Can you not see?

His handling of this has been a disaster.

I would have agreed with you if not for the fact his actions were attacking the root of the virus, not trying to mitigate its effects with superfluous behavior.

It's like trying to put out a house fire by making the grass wet. Eventually, the grass will burn too.

What if he had not focused on therapeutic regimens and not driven big pharma to fast track a vaccine? THEN it would have been an unmitigated disaster. While you were focused on his supposedly disastrous handling of this virus, you ignored the party who was truly responsible for causing our suffering: China. They mishandled the initial worldwide response to this virus by outright lying about how contagious it was.

Once more, focused on superfluity instead of genuine action.
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He got one thing right.

That 'one thing' is more important than wearing masks and social distancing. Eliminating the need (EX: the virus itself) for us to do either of those things, incessantly. People are going to get fed up with doing it, no matter how much it may benefit their health. They would more than rather see Trump develop a solution to the cause of their pain and economic hardship rather than being told to distance themselves. Sure, they'll do it for as long as they deem it necessary to. But only to a point.

Do you want to wear a mask and distance yourself from everyone for the foreseeable future? How long would you be able to bear it? Would you not like to see an end to that behavior? Trump is attacking the core of this crisis, seeking an actual end to having to do those things. I wish other people could see that. An effective vaccine is the ultimate victory.

He knows what actually needs to be done, and I am not saying that because I am voting for him.
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This vaccine wouldn't be coming along if the president had supposedly been "failing" in his response to this virus. He brought together the biggest conglomeration of private drug makers in American history to develop a vaccine for this virus. He got the private sector to work together to find therapeutic regimens to mitigate it. He was looking ahead while you, the Democrats, the supposed adults here, were each pointing fingers at him and looking to score political points.

Grow up and give the man some credit. Even, if Trump loses, so be it, but I will not vote for an incompetent fool like Joe Biden while he is led by his far-left handlers on a path to slit the throat of our nation, nor will I vote for a libertarian who is seeking attention and not attempting to use that attention to pass along meaningful policy goals to her potential voters.

No, I don't like Trump, nor do I care about his tweeting, but I do admire his strength and tenacity. He has America's best interests at heart while you all bicker and complain about his demeanor and try to spin everything he does into a negative. I admire his drive. I revile those who try to undermine his every step. Spare me your proclamations of supposedly having the best interests of this country at heart when you can't even see the good things a leader of the opposite side has done for the country through the hatred in your hearts.

I am voting for him. That's it, that's all. Friends who ask me to compromise my core values in order to remain their friends are not true friends, they will accept me for who I am and what I believe or they will not. If you can't accept that, you can unfriend me right now.

Hatred this potent only blinds you to real friendship, and it blinds you to the positive things people do.

Lol, he can't take credit for it. He did nothing.

Repeat yourself if you must.
Truth always bears repeating.
His handling of this has been a disaster.

I would have agreed with you if not for the fact his actions were attacking the root of the virus, not trying to mitigate its effects with superfluous behavior.

It's like trying to put out a house fire by making the grass wet. Eventually, the grass will burn too.

What if he had not focused on therapeutic regimens and not driven big pharma to fast track a vaccine? THEN it would have been an unmitigated disaster. While you were focused on his supposedly disastrous handling of this virus, you ignored the party who was truly responsible for causing our suffering, China. They mishandled the initial worldwide response to this virus by outright lying about its efficaciousness.

Once more, focused on superfluity instead of genuine action.
He didn't do any of those things.
This vaccine wouldn't be coming along if the president had supposedly been "failing" in his response to this virus. He brought together the biggest conglomeration of private drug makers in American history to develop a vaccine for this virus. He got the private sector to work together to find therapeutic regimens to mitigate it. He was looking ahead while you, the Democrats, the supposed adults here, were each pointing fingers at him and looking to score political points.

Grow up and give the man some credit. Even, if Trump loses, so be it, but I will not vote for an incompetent fool like Joe Biden while he is led by his far-left handlers on a path to slit the throat of our nation, nor will I vote for a libertarian who is seeking attention and not attempting to use that attention to pass along meaningful policy goals to her potential voters.

