Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks

How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

Sounds like you did something pretty bad.

What did you do?

I have no idea but apparently he tried to leave and go to the US and he couldn't get in. Of course he blamed CSIS (our version of the CIA) for refusing to let him leave the country.

I'd cheerfully out this ungrateful piece of shit on an ice flow and let him fend for himself.
"Canadian negotiators are demanding the United States roll back so-called "right to work" laws – accused of gutting unions in some U.S. states by starving them of money..."

Whose money? I wonder if they even understand what 'right to work' means?

This is an interesting comment...

It's all put Mr. Pena Nieto (President of Mexico) in a tough spot: He wants to preserve NAFTA but fears courting public anger if he is seen to make concessions to Mr. Trump. In an address to lawmakers Saturday, he vowed not to "accept anything that goes against our national dignity."

National dignity? Indeed.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

Sounds like you did something pretty bad.

What did you do?

I have no idea but apparently he tried to leave and go to the US and he couldn't get in. Of course he blamed CSIS (our version of the CIA) for refusing to let him leave the country.

I'd cheerfully out this ungrateful piece of shit on an ice flow and let him fend for himself.

Once again you repeat my story with little semblance of accuracy. Stop speaking on my behalf when you never get the facts straight. You're making me wonder why you have taken such an interest in my situation, and with such inaccuracies. What is your motive?

I was detained at the U.S border, this was after multiple interferences into my career in the corporate world, and even at my university in my MBA program. The Americans let my wife and I enter because quite frankly I am not a threat, anyone with two brain cells would know this, this will not stop the Canadian authorities from making up a good story, in which they generate the facts like every good communist does and entrap, misrepresent and target, but of course, never ever charge with anything. That is how much faith the Canadian Stasi have with their own activities, they are liars and cowards.

The interactions at the border have not been unpleasant and have even been cordial on occasion. I don't blame the U.S at all, they are going on Canadian information in the CPIC database and low performing plain clothes officers. This is information which is based on lying, disingenuous, self serving agents and agencies who are concerned with protecting their asses and not the truth. They care little about out Charter of Rights, nor Canada or Ontarios future as long as their budgets and powers continue to increase.

As it were, when asked if there was a problem (when detained 20+ minutes), I was told, "not with us, but you might want to speak to your government. Have a nice day". We were free to enter. I have entered since without any problem, and have not had any difficult interactions. An FOIA request also gleaned great information, and I shared what I knew with the Obama administration, explaining Canadas "human rights" record. Ironically, I received more transparency from the United States than from the Canadian government. This, by the way, is consistent across every interaction. Whether trade and NAFTA, border issues and processes, business regulation decisions and such. Canada is not much different than a former Eastern Bloc nation in regards to transparency of government. We are ruled, not governed it seems. America must not ever let their guard down and become like Canada.

When police enter American corporations and manipulate the workplace, including management and an executive position, there is a major problem. When police spread hatred against America, suggest America and Israel were behind 9/11, and push for interest in unions at U.S businesses, a tactic I am aware of being used at multiple businesses. well, if you are an American now you have a problem with NAFTA don't you. The RCMP and their surrogates have tried time and time again to deny me information, not providing any of the details shared with the U.S or their abuses against me in Canada. The has gone on for longer than a decade, and I know they are full of it, I am aware of too many details and have shared them with our allies, this makes me a threat to THEM, not Canada or America. I've told them my feelings via email, on the phone, and in person. I know the names and details of a couple of dozen of undercovers in media and in corporate "security". Many of them foreign corporations.

In short, I have done great research, reached out to many people and will continue to do so. Without question, Canada is exploiting America. I have experienced a great deal of harm because of this. Threats, intimidation, general harassment. The TPS, OPP and RCMP can kiss my behind. Their plain clothes officers are no friends to Canada and an outright enemy to America. They can surf my forum postings, they know who I am. As they do their worst to me, I will do my best to expose them.

Mr. Ross and Mr, Trump should not sign a deal for NAFTA unless you are protected by the abuses of low performing countries who rely on American businesses and tax payers to subsidize their illegal activities against American businesses and stealing jobs from workers.
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The problem is how far has globalism gone now, and can it actually be pushed back to a healthy level without the globalist wanting all out war ?? I think things have went so far that doing anything to fast will lead to calamity and chaos to which the likes the world has not known before, but has known before. I agree with the anti-globalist stance, but we must start here by empowering American entrepreneurs with their dreams and small business creations that build individualism and self reliance again. The tech world is big time against this, because it needs us to become totally dependent to further it's mega wealth and corporate monopolies in which will finish us here for good.

