Can you think of anything that brings our divided country back together better than conservatives?


Senior Member
Jan 23, 2017

How about this? Good, heart warming political news?! Is that even possible? Read on - A waitress at a Washington D.C. restaurant received a very generous tip and a warm message on her receipt from three men who were in town for President Donald Trump’s inauguration. Rosalynd Harris, who works at Busboys and Poets in the northwest part of the nation’s capital, told The Washington Post she was beaming with confidence Monday after taking part in the Women’s March over the weekend. A group of men from west Texas entered the restaurant and started to chat with Harris. One of the men, who said he was a dentist, complimented her on her smile. Harris, who is black, told the Post she was admittedly a bit prejudice when the men, who were white, told her they were in town to support Trump. However, Harris didn’t expect what would come next. After the men had left, Harris picked up their check and found that they left a heartwarming message and a generous tip. They left Harris a $450 tip on a $72.60 bill. Their message read: “We may come from different cultures and may disagree on certain issues, but if everyone would share their smile and kindness like your beautiful smile, our country will come together as one people. Not race. Not gender. Just American. God Bless!" Harris said she was overwhelmed. “You automatically assume if someone supports Trump that they have ideas about you, but [the customer is] more embracing than even some of my more liberal friends, and there was a real authenticity in our exchange,” she told the paper. Harris added that the message was a great reminder not to make assumptions and that many Americans want the country to come together regardless of politics. Have a great day you guys - take this story with you, in your heart, and have a great day!

How about this? Good, heart warming political news?! Is that even possible? Read on - A waitress at a Washington D.C. restaurant received a very generous tip and a warm message on her receipt from three men who were in town for President Donald Trump’s inauguration. Rosalynd Harris, who works at Busboys and Poets in the northwest part of the nation’s capital, told The Washington Post she was beaming with confidence Monday after taking part in the Women’s March over the weekend. A group of men from west Texas entered the restaurant and started to chat with Harris. One of the men, who said he was a dentist, complimented her on her smile. Harris, who is black, told the Post she was admittedly a bit prejudice when the men, who were white, told her they were in town to support Trump. However, Harris didn’t expect what would come next. After the men had left, Harris picked up their check and found that they left a heartwarming message and a generous tip. They left Harris a $450 tip on a $72.60 bill. Their message read: “We may come from different cultures and may disagree on certain issues, but if everyone would share their smile and kindness like your beautiful smile, our country will come together as one people. Not race. Not gender. Just American. God Bless!" Harris said she was overwhelmed. “You automatically assume if someone supports Trump that they have ideas about you, but [the customer is] more embracing than even some of my more liberal friends, and there was a real authenticity in our exchange,” she told the paper. Harris added that the message was a great reminder not to make assumptions and that many Americans want the country to come together regardless of politics. Have a great day you guys - take this story with you, in your heart, and have a great day!

I wish we elected a conservative.
Where is the conservative? America must have missed him or her. I'm not sure that republicans and I guess the genuine conservatives among them realize yet they were the big losers this election. If Trump is a conservative I'm the king of the world. Draft dodger, tax cheat, pays no taxes, gives nothing to charity, is sued constantly, ran a fake university, lies constantly, adulterer, ran bankrupt businesses. Is that the new definition of conservative? If so spell it out please.

"Considering all his advantages, Trump’s electoral victory should have been expected. Yet it was a stunning shock, because of his manifest personal unsuitability to hold an Office of such responsibility in a democratic polity. Below I shall explain this unsuitability in terms of several types of failure—ignorance and willful dissimulation, intolerance and the refusal to acknowledge fellow citizens as equals, and vices of political morality—inimical to the realization of democratic values. I shall suggest that the willingness of Trump voters to overlook such failures exhibited related departures from the ideal of democratic citizenship belonging to the most defensible conception of democracy." S. A. Lloyd

The Critique – A Failure Of Democracy?
That's a real Texan for ya! :2up:
Much to the consternation of the racist libs, I'm sure

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