No, I don't like Trump, nor do I care about his tweeting, but I do admire his strength and tenacity. He has America's best interests at heart while you all bicker and complain about his demeanor and try to spin everything he does into a negative. I admire his drive. I revile those who try to undermine his every step. Spare me your proclamations of supposedly having the best interests of this country at heart when you can't even see the good things a leader of the opposite side has done for the country through the hatred in your hearts.

I am voting for him. That's it, that's all. Friends who ask me to compromise my core values in order to remain their friends are not true friends, they will accept me for who I am and what I believe or they will not. If you can't accept that, you can unfriend me right now.

Hatred this potent only blinds you to real friendship, and it blinds you to the positive things people do.

Lol, he can't take credit for it. He did nothing.
Or, you can tell the truth, instead. It's you choice if you wish to lie, however.

He removed much of the financial risk the pharmaceutical companies would have faced, otherwise, and did so in order to fast track the vaccine.
Silly thing to say.

They would have been pursuing it anyway. The first company with a working vaccine can write it's own check.
His handling of this has been a disaster.

I would have agreed with you if not for the fact his actions were attacking the root of the virus, not trying to mitigate its effects with superfluous behavior.

It's like trying to put out a house fire by making the grass wet. Eventually, the grass will burn too.

What if he had not focused on therapeutic regimens and not driven big pharma to fast track a vaccine? THEN it would have been an unmitigated disaster. While you were focused on his supposedly disastrous handling of this virus, you ignored the party who was truly responsible for causing our suffering, China. They mishandled the initial worldwide response to this virus by outright lying about its efficaciousness.

Once more, focused on superfluity instead of genuine action.
He didn't do any of those things.

No? Is that what your blind political fealty tells you? I won't lend credence to your delusions.
This vaccine wouldn't be coming along if the president had supposedly been "failing" in his response to this virus. He brought together the biggest conglomeration of private drug makers in American history to develop a vaccine for this virus. He got the private sector to work together to find therapeutic regimens to mitigate it. He was looking ahead while you, the Democrats, the supposed adults here, were each pointing fingers at him and looking to score political points.

Grow up and give the man some credit. Even, if Trump loses, so be it, but I will not vote for an incompetent fool like Joe Biden while he is led by his far-left handlers on a path to slit the throat of our nation, nor will I vote for a libertarian who is seeking attention and not attempting to use that attention to pass along meaningful policy goals to her potential voters.

No, I don't like Trump, nor do I care about his tweeting, but I do admire his strength and tenacity. He has America's best interests at heart while you all bicker and complain about his demeanor and try to spin everything he does into a negative. I admire his drive. I revile those who try to undermine his every step. Spare me your proclamations of supposedly having the best interests of this country at heart when you can't even see the good things a leader of the opposite side has done for the country through the hatred in your hearts.

I am voting for him. That's it, that's all. Friends who ask me to compromise my core values in order to remain their friends are not true friends, they will accept me for who I am and what I believe or they will not. If you can't accept that, you can unfriend me right now.

Hatred this potent only blinds you to real friendship, and it blinds you to the positive things people do.

Lol, he can't take credit for it. He did nothing.

Repeat yourself if you must.
Truth always bears repeating.

Lies repeated often enough become truth to woefully misguided people like you.
No. I will not give Trump "credit" for the absolute worse pandemic response of any industrialized nation.

Suit yourself. And congrats, you are now an anti-vaxxer.
Not remotely. I'm 100% pro vaccine. I will be first in line for the COVID vaccine. That has nothing to do with Trump's dismal response to this pandemic.
This vaccine wouldn't be coming along if the president had supposedly been "failing" in his response to this virus. He brought together the biggest conglomeration of private drug makers in American history to develop a vaccine for this virus. He got the private sector to work together to find therapeutic regimens to mitigate it. He was looking ahead while you, the Democrats, the supposed adults here, were each pointing fingers at him and looking to score political points.

Grow up and give the man some credit. Even, if Trump loses, so be it, but I will not vote for an incompetent fool like Joe Biden while he is led by his far-left handlers on a path to slit the throat of our nation, nor will I vote for a libertarian who is seeking attention and not attempting to use that attention to pass along meaningful policy goals to her potential voters.

No, I don't like Trump, nor do I care about his tweeting, but I do admire his strength and tenacity. He has America's best interests at heart while you all bicker and complain about his demeanor and try to spin everything he does into a negative. I admire his drive. I revile those who try to undermine his every step. Spare me your proclamations of supposedly having the best interests of this country at heart when you can't even see the good things a leader of the opposite side has done for the country through the hatred in your hearts.