Maybe instead of pissing yourself over globalism, you should work on making America able to compete.
. You speak as a foolish man, because you know what has taken place over the years, but you choose to spin and spin and spin. :spinner:
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How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

Sounds like you did something pretty bad.

What did you do?

I have no idea but apparently he tried to leave and go to the US and he couldn't get in. Of course he blamed CSIS (our version of the CIA) for refusing to let him leave the country.

I'd cheerfully out this ungrateful piece of shit on an ice flow and let him fend for himself.

Once again you repeat my story with little semblance of accuracy. Stop speaking on my behalf when you never gets the facts straight. You're making me wonder why you have taken such an interest in my situation, and with such inaccuracies. What is your motive?

I was detained at the U.S border, this was after multiple interferences into my career in the corporate world, and even at my university in my MBA program. The Americans let my wife and I enter because quite frankly I am not a threat, anyone with two brain cells would know this, this will not stop the Canadian authorities from making up a good story, in which they generate the facts like every good communist does and entrap, misrepresent and target, but of course, never ever charge with anything. That is how much faith the Canadian Stasi have with their own activities, they are liars and cowards.

The interactions at the border have not been unpleasant and have even been cordial on occasion. I don't blame the U.S at all, they are going on Canadian information in the CPIC database and low performing plain clothes officers. This is information which is based on lying, disingenuous, self serving agents and agencies who are concerned with protecting their asses and not the truth. They care little about out Charter of Rights, nor Canada or Ontarios future as long as their budgets and powers continue to increase.

As it were, when asked if there was a problem (when detained 20+ minutes), I was told, "not with us, but you might want to speak to your government. Have a nice day". We were free to enter. I have entered since without any problem, and have not had any difficult interactions. An FOIA request also gleaned great information, and I shared what I knew with the Obama administration, explaining Canadas "human rights" record. Ironically, I received more transparency from the United States than from the Canadian government. This, by the way, is consistent across every interaction. Whether trade and NAFTA, border issues and processes, business regulation decisions and such. Canada is not much different than a former Eastern Bloc nation in regards to transparency of government. We are rules, not governed it seems. America must not ever let their guard down and become like Canada.

When police enter American corporations and manipulate the workplace, including management and an executive position, there is a major problem. When police spread hatred against America, suggest America and Israel were behind 9/11, and push for interest in unions at U.S businesses, a tactic I am aware of being used at multiple businesses. well, if you are an American now you have a problem with NAFTA don't you. The RCMP and their surrogates have tried time and time again to deny me information, not providing any of the details shared with the U.S or their abuses against me in Canada. The has gone on for longer than a decade, and I know they are full of it, I am aware of too many details and have shared them with our allies, this makes me a threat to THEM, not Canada or America. I've told them my feelings via email, on the phone, and in person. I know the names and details of a couple of dozen of undercovers in media and in corporate "security". Many of them foreign corporations.

In short, I have done great research, reached out to many people and will continue to do so. Without question, Canada is exploiting America. I have experienced a great deal of harm because of this. Threats, intimidation, general harassment. The TPS, OPP and RCMP can kiss my behind. Their plain clothes officers are no friends to Canada and an outright enemy to America. They can surf my forum postings, they know who I am. As they do their worst to me, I will do my best to expose them.

Mr. Ross and Mr, Trump should not sign a deal for NAFTA unless you are protected by the abuses of low performing countries who rely on American businesses and tax payers to subsidize their illegal activities against American businesses and stealing jobs from workers.

Canada is exploiting America? That's why the US exports to Canada exceed Canadian exports to the US. That's why American owned companies close Canadian plants and take the jobs to the US when times get tough. That's why Canadian companies are routinely bought by Americans and the Canadian jobs go to the US.

Iconic Canadian companies like Hudsons Bay, Labatts, and Tim Hortons are owned by Americans. The largest retailer in Canada is now Walmart.

You're a loon with a persecution complex.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks

That law was named wrong. To be accurate, it should be called The right to work for less.
But unions with their corporate interest and globalist thinking ain't the answer either. We have seen where that led to... The only hope is to simply have a federal government that truly promotes the values and rights of the individual worker in this country again. It should stand as the third party participant that ensures that all negotiations between companies, contractors, and employees are done in the Spirit of this countries values and founding. Freedom must be preserved in all of this or we are done.

Yes, unions are a big part of the answer.
. Unless reformed, they are a huge part of the problem now. They will protect their corporate handlers before they will protect the workers from abuse these days. The feds have set up that thinking by all the losses they have suffered under an anti-union government who has sold itself also out to it's corporate handlers. The unions have got to be thinking that they aren't going to bite the hands that feed them.

