Canada Declares State of Emergency Over Convoy Protesters.

Not everyone can be bought off with an Obamaphone or TrudeauCB, bub.
Do you know what they want? They say 'freedom' but they can't get past that to name something?

Freedom from having to be vaxxed? Freedom from being mandated?
90%+ already are vaxxed and all of the ones who cross the border need to take up their fight with Biden. He's the one who mandated for cross border twuckurs.
Tax payers' interests are different in Canada than in America.
But in any case you're making little sense, because employers pay unionized workers.

Actually government does have money of its own. Government collects rent from taxpayers in return for goods and services it provides. And also rent for the government land they supply to tax payers.
Government has a right to collect land taxes in your country too.

Remember, the protesting truckers are small business owners and not Teamsters.
Would you like to explain the point you tried to make again?

Taxation is still a business arrangement between two parties.
If one party violates the terms of the agreement, then that creates a grievance.

The truckers are exercising their ability to express their concerns in regard to their grievance.

Do you know what they want? They say 'freedom' but they can't get past that to name something?

Freedom from having to be vaxxed? Freedom from being mandated?
90%+ already are vaxxed and all of the ones who cross the border need to take up their fight with Biden. He's the one who mandated for cross border twuckurs.

Freedom doesn't require an explanation, bub.
That convoy is now 40 m8les long and growing.

The government is wrong and everyone knows it.

When you think of what the demands are, the government makes even less sense. Vaccinations, mask wearing even when alone in the truck, and 14 days of quarantine after delivering or picking up a load in the United States. One day of work and half a month of lockdown. For NOTHING.

I'm surprised the truckers aren't leading a charge of pitchforks and torches.

End the mandates. Just end them.
Nothing is working for you all. Nothing. It's all falling apart.



The right has been pushing to get back to normal, the left seems to want more emergency funding and staying in the status quo.
The vaccine mandate will be over with soon, Too bad they had to make chaos and a lot of them got arrested. Drinking and driving doesn't mix.

The left are the progressive, the right wants to go back to the 50's'
When you think of what the demands are, the government makes even less sense. Vaccinations, mask wearing even when alone in the truck, and 14 days of quarantine after delivering or picking up a load in the United States. One day of work and half a month of lockdown. For NOTHING.

I'm surprised the truckers aren't leading a charge of pitchforks and torches.

End the mandates. Just end them.
Do you want them to do that??
The left are the progressive, the right wants to go back to the 50's'
True. Under the left we have progressed to higher prices, inflation, higher taxes, more crime, left wing mobs looting stores and a weaker military defense. Although you are, as usual, wrong about the right, maybe going back to the 50's isn't such a bad idea.
True. Under the left we have progressed to higher prices, inflation, higher taxes, more crime, left wing mobs looting stores and a weaker military defense. Although you are, as usual, wrong about the right, maybe going back to the 50's isn't such a bad idea.
It has to do with more people, the more people, they more laws. You really want to pay higher taxes, before RReagan, remember how it was. It was never a tranquil life.
The vaccine mandate will be over with soon, Too bad they had to make chaos and a lot of them got arrested. Drinking and driving doesn't mix.

The left are the progressive, the right wants to go back to the 50's'
You want us to stay home, wear masks, get vaccinated, prove we are vaccinated, take Covid tests, isolate, shut down businesses and you claim conservatives want to go back to the 50's?

Hell, I'd be happy if the left went back to 2019 before all this started. You nuts want to stay home and sponge of the government and send us further into debt. You Republicans and Democrats are plain stupid. Time to grow up and go back to work and get back to normal.
Do you know what they want? They say 'freedom' but they can't get past that to name something?

Freedom from having to be vaxxed? Freedom from being mandated?
90%+ already are vaxxed and all of the ones who cross the border need to take up their fight with Biden. He's the one who mandated for cross border twuckurs.
They don't want the passports.

Those are a step into the social credit system and slavery. Ask how the Chinese Uighur Muslims are doing. And that? That is how political dissidents in North America will be treated.

Freedom and liberty will be a thing of the past.

Small business truck owners sitting in jail moaning about losing their trucks, can be replaced by Unionized Teamsters.
Canada can still afford them.
Where are they going to get them? You can't teach someone to drive a truck in a few hours. Plus, what happens when your new union truck drivers decide to go on a nationwide strike as unions are prone to do?

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