I am voting for him. That's it, that's all. Friends who ask me to compromise my core values in order to remain their friends are not true friends, they will accept me for who I am and what I believe or they will not. If you can't accept that, you can unfriend me right now.

Hatred this potent only blinds you to real friendship, and it blinds you to the positive things people do.

Lol, he can't take credit for it. He did nothing.

Repeat yourself if you must.
Truth always bears repeating.

Lies repeated often enough become truth to woefully misguided people like you.
Irony poisoning....
This vaccine wouldn't be coming along if the president had supposedly been "failing" in his response to this virus. He brought together the biggest conglomeration of private drug makers in American history to develop a vaccine for this virus. He got the private sector to work together to find therapeutic regimens to mitigate it. He was looking ahead while you, the Democrats, the supposed adults here, were each pointing fingers at him and looking to score political points.

Grow up and give the man some credit. Even, if Trump loses, so be it, but I will not vote for an incompetent fool like Joe Biden while he is led by his far-left handlers on a path to slit the throat of our nation, nor will I vote for a libertarian who is seeking attention and not attempting to use that attention to pass along meaningful policy goals to her potential voters.

No, I don't like Trump, nor do I care about his tweeting, but I do admire his strength and tenacity. He has America's best interests at heart while you all bicker and complain about his demeanor and try to spin everything he does into a negative. I admire his drive. I revile those who try to undermine his every step. Spare me your proclamations of supposedly having the best interests of this country at heart when you can't even see the good things a leader of the opposite side has done for the country through the hatred in your hearts.

I am voting for him. That's it, that's all. Friends who ask me to compromise my core values in order to remain their friends are not true friends, they will accept me for who I am and what I believe or they will not. If you can't accept that, you can unfriend me right now.

Hatred this potent only blinds you to real friendship, and it blinds you to the positive things people do.

Lol, he can't take credit for it. He did nothing.
Sure it is his fault when something happens BUT never his success when he takes NUMEROUS active actions against or for something. Using your logic NO president has ever done anything at all EVER. By the way I notice you did not include at least 2 complete informative sentences in your drive by response.

Hmmm...I seem to remember a certain President not getting credit for killing the #1 terrorist in the world because he didn't pull the trigger personally.

"Seal Team 6 did the actual killing not President Obama."

This vaccine wouldn't be coming along if the president had supposedly been "failing" in his response to this virus. He brought together the biggest conglomeration of private drug makers in American history to develop a vaccine for this virus. He got the private sector to work together to find therapeutic regimens to mitigate it. He was looking ahead while you, the Democrats, the supposed adults here, were each pointing fingers at him and looking to score political points.

Grow up and give the man some credit. Even, if Trump loses, so be it, but I will not vote for an incompetent fool like Joe Biden while he is led by his far-left handlers on a path to slit the throat of our nation, nor will I vote for a libertarian who is seeking attention and not attempting to use that attention to pass along meaningful policy goals to her potential voters.

No, I don't like Trump, nor do I care about his tweeting, but I do admire his strength and tenacity. He has America's best interests at heart while you all bicker and complain about his demeanor and try to spin everything he does into a negative. I admire his drive. I revile those who try to undermine his every step. Spare me your proclamations of supposedly having the best interests of this country at heart when you can't even see the good things a leader of the opposite side has done for the country through the hatred in your hearts.

I am voting for him. That's it, that's all. Friends who ask me to compromise my core values in order to remain their friends are not true friends, they will accept me for who I am and what I believe or they will not. If you can't accept that, you can unfriend me right now.

Hatred this potent only blinds you to real friendship, and it blinds you to the positive things people do.

Lol, he can't take credit for it. He did nothing.
Sure it is his fault when something happens BUT never his success when he takes NUMEROUS active actions against or for something. Using your logic NO president has ever done anything at all EVER. By the way I notice you did not include at least 2 complete informative sentences in your drive by response.

Hmmm...I seem to remember a certain President not getting credit for killing the #1 terrorist in the world because he didn't pull the trigger personally.

"Seal Team 6 did the actual killing not President Obama."

