Can You Imagine A Santorum/Obama Debate? Santorum Will Rip Barry To Shreds !!

I know many 6th graders that would rip Obama to shreds.

Your commander and chief? Constitutional Law Degree from Harvard? Made it all the way to the POTUS? Pretty good for a 5th grader.

How did Hillary or McCain do against Obama?

He is pretty shakey on constitutional law. Hell, look at his health care and his invading the separation of church and state.

What if you worked for a Scientologist and you got cancer and they don't believe in chemotherapy?

Stop finding little stories and trying to blow them up. This is just the rich trying to divide the middle class with wedge issues.

Catholics offended? Check!

Especially when you are wrong on the issue. This was the right/catholic church trying to impose their radical position on women. Attacking birth control. Gonna cost you the woman vote.

And we told Mormon's they can't take more than one wife. How could we do such a thing? Isn't that an attack on their religous freedom?

How can he successfully debate with an aspirin between his legs? it is the females that hold the aspirin between their legs. :lol:

How can he successfully debate with an aspirin between his legs? it is the females that hold the aspirin between their legs. :lol:

How can Obama be pro America when his pastor said God damn America?

Oh, the lengths some of you will goto just to prove your shallow partisan stupidity.

How can he successfully debate with an aspirin between his legs? it is the females that hold the aspirin between their legs. :lol:

How can Obama be pro America when his pastor said God damn America?

Oh, the lengths some of you will goto just to prove your shallow partisan stupidity.

Don't get me wrong! I love Ricky. I hope he wins the GOP nod.


And remember how we all imagined how Newt would of beaten Barry to a pulp? It would be the same with Santorum, he is really giving it to Obama lately. Thank God he's Catholic !! and you can just see Santorum ripping Obama on all of his failures and Obama will just stand there looking like a speechless hamster looking for answers in his teleprompters !!

When I am bored I go look for far right wack postings to cheer me up.

Teals, thanks!

Not a big of Reverend Wright, but his point was that God would damn America for its actions.

Hate to toss facts into stuff like this, I know politics is being played here.

Republicans still think Palin won the famous "Lipstick on a Pig" debate against Biden.

[ame=]C-SPAN: Full Vice Presidential Debate with Gov. Palin and Sen. Biden - YouTube[/ame]

And remember how we all imagined how Newt would of beaten Barry to a pulp? It would be the same with Santorum, he is really giving it to Obama lately. Thank God he's Catholic !! and you can just see Santorum ripping Obama on all of his failures and Obama will just stand there looking like a speechless hamster looking for answers in his teleprompters !!

When I am bored I go look for far right wack postings to cheer me up.

Teals, thanks!

Hey--if you're voting Catholic Priest for POTUS go for Santorum---:lol:

Rick Santorum is a total freak right wing SOCIAL nut case--and he is soon to get exposed--I imagine this coming Wednesday night on the GOP debate. And his poll number will go to minus ZERO. He has been a career politician all of his life--and then a Washington lobbyist--then he lost his reelection for the PA Senate seat by a landslide--in fact, the worst loss in PA's history.

Rick Santorum would get CREAMED by Barack Obama.--just on his too far right social insanity--and Obama is not going to have any troubles what-so-ever winning that argument.

Furthermore--there is absolutely NOTHING conservative about Rick Santorum's voting record.

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How can he successfully debate with an aspirin between his legs? it is the females that hold the aspirin between their legs. :lol:

How can Obama be pro America when his pastor said God damn America?

Oh, the lengths some of you will goto just to prove your shallow partisan stupidity.

In context he was saying "God Damn America" is what would happen if this country didn't follow Biblical Scripture. Something about 90% of Republicans agree with. Rather odd, wouldn't you say?
and if Obama claims to be looking out for the poor and middle class,,then why didnt he just send them all a check for 20,000 in that stimulus bill instead of giving it to financial institutions and unions?
On that point I fully agree. While I believe Obama is a dramatic improvement over Bush and a far better alternative to any Republican in the current lineup, he has disappointed me in a number of very important ways.

I can't say I regret voting for Obama because the alternative was McCain. But he was not my first choice. Kucinich was. And since he's been President it seems to me that he is in the pocket of Wall Street and Banking industry interests. Also, he is a young man with a young family and a long future ahead of him, so he carefully avoids stepping on the toes of anyone who could seriously compromise him after he leaves Office.

I probably will vote for him in November but I've been toying with the idea of writing in Eliot Spitzer, Bernie Sanders, Dennis Kucinich or Ralph Nader. But the bottom line is the thought of any Republican winning the Office is scary. Because the Nation desperately needs to break away from the corporate influence and put an end to the emerging wealth aristocracy before we end up like Chile under Pinochet.


Yes. Kucinich. And I'll tell you why so you might be able to respond with more than a one-word question and a smiley.

Kucinich is a political bantam rooster, which is what Progressive America needs in order to deal with the emerging corporatocracy. Kucinich would not have appointed a wooden indian like Eric Holder as Attorney General. Kucinich would not have allowed the Bush Administration to walk away grinning with contempt, thereby eliminating any deterrent to similar criminal conduct by future administrations.

Kucinich would not have appointed finance industry moles like Geithner and Summers. Instead he would have appointed proven Progressive economists like Robert Reich and he would have conducted serious investigations of Wall Street and the banking industry -- not the sham we are seeing now.

In a word, Kucinich is aggressive. He is so because he is a man of small stature and has been dealing with that stigma all his life. And, unlike Obama, who is tall with no cause to feel compromised, Kucinich has been training for political combat for all of his career -- and he has the scars to prove it. He would not further compromise his purpose as Obama has done so many times.

While I believe Obama is a much better President that was Bush, which is not saying much, he has repeatedly disappointed me in ways I am absolutely certain Kucinich would not. What I wanted Obama to do is wage war against the Republican Congress. Win or lose I wanted that fight. But he has shown himself to be afraid of repercussion. And I am sure Kucinich would not be afraid of it but would stand up to it.
Your point???

Your a hack and not a very good one. Thanks for asking.

No, thank you. If you would have said something nice I would have been quite worried. I am not crazy about a person of your caliber liking what I have to say.

Well--this is what DEFINES Rick Santorum now--and unfortunately it is TRUE.


You're not going to defeat Barack Obama with this Taliwacker candidate. Women and Independents will be RUNNING into those voting booths to vote for Obama--if Santorum wins the nomination.
I read the title of this thread, then read the OP....and then I.....


This place is chalk full of trolls.
I think it would be an even debate.

If Santorum were debating a potato.

But then again..the potato wouldn't say anything stupid.



Do you ever post anything serious anymore?

Most people agree with Obama on bringing jobs back home and having those jobs be high paying jobs, not low. Santorum is on the side of the free trade capitalists rich robber barons who sent 7 million jobs overseas on purpose to lower our wages.

Most people agree with a woman's right to choose.

The facts say the policies Santorum promotes are the same policies that drove our economy off a cliff. And most people say they understand that it was Bush policies and not Obama policies that crashed this economy.

But Santorum is going to argue to make the Bush tax breaks permanent. Most people want them to end.

Most people don't think corporations or the rich are paying their fair share. Santorum is going to say they need more breaks. Most people realize trickle down free trade has not worked for the majority of Americans but the rich have never been richer. Santorum says middle class workers make too much but CEO's can never make enough.

The GOP want to kill social security and medicare. How is Santorum going to discuss any of these things with Obama? He's going to get eaten up. The GOP has gone too far to the right to win a general election. They only win midterms.

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