Can You Imagine Intense Summer Storm Knocks Out Power In Baltimore.Delays In Restoring Power.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:afro:. Just using this as a hypothetical situation. Let's say a summer storm/straight wind/Cat. 1 Hurricane takes out Baltimore. Equivalent to Sandy. All power-lines are down, it's 85/90 degrees. The incompetent mayor has no idea what to do. And we also have a town already in dire straights as small businesses have already shut down. How do you think the "Anti-White/Anti-Cop" segment of Baltimore residents will react then? This would be a perfect example of a towns leadership of digging their own grave by insulting their own police force and applying their own legislation of "Guilty Till Proven Innocent" mentality/liberal policies.:cry:
I think they'd react like any other community hit by a common disaster -- they'd pull together to help each other through it, bring supplies to those who need it, etc.

Not sure what the question is here....
what i was getting at was how much of the community have become anti-cop/authority, and wishes they would leave, and if a time comes when they need them, they are not there to help. then they just may have second thoughts of how they treated them over the spring.
:afro:. Just using this as a hypothetical situation. Let's say a summer storm/straight wind/Cat. 1 Hurricane takes out Baltimore. Equivalent to Sandy. All power-lines are down, it's 85/90 degrees. The incompetent mayor has no idea what to do. And we also have a town already in dire straights as small businesses have already shut down. How do you think the "Anti-White/Anti-Cop" segment of Baltimore residents will react then? This would be a perfect example of a towns leadership of digging their own grave by insulting their own police force and applying their own legislation of "Guilty Till Proven Innocent" mentality/liberal policies.:cry:
As a rule, of course with exceptions, natural disasters bring out the best in people. People HELP, and people GIVE. We see this worldwide, nation assisting nation, and states coming to the aid of states. IF, as you have painted, a natural disaster were to hit Baltimore, people from all over would come to the rescue. I doubt past events, racial differences, nor anything else would hinder assistance. The mayor would do no differently than mayors have done in the past when a disaster hits. The nation would offer help, and they would be fine, as has happened many times in the past. We've seen it happen with earthquakes in California, Katrina, mid-west floods, and other tragedies here, and abroad.
:afro:. Just using this as a hypothetical situation. Let's say a summer storm/straight wind/Cat. 1 Hurricane takes out Baltimore. Equivalent to Sandy. All power-lines are down, it's 85/90 degrees. The incompetent mayor has no idea what to do. And we also have a town already in dire straights as small businesses have already shut down. How do you think the "Anti-White/Anti-Cop" segment of Baltimore residents will react then? This would be a perfect example of a towns leadership of digging their own grave by insulting their own police force and applying their own legislation of "Guilty Till Proven Innocent" mentality/liberal policies.:cry:
As a rule, of course with exceptions, natural disasters bring out the best in people. People HELP, and people GIVE. We see this worldwide, nation assisting nation, and states coming to the aid of states. IF, as you have painted, a natural disaster were to hit Baltimore, people from all over would come to the rescue. I doubt past events, racial differences, nor anything else would hinder assistance. The mayor would do no differently than mayors have done in the past when a disaster hits. The nation would offer help, and they would be fine, as has happened many times in the past. We've seen it happen with earthquakes in California, Katrina, mid-west floods, and other tragedies here, and abroad.
right, what i am getting at is that they need to respect their police force, and stop deeming them all racists/bigots.god forbid anything tragic happens to their city, thats when they will need them desperately.
Just using this as a hypothetical situation. Let's say a summer storm/straight wind/Cat. 1 Hurricane takes out Baltimore. Equivalent to Sandy. All power-lines are down, it's 85/90 degrees. The incompetent mayor has no idea what to do. And we also have a town already in dire straights as small businesses have already shut down. How do you think the "Anti-White/Anti-Cop" segment of Baltimore residents will react then? This would be a perfect example of a towns leadership of digging their own grave by insulting their own police force and applying their own legislation of "Guilty Till Proven Innocent" mentality/liberal policies.
Happened a couple of years ago. There was no problem.
what i was getting at was how much of the community have become anti-cop/authority, and wishes they would leave, and if a time comes when they need them, they are not there to help. then they just may have second thoughts of how they treated them over the spring.

When you have disaster conditions as described, the priority becomes where to get clean water, acquiring and cooking food, maybe shelter etc. That's an equalizer that would be shared among all, and they'd all know that the police, for their part, have other priorities than harassing citizens. As for needing intercitizen control, even if the police were disabled to the extent like Katrina (where the radio system went out, all the horses died and a number of cops deserted), the citizenry would take care of themselves as we did before the concept of police was invented.
what i was getting at was how much of the community have become anti-cop/authority, and wishes they would leave, and if a time comes when they need them, they are not there to help. then they just may have second thoughts of how they treated them over the spring.

