. Its not like no one else ever ran amok in roman occupied Judea and got themselves killed. Why impose on the entire empire a religion based on him? Why?

BTW, Not all his followers were men.

That is a false image of Jesus perpetuated by those who forsake woman, wear dresses, and worship God in the form of a man and then get on their knees and eat his flesh.
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So you compare Jesus to a nut in a cardboard box screaming gibberish? Ya, sounds about right. :D

Im sure he appeared that way to people whose only concern was the harsh realities of the daily grind under brutal Roman occupation. Saying things like he came to bring a sword, set people free, and if they believed him they would never die while he was standing there unarmed and destitute being mocked and scorned must have sounded quite insane..even funny.

Why would anyone want to have killed him much less turn him into a God and bury his teaching unless it eventually dawned on them that he wasn't crazy at all, just speaking in a strange figurative language that went over their heads of the enemy in all its forms and inspired and empowered those who understood to resist subjugation and ruthlessly stick it to the man..
Jesus was gay, that's why they killed him.

Hashev says that Jesus got head from the woman at the well.

Got anything other than gossip?
- Jesus only hung around with guys.
- Jesus wore a dress.
- Jesus only banged a girl once, and "once" means he didn't like it.
- Jesus rode a donkey, which was usually reserved for women and slaves, and we know he wasn't a slave.
- Jesus is always depicted as being buff.
As well:
- The direct descendant of Jesus' teachings, the Catholic church, is rife with butt pluggers.
- God threw Adam out of Eden because Adam preferred having hetero sex with Eve rather than stay in gay heaven with god.

And he seemed to like to drink and party with sinners and female prostitutes, and kept all sorts of bad company. A wild and crazy guy. Hardly a threat to national security or the established order or someone even worthy of notice, unless there was something terrifying and explosive hidden in the crazy things he said.. Its not like no one else ever ran amok in roman occupied Judea.

BTW, Not all his followers were men.

That is a false image of Jesus perpetuated by those who forsake woman, wear dresses, and worship God in the form of a man and then get on their knees and eat his flesh.
The romans crucified people for for being a thief, so they just had to dislike Jesus for whatever reason and poof, he's nailed to wood. And one of his own gave him up for a few bucks, so he couldn't have had that big of an impact on people.
Im sure he appeared that way to people whose only concern was the harsh realities of the daily grind under brutal Roman occupation. Saying things like he came to bring a sword, set people free, and if they believed him they would never die while he was standing there unarmed and destitute being mocked and scorned must have sounded quite insane..even funny.

Why would anyone want to have killed him much less turn him into a God and bury his teaching unless it eventually dawned on them that he wasn't crazy at all, just speaking in a strange figurative language that went over their heads of the enemy in all its forms and inspired and empowered those who understood to resist subjugation and ruthlessly stick it to the man..
Jesus was gay, that's why they killed him.

Hashev says that Jesus got head from the woman at the well.

Got anything other than gossip?
- Jesus only hung around with guys.
- Jesus wore a dress.
- Jesus only banged a girl once, and "once" means he didn't like it.
- Jesus rode a donkey, which was usually reserved for women and slaves, and we know he wasn't a slave.
- Jesus is always depicted as being buff.
As well:
- The direct descendant of Jesus' teachings, the Catholic church, is rife with butt pluggers.
- God threw Adam out of Eden because Adam preferred having hetero sex with Eve rather than stay in gay heaven with god.

And he seemed to like to drink and party with sinners and female prostitutes, and kept all sorts of bad company. A wild and crazy guy. Hardly a threat to national security or the established order or someone even worthy of notice, unless there was something terrifying and explosive hidden in the crazy things he said.. Its not like no one else ever ran amok in roman occupied Judea.

BTW, Not all his followers were men.

That is a false image of Jesus perpetuated by those who forsake woman, wear dresses, and worship God in the form of a man and then get on their knees and eat his flesh.
The romans crucified people for for being a thief, so they just had to dislike Jesus for whatever reason and poof, he's nailed to wood. And one of his own gave him up for a few bucks, so he couldn't have had that big of an impact on people.

Right, just another loony who didn't know when to shut up.

How did it get from that, to a worldwide religion? Why did the romans turn this particular loony into an edible mangod ?

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