Canada Complains that Trump Negotiator is a “vicious son of a bitch”


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Canada Complains that Trump Negotiator is a “vicious son of a bitch”


Well. Well. Well. Another President Trump promise kept. Exactly what we need after so many decades of pussy-footing with other nations – especially our closest neighbors.

As NAFTA negotiations come down to the crunch in Washington this week, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer wants to eliminate Chapter 19. The Americans have never been fans of the way the panels work.

So Canada has a tough decision to make: does it mount a vigorous defence of this imperfect tool? Does it try to convince the U.S. to replace it with something that might work better? Or does it give in, holding its fire for another front?

Much more about this @ Why NAFTA's Chapter 19 may not be the right hill to die on thanks to Canada: ‘When it comes to negotiating “Robert Lighthizer is a vicious son of a bitch”…

Trump threatens to pull out of World Trade Organization @ Trump threatens to pull out of World Trade Organization

More promises kept!
I say cancel the whole deal! Canada was better off before free trade anyway. We should just keep our oil , electricity, wood and water! We will give you Trudeau, the pussy bastard!
I say cancel the whole deal! Canada was better off before free trade anyway. We should just keep our oil , electricity, wood and water! We will give you Trudeau, the pussy bastard!

And what about the military? Will you build your own?
I really don't understand Chapter 19 but this guy Ritchie sounds like he knows the score,

Over time, a tool like this "loses its sharp edge," he said, and the U.S. Commerce Department "gets better and better at appearing to comply" without actually stopping its protectionist behaviour.

This may have been inevitable — in fact, Ritchie thought Chapter 19 would reach its best before date well before now.​

When it comes to negotiating, "Robert Lighthizer is a vicious son of a bitch," Ritchie said. "This may not be the hill that Mr. Trudeau wants to die on."​

As an alternative, the three NAFTA partners could commit to dispute settlement through WTO reform. The U.S. already agreed to that with the EU.​

"If you're in that sweatbox in Washington ... that may be a way out, politically," Ritchie said.​
After more than a decade of telling Canada that their tactics would backfire, after multiple careers destroyed and my life stolen, I am watching a Canadian system being exposed for the world to see. This administration is full of well versed, wealthy businessman. They know what is going on far better than some easily greased politician.

Deal or no deal, Canada loses large in this renegotiation. I hope the next generation of Canadians see some incarnation of individual liberty, accountability and Due Process, as it stands now, we are so far behind the rest of the West that it's not unfair to say Canada is closer to the former East Germany than we are to America in term of our system.

In free nations, those who apply themselves, have ambition and some skilset can pursue their dreams. In Canada it is Big Government, Big Security Apparatus, engaging in Cover Your Ass all the time. It has really warped this nations citizens sense of character, morals and transparent justice.
Good............don't need a pussy negotiating for us.......

Canada will not win this............they know it.....just give us FAIR TRADE and it's over.
we dont need yours thats for sure. The world police can stand down!



That's not fair to Canadian soldiers. They want to contribute and are willing to put their asses on the line as much as any soldier, they have just been insulted by our governments for decades, always at the expense of funding a big domestic covert police apparatus.

I agree we don't pull our weight, but it isn't the fault of the front line soldier. He is being shortchanged and overlooked for some covert police patsy who pulls in $120k a year, while the Canadian solder lives on $20k a year. FAR greater danger, and far less pay and support. It angers me.
Canada Complains that Trump Negotiator is a “vicious son of a bitch”


Well. Well. Well. Another President Trump promise kept. Exactly what we need after so many decades of pussy-footing with other nations – especially our closest neighbors.

As NAFTA negotiations come down to the crunch in Washington this week, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer wants to eliminate Chapter 19. The Americans have never been fans of the way the panels work.

So Canada has a tough decision to make: does it mount a vigorous defence of this imperfect tool? Does it try to convince the U.S. to replace it with something that might work better? Or does it give in, holding its fire for another front?

Much more about this @ Why NAFTA's Chapter 19 may not be the right hill to die on thanks to Canada: ‘When it comes to negotiating “Robert Lighthizer is a vicious son of a bitch”…

Trump threatens to pull out of World Trade Organization @ Trump threatens to pull out of World Trade Organization

More promises kept!
So far, in conflicts between the U.S. and Canada, Canada's won every time.
Fine....end it! Better off before! Trump is an idiot and so is Trudeau! Neither will be in a 2nd term. Guarantee it! Both countries fucked up!
We want Fair trade.
US and Canadian trade weighted tariff levels are very similar. That Trump has his panties in a bunch because US central planning pays its dairy farmers to produce milk it cannot use is hardly Canada's fault.

That fall is problematic, said Mark Stephenson, director of dairy policy analysis at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, because the price of cheese is a major factor in the equation that USDA uses to set the price that dairy farmers receive for their milk. The current price — $15.36 per 100 pounds — is about a dollar below the average for 2017 and well below the price that many farmers say they need to break even.

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