Can You Imagine If The US Shot Down An Airliner??

Geraldo embarrasses Fox & Friends host by pointing out America did actually shoot down an Iranian jetliner

Question......Can you imagine if the US military shot down a commercial airliner and killing everyone on board??

I have often said that memory is kryptonite to these so-called Trump conservatives and honestly to republicans in general....Geraldo of all people has once again slapped Fox & Friends in the face with facts..what was Steve Doocy thinking?? Oh I forgot, he is a wonder Hannity was smart enough to cancel Geraldo appearances -- it would have been embarrassing for Hannity to get owned like this on his own show during prime time...can't have that...

"While discussing the downed plane, Doocy asked Rivera, “Can you imagine if the United States of America accidentally shot down a jetliner?” Rivera, however, didn’t miss a beat and pointed out that the U.S. actually had done that in the 1980s. 'Well, you know Steve, we did in 1988,” he replied. “It was an international, uh — well not a scandal, but a big debate. Our guided-missile frigate Vincennes, in the Gulf there, shot down an Iranian passenger liner. 290 died, including over 60 children. And it was something that took us years to live down.”

As I said, memory is kryptonite to a Trumper....because indeed, we shot down an Iranian jetliner and we denied it....for fact, Bush Sr said he would never apologize for it or anything else the US did...Many Iranians felt the jet was shot down in order to aid Iraq which was fighting a war with Iran at the wasn't until 1996 or so that the US finally took some type of accountability and paid Iran 61 million dollars..This Iranian jet attack happened just 9 years after the citizens there overthrew the Shah -- who himself was put there after we decided to overthrow their leader..luckily no war erupted after the first jet being shot down and no war erupted after this jet being shot down....but as for the prospects of a peace deal coming immediately after this?? Doubt it..especially since we just tore up the nuke deal -- we may believe we are morally superior to everyone else on Earth but it will be naive of us to not at least understand why most Iranians have trust issues when it comes to us making deals....ask North Korea.....ask Libya.....

Who cares? Just 290 more hard on's for you libtards to circle jerk over. That's all any of those folks on either flight are to you and people like you. You don't care about any of them, woman, children or otherwise. They are all just internet memes to you.
Self projection is fun to watch...

Can you do some more please?

"Self projection" yet here you are using dead people to bash America. "Self Projection", lol. Maybe you will get lucky and you libturds can have another sandyhook to jack off over.
Sandy Hook -- another tragedy that you dic suckers tried to claim didn't happen
The other thing not being widely reported, that makes sense given the situation currently is this. The Iranians intentionally shot down that plane, that was leaving, not arriving, anticipating an American retaliatory strike. Then they would claim that an American missile hit that plane. Then Trump simply laughed them off and the Iranians are left holding the bag with nobody else to blame it on. Thus why they were bulldozing the site and refused to turn over the black box. Certainly possible given the circumstances.
possible ---but very unlikely
Yet, it was only Bush who decided to invade and kill over 100,000

They'd have definately been better off with Saddam in power, is that what you're saying?
So would we

That's just sick dude....
Where would we be without the 7,000 dead, tens of thousand maimed and $3 trillion wasted on a senseless invasion

Yes, I will take it in a minute. So would most Americans

Cry me a river...Those deaths are on Saddam's head....He was given the chance to take exile...He chose to stay and put those people in front of him like human shields...And cheer him for that because you are just vile.

Those deaths are on Bush’s head
He decided to invade under a false threat of WMDs
They'd have definately been better off with Saddam in power, is that what you're saying?
So would we

That's just sick dude....
Where would we be without the 7,000 dead, tens of thousand maimed and $3 trillion wasted on a senseless invasion

Yes, I will take it in a minute. So would most Americans

Cry me a river...Those deaths are on Saddam's head....He was given the chance to take exile...He chose to stay and put those people in front of him like human shields...And cheer him for that because you are just vile.

Those deaths are on Bush’s head
He decided to invade under a false threat of WMDs

Are we debating Iraq circa 2003 or the downed airliner of 2020 by Iran?
Geraldo embarrasses Fox & Friends host by pointing out America did actually shoot down an Iranian jetliner

Question......Can you imagine if the US military shot down a commercial airliner and killing everyone on board??

I have often said that memory is kryptonite to these so-called Trump conservatives and honestly to republicans in general....Geraldo of all people has once again slapped Fox & Friends in the face with facts..what was Steve Doocy thinking?? Oh I forgot, he is a wonder Hannity was smart enough to cancel Geraldo appearances -- it would have been embarrassing for Hannity to get owned like this on his own show during prime time...can't have that...

"While discussing the downed plane, Doocy asked Rivera, “Can you imagine if the United States of America accidentally shot down a jetliner?” Rivera, however, didn’t miss a beat and pointed out that the U.S. actually had done that in the 1980s. 'Well, you know Steve, we did in 1988,” he replied. “It was an international, uh — well not a scandal, but a big debate. Our guided-missile frigate Vincennes, in the Gulf there, shot down an Iranian passenger liner. 290 died, including over 60 children. And it was something that took us years to live down.”

As I said, memory is kryptonite to a Trumper....because indeed, we shot down an Iranian jetliner and we denied it....for fact, Bush Sr said he would never apologize for it or anything else the US did...Many Iranians felt the jet was shot down in order to aid Iraq which was fighting a war with Iran at the wasn't until 1996 or so that the US finally took some type of accountability and paid Iran 61 million dollars..This Iranian jet attack happened just 9 years after the citizens there overthrew the Shah -- who himself was put there after we decided to overthrow their leader..luckily no war erupted after the first jet being shot down and no war erupted after this jet being shot down....but as for the prospects of a peace deal coming immediately after this?? Doubt it..especially since we just tore up the nuke deal -- we may believe we are morally superior to everyone else on Earth but it will be naive of us to not at least understand why most Iranians have trust issues when it comes to us making deals....ask North Korea.....ask Libya.....

Who cares? Just 290 more hard on's for you libtards to circle jerk over. That's all any of those folks on either flight are to you and people like you. You don't care about any of them, woman, children or otherwise. They are all just internet memes to you.
Self projection is fun to watch...

Can you do some more please?

"Self projection" yet here you are using dead people to bash America. "Self Projection", lol. Maybe you will get lucky and you libturds can have another sandyhook to jack off over.
Sandy Hook -- another tragedy that you dic suckers tried to claim didn't happen

You do? Again, those kids are nothing to you but "thank you's" and smiley faces on a message board.
So would we

That's just sick dude....
Where would we be without the 7,000 dead, tens of thousand maimed and $3 trillion wasted on a senseless invasion

Yes, I will take it in a minute. So would most Americans

Cry me a river...Those deaths are on Saddam's head....He was given the chance to take exile...He chose to stay and put those people in front of him like human shields...And cheer him for that because you are just vile.

Those deaths are on Bush’s head
He decided to invade under a false threat of WMDs

Are we debating Iraq circa 2003 or the downed airliner of 2020 by Iran?
Do you know who Saddam was?
Because he is the President of the United States and we have to trust him to make decisions on our behalf

Nah, you people take it to the literal extreme...Nothing he says can ever be joking, or diverge from what you think he should say, and how he should say it, otherwise you attack....Dispicable...
You mean like when Bush was joking about looking for WMD's under his couch or table and saying "No WMD's there..." while tens of thousands of people were literally dying behind that lie -- yea, that was a real hoot....

Bush jokes about search for WMD, but it's no laughing matter for critics

I never said they were good jokes...
Give me a good WMD joke for a president who ordered an invasion based on WMD's he knew didn't exist???

Something that families of dead soldiers and Iraqis would have had a good giggle about back in 2005...….

Knew didn't exist? He was just listening to Nancy Pelosi and Bill Clinton, they said they existed very much so. What say you?

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
-Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998

Saddam Hussein has spent the better part of this decade and much of his nation's wealth not on providing for the Iraqi people but on developing nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them."
-- President Bill Clinton (State of the Union Address), Jan. 27, 1998

"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998
Those were said before Clinton and Blair took out Huesein's WMD.

CNN - Saddam Hussein proclaims 'victory' after airstrikes end - U.S., Britain: Mission accomplished - December 20, 1998

The Pentagon reported 97 sites had been hit and produced aerial photographs of what it said were damaged missile production facilities, collapsed Republican Guard barracks and a government building in Baghdad struck by three cruise missiles.

Both Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair said the mission -- to stop Iraq from continuing to make and store weapons of mass destruction -- was accomplished.
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Geraldo embarrasses Fox & Friends host by pointing out America did actually shoot down an Iranian jetliner

Question......Can you imagine if the US military shot down a commercial airliner and killing everyone on board??

I have often said that memory is kryptonite to these so-called Trump conservatives and honestly to republicans in general....Geraldo of all people has once again slapped Fox & Friends in the face with facts..what was Steve Doocy thinking?? Oh I forgot, he is a wonder Hannity was smart enough to cancel Geraldo appearances -- it would have been embarrassing for Hannity to get owned like this on his own show during prime time...can't have that...