When you have disaster conditions as described, the priority becomes where to get clean water, acquiring and cooking food, maybe shelter etc. That's an equalizer that would be shared among all, and they'd all know that the police, for their part, have other priorities than harassing citizens. As for needing intercitizen control, even if the police were disabled to the extent like Katrina (where the radio system went out, all the horses died and a number of cops deserted), the citizenry would take care of themselves as we did before the concept of police was invented.
well if they saw a cat 1 on the way, we can only assume that they would evacuate, but where? look at the mess Sandy left behind, residents still waiting for thier homes to be rebuilt. although as far as i can recall, Baltimore hasnt been taken out by a storm, but sooner or later their number may come up. Remember when Massachusetts got nailed in 1991?
Katrina...............We did fine................people helped each other............we cleared the roads before a single crew ever showed up...............Chain saws and tractors going at it................Same with Ivan..............

But in New Orleans................those taking shelter..................there was rape and total BS in the shelters like the Super Dome....................Which was a failure of Gov't at all levels................Not to mention the time to get people out of there.....................Looting at all levels.........................Roaming gangs who needed new TV sets to survive the storm...............

The animals and good people all come out of disasters...............It's the nature of the beast.
Katrina...............We did fine................people helped each other............we cleared the roads before a single crew ever showed up...............Chain saws and tractors going at it................Same with Ivan..............

But in New Orleans................those taking shelter..................there was rape and total BS in the shelters like the Super Dome....................Which was a failure of Gov't at all levels................Not to mention the time to get people out of there.....................Looting at all levels.........................Roaming gangs who needed new TV sets to survive the storm...............

The animals and good people all come out of disasters...............It's the nature of the beast.
but can you imagine a Katrina like disaster in Baltimore with liberals running the show? and they pounced on Bush over Katrina?
Katrina...............We did fine................people helped each other............we cleared the roads before a single crew ever showed up...............Chain saws and tractors going at it................Same with Ivan..............

But in New Orleans................those taking shelter..................there was rape and total BS in the shelters like the Super Dome....................Which was a failure of Gov't at all levels................Not to mention the time to get people out of there.....................Looting at all levels.........................Roaming gangs who needed new TV sets to survive the storm...............

The animals and good people all come out of disasters...............It's the nature of the beast.

And the vast majority simply muddled through with no drama. But if one went by commercial media, particularly TV, one would have to conclude that Katrina's aftermath was all about looting and raping. Those of us actually there in reality rarely (if ever) saw anything remotely like that. I was there and the only place I saw that sort of thing was on TV.

That's the wonderful gift of mass commercial media distortion. And that's because common people simply working together to clear their streets and get water to each other doesn't sell on Fraction News. What does sell -- conflict and outrageous behavior-- will be focused on like a laser. But it doesn't reflect reality.
Katrina...............We did fine................people helped each other............we cleared the roads before a single crew ever showed up...............Chain saws and tractors going at it................Same with Ivan..............

But in New Orleans................those taking shelter..................there was rape and total BS in the shelters like the Super Dome....................Which was a failure of Gov't at all levels................Not to mention the time to get people out of there.....................Looting at all levels.........................Roaming gangs who needed new TV sets to survive the storm...............

The animals and good people all come out of disasters...............It's the nature of the beast.
but can you imagine a Katrina like disaster in Baltimore with liberals running the show? and they pounced on Bush over Katrina?

There is no "liberal" or "conservative" or "left" or "right" in everyday human survival. We all need food, clean water and shelter. Politics is a luxury you get AFTER that's all taken care of.
Katrina...............We did fine................people helped each other............we cleared the roads before a single crew ever showed up...............Chain saws and tractors going at it................Same with Ivan..............

But in New Orleans................those taking shelter..................there was rape and total BS in the shelters like the Super Dome....................Which was a failure of Gov't at all levels................Not to mention the time to get people out of there.....................Looting at all levels.........................Roaming gangs who needed new TV sets to survive the storm...............

The animals and good people all come out of disasters...............It's the nature of the beast.
but can you imagine a Katrina like disaster in Baltimore with liberals running the show? and they pounced on Bush over Katrina?
They play the blame game on everything.............Katrina impacted a VERY LARGE AREA..............and the planning for response and leadership under Katrina had serious problems..............but that is how it always is with such a hit by a natural disaster.....................Seen many of these...............and the people at the scene are always doing everything they can to help out..............Logistics are the would be the case of Baltimore.....................

and then people would play politics with the situation like they always do........................In the path and aftermath of these storms we generally don't care about the politics at all...............It's about cleaning up and moving on..............................the political side I really don't care about......................

