Can you cry about the cost of a military parade if you don’t cry about the cost of illegals?

Until you wack-jobs complain about the tens of BILLIONS spent on illegal wetbacks you have ZERO credibility on this matter...Sorry.
But Johny down the street racks up debt so it's ok for me ! Got any thing other than kindergarten logic?

Or like that guy who spends thousands on his crack habit then bitches at his wife for buying new shoes.
In case you don’t and all your warped minded buddies are the crack head.
Until you wack-jobs complain about the tens of BILLIONS spent on illegal wetbacks you have ZERO credibility on this matter...Sorry.
But Johny down the street racks up debt so it's ok for me ! Got any thing other than kindergarten logic?

Or like that guy who spends thousands on his crack habit then bitches at his wife for buying new shoes.
In case you don’t and all your warped minded buddies are the crack head.
Still have not left the play ground huh! Pass the buck like a child ! It is all you have and all you will ever have you vile peice of shit!
I am a supporter of fiscal responsibility, all you do is pass the buck!
What's fiscally responsible abut allowing your country to be plundered for $138 Billion/year (immigrant remittances) + tens of Billions$$ more in welfare and criminal justice costs to foreign freeloaders ?
I am a supporter of fiscal responsibility, all you do is pass the buck!
What's fiscally responsible abut allowing your country to be plundered for $138 Billion/year (immigrant remittances) + tens of Billions$$ more in welfare and criminal justice costs to foreign freeloaders ?
Please show some proff of your assertions! I do not believe you have any. I do not care about past admionistrations they did what they did n othing can be done this administration is piling debt up as fast as they can stack it and that is fact unlike the bull shit you espouse!
I am a supporter of fiscal responsibility, all you do is pass the buck!
What's fiscally responsible abut allowing your country to be plundered for $138 Billion/year (immigrant remittances) + tens of Billions$$ more in welfare and criminal justice costs to foreign freeloaders ?
Please show some proff of your assertions! I do not believe you have any. I do not care about past admionistrations they did what they did n othing can be done this administration is piling debt up as fast as they can stack it and that is fact unlike the bull shit you espouse!

You’re simply playing stupid to’s what ignorant fools do.
This administration spends on good Americans and you piss your pants in outrage...yet you refuse to condemn the spending on illegal wetbacks...pull your head from your ass and think once....think about how retarded you sound.
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Please show some proff of your assertions! I do not believe you have any. I do not care about past admionistrations they did what they did n othing can be done this administration is piling debt up as fast as they can stack it and that is fact unlike the bull shit you espouse!
Don't get around much in the forum ? I wouldn't be surprised if I've posted this link over 200 times in this forum. Now you can apologize for saying I was espousing bullshit. if you've got the spine for it .

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2016

That's the remittance side of it. Now for the welfare >>

There are approximately 3.7 million unlawful immigrant households in the U.S. These households impose a net fiscal burden of around $54.5 billion per year. And that's just illegal aliens, it doesn't include legal ones.

The Fiscal Cost of Unlawful Immigrants and Amnesty to the U.S. Taxpayer
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Please show some proff of your assertions! I do not believe you have any. I do not care about past admionistrations they did what they did n othing can be done this administration is piling debt up as fast as they can stack it and that is fact unlike the bull shit you espouse!
Don't get around much in the forum ? I wouldn't be surprised if I've posted this link over 200 times in this forum. Now you can apologize for saying I was espousing bullshit. if you've got the spine for it .

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2016
So the immigrant comes here earns a wage and then spends his or her money as they see fit, yet this is theft? Interesting take on life by an idiot! Apple alone has over 246 billion stored off shore. Sems as though those corporate overlords you all protect are killing the country worse than the poor shlep who sends a couple hundred a month helping his family. What happened to those family values. I spend my money as I damn well please how about you! Go fuck your self and your lies, we can do what we want to do with the money we earn!
So the immigrant comes here earns a wage and then spends his or her money as they see fit, yet this is theft? Interesting take on life by an idiot! Apple alone has over 246 billion stored off shore. Sems as though those corporate overlords you all protect are killing the country worse than the poor shlep who sends a couple hundred a month helping his family. What happened to those family values. I spend my money as I damn well please how about you! Go fuck your self and your lies, we can do what we want to do with the money we earn!
1. YES, it's theft. Imperialism. Just like Vikings raiding England 1200 years ago. Just like Hitler ransacking France, and the Japs doing it to China. Only difference is in those old days, military power was used. Swords, guns, bombs. In 21st century, imperialist countries use poor people + money wires. Like Vicente Fox who bragged about US remittances being Mexico's # 1 source of income. Better to find out late than never.

Vicente Fox Says Remittances Largest Source Of Revenue Since 2003, Gloats At Getting Illegals And Matricula Consular Into US : Diggers Realm

2. Trump has opposed offshore tax evading. Neither he nor I protect any "corporate overlords"

3. As for family values, they sure aren't too evident in Democrats' platforms who support gay shame parades or Muslim sharia law misogyny and pedophilia.

4. As for the money you earn, if you send it out of the country, you're depriving US businesses of sales, depriving US workers of jobs, and pillaging the US economy. You think all that is OK ? You're lucky you don't have a noose being put around your neck, for committing treason, you stinking trashbag.

5. I kind of thought you wouldn't have the spine to stand up straight and tall and apologize for saying I was bullshitting. Now go back to your hole in the ground, you worm.
Cut off the foreign aid to Mexico, and we could have a parade and 200 million plus left over.
It is inconceivable that we could be giving foreign aid to a country (Mexico) whose president just a few years ago, bragged and gloated about the remittances he was ripping us off for, being his country's # 1 source of income.

Vicente Fox Says Remittances Largest Source Of Revenue Since 2003, Gloats At Getting Illegals And Matricula Consular Into US : Diggers Realm

If somebody was robbing your house, and gloating about it, would you than give him money ?

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