LOL like I said no President ever did anything if you all claim Trump hasn't done stuff. As for kill OBL Obama may have authorized the raid but he did not kill OBL. And then he painted a target on Seal Team 6 for every Jihad in the world.
This vaccine wouldn't be coming along if the president had supposedly been "failing" in his response to this virus. He brought together the biggest conglomeration of private drug makers in American history to develop a vaccine for this virus. He got the private sector to work together to find therapeutic regimens to mitigate it. He was looking ahead while you, the Democrats, the supposed adults here, were each pointing fingers at him and looking to score political points.

Grow up and give the man some credit. Even, if Trump loses, so be it, but I will not vote for an incompetent fool like Joe Biden while he is led by his far-left handlers on a path to slit the throat of our nation, nor will I vote for a libertarian who is seeking attention and not attempting to use that attention to pass along meaningful policy goals to her potential voters.

No, I don't like Trump, nor do I care about his tweeting, but I do admire his strength and tenacity. He has America's best interests at heart while you all bicker and complain about his demeanor and try to spin everything he does into a negative. I admire his drive. I revile those who try to undermine his every step. Spare me your proclamations of supposedly having the best interests of this country at heart when you can't even see the good things a leader of the opposite side has done for the country through the hatred in your hearts.

I am voting for him. That's it, that's all. Friends who ask me to compromise my core values in order to remain their friends are not true friends, they will accept me for who I am and what I believe or they will not. If you can't accept that, you can unfriend me right now.

Hatred this potent only blinds you to real friendship, and it blinds you to the positive things people do.

Lol, he can't take credit for it. He did nothing.
Sure it is his fault when something happens BUT never his success when he takes NUMEROUS active actions against or for something. Using your logic NO president has ever done anything at all EVER. By the way I notice you did not include at least 2 complete informative sentences in your drive by response.

Hmmm...I seem to remember a certain President not getting credit for killing the #1 terrorist in the world because he didn't pull the trigger personally.

"Seal Team 6 did the actual killing not President Obama."

LOL like I said no President ever did anything if you all claim Trump hasn't done stuff. As for kill OBL Obama may have authorized the raid but he did not kill OBL. And then he painted a target on Seal Team 6 for every Jihad in the world.

You're the one making the claim that a President has to personally be involved. Not me. You can't give Trump credit for the vaccine if you didn't give Obama credit for killing Bin Laden.
This vaccine wouldn't be coming along if the president had supposedly been "failing" in his response to this virus. He brought together the biggest conglomeration of private drug makers in American history to develop a vaccine for this virus. He got the private sector to work together to find therapeutic regimens to mitigate it. He was looking ahead while you, the Democrats, the supposed adults here, were each pointing fingers at him and looking to score political points.

Grow up and give the man some credit. Even, if Trump loses, so be it, but I will not vote for an incompetent fool like Joe Biden while he is led by his far-left handlers on a path to slit the throat of our nation, nor will I vote for a libertarian who is seeking attention and not attempting to use that attention to pass along meaningful policy goals to her potential voters.

No, I don't like Trump, nor do I care about his tweeting, but I do admire his strength and tenacity. He has America's best interests at heart while you all bicker and complain about his demeanor and try to spin everything he does into a negative. I admire his drive. I revile those who try to undermine his every step. Spare me your proclamations of supposedly having the best interests of this country at heart when you can't even see the good things a leader of the opposite side has done for the country through the hatred in your hearts.

I am voting for him. That's it, that's all. Friends who ask me to compromise my core values in order to remain their friends are not true friends, they will accept me for who I am and what I believe or they will not. If you can't accept that, you can unfriend me right now.

Hatred this potent only blinds you to real friendship, and it blinds you to the positive things people do.

Lol, he can't take credit for it. He did nothing.
Sure it is his fault when something happens BUT never his success when he takes NUMEROUS active actions against or for something. Using your logic NO president has ever done anything at all EVER. By the way I notice you did not include at least 2 complete informative sentences in your drive by response.

Hmmm...I seem to remember a certain President not getting credit for killing the #1 terrorist in the world because he didn't pull the trigger personally.

"Seal Team 6 did the actual killing not President Obama."

LOL like I said no President ever did anything if you all claim Trump hasn't done stuff. As for kill OBL Obama may have authorized the raid but he did not kill OBL. And then he painted a target on Seal Team 6 for every Jihad in the world.