Yes, unions aren't much compared to what they were a few decades ago when Reagan worked so hard to kill them. In time, they will be back.
. They might be back, but under control of the globalist, and therefore it won't help the American worker being forced to compete in the globalist environment. Competing with communist nations is a flawed concept for American values and economic standards for the American who is being forced to the bottom in order to compete against labor that hasn't a clue as to what it's like to be free, and a citizen of the American experience. American Corporations engaged with communist/socialist workforces are actually undermining America's sovereignty, and her security over time. We aren't China, but we might have to act like their government on behalf of our citizens in protecting this nations labor until the swamp is drained. China protects it's interest and sovereignty in China, but we capitualate here over the dirty money to be made.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

Sounds like you did something pretty bad.

What did you do?

I have no idea but apparently he tried to leave and go to the US and he couldn't get in. Of course he blamed CSIS (our version of the CIA) for refusing to let him leave the country.

I'd cheerfully out this ungrateful piece of shit on an ice flow and let him fend for himself.

Once again you repeat my story with little semblance of accuracy. Stop speaking on my behalf when you never gets the facts straight. You're making me wonder why you have taken such an interest in my situation, and with such inaccuracies. What is your motive?

I was detained at the U.S border, this was after multiple interferences into my career in the corporate world, and even at my university in my MBA program. The Americans let my wife and I enter because quite frankly I am not a threat, anyone with two brain cells would know this, this will not stop the Canadian authorities from making up a good story, in which they generate the facts like every good communist does and entrap, misrepresent and target, but of course, never ever charge with anything. That is how much faith the Canadian Stasi have with their own activities, they are liars and cowards.

The interactions at the border have not been unpleasant and have even been cordial on occasion. I don't blame the U.S at all, they are going on Canadian information in the CPIC database and low performing plain clothes officers. This is information which is based on lying, disingenuous, self serving agents and agencies who are concerned with protecting their asses and not the truth. They care little about out Charter of Rights, nor Canada or Ontarios future as long as their budgets and powers continue to increase.

As it were, when asked if there was a problem (when detained 20+ minutes), I was told, "not with us, but you might want to speak to your government. Have a nice day". We were free to enter. I have entered since without any problem, and have not had any difficult interactions. An FOIA request also gleaned great information, and I shared what I knew with the Obama administration, explaining Canadas "human rights" record. Ironically, I received more transparency from the United States than from the Canadian government. This, by the way, is consistent across every interaction. Whether trade and NAFTA, border issues and processes, business regulation decisions and such. Canada is not much different than a former Eastern Bloc nation in regards to transparency of government. We are rules, not governed it seems. America must not ever let their guard down and become like Canada.

When police enter American corporations and manipulate the workplace, including management and an executive position, there is a major problem. When police spread hatred against America, suggest America and Israel were behind 9/11, and push for interest in unions at U.S businesses, a tactic I am aware of being used at multiple businesses. well, if you are an American now you have a problem with NAFTA don't you. The RCMP and their surrogates have tried time and time again to deny me information, not providing any of the details shared with the U.S or their abuses against me in Canada. The has gone on for longer than a decade, and I know they are full of it, I am aware of too many details and have shared them with our allies, this makes me a threat to THEM, not Canada or America. I've told them my feelings via email, on the phone, and in person. I know the names and details of a couple of dozen of undercovers in media and in corporate "security". Many of them foreign corporations.

In short, I have done great research, reached out to many people and will continue to do so. Without question, Canada is exploiting America. I have experienced a great deal of harm because of this. Threats, intimidation, general harassment. The TPS, OPP and RCMP can kiss my behind. Their plain clothes officers are no friends to Canada and an outright enemy to America. They can surf my forum postings, they know who I am. As they do their worst to me, I will do my best to expose them.

Mr. Ross and Mr, Trump should not sign a deal for NAFTA unless you are protected by the abuses of low performing countries who rely on American businesses and tax payers to subsidize their illegal activities against American businesses and stealing jobs from workers.

Canada is exploiting America? That's why the US exports to Canada exceed Canadian exports to the US. That's why American owned companies close Canadian plants and take the jobs to the US when times get tough. That's why Canadian companies are routinely bought by Americans and the Canadian jobs go to the US.

Iconic Canadian companies like Hudsons Bay, Labatts, and Tim Hortons are owned by Americans. The largest retailer in Canada is now Walmart.

You're a loon with a persecution complex.

Ah, the old "hes crazy", "persecution complex". Next week you will have another label.