"While discussing the downed plane, Doocy asked Rivera, “Can you imagine if the United States of America accidentally shot down a jetliner?” Rivera, however, didn’t miss a beat and pointed out that the U.S. actually had done that in the 1980s. 'Well, you know Steve, we did in 1988,” he replied. “It was an international, uh — well not a scandal, but a big debate. Our guided-missile frigate Vincennes, in the Gulf there, shot down an Iranian passenger liner. 290 died, including over 60 children. And it was something that took us years to live down.”

As I said, memory is kryptonite to a Trumper....because indeed, we shot down an Iranian jetliner and we denied it....for fact, Bush Sr said he would never apologize for it or anything else the US did...Many Iranians felt the jet was shot down in order to aid Iraq which was fighting a war with Iran at the wasn't until 1996 or so that the US finally took some type of accountability and paid Iran 61 million dollars..This Iranian jet attack happened just 9 years after the citizens there overthrew the Shah -- who himself was put there after we decided to overthrow their leader..luckily no war erupted after the first jet being shot down and no war erupted after this jet being shot down....but as for the prospects of a peace deal coming immediately after this?? Doubt it..especially since we just tore up the nuke deal -- we may believe we are morally superior to everyone else on Earth but it will be naive of us to not at least understand why most Iranians have trust issues when it comes to us making deals....ask North Korea.....ask Libya.....

Who cares? Just 290 more hard on's for you libtards to circle jerk over. That's all any of those folks on either flight are to you and people like you. You don't care about any of them, woman, children or otherwise. They are all just internet memes to you.
Self projection is fun to watch...

Can you do some more please?

"Self projection" yet here you are using dead people to bash America. "Self Projection", lol. Maybe you will get lucky and you libturds can have another sandyhook to jack off over.
Sandy Hook -- another tragedy that you dic suckers tried to claim didn't happen
They're a sick bunch.
Geraldo embarrasses Fox & Friends host by pointing out America did actually shoot down an Iranian jetliner

Question......Can you imagine if the US military shot down a commercial airliner and killing everyone on board??

I have often said that memory is kryptonite to these so-called Trump conservatives and honestly to republicans in general....Geraldo of all people has once again slapped Fox & Friends in the face with facts..what was Steve Doocy thinking?? Oh I forgot, he is a wonder Hannity was smart enough to cancel Geraldo appearances -- it would have been embarrassing for Hannity to get owned like this on his own show during prime time...can't have that...

"While discussing the downed plane, Doocy asked Rivera, “Can you imagine if the United States of America accidentally shot down a jetliner?” Rivera, however, didn’t miss a beat and pointed out that the U.S. actually had done that in the 1980s. 'Well, you know Steve, we did in 1988,” he replied. “It was an international, uh — well not a scandal, but a big debate. Our guided-missile frigate Vincennes, in the Gulf there, shot down an Iranian passenger liner. 290 died, including over 60 children. And it was something that took us years to live down.”

As I said, memory is kryptonite to a Trumper....because indeed, we shot down an Iranian jetliner and we denied it....for fact, Bush Sr said he would never apologize for it or anything else the US did...Many Iranians felt the jet was shot down in order to aid Iraq which was fighting a war with Iran at the wasn't until 1996 or so that the US finally took some type of accountability and paid Iran 61 million dollars..This Iranian jet attack happened just 9 years after the citizens there overthrew the Shah -- who himself was put there after we decided to overthrow their leader..luckily no war erupted after the first jet being shot down and no war erupted after this jet being shot down....but as for the prospects of a peace deal coming immediately after this?? Doubt it..especially since we just tore up the nuke deal -- we may believe we are morally superior to everyone else on Earth but it will be naive of us to not at least understand why most Iranians have trust issues when it comes to us making deals....ask North Korea.....ask Libya.....

Who cares? Just 290 more hard on's for you libtards to circle jerk over. That's all any of those folks on either flight are to you and people like you. You don't care about any of them, woman, children or otherwise. They are all just internet memes to you.
Self projection is fun to watch...

Can you do some more please?

"Self projection" yet here you are using dead people to bash America. "Self Projection", lol. Maybe you will get lucky and you libturds can have another sandyhook to jack off over.
Sandy Hook -- another tragedy that you dic suckers tried to claim didn't happen
They're a sick bunch.

Not as sick as some who wait for little kids to get shot so they can tug them selves and their little pals on message boards and talk about the presidant being a dick. That's what this is. Does it matter an Iranian passenger jet was shot down by the US navy in the 80's? Nope. Who cares?
Who cares? Just 290 more hard on's for you libtards to circle jerk over. That's all any of those folks on either flight are to you and people like you. You don't care about any of them, woman, children or otherwise. They are all just internet memes to you.
Self projection is fun to watch...

