Can You Imagine If The US Shot Down An Airliner??

The circumstances surrounding that Iranian airliner accident were way different from this one.
Oh really? Okay, describe them for us. You can start with our boat, in Iranian waters, shooting down a civilian plane in Iranian airspace.

And, go!
Americans did not shoot a missile at an airliner taking off from one of its own airports.
We did shoot a missile at an airliner in Iran air space with a IFF beacon

We actually claimed......I thought it was an F-14
...and the Vincennes was in Iranian territorial waters when the deed was done.
Being attacked by gunboats.
Do you even realize that you’re trying to justify mass murder by Iranians?
It is surprising that someone would post such a statement.
The fact of the ship's location at the time is simply that; a fact.
That one nation might attack in its territorial waters a warship of another nation is almost natural.
No justification for "mass murder" can logically be implied.
Maybe you have but it's obvious you aren't going to here. Maybe you condemned him saying he was going to pull out of Syria........but that was a lie.

I fully condemn Donald Trump for not taking credit for scaring the living bejesus out of the Iranians so much that they were literally shitting themselves shooting at every thing they saw in the sky, including the Moon and Venus! :auiqs.jpg: Next time maybe, the airport will contact the authorities and tell them they want to launch a flight right after a military barrage asking them if it is OK?
Did taking out Saddam scare the Iraqis into doing what we tell them??

Because still fighting the same fight 18 years later tells me that they are not doing what we tell them

Your math needs work. We invaded Iraq in 2003, not 2001. That would be 16, almost 17 years ago, not 19.
the Iraq Resolution was in 2002 you dumb ass....and 18 years later we are still fighting the same fight....

When did hostilities actually occur, dumbass?

The AUMF was passed in October, so we have almost a year left to make it even 18 years.
Hostilities occurred in 2002......then we tried to use that to justify invading Iraq you dunce....remember how none of the hi-jackers came from Iraq -- majority of them came from Saudi Arabia -- but we decide to invade Iraq...

And pussies like you are still trying to defend that dumb shit 18 years later...

Which is why when I see pussies like you try to disavow and claim you never worshipped these 2 guys -- I know you are full of shit....

I fully condemn Donald Trump for not taking credit for scaring the living bejesus out of the Iranians so much that they were literally shitting themselves shooting at every thing they saw in the sky, including the Moon and Venus! :auiqs.jpg: Next time maybe, the airport will contact the authorities and tell them they want to launch a flight right after a military barrage asking them if it is OK?
Did taking out Saddam scare the Iraqis into doing what we tell them??

Because still fighting the same fight 18 years later tells me that they are not doing what we tell them

Your math needs work. We invaded Iraq in 2003, not 2001. That would be 16, almost 17 years ago, not 19.
the Iraq Resolution was in 2002 you dumb ass....and 18 years later we are still fighting the same fight....

When did hostilities actually occur, dumbass?

The AUMF was passed in October, so we have almost a year left to make it even 18 years.
Hostilities occurred in 2002......then we tried to use that to justify invading Iraq you dunce....remember how none of the hi-jackers came from Iraq -- majority of them came from Saudi Arabia -- but we decide to invade Iraq...

And pussies like you are still trying to defend that dumb shit 18 years later...

Which is why when I see pussies like you try to disavow and claim you never worshipped these 2 guys -- I know you are full of shit....

View attachment 300145

Ah, so you wanted to attack Saudi Arabia....I'd bet a years salary that had that happened you'd be bitching about that.
Did taking out Saddam scare the Iraqis into doing what we tell them??

Because still fighting the same fight 18 years later tells me that they are not doing what we tell them

Your math needs work. We invaded Iraq in 2003, not 2001. That would be 16, almost 17 years ago, not 19.
the Iraq Resolution was in 2002 you dumb ass....and 18 years later we are still fighting the same fight....

When did hostilities actually occur, dumbass?

The AUMF was passed in October, so we have almost a year left to make it even 18 years.
Hostilities occurred in 2002......then we tried to use that to justify invading Iraq you dunce....remember how none of the hi-jackers came from Iraq -- majority of them came from Saudi Arabia -- but we decide to invade Iraq...

And pussies like you are still trying to defend that dumb shit 18 years later...

Which is why when I see pussies like you try to disavow and claim you never worshipped these 2 guys -- I know you are full of shit....

View attachment 300145

Ah, so you wanted to attack Saudi Arabia....I'd bet a years salary that had that happened you'd be bitching about that.

The argument was that it made more sense based upon the reasons we were gave to attack Saudi Arabia as opposed to Iraq. Not that either would have been justifiable.
Your math needs work. We invaded Iraq in 2003, not 2001. That would be 16, almost 17 years ago, not 19.
the Iraq Resolution was in 2002 you dumb ass....and 18 years later we are still fighting the same fight....

When did hostilities actually occur, dumbass?

The AUMF was passed in October, so we have almost a year left to make it even 18 years.
Hostilities occurred in 2002......then we tried to use that to justify invading Iraq you dunce....remember how none of the hi-jackers came from Iraq -- majority of them came from Saudi Arabia -- but we decide to invade Iraq...

And pussies like you are still trying to defend that dumb shit 18 years later...

Which is why when I see pussies like you try to disavow and claim you never worshipped these 2 guys -- I know you are full of shit....

View attachment 300145

Ah, so you wanted to attack Saudi Arabia....I'd bet a years salary that had that happened you'd be bitching about that.

The argument was that it made more sense based upon the reasons we were gave to attack Saudi Arabia as opposed to Iraq. Not that either would have been justifiable.
They are so dense that I see why neo-cons can so blatantly run the same play they did 18 years ago.....with little changes to the script....
Your math needs work. We invaded Iraq in 2003, not 2001. That would be 16, almost 17 years ago, not 19.
the Iraq Resolution was in 2002 you dumb ass....and 18 years later we are still fighting the same fight....

When did hostilities actually occur, dumbass?

The AUMF was passed in October, so we have almost a year left to make it even 18 years.
Hostilities occurred in 2002......then we tried to use that to justify invading Iraq you dunce....remember how none of the hi-jackers came from Iraq -- majority of them came from Saudi Arabia -- but we decide to invade Iraq...

And pussies like you are still trying to defend that dumb shit 18 years later...

Which is why when I see pussies like you try to disavow and claim you never worshipped these 2 guys -- I know you are full of shit....

View attachment 300145

Ah, so you wanted to attack Saudi Arabia....I'd bet a years salary that had that happened you'd be bitching about that.

The argument was that it made more sense based upon the reasons we were gave to attack Saudi Arabia as opposed to Iraq. Not that either would have been justifiable.

Ah, so when America is attacked, and civilians die, NO attack is justifiable....However, according to logic displayed by you, when others like Iran attack our interests, they ARE justified because you know.....United States....

Pathetic dude.
Because he is the President of the United States and we have to trust him to make decisions on our behalf

Nah, you people take it to the literal extreme...Nothing he says can ever be joking, or diverge from what you think he should say, and how he should say it, otherwise you attack....Dispicable...
You mean like when Bush was joking about looking for WMD's under his couch or table and saying "No WMD's there..." while tens of thousands of people were literally dying behind that lie -- yea, that was a real hoot....

Bush jokes about search for WMD, but it's no laughing matter for critics

I never said they were good jokes...
Give me a good WMD joke for a president who ordered an invasion based on WMD's he knew didn't exist???

Something that families of dead soldiers and Iraqis would have had a good giggle about back in 2005...….

The only joke you have is in your hand when you take a leak!

Bush did not know they existed because the Iraqis created the illusion that they had a full blown WMD program, all of which were lies designed to keep other countries scared of them.
Yet most of the world did not buy in to the bluff and would not join Bush’s “Coalition of the Willing”
Did taking out Saddam scare the Iraqis into doing what we tell them??

Because still fighting the same fight 18 years later tells me that they are not doing what we tell them

Your math needs work. We invaded Iraq in 2003, not 2001. That would be 16, almost 17 years ago, not 19.
the Iraq Resolution was in 2002 you dumb ass....and 18 years later we are still fighting the same fight....

When did hostilities actually occur, dumbass?

The AUMF was passed in October, so we have almost a year left to make it even 18 years.
Hostilities occurred in 2002......then we tried to use that to justify invading Iraq you dunce....remember how none of the hi-jackers came from Iraq -- majority of them came from Saudi Arabia -- but we decide to invade Iraq...

And pussies like you are still trying to defend that dumb shit 18 years later...

Which is why when I see pussies like you try to disavow and claim you never worshipped these 2 guys -- I know you are full of shit....

View attachment 300145

Ah, so you wanted to attack Saudi Arabia....I'd bet a years salary that had that happened you'd be bitching about that.
Fuk Saudi
the Iraq Resolution was in 2002 you dumb ass....and 18 years later we are still fighting the same fight....

When did hostilities actually occur, dumbass?

The AUMF was passed in October, so we have almost a year left to make it even 18 years.
Hostilities occurred in 2002......then we tried to use that to justify invading Iraq you dunce....remember how none of the hi-jackers came from Iraq -- majority of them came from Saudi Arabia -- but we decide to invade Iraq...

And pussies like you are still trying to defend that dumb shit 18 years later...

Which is why when I see pussies like you try to disavow and claim you never worshipped these 2 guys -- I know you are full of shit....

View attachment 300145

Ah, so you wanted to attack Saudi Arabia....I'd bet a years salary that had that happened you'd be bitching about that.

The argument was that it made more sense based upon the reasons we were gave to attack Saudi Arabia as opposed to Iraq. Not that either would have been justifiable.
They are so dense that I see why neo-cons can so blatantly run the same play they did 18 years ago.....with little changes to the script....

You need a mirror moron.....Hell you don't even know what a "neocon" is....Hell, by reading how you use the term you seem to use it to describe anyone on the right you find objectionable when it comes to foreign and defense issues. And like most psuedo know it all's, you're lazy with it, and quite wrong.
No they weren’t. Both were tragic mistakes in times of heightened tensions.
Who was firing on Iran when they shot down an airliner at their own airport? Nobody.
Idiot, why would the intentionally shoot down a Ukrainian flight mostly Iranians and no Americans?
Because they’re Iranians and they and democrats would blame it on the US, which they did.
Your turban’s crooked.

You're an imbecile. They never blamed the U.S.. At first, they denied it was shot down. Then they admitted they did after they crash revealed it was, but said it was an accident.

That you have to lie to make the incident fit your bizarre narrative should have been your first clue you're an idiot.
Democrats blamed it on trump. That’s the US. Imbecile. You’re a seditionist.
I'm talking about Iran, ya moron.
Your math needs work. We invaded Iraq in 2003, not 2001. That would be 16, almost 17 years ago, not 19.
the Iraq Resolution was in 2002 you dumb ass....and 18 years later we are still fighting the same fight....

When did hostilities actually occur, dumbass?

The AUMF was passed in October, so we have almost a year left to make it even 18 years.
Hostilities occurred in 2002......then we tried to use that to justify invading Iraq you dunce....remember how none of the hi-jackers came from Iraq -- majority of them came from Saudi Arabia -- but we decide to invade Iraq...

And pussies like you are still trying to defend that dumb shit 18 years later...

Which is why when I see pussies like you try to disavow and claim you never worshipped these 2 guys -- I know you are full of shit....