You're the one making the claim that a President has to personally be involved. Not me. You can't give Trump credit for the vaccine if you didn't give Obama credit for killing Bin Laden.
I gave Obama credit for authorizing the mission. I will not claim he personally killed OBL. And then after authorizing the raid he blabbed to EVERYONE around the world who EXACTLY killed the man. Just like I gave credit to Carter for authorizing the Iranian raid in 79.
This vaccine wouldn't be coming along if the president had supposedly been "failing" in his response to this virus. He brought together the biggest conglomeration of private drug makers in American history to develop a vaccine for this virus. He got the private sector to work together to find therapeutic regimens to mitigate it. He was looking ahead while you, the Democrats, the supposed adults here, were each pointing fingers at him and looking to score political points.

Grow up and give the man some credit. Even, if Trump loses, so be it, but I will not vote for an incompetent fool like Joe Biden while he is led by his far-left handlers on a path to slit the throat of our nation, nor will I vote for a libertarian who is seeking attention and not attempting to use that attention to pass along meaningful policy goals to her potential voters.

No, I don't like Trump, nor do I care about his tweeting, but I do admire his strength and tenacity. He has America's best interests at heart while you all bicker and complain about his demeanor and try to spin everything he does into a negative. I admire his drive. I revile those who try to undermine his every step. Spare me your proclamations of supposedly having the best interests of this country at heart when you can't even see the good things a leader of the opposite side has done for the country through the hatred in your hearts.

I am voting for him. That's it, that's all. Friends who ask me to compromise my core values in order to remain their friends are not true friends, they will accept me for who I am and what I believe or they will not. If you can't accept that, you can unfriend me right now.

Hatred this potent only blinds you to real friendship, and it blinds you to the positive things people do.

Lol, he can't take credit for it. He did nothing.
Sure it is his fault when something happens BUT never his success when he takes NUMEROUS active actions against or for something. Using your logic NO president has ever done anything at all EVER. By the way I notice you did not include at least 2 complete informative sentences in your drive by response.

Hmmm...I seem to remember a certain President not getting credit for killing the #1 terrorist in the world because he didn't pull the trigger personally.

"Seal Team 6 did the actual killing not President Obama."

LOL like I said no President ever did anything if you all claim Trump hasn't done stuff. As for kill OBL Obama may have authorized the raid but he did not kill OBL. And then he painted a target on Seal Team 6 for every Jihad in the world.

You're the one making the claim that a President has to personally be involved. Not me. You can't give Trump credit for the vaccine if you didn't give Obama credit for killing Bin Laden.
I gave Obama credit for authorizing the mission. I will not claim he personally killed OBL. And then after authorizing the raid he blabbed to EVERYONE around the world who EXACTLY killed the man. Just like I gave credit to Carter for authorizing the Iranian raid in 79.
And Trump gets credit for the vaccine companies making a vaccine?
This vaccine wouldn't be coming along if the president had supposedly been "failing" in his response to this virus. He brought together the biggest conglomeration of private drug makers in American history to develop a vaccine for this virus. He got the private sector to work together to find therapeutic regimens to mitigate it. He was looking ahead while you, the Democrats, the supposed adults here, were each pointing fingers at him and looking to score political points.

Grow up and give the man some credit. Even, if Trump loses, so be it, but I will not vote for an incompetent fool like Joe Biden while he is led by his far-left handlers on a path to slit the throat of our nation, nor will I vote for a libertarian who is seeking attention and not attempting to use that attention to pass along meaningful policy goals to her potential voters.

No, I don't like Trump, nor do I care about his tweeting, but I do admire his strength and tenacity. He has America's best interests at heart while you all bicker and complain about his demeanor and try to spin everything he does into a negative. I admire his drive. I revile those who try to undermine his every step. Spare me your proclamations of supposedly having the best interests of this country at heart when you can't even see the good things a leader of the opposite side has done for the country through the hatred in your hearts.

I am voting for him. That's it, that's all. Friends who ask me to compromise my core values in order to remain their friends are not true friends, they will accept me for who I am and what I believe or they will not. If you can't accept that, you can unfriend me right now.

Hatred this potent only blinds you to real friendship, and it blinds you to the positive things people do.

Lol, he can't take credit for it. He did nothing.
Sure it is his fault when something happens BUT never his success when he takes NUMEROUS active actions against or for something. Using your logic NO president has ever done anything at all EVER. By the way I notice you did not include at least 2 complete informative sentences in your drive by response.