Can you do some more please?

"Self projection" yet here you are using dead people to bash America. "Self Projection", lol. Maybe you will get lucky and you libturds can have another sandyhook to jack off over.
Sandy Hook -- another tragedy that you dic suckers tried to claim didn't happen
They're a sick bunch.

Not as sick as some who wait for little kids to get shot so they can tug them selves and their little pals on message boards and talk about the presidant being a dick. That's what this is. Does it matter an Iranian passenger jet was shot down by the US navy in the 80's? Nope. Who cares?
No one is "tugging themselves" as they wait for little kids to get shot.

You truly are fucked in the head. :cuckoo:
Self projection is fun to watch...

Can you do some more please?

"Self projection" yet here you are using dead people to bash America. "Self Projection", lol. Maybe you will get lucky and you libturds can have another sandyhook to jack off over.
Sandy Hook -- another tragedy that you dic suckers tried to claim didn't happen
They're a sick bunch.

Not as sick as some who wait for little kids to get shot so they can tug them selves and their little pals on message boards and talk about the presidant being a dick. That's what this is. Does it matter an Iranian passenger jet was shot down by the US navy in the 80's? Nope. Who cares?
No one is "tugging themselves" as they wait for little kids to get shot.

You truly are fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

You do. You are one of the worst ones who do it. All these folks on that jet mean shit to you other then to say "fuck trump" 147 times. Y'all act like its a huge deal, but it means nothing to you. It affected you, not at all. You just saw it on the news, and proceeded to post away for a "thank you" and a "Fuck Trump" AAAMEN! That's about it.
Bet me $500.00 giving the needed info to a senior moderator here to pay me and I'll be glad to go locate some examples. Since I know you are totally sure you're right, I can count on you to take the bet?

Maybe you have but it's obvious you aren't going to here. Maybe you condemned him saying he was going to pull out of Syria........but that was a lie.

I fully condemn Donald Trump for not taking credit for scaring the living bejesus out of the Iranians so much that they were literally shitting themselves shooting at every thing they saw in the sky, including the Moon and Venus! :auiqs.jpg: Next time maybe, the airport will contact the authorities and tell them they want to launch a flight right after a military barrage asking them if it is OK?
Did taking out Saddam scare the Iraqis into doing what we tell them??

Because still fighting the same fight 18 years later tells me that they are not doing what we tell them

Your math needs work. We invaded Iraq in 2003, not 2001. That would be 16, almost 17 years ago, not 19.
the Iraq Resolution was in 2002 you dumb ass....and 18 years later we are still fighting the same fight....

When did hostilities actually occur, dumbass?

The AUMF was passed in October, so we have almost a year left to make it even 18 years.
They're down to 200k barrels per day...Who gives a crap? Nah, it's a worn out trope designed to bash this country and that's all...IMHO.

Is that why Trump said he would just confiscate the oil of other countries? Of course he had to be told he can't actually do that. You have to create a bogus war to control it.

Trump spouts lots of things...many of which are designed to get your goat....Why do you let him...?
Because he is the President of the United States and we have to trust him to make decisions on our behalf

Nah, you people take it to the literal extreme...Nothing he says can ever be joking, or diverge from what you think he should say, and how he should say it, otherwise you attack....Dispicable...
You mean like when Bush was joking about looking for WMD's under his couch or table and saying "No WMD's there..." while tens of thousands of people were literally dying behind that lie -- yea, that was a real hoot....

Bush jokes about search for WMD, but it's no laughing matter for critics

Well, except for the fact that it was the Iraqis that lied about having WMDs.
Trump spouts lots of things...many of which are designed to get your goat....Why do you let him...?
Because he is the President of the United States and we have to trust him to make decisions on our behalf

Nah, you people take it to the literal extreme...Nothing he says can ever be joking, or diverge from what you think he should say, and how he should say it, otherwise you attack....Dispicable...
You mean like when Bush was joking about looking for WMD's under his couch or table and saying "No WMD's there..." while tens of thousands of people were literally dying behind that lie -- yea, that was a real hoot....

Bush jokes about search for WMD, but it's no laughing matter for critics

I never said they were good jokes...
Give me a good WMD joke for a president who ordered an invasion based on WMD's he knew didn't exist???

Something that families of dead soldiers and Iraqis would have had a good giggle about back in 2005...….

The only joke you have is in your hand when you take a leak!

