Can you not see?

"Blind"? Or "unable to read"?
I didn't say Rump "did nothing". I said he said it was nothing.

Once again, you speak to your blindness. He can have his own opinions on the matter and act differently from them. Or are you blind enough to think he acts in lockstep with his opinions?

The fact he said "it was nothing" didn't change the fact he did something. Nor does it diminish what he did.

Good god. You're more focused on his outward appearance to actually see the good he's doing for the rest of us.
"Blind"? Or "unable to read"?
I didn't say Rump "did nothing". I said he said it was nothing.

Once again, you speak to your blindness. He can have his own opinions on the matter and act differently from them. Or are you blind enough to think he acts in lockstep with his opinions?

The fact he said "it was nothing" didn't change the fact he did something. Nor does it diminish what he did.

Good god. You're more focused on his outward appearance to actually see the good he's doing for the rest of us.

Once AGAIN ---- I'll type slower this time....

I posted nothing about what he DID. I posted about what he SAID.

You're unable to deal with my original comment. Maybe that could be because your position is weaker than mine.
This vaccine wouldn't be coming along if the president had supposedly been "failing" in his response to this virus. He brought together the biggest conglomeration of private drug makers in American history to develop a vaccine for this virus. He got the private sector to work together to find therapeutic regimens to mitigate it. He was looking ahead while you, the Democrats, the supposed adults here, were each pointing fingers at him and looking to score political points.

Grow up and give the man some credit. Even, if Trump loses, so be it, but I will not vote for an incompetent fool like Joe Biden while he is led by his far-left handlers on a path to slit the throat of our nation, nor will I vote for a libertarian who is seeking attention and not attempting to use that attention to pass along meaningful policy goals to her potential voters.

No, I don't like Trump, nor do I care about his tweeting, but I do admire his strength and tenacity. He has America's best interests at heart while you all bicker and complain about his demeanor and try to spin everything he does into a negative. I admire his drive. I revile those who try to undermine his every step. Spare me your proclamations of supposedly having the best interests of this country at heart when you can't even see the good things a leader of the opposite side has done for the country through the hatred in your hearts.

I am voting for him. That's it, that's all. Friends who ask me to compromise my core values in order to remain their friends are not true friends, they will accept me for who I am and what I believe or they will not. If you can't accept that, you can unfriend me right now.

Hatred this potent only blinds you to real friendship, and it blinds you to the positive things people do.

You're actually sitting here suggesting researchers needed incentive from an orange klown who kept telling anyone who would listen that COVID was nothing?

Might want to rethink your thrust here.
LOL you liars are still at it denying what Trump said, what he did and what actions he took. Most sentient humans ( which leaves out most liberals) know the truth and are not buying your repeated lies on the subject.
The truth is that Trump denied, lied and sent misinformation to the American people

His inept leadership is still killing 1000 people a day at a time the rest of the world is in recovery
This vaccine wouldn't be coming along if the president had supposedly been "failing" in his response to this virus. He brought together the biggest conglomeration of private drug makers in American history to develop a vaccine for this virus. He got the private sector to work together to find therapeutic regimens to mitigate it. He was looking ahead while you, the Democrats, the supposed adults here, were each pointing fingers at him and looking to score political points.

Grow up and give the man some credit. Even, if Trump loses, so be it, but I will not vote for an incompetent fool like Joe Biden while he is led by his far-left handlers on a path to slit the throat of our nation, nor will I vote for a libertarian who is seeking attention and not attempting to use that attention to pass along meaningful policy goals to her potential voters.

No, I don't like Trump, nor do I care about his tweeting, but I do admire his strength and tenacity. He has America's best interests at heart while you all bicker and complain about his demeanor and try to spin everything he does into a negative. I admire his drive. I revile those who try to undermine his every step. Spare me your proclamations of supposedly having the best interests of this country at heart when you can't even see the good things a leader of the opposite side has done for the country through the hatred in your hearts.

I am voting for him. That's it, that's all. Friends who ask me to compromise my core values in order to remain their friends are not true friends, they will accept me for who I am and what I believe or they will not. If you can't accept that, you can unfriend me right now.

Hatred this potent only blinds you to real friendship, and it blinds you to the positive things people do.

Lol, he can't take credit for it. He did nothing.
Or, you can tell the truth, instead. It's you choice if you wish to lie, however.

He removed much of the financial risk the pharmaceutical companies would have faced, otherwise, and did so in order to fast track the vaccine.

Pharmaceutical companies don't develop drugs. They just make them.

Did you seriously say that out loud? Pharmaceutical companies have research and science divisions. They don't make candy you know.

Correct, they make drugs. Those drugs are developed by taxpayers, through the NIH.