The best planning goes to shit when it gets implemented....................Everything looks good on paper................Reality is a different story.
:afro:. Just using this as a hypothetical situation. Let's say a summer storm/straight wind/Cat. 1 Hurricane takes out Baltimore. Equivalent to Sandy. All power-lines are down, it's 85/90 degrees. The incompetent mayor has no idea what to do. And we also have a town already in dire straights as small businesses have already shut down. How do you think the "Anti-White/Anti-Cop" segment of Baltimore residents will react then? This would be a perfect example of a towns leadership of digging their own grave by insulting their own police force and applying their own legislation of "Guilty Till Proven Innocent" mentality/liberal policies.:cry:
As a rule, of course with exceptions, natural disasters bring out the best in people. People HELP, and people GIVE. We see this worldwide, nation assisting nation, and states coming to the aid of states. IF, as you have painted, a natural disaster were to hit Baltimore, people from all over would come to the rescue. I doubt past events, racial differences, nor anything else would hinder assistance. The mayor would do no differently than mayors have done in the past when a disaster hits. The nation would offer help, and they would be fine, as has happened many times in the past. We've seen it happen with earthquakes in California, Katrina, mid-west floods, and other tragedies here, and abroad.
right, what i am getting at is that they need to respect their police force, and stop deeming them all racists/bigots.god forbid anything tragic happens to their city, thats when they will need them desperately.
FYI -- The police do NOT have, nor give respect to others. Respect is a two-way street. Cops get what cops deserve when it comes to disrespect. The stories we read and see on the news are NOT fabrications, lies, nor fantasy, they're real, and real people are brutalized, raped, robbed, murdered, molested, and arrested unprovoked. Cops are low-life POS, and should be considered as such. When cops start respecting and serving the people, then people with respect them and appreciate their service.

Also, it's still a mystery me as to why police do NOT police themselves. Why don't they clean up their own profession? They know what people think of them. They know people read the stories, watch the videos, and see the news stories daily. Why don't cops make some kind of effort to clean up their own profession? Why don't own courts and legal system put more cops in prison where many of them belong? Why are we not holding cops to the same standards as we hold ourselves and everyone else? Why do we constantly hear the phrases, "I feared for my life or safety", and "he was reaching for his waistband", and are expected to accept and believe every single word spewed from the mouths of low-life cops?

What we're seeing is NOT primarily racism and bigotry working, but rather it's a general public tired of police brutality, harassment, quota tickets, cops killing unarmed citizens, cops getting by with crimes, and our legal system that gives cops a free pass 99% of the time.
well summer is coming, hope they can handle the 90 degree heat for two months. then again, thats what can stir up bad tempers in urban cities.
Katrina...............We did fine................people helped each other............we cleared the roads before a single crew ever showed up...............Chain saws and tractors going at it................Same with Ivan..............

But in New Orleans................those taking shelter..................there was rape and total BS in the shelters like the Super Dome....................Which was a failure of Gov't at all levels................Not to mention the time to get people out of there.....................Looting at all levels.........................Roaming gangs who needed new TV sets to survive the storm...............

The animals and good people all come out of disasters...............It's the nature of the beast.
but can you imagine a Katrina like disaster in Baltimore with liberals running the show? and they pounced on Bush over Katrina?
They play the blame game on everything.............Katrina impacted a VERY LARGE AREA..............and the planning for response and leadership under Katrina had serious problems..............but that is how it always is with such a hit by a natural disaster.....................Seen many of these...............and the people at the scene are always doing everything they can to help out..............Logistics are the would be the case of Baltimore.....................

and then people would play politics with the situation like they always do........................In the path and aftermath of these storms we generally don't care about the politics at all...............It's about cleaning up and moving on..............................the political side I really don't care about......................

The best planning goes to shit when it gets implemented....................Everything looks good on paper................Reality is a different story.
and the nerve that up to 25%(or more) blamed Bush for Katrina. as is Bush was involved with the construction of the Levees.
what i was getting at was how much of the community have become anti-cop/authority, and wishes they would leave, and if a time comes when they need them, they are not there to help. then they just may have second thoughts of how they treated them over the spring.
They arent anti cop. They are anti racist/crooked cop.
:afro:. Just using this as a hypothetical situation. Let's say a summer storm/straight wind/Cat. 1 Hurricane takes out Baltimore. Equivalent to Sandy. All power-lines are down, it's 85/90 degrees. The incompetent mayor has no idea what to do. And we also have a town already in dire straights as small businesses have already shut down. How do you think the "Anti-White/Anti-Cop" segment of Baltimore residents will react then? This would be a perfect example of a towns leadership of digging their own grave by insulting their own police force and applying their own legislation of "Guilty Till Proven Innocent" mentality/liberal policies.:cry:
As a rule, of course with exceptions, natural disasters bring out the best in people. People HELP, and people GIVE. We see this worldwide, nation assisting nation, and states coming to the aid of states. IF, as you have painted, a natural disaster were to hit Baltimore, people from all over would come to the rescue. I doubt past events, racial differences, nor anything else would hinder assistance. The mayor would do no differently than mayors have done in the past when a disaster hits. The nation would offer help, and they would be fine, as has happened many times in the past. We've seen it happen with earthquakes in California, Katrina, mid-west floods, and other tragedies here, and abroad.
right, what i am getting at is that they need to respect their police force, and stop deeming them all racists/bigots.god forbid anything tragic happens to their city, thats when they will need them desperately.

If you are so helpless you depend on cops to live you are in a world of trouble.

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