Bush did not know they existed because the Iraqis created the illusion that they had a full blown WMD program, all of which were lies designed to keep other countries scared of them.
"Self projection" yet here you are using dead people to bash America. "Self Projection", lol. Maybe you will get lucky and you libturds can have another sandyhook to jack off over.
Sandy Hook -- another tragedy that you dic suckers tried to claim didn't happen
They're a sick bunch.

Not as sick as some who wait for little kids to get shot so they can tug them selves and their little pals on message boards and talk about the presidant being a dick. That's what this is. Does it matter an Iranian passenger jet was shot down by the US navy in the 80's? Nope. Who cares?
No one is "tugging themselves" as they wait for little kids to get shot.

You truly are fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

You do. You are one of the worst ones who do it. All these folks on that jet mean shit to you other then to say "fuck trump" 147 times. Y'all act like its a huge deal, but it means nothing to you. It affected you, not at all. You just saw it on the news, and proceeded to post away for a "thank you" and a "Fuck Trump" AAAMEN! That's about it.

Yup, you're truly fucked in the head. Not once did I blame Impeached Trump for that jet being shot down.

There's is something seriously wrong with you. You literallysee things that aren'teven there. :cuckoo:
Sandy Hook -- another tragedy that you dic suckers tried to claim didn't happen
They're a sick bunch.

Not as sick as some who wait for little kids to get shot so they can tug them selves and their little pals on message boards and talk about the presidant being a dick. That's what this is. Does it matter an Iranian passenger jet was shot down by the US navy in the 80's? Nope. Who cares?
No one is "tugging themselves" as they wait for little kids to get shot.

You truly are fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

You do. You are one of the worst ones who do it. All these folks on that jet mean shit to you other then to say "fuck trump" 147 times. Y'all act like its a huge deal, but it means nothing to you. It affected you, not at all. You just saw it on the news, and proceeded to post away for a "thank you" and a "Fuck Trump" AAAMEN! That's about it.

Yup, you're truly fucked in the head. Not once did I blame Impeached Trump for that jet being shot down.

There's is something seriously wrong with you. You literallysee things that aren'teven there. :cuckoo:

Na, but you do. You are just to chicken shit to admit that shit like the airliner and mass shootings get you off when you get to blame it on team reds guy, yet you slobber all over your self and get all wet when team blue does it. You are just a trumpkin in a blue hat instead of a red one.
They're a sick bunch.

Not as sick as some who wait for little kids to get shot so they can tug them selves and their little pals on message boards and talk about the presidant being a dick. That's what this is. Does it matter an Iranian passenger jet was shot down by the US navy in the 80's? Nope. Who cares?
No one is "tugging themselves" as they wait for little kids to get shot.

You truly are fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

You do. You are one of the worst ones who do it. All these folks on that jet mean shit to you other then to say "fuck trump" 147 times. Y'all act like its a huge deal, but it means nothing to you. It affected you, not at all. You just saw it on the news, and proceeded to post away for a "thank you" and a "Fuck Trump" AAAMEN! That's about it.

Yup, you're truly fucked in the head. Not once did I blame Impeached Trump for that jet being shot down.

There's is something seriously wrong with you. You literallysee things that aren'teven there. :cuckoo:

Na, but you do. You are just to chicken shit to admit that shit like the airliner and mass shootings get you off when you get to blame it on team reds guy, yet you slobber all over your self and get all wet when team blue does it. You are just a trumpkin in a blue hat instead of a red one.
The circumstances surrounding that Iranian airliner accident were way different from this one.
Oh really? Okay, describe them for us. You can start with our boat, in Iranian waters, shooting down a civilian plane in Iranian airspace.

And, go!
Americans did not shoot a missile at an airliner taking off from one of its own airports.
We did shoot a missile at an airliner in Iran air space with a IFF beacon

We actually claimed......I thought it was an F-14
...and the Vincennes was in Iranian territorial waters when the deed was done.
Being attacked by gunboats.
Do you even realize that you’re trying to justify mass murder by Iranians?
The circumstances surrounding that Iranian airliner accident were way different from this one. You should be embarrassed for attempting a comparison.
No they weren’t. Both were tragic mistakes in times of heightened tensions.
Who was firing on Iran when they shot down an airliner at their own airport? Nobody.
Idiot, why would the intentionally shoot down a Ukrainian flight mostly Iranians and no Americans?
Because they’re Iranians and they and democrats would blame it on the US, which they did.
Your turban’s crooked.

You're an imbecile. They never blamed the U.S.. At first, they denied it was shot down. Then they admitted they did after they crash revealed it was, but said it was an accident.

That you have to lie to make the incident fit your bizarre narrative should have been your first clue you're an idiot.
Democrats blamed it on trump. That’s the US. Imbecile. You’re a seditionist.

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