>> The CISI study, underwritten by the National Biomedical Research Foundation, mapped the relationship between NIH-funded research and every new drug approved by the FDA between 2010 and 2016. The authors found that each of the 210 medicines approved for market came out of research supported by the NIH. Of the $100 billion it spent nationally during this period, more than half of it — $64 billion — ended up helping the development of 84 first-in-class drugs.​
But the NIH doesn’t get to use the profits from these drugs to fund more research, the way it might under a model based on developing needed drugs and curing the sick, as opposed to serving Wall Street. Instead, publicly funded labs conduct years of basic research to get to a breakthrough, which is then snatched up, tweaked, and patented (privatized) by companies who turn around and reap billions with 1,000-times-cost mark-ups on drugs developed with taxpayer money.​
Those companies then spend the profits on executive bonuses and share buybacks, and lavish mass marketing campaigns to increase sales of amphetamines, benzos, opioids, and dick pills.​
And with what’s left over, they lobby to keep threats to this massive scam at bay, all while scooping up more NIH-funded breakthroughs and starting the process anew.​
... If private industry isn’t doing basic research, and continues to gut long-flat-lined R&D budgets, what the hell are they spending their money on? (That one has an answer; see graph below)​

Sorry you didn't know this, but then that's kind of your job since you chose to take this on.

Anything else?

First, you can drop the condescending tone, and second, you need to acknowledge that these companies have their own research divisions. Not all of their behavior is strictly regulated by the government. From that pie chart, it looks as if they do spend money running clinical trials, they are responsible for testing the efficacy of the drugs they produce and it is the government's job to ensure their research is sound and the drug is safe for human consumption, on top of being able to treat the target condition. These companies have their own researchers, those researchers couple their findings with those who work at the NIH to ensure the quality of the drug.

Curious, did you think I was just posting some blind love letter to 'the klown'? Please.
This vaccine wouldn't be coming along if the president had supposedly been "failing" in his response to this virus. He brought together the biggest conglomeration of private drug makers in American history to develop a vaccine for this virus. He got the private sector to work together to find therapeutic regimens to mitigate it. He was looking ahead while you, the Democrats, the supposed adults here, were each pointing fingers at him and looking to score political points.

Grow up and give the man some credit. Even, if Trump loses, so be it, but I will not vote for an incompetent fool like Joe Biden while he is led by his far-left handlers on a path to slit the throat of our nation, nor will I vote for a libertarian who is seeking attention and not attempting to use that attention to pass along meaningful policy goals to her potential voters.

No, I don't like Trump, nor do I care about his tweeting, but I do admire his strength and tenacity. He has America's best interests at heart while you all bicker and complain about his demeanor and try to spin everything he does into a negative. I admire his drive. I revile those who try to undermine his every step. Spare me your proclamations of supposedly having the best interests of this country at heart when you can't even see the good things a leader of the opposite side has done for the country through the hatred in your hearts.

I am voting for him. That's it, that's all. Friends who ask me to compromise my core values in order to remain their friends are not true friends, they will accept me for who I am and what I believe or they will not. If you can't accept that, you can unfriend me right now.

Hatred this potent only blinds you to real friendship, and it blinds you to the positive things people do.

You're actually sitting here suggesting researchers needed incentive from an orange klown who kept telling anyone who would listen that COVID was nothing?

Might want to rethink your thrust here.
LOL you liars are still at it denying what Trump said, what he did and what actions he took. Most sentient humans ( which leaves out most liberals) know the truth and are not buying your repeated lies on the subject.
The truth is that Trump denied, lied and sent misinformation to the American people

His inept leadership is still killing 1000 people a day at a time the rest of the world is in recovery

Well, except for Brasil....
I posted nothing about what he DID. I posted about what he SAID.

And you blithely conflated what he did with what he said. I've seen enough of your postings on this board to know you make a big deal out of what he says. You don't have to do that all the time for me to know what your stances on the man are.

How childish.
I posted nothing about what he DID. I posted about what he SAID.

And you blithely conflated what he did with what he said. I've seen enough of your postings on this board to know you make a big deal out of what he says. You don't have to do that all the time for me to know what your stances on the man are.

How childish.

Hey, I ain't the one who finds it necessary to set up a strawman over what the comment actually was soooooo.....
Then why do you keep misstating what I posted?

I am not. You are attempting to force me into acknowledging something that isn't true. You know it isn't true and yet you keep repeating it.

I observed something, just from a bare minimum of posts from you in this thread.

One, when you are cornered, you accuse others of misstating your position. I am confident I read it quite clearly. You are the one misstating the facts.

Two, you made it clear to me, through your previous postings and your posts here, that you conflate words and action. If the words are negative but the action is positive, the action becomes negative. You make the mistake in thinking there is a causal relationship between words and actions. You are too focused on what someone says that you clearly cannot see what they have been doing.

What I understood you to say (not in verbatim) was: "since he said it was nothing, therefore his actions are as well." It's not hard to see through the deception, we all know what you really mean.
Hey, I ain't the one who finds it necessary to set up a strawman over what the comment actually was soooooo

Hey, that is a deflection.

If your argument was so superior, why are you attacking mine? I didn't even have to post links to blow your point out of the water. This is a pattern from you. When you start losing, you start parsing words and you completely abandon your point.

