Can You Imagine A Santorum/Obama Debate? Santorum Will Rip Barry To Shreds !!

And remember how we all imagined how Newt would of beaten Barry to a pulp? It would be the same with Santorum, he is really giving it to Obama lately. Thank God he's Catholic !! and you can just see Santorum ripping Obama on all of his failures and Obama will just stand there looking like a speechless hamster looking for answers in his teleprompters !!

[ame=]Full Speech Rick Santorum at CPAC 2012 » The Right Scoop - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=]HIGH Quality: President Obama STATE of the UNION Address 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

Can't wait..

And remember how we all imagined how Newt would of beaten Barry to a pulp? It would be the same with Santorum, he is really giving it to Obama lately. Thank God he's Catholic !! and you can just see Santorum ripping Obama on all of his failures and Obama will just stand there looking like a speechless hamster looking for answers in his teleprompters !!

Dream about it. Because it will never happen in real life. Santorum is from the dark ages, I swear.

And Obama's right out of 1917 Russia.

Santorum reminds me of Dan Quayle

Deer in the headlights
Winning a debate? We'll see. Winning an election when he lost his last Senate race by 16 points? No...

Thanks for playing.
I think that he will whoop santorum and make him look stupid. The worst thing this country could have is some right wing social con as President. NO FUCKING THANK YOU!
Wishful thinking from the rw's because that's all they have.

Remember that the Repubs said they would never allow another camera to record the embarrassment like they suffered at Baltimore or with the health care debates.

The prez handed them their collective heads. It might be on You Tube for those who want to see it.

President Obama does very well when speaking extemporaneously.

Mittens won't have a chance. Not even a whisper of a chance.

And remember how we all imagined how Newt would of beaten Barry to a pulp? It would be the same with Santorum, he is really giving it to Obama lately. Thank God he's Catholic !! and you can just see Santorum ripping Obama on all of his failures and Obama will just stand there looking like a speechless hamster looking for answers in his teleprompters !!

Yeah I sure can but you have it opposite, Obama will rip Santorum to shreds, he may be an extreme social conservative but most definitely not a fiscal conservative.
Voted for a debt ceiling increase 5 times.
Voted for a minimum wage increase 6 times.
Voted for an increase in the Arts and Humanities buget and refused a decrease in the budget.
Was the king of earmarks with a money trail that leads from the earmark recipients right back to his campaign war chest.
Voted one of the most corrupt senators 3 years in a row.
Voted against e-verify for illegals.
Voted against the right to work 3 times.

Now for the corruption- rented a house in PA, but actually lived in Washington,billed the state of Pa for some tax credit for education when his kids never went to school there. That's a lot of the reason that he lost his last re-election bid in a landslide. Then being such the Christian could only cough up a measly 2.4% in charitable donations out of his million dollar income last year. What a guy and then there is this: Watch through the commercial, it's a stellar performance of Slick Ricki saying one thing and doing quite another. BTW should he win the nomination you can bet your buck wheat this the below video will be shown 24/7 just for your amusement.

Flashback: Rick Santorum Caught in Medical Malpractice Doubletalk | Video - ABC News

And remember how we all imagined how Newt would of beaten Barry to a pulp? It would be the same with Santorum, he is really giving it to Obama lately. Thank God he's Catholic !! and you can just see Santorum ripping Obama on all of his failures and Obama will just stand there looking like a speechless hamster looking for answers in his teleprompters !!

Off the cuff reality vs. the Great Stutterer. It'll be like watching Ronald Reagan debating Mel Tillis.

And remember how we all imagined how Newt would of beaten Barry to a pulp? It would be the same with Santorum, he is really giving it to Obama lately. Thank God he's Catholic !! and you can just see Santorum ripping Obama on all of his failures and Obama will just stand there looking like a speechless hamster looking for answers in his teleprompters !!

I know a lot of devout Catholics and they tithe at least 10%, what say you to the fact that Santorum made one million last year and gave a pathetic 2.4% in total charitable giving. I say he uses his religion to get people like you, who do not vet their candidates, to support them. You got suckered.:cuckoo:

And remember how we all imagined how Newt would of beaten Barry to a pulp? It would be the same with Santorum, he is really giving it to Obama lately. Thank God he's Catholic !! and you can just see Santorum ripping Obama on all of his failures and Obama will just stand there looking like a speechless hamster looking for answers in his teleprompters !!

I know a lot of devout Catholics and they tithe at least 10%, what say you to the fact that Santorum made one million last year and gave a pathetic 2.4% in total charitable giving. I say he uses his religion to get people like you, who do not vet their candidates, to support them. You got suckered.:cuckoo:

And then there is this, get used to seeing it, because should we have Santorum as our nominee you will be seeing in 24/7, watch through the commercial it's very entertaining. LOL

Flashback: Rick Santorum Caught in Medical Malpractice Doubletalk | Video - ABC News
Santorum could win the debate, all three debates, make no gaffes, and do everything else right and he's still lose the election. Why? He will get 0.00% of any independent voters and there aren't enough hard right conservatives to give him a plurality. The debates make no difference what so ever.

The debates will mean very little this year. Partially because the nation is so polarized. Appointing the most polarized of candidates will do nothing except solidify the hard right vote. Congratulations.

And remember how we all imagined how Newt would of beaten Barry to a pulp? It would be the same with Santorum, he is really giving it to Obama lately. Thank God he's Catholic !! and you can just see Santorum ripping Obama on all of his failures and Obama will just stand there looking like a speechless hamster looking for answers in his teleprompters !!

Want to bet $1000 on Santorum?
I think Santorum will sound arrogant and aangry, thus Obama will appear as a "leader". Santorum will have time to prep however, and has a contradictory record to slither around. Santorum is intelligent, though the President is also. But Santorum will have lots of wiggle room-snakes wiggle well naturally.

Santorum won't be the nominee. He is likely to give Mittens a good run, but I just don't see Santorum getting enough delegates to make it.
Santorum won't be the nominee. He is likely to give Mittens a good run, but I just don't see Santorum getting enough delegates to make it.

But to indulge the OP, no, Santorum will sound strident and extreme, the radical rightist that he is, very much out of touch with most of America. A debate with Obama would be a disaster for Santorum.
Santorum could win the debate, all three debates, make no gaffes, and do everything else right and he's still lose the election. Why? He will get 0.00% of any independent voters and there aren't enough hard right conservatives to give him a plurality. The debates make no difference what so ever.

The debates will mean very little this year. Partially because the nation is so polarized. Appointing the most polarized of candidates will do nothing except solidify the hard right vote. Congratulations.

Tell it to the Republican Majority in the House. Tell it to Ronald Reagan. Tell it to the hand!:talktothehand:
This board makes one thing crystal clear: Either the left or the right is extremely out of touch with mainstream America. I guess we'll find out which in November.
Want to bet $1000 on Santorum?
I think Santorum will sound arrogant and aangry, thus Obama will appear as a "leader". Santorum will have time to prep however, and has a contradictory record to slither around. Santorum is intelligent, though the President is also. But Santorum will have lots of wiggle room-snakes wiggle well naturally.

Santorum won't be the nominee. He is likely to give Mittens a good run, but I just don't see Santorum getting enough delegates to make it.

Romney is toast. It's written on the wall in giant screaming red letters and you people refuse to see it. Santorum will be your next president. He will have a super majority in the Senate and House.

The foreclosure rate is going sky high, the price of gas is going up with it. The unemployment rate is going to stagnate and then rise. Obama is history. Worse than Jimmy Carter and Mike Dukakis and George McGovern combined he will lose. Every state and DC to boot.

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