Can you simultaneously colonize your neighbors and still claim you want peace?

Is it strange that nobody has answered the question or is the answer that obvious?
Settle down, Louie. The question posed obviously leads to a predefined conclusion. It's a tactic that you use often.
When I first came here, you and others were calling Ventura and even some others you tried to discredit, Louie. After reading many of his posts, I feel honored to be in that company.

And if the answer is as obvious as you just claimed, then it is far past time for the zionists to change their narrative.
Settle down, Louie. The question posed obviously leads to a predefined conclusion. It's a tactic that you use often.
When I first came here, you and others were calling Ventura and even some others you tried to discredit, Louie. After reading many of his posts, I feel honored to be in that company.

And if the answer is as obvious as you just claimed, then it is far past time for the zionists to change their narrative.
A bit self-serving. You're honored to be in the company of a hack? That, as you recall, was much the same answer you posted under the Ventura account. You are nothing if not predictable.

An achievement of some merit, I suppose.
A bit self-serving. You're honored to be in the company of a hack? That, as you recall, was much the same answer you posted under the Ventura account. You are nothing if not predictable.

An achievement of some merit, I suppose.
Step away from the computer. Step away from the computer. Step away from the computer.

How can you build race based communities on another's land and still claim that you want peace?
Settle down, Louie. The question posed obviously leads to a predefined conclusion. It's a tactic that you use often.
When I first came here, you and others were calling Ventura and even some others you tried to discredit, Louie. After reading many of his posts, I feel honored to be in that company.

And if the answer is as obvious as you just claimed, then it is far past time for the zionists to change their narrative.

I never claimed the answer is obvious.

You never made a case for for your claim that Israel was colonizing any neighbor. See how that works, Louie? Posing a question that is circular in that it presupposes an answer is not a conclusion.
I never claimed the answer is obvious.

You never made a case for for your claim that Israel was colonizing any neighbor. See how that works, Louie? Posing a question that is circular in that it presupposes an answer is not a conclusion.
You don't believe that the settlements (racial colonies) exist?
A bit self-serving. You're honored to be in the company of a hack? That, as you recall, was much the same answer you posted under the Ventura account. You are nothing if not predictable.

An achievement of some merit, I suppose.
Step away from the computer. Step away from the computer. Step away from the computer.

How can you build race based communities on another's land and still claim that you want peace?

Israel is not race based, Louie. Another example of your assumptive style of tirades.
I never claimed the answer is obvious.

You never made a case for for your claim that Israel was colonizing any neighbor. See how that works, Louie? Posing a question that is circular in that it presupposes an answer is not a conclusion.
You don't believe that the settlements (racial colonies) exist?

You don't understand that your question presupposes an answer? You're claim is utterly unsupported?
Israel is not race based, Louie. Another example of your assumptive style of tirades.
You deny that only certain people are allowed into the settlements? Do you deny the African migrant camps too?

Here is a breakdown in Ney York, for example:

2006-2008 American Community Survey for the U.S. Census:


Hispanic or Latino (of any race)

Black or African American


American Indian

Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander

Other races


Now, what do think those numbers would look like, in say, Ariel?
Israel is not race based, Louie. Another example of your assumptive style of tirades.
You deny that only certain people are allowed into the settlements? Do you deny the African migrant camps too?

Here is a breakdown in Ney York, for example:

2006-2008 American Community Survey for the U.S. Census:


Hispanic or Latino (of any race)

Black or African American


American Indian

Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander

Other races


Now, what do think those numbers would look like, in say, Ariel?
"Ney York" is not Israel.

That they are spelled differently should have been a clue.

That was quite the Michael Jackson moonwalk as you backtracked on your "Israel is raced based", tirade.
Odd question, I don't think the Arabs have ever wanted peace. Matter of fact when they came from the Arabian peninsula and colonized their neighbors in Judea they were on a military conquest. So, when did they claim they wanted peace ????
Israel is not race based, Louie. Another example of your assumptive style of tirades.
You deny that only certain people are allowed into the settlements? Do you deny the African migrant camps too?

Here is a breakdown in Ney York, for example:

2006-2008 American Community Survey for the U.S. Census:


Hispanic or Latino (of any race)

Black or African American


American Indian

Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander

Other races


Now, what do think those numbers would look like, in say, Ariel?

Can you provide the data on what "race" predominates in Gaza for comparison?
"Ney York" is not Israel.
I get that, of course. The point you miss is that they don't even have demographics for the settlements as they would all be at least close to 100% white.
To understand this more fully, where else in any civilized nation (let alone in on someone else's land) are communities set up solely for one race? Hitler tried and failed; why would it wok in Palestine?

Where else are the native people's homes being demolished to accomplish this end?

“Any humanitarian looking at the sheer number of innocent civilians who have lost their homes can only condemn Israel’s house demolition policy as a hugely disproportionate military response by an occupation army... It is a policy that creates only hardship and bitterness, and in the end can only undermine hope for future reconciliation and peace.”

– Peter Hansen, Commissioner General of UNRWA

To really understand the flagrant disregard for human rights that are going on to build these racial colonies, since 1967, over 48,000 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel and the Palestinians have not even demolished one Israeli home in that same time period.

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