It's sort of embarrassing.
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I doubt Trump's efforts will net him any political gain as his backers see the virus as nothing more than the good old flu and that taking vaccines can only result in your offspring being born with six toes on each foot.
This vaccine wouldn't be coming along if the president had supposedly been "failing" in his response to this virus. He brought together the biggest conglomeration of private drug makers in American history to develop a vaccine for this virus. He got the private sector to work together to find therapeutic regimens to mitigate it. He was looking ahead while you, the Democrats, the supposed adults here, were each pointing fingers at him and looking to score political points.

Grow up and give the man some credit. Even, if Trump loses, so be it, but I will not vote for an incompetent fool like Joe Biden while he is led by his far-left handlers on a path to slit the throat of our nation, nor will I vote for a libertarian who is seeking attention and not attempting to use that attention to pass along meaningful policy goals to her potential voters.

No, I don't like Trump, nor do I care about his tweeting, but I do admire his strength and tenacity. He has America's best interests at heart while you all bicker and complain about his demeanor and try to spin everything he does into a negative. I admire his drive. I revile those who try to undermine his every step. Spare me your proclamations of supposedly having the best interests of this country at heart when you can't even see the good things a leader of the opposite side has done for the country through the hatred in your hearts.

I am voting for him. That's it, that's all. Friends who ask me to compromise my core values in order to remain their friends are not true friends, they will accept me for who I am and what I believe or they will not. If you can't accept that, you can unfriend me right now.

Hatred this potent only blinds you to real friendship, and it blinds you to the positive things people do.

You're actually sitting here suggesting researchers needed incentive from an orange klown who kept telling anyone who would listen that COVID was nothing?

Might want to rethink your thrust here.
LOL you liars are still at it denying what Trump said, what he did and what actions he took. Most sentient humans ( which leaves out most liberals) know the truth and are not buying your repeated lies on the subject.
The truth is that Trump denied, lied and sent misinformation to the American people

His inept leadership is still killing 1000 people a day at a time the rest of the world is in recovery

And to seal my argument, and my victory, you liking this post only makes my point about your penchant for conflating words and actions to mean the same thing.


The prosecution rests its case.
You're actually sitting here suggesting researchers needed incentive from an orange klown who kept telling anyone who would listen that COVID was nothing?

You and Crepitus are both naive to sit there and think Trump did nothing. Blind, both of you. Even I can acknowledge Obama did some good things for this country. See, that's the thing about being dispassionate, I can see the good everyone does, even from people I hate or dislike.

You're actually dumb enough to limit him to what he says or does on television.

I agree, Trump deserves credit for removing the risk from pharma, allowing them to more rapidly develop a vaccine.

What I don’t understand is how that absolves him of all the disasters he has had in handling this epidemic.
I think that president Trump's job, is to get 50% to 70% of the population, vaccinated

A vaccine means nothing in the end, if you can not get the masses VACCINATED.....

vaccinations give immunity, not simply the vaccine....

Will there be enough needles, or glass viles or the refrigeration needed throughout the country? Enough mass production capabilities...?

And most importantly, How is president Trump going to get our citizenry, to get the vaccination.....? Especially since he has been promoting one conspiracy after another, and supporters believe crazy things from a means to insert a chip or some sort of mind control apparatus etc etc etc, and have his acolytes believing the whole virus is a hoax and nothing more than the flu, or plan for the deep state or the illuminati to take over the world?

Or a vaccine is out to give you and kids autism?

Then you will have Dems not getting vaccinated because they are in fear of the short cuts for a vaccine, may have made it less safe, who will cower from getting one....

The President better be planning out how he is going to handle this and convince people to get the vaccination....since he's spent so much time telling us all, the virus is simply going to go away, disappear.... :eek:
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What I don’t understand is how that absolves him of all the disasters he has had in handling this epidemic.

You miss the forest for the trees, Coyote.
No....not in this case. His handling of this has been a disaster. Constantly contradictory messages, minimizing it, openly discrediting his health experts, EO’s and such attemtping force people back to work in risky conditions, the way he has handled masks and social distancing. He got one thing right.
I think that president Trump's job, is to get 50% to 70% of the population, vaccinated

A vaccine means nothing in the end, if you can not get the masses VACCINATED.....

vaccinations give immunity, not simply the vaccine....

Will there be enough needles, or glass viles or the refrigeration needed throughout the country? Enough mass production capabilities...?

And most importantly, How is president Trump going to get our citizenry, to get the vaccination.....? Especially since he has been promoting one conspiracy after another from a means to insert a chip or some sort of mind control apparatus etc etc etc, and have his acolytes believing the whole virus is a hoax and nothing more than the flu, or plan for the deep state or the illuminati to take over the world?

Or a vaccine is out to give you and kids autism?

Then you will have Dems not getting vaccinated because they are in fear of the short cuts for a vaccine, may have made it less safe, who will cower from getting one....

The President better be planning out how he is going to handle this and convince people to get the vaccination....since he's spent so much time telling us all, the virus is simply going to go away, disappear.... :eek:
That is going to be a real problem, the anti-vaccination groupies have gained fresh blood.

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