Hmmm...I seem to remember a certain President not getting credit for killing the #1 terrorist in the world because he didn't pull the trigger personally.

"Seal Team 6 did the actual killing not President Obama."

LOL like I said no President ever did anything if you all claim Trump hasn't done stuff. As for kill OBL Obama may have authorized the raid but he did not kill OBL. And then he painted a target on Seal Team 6 for every Jihad in the world.

You're the one making the claim that a President has to personally be involved. Not me. You can't give Trump credit for the vaccine if you didn't give Obama credit for killing Bin Laden.
I gave Obama credit for authorizing the mission. I will not claim he personally killed OBL. And then after authorizing the raid he blabbed to EVERYONE around the world who EXACTLY killed the man. Just like I gave credit to Carter for authorizing the Iranian raid in 79.
And Trump gets credit for the vaccine companies making a vaccine?
He gets credit for creating the ability of the Vaccine companies not to be sued for making the vaccine. He also gets credit for all the steps he took to stop the virus you retards ignore.
Not remotely. I'm 100% pro vaccine. I will be first in line for the COVID vaccine. That has nothing to do with Trump's dismal response to this pandemic.

Oh yes it does. How many more years would it have been before a vaccine had been developed under normal procedures and regulations? Could you wait that long as the government hung on the red tape like a fool in a half turned over hammock?

You're in denial. He's focusing on the core issue, not on the fear you wish to employ on the masses. When a vaccine is complete and distributed, your power and fear will be gone. And no matter how you cry and wail like Mary at the foot of the cross, you can't change the fact that Trump is responsible for this.
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This vaccine wouldn't be coming along if the president had supposedly been "failing" in his response to this virus. He brought together the biggest conglomeration of private drug makers in American history to develop a vaccine for this virus. He got the private sector to work together to find therapeutic regimens to mitigate it. He was looking ahead while you, the Democrats, the supposed adults here, were each pointing fingers at him and looking to score political points.

Grow up and give the man some credit. Even, if Trump loses, so be it, but I will not vote for an incompetent fool like Joe Biden while he is led by his far-left handlers on a path to slit the throat of our nation, nor will I vote for a libertarian who is seeking attention and not attempting to use that attention to pass along meaningful policy goals to her potential voters.

No, I don't like Trump, nor do I care about his tweeting, but I do admire his strength and tenacity. He has America's best interests at heart while you all bicker and complain about his demeanor and try to spin everything he does into a negative. I admire his drive. I revile those who try to undermine his every step. Spare me your proclamations of supposedly having the best interests of this country at heart when you can't even see the good things a leader of the opposite side has done for the country through the hatred in your hearts.

I am voting for him. That's it, that's all. Friends who ask me to compromise my core values in order to remain their friends are not true friends, they will accept me for who I am and what I believe or they will not. If you can't accept that, you can unfriend me right now.

Hatred this potent only blinds you to real friendship, and it blinds you to the positive things people do.

Lol, he can't take credit for it. He did nothing.
Sure it is his fault when something happens BUT never his success when he takes NUMEROUS active actions against or for something. Using your logic NO president has ever done anything at all EVER. By the way I notice you did not include at least 2 complete informative sentences in your drive by response.

Hmmm...I seem to remember a certain President not getting credit for killing the #1 terrorist in the world because he didn't pull the trigger personally.

"Seal Team 6 did the actual killing not President Obama."

LOL like I said no President ever did anything if you all claim Trump hasn't done stuff. As for kill OBL Obama may have authorized the raid but he did not kill OBL. And then he painted a target on Seal Team 6 for every Jihad in the world.

You're the one making the claim that a President has to personally be involved. Not me. You can't give Trump credit for the vaccine if you didn't give Obama credit for killing Bin Laden.
I gave Obama credit for authorizing the mission. I will not claim he personally killed OBL. And then after authorizing the raid he blabbed to EVERYONE around the world who EXACTLY killed the man. Just like I gave credit to Carter for authorizing the Iranian raid in 79.
And Trump gets credit for the vaccine companies making a vaccine?
He gets credit for creating the ability of the Vaccine companies not to be sued for making the vaccine. He also gets credit for all the steps he took to stop the virus you retards ignore.

Amazing nobody will ever write a folk song about freeing vaccine companies from litigation. LOL.

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