View attachment 300145

Ah, so you wanted to attack Saudi Arabia....I'd bet a years salary that had that happened you'd be bitching about that.
Fuk Saudi

Fell better, idiot?
Nah, you people take it to the literal extreme...Nothing he says can ever be joking, or diverge from what you think he should say, and how he should say it, otherwise you attack....Dispicable...
You mean like when Bush was joking about looking for WMD's under his couch or table and saying "No WMD's there..." while tens of thousands of people were literally dying behind that lie -- yea, that was a real hoot....

Bush jokes about search for WMD, but it's no laughing matter for critics

I never said they were good jokes...
Give me a good WMD joke for a president who ordered an invasion based on WMD's he knew didn't exist???

Something that families of dead soldiers and Iraqis would have had a good giggle about back in 2005...….

The only joke you have is in your hand when you take a leak!

Bush did not know they existed because the Iraqis created the illusion that they had a full blown WMD program, all of which were lies designed to keep other countries scared of them.
Yet most of the world did not buy in to the bluff and would not join Bush’s “Coalition of the Willing”

So, it's illegitimate unless it's a world war?
the Iraq Resolution was in 2002 you dumb ass....and 18 years later we are still fighting the same fight....

When did hostilities actually occur, dumbass?

The AUMF was passed in October, so we have almost a year left to make it even 18 years.
Hostilities occurred in 2002......then we tried to use that to justify invading Iraq you dunce....remember how none of the hi-jackers came from Iraq -- majority of them came from Saudi Arabia -- but we decide to invade Iraq...

And pussies like you are still trying to defend that dumb shit 18 years later...

Which is why when I see pussies like you try to disavow and claim you never worshipped these 2 guys -- I know you are full of shit....

View attachment 300145

Ah, so you wanted to attack Saudi Arabia....I'd bet a years salary that had that happened you'd be bitching about that.

The argument was that it made more sense based upon the reasons we were gave to attack Saudi Arabia as opposed to Iraq. Not that either would have been justifiable.

Ah, so when America is attacked, and civilians die, NO attack is justifiable....However, according to logic displayed by you, when others like Iran attack our interests, they ARE justified because you know.....United States....

Pathetic dude.
What did Iraq have to do with 9/11???
When did hostilities actually occur, dumbass?

The AUMF was passed in October, so we have almost a year left to make it even 18 years.
Hostilities occurred in 2002......then we tried to use that to justify invading Iraq you dunce....remember how none of the hi-jackers came from Iraq -- majority of them came from Saudi Arabia -- but we decide to invade Iraq...

And pussies like you are still trying to defend that dumb shit 18 years later...

Which is why when I see pussies like you try to disavow and claim you never worshipped these 2 guys -- I know you are full of shit....

View attachment 300145

Ah, so you wanted to attack Saudi Arabia....I'd bet a years salary that had that happened you'd be bitching about that.

The argument was that it made more sense based upon the reasons we were gave to attack Saudi Arabia as opposed to Iraq. Not that either would have been justifiable.
They are so dense that I see why neo-cons can so blatantly run the same play they did 18 years ago.....with little changes to the script....

You need a mirror moron.....Hell you don't even know what a "neocon" is....Hell, by reading how you use the term you seem to use it to describe anyone on the right you find objectionable when it comes to foreign and defense issues. And like most psuedo know it all's, you're lazy with it, and quite wrong.
A Neo-con would be the one using the much debunked and utterly pathetic argument that you are currently using now...

Again...what did Iraq have to do with 9/11?
Like I time these dic suckers try to claim they never worshipped these guys.....

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the Iraq Resolution was in 2002 you dumb ass....and 18 years later we are still fighting the same fight....

When did hostilities actually occur, dumbass?

The AUMF was passed in October, so we have almost a year left to make it even 18 years.
Hostilities occurred in 2002......then we tried to use that to justify invading Iraq you dunce....remember how none of the hi-jackers came from Iraq -- majority of them came from Saudi Arabia -- but we decide to invade Iraq...

And pussies like you are still trying to defend that dumb shit 18 years later...

Which is why when I see pussies like you try to disavow and claim you never worshipped these 2 guys -- I know you are full of shit....

View attachment 300145

Ah, so you wanted to attack Saudi Arabia....I'd bet a years salary that had that happened you'd be bitching about that.

The argument was that it made more sense based upon the reasons we were gave to attack Saudi Arabia as opposed to Iraq. Not that either would have been justifiable.

Ah, so when America is attacked, and civilians die, NO attack is justifiable....However, according to logic displayed by you, when others like Iran attack our interests, they ARE justified because you know.....United States....

Pathetic dude.

Iraq NEVER attacked us. We have no interests in Iraq. Iran can not attack our interests there as we have no justifiable interests there.
When did hostilities actually occur, dumbass?

The AUMF was passed in October, so we have almost a year left to make it even 18 years.
Hostilities occurred in 2002......then we tried to use that to justify invading Iraq you dunce....remember how none of the hi-jackers came from Iraq -- majority of them came from Saudi Arabia -- but we decide to invade Iraq...

And pussies like you are still trying to defend that dumb shit 18 years later...

Which is why when I see pussies like you try to disavow and claim you never worshipped these 2 guys -- I know you are full of shit....

View attachment 300145

Ah, so you wanted to attack Saudi Arabia....I'd bet a years salary that had that happened you'd be bitching about that.

The argument was that it made more sense based upon the reasons we were gave to attack Saudi Arabia as opposed to Iraq. Not that either would have been justifiable.

Ah, so when America is attacked, and civilians die, NO attack is justifiable....However, according to logic displayed by you, when others like Iran attack our interests, they ARE justified because you know.....United States....

Pathetic dude.

Iraq NEVER attacked us. We have no interests in Iraq. Iran can not attack our interests there as we have no justifiable interests there.
Agreed, but we need to clarify the point. The American people have no interest there but the 1% does, and since they run the country, they always get what they want.
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the Iraq Resolution was in 2002 you dumb ass....and 18 years later we are still fighting the same fight....

When did hostilities actually occur, dumbass?

The AUMF was passed in October, so we have almost a year left to make it even 18 years.
Hostilities occurred in 2002......then we tried to use that to justify invading Iraq you dunce....remember how none of the hi-jackers came from Iraq -- majority of them came from Saudi Arabia -- but we decide to invade Iraq...

And pussies like you are still trying to defend that dumb shit 18 years later...

Which is why when I see pussies like you try to disavow and claim you never worshipped these 2 guys -- I know you are full of shit....

View attachment 300145

Ah, so you wanted to attack Saudi Arabia....I'd bet a years salary that had that happened you'd be bitching about that.
Fuk Saudi

Fell better, idiot?
Saudi Arabia had more to do with 9-11 than Iraq did
When did hostilities actually occur, dumbass?

The AUMF was passed in October, so we have almost a year left to make it even 18 years.
Hostilities occurred in 2002......then we tried to use that to justify invading Iraq you dunce....remember how none of the hi-jackers came from Iraq -- majority of them came from Saudi Arabia -- but we decide to invade Iraq...

And pussies like you are still trying to defend that dumb shit 18 years later...

Which is why when I see pussies like you try to disavow and claim you never worshipped these 2 guys -- I know you are full of shit....

View attachment 300145

Ah, so you wanted to attack Saudi Arabia....I'd bet a years salary that had that happened you'd be bitching about that.

The argument was that it made more sense based upon the reasons we were gave to attack Saudi Arabia as opposed to Iraq. Not that either would have been justifiable.

Ah, so when America is attacked, and civilians die, NO attack is justifiable....However, according to logic displayed by you, when others like Iran attack our interests, they ARE justified because you know.....United States....

Pathetic dude.
What did Iraq have to do with 9/11???

It was a seperate issue from the start. It was only the anti Bush, anti war nuts that conflated the two.

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