Why don't you contact the U.S government and send them to my forum postings and have them cross check, I've reached out to them, just as the Canadian authorities know who I am so do the Americans. Ask them if they think my detailed information has any validity.

If I am wrong, than America wins. If I am right, than America has reason to be seriously concerned.

Also, in your rant above, you forgot to mention how many Canadians work in the auto industry, even though we don't have a national auto company. Or how many corporate headquarters are in Toronto employing Canadians when Americans could do the same job. Or how much covert activities are going on in American corporations meant to undermine their businesses, or worse.

If America pulled out of NAFTA Canada would get crushed. We don't compete, we persecute our own citizens and work on nepotism. You can email this to the RCMP and OPP, let them respond. You can be sure, their tactics and lies are not blindly trusted as it once was. Not only in the U.S but also high ranking European politicians.

I may have lost my life, but I'm going down with the proverbial swing. You can blame the same lying, back stabbing agencies that did this to me for our ruined reputation.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

Sounds like you did something pretty bad.

What did you do?

I have no idea but apparently he tried to leave and go to the US and he couldn't get in. Of course he blamed CSIS (our version of the CIA) for refusing to let him leave the country.

I'd cheerfully out this ungrateful piece of shit on an ice flow and let him fend for himself.

Once again you repeat my story with little semblance of accuracy. Stop speaking on my behalf when you never gets the facts straight. You're making me wonder why you have taken such an interest in my situation, and with such inaccuracies. What is your motive?

I was detained at the U.S border, this was after multiple interferences into my career in the corporate world, and even at my university in my MBA program. The Americans let my wife and I enter because quite frankly I am not a threat, anyone with two brain cells would know this, this will not stop the Canadian authorities from making up a good story, in which they generate the facts like every good communist does and entrap, misrepresent and target, but of course, never ever charge with anything. That is how much faith the Canadian Stasi have with their own activities, they are liars and cowards.

The interactions at the border have not been unpleasant and have even been cordial on occasion. I don't blame the U.S at all, they are going on Canadian information in the CPIC database and low performing plain clothes officers. This is information which is based on lying, disingenuous, self serving agents and agencies who are concerned with protecting their asses and not the truth. They care little about out Charter of Rights, nor Canada or Ontarios future as long as their budgets and powers continue to increase.

As it were, when asked if there was a problem (when detained 20+ minutes), I was told, "not with us, but you might want to speak to your government. Have a nice day". We were free to enter. I have entered since without any problem, and have not had any difficult interactions. An FOIA request also gleaned great information, and I shared what I knew with the Obama administration, explaining Canadas "human rights" record. Ironically, I received more transparency from the United States than from the Canadian government. This, by the way, is consistent across every interaction. Whether trade and NAFTA, border issues and processes, business regulation decisions and such. Canada is not much different than a former Eastern Bloc nation in regards to transparency of government. We are rules, not governed it seems. America must not ever let their guard down and become like Canada.

When police enter American corporations and manipulate the workplace, including management and an executive position, there is a major problem. When police spread hatred against America, suggest America and Israel were behind 9/11, and push for interest in unions at U.S businesses, a tactic I am aware of being used at multiple businesses. well, if you are an American now you have a problem with NAFTA don't you. The RCMP and their surrogates have tried time and time again to deny me information, not providing any of the details shared with the U.S or their abuses against me in Canada. The has gone on for longer than a decade, and I know they are full of it, I am aware of too many details and have shared them with our allies, this makes me a threat to THEM, not Canada or America. I've told them my feelings via email, on the phone, and in person. I know the names and details of a couple of dozen of undercovers in media and in corporate "security". Many of them foreign corporations.

In short, I have done great research, reached out to many people and will continue to do so. Without question, Canada is exploiting America. I have experienced a great deal of harm because of this. Threats, intimidation, general harassment. The TPS, OPP and RCMP can kiss my behind. Their plain clothes officers are no friends to Canada and an outright enemy to America. They can surf my forum postings, they know who I am. As they do their worst to me, I will do my best to expose them.

Mr. Ross and Mr, Trump should not sign a deal for NAFTA unless you are protected by the abuses of low performing countries who rely on American businesses and tax payers to subsidize their illegal activities against American businesses and stealing jobs from workers.

Canada is exploiting America? That's why the US exports to Canada exceed Canadian exports to the US. That's why American owned companies close Canadian plants and take the jobs to the US when times get tough. That's why Canadian companies are routinely bought by Americans and the Canadian jobs go to the US.

Iconic Canadian companies like Hudsons Bay, Labatts, and Tim Hortons are owned by Americans. The largest retailer in Canada is now Walmart.

You're a loon with a persecution complex.
. Hey, the failures and abuses of globalism is definitely a two edged sword, and can be abused by any player nations.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

Sounds like you did something pretty bad.

What did you do?

I have no idea but apparently he tried to leave and go to the US and he couldn't get in. Of course he blamed CSIS (our version of the CIA) for refusing to let him leave the country.

I'd cheerfully out this ungrateful piece of shit on an ice flow and let him fend for himself.

Once again you repeat my story with little semblance of accuracy. Stop speaking on my behalf when you never gets the facts straight. You're making me wonder why you have taken such an interest in my situation, and with such inaccuracies. What is your motive?

I was detained at the U.S border, this was after multiple interferences into my career in the corporate world, and even at my university in my MBA program. The Americans let my wife and I enter because quite frankly I am not a threat, anyone with two brain cells would know this, this will not stop the Canadian authorities from making up a good story, in which they generate the facts like every good communist does and entrap, misrepresent and target, but of course, never ever charge with anything. That is how much faith the Canadian Stasi have with their own activities, they are liars and cowards.

The interactions at the border have not been unpleasant and have even been cordial on occasion. I don't blame the U.S at all, they are going on Canadian information in the CPIC database and low performing plain clothes officers. This is information which is based on lying, disingenuous, self serving agents and agencies who are concerned with protecting their asses and not the truth. They care little about out Charter of Rights, nor Canada or Ontarios future as long as their budgets and powers continue to increase.

As it were, when asked if there was a problem (when detained 20+ minutes), I was told, "not with us, but you might want to speak to your government. Have a nice day". We were free to enter. I have entered since without any problem, and have not had any difficult interactions. An FOIA request also gleaned great information, and I shared what I knew with the Obama administration, explaining Canadas "human rights" record. Ironically, I received more transparency from the United States than from the Canadian government. This, by the way, is consistent across every interaction. Whether trade and NAFTA, border issues and processes, business regulation decisions and such. Canada is not much different than a former Eastern Bloc nation in regards to transparency of government. We are rules, not governed it seems. America must not ever let their guard down and become like Canada.

When police enter American corporations and manipulate the workplace, including management and an executive position, there is a major problem. When police spread hatred against America, suggest America and Israel were behind 9/11, and push for interest in unions at U.S businesses, a tactic I am aware of being used at multiple businesses. well, if you are an American now you have a problem with NAFTA don't you. The RCMP and their surrogates have tried time and time again to deny me information, not providing any of the details shared with the U.S or their abuses against me in Canada. The has gone on for longer than a decade, and I know they are full of it, I am aware of too many details and have shared them with our allies, this makes me a threat to THEM, not Canada or America. I've told them my feelings via email, on the phone, and in person. I know the names and details of a couple of dozen of undercovers in media and in corporate "security". Many of them foreign corporations.

In short, I have done great research, reached out to many people and will continue to do so. Without question, Canada is exploiting America. I have experienced a great deal of harm because of this. Threats, intimidation, general harassment. The TPS, OPP and RCMP can kiss my behind. Their plain clothes officers are no friends to Canada and an outright enemy to America. They can surf my forum postings, they know who I am. As they do their worst to me, I will do my best to expose them.

Mr. Ross and Mr, Trump should not sign a deal for NAFTA unless you are protected by the abuses of low performing countries who rely on American businesses and tax payers to subsidize their illegal activities against American businesses and stealing jobs from workers.

No offense, but you sound crazy.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

Sounds like you did something pretty bad.

What did you do?

I have no idea but apparently he tried to leave and go to the US and he couldn't get in. Of course he blamed CSIS (our version of the CIA) for refusing to let him leave the country.

I'd cheerfully out this ungrateful piece of shit on an ice flow and let him fend for himself.

I'm from Saskatchewan, came to the US on a TN visa, and am probably the only person here who has read NAFTA.

So we should establish a cast system to determine if one can work or not like the apprenticeships of old where if you're not a craftsman you're not allowed to work and if you do it's punishment for you.

Yep! That's progressive.


How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

Sounds like you did something pretty bad.

What did you do?

I have no idea but apparently he tried to leave and go to the US and he couldn't get in. Of course he blamed CSIS (our version of the CIA) for refusing to let him leave the country.

I'd cheerfully out this ungrateful piece of shit on an ice flow and let him fend for himself.

Once again you repeat my story with little semblance of accuracy. Stop speaking on my behalf when you never gets the facts straight. You're making me wonder why you have taken such an interest in my situation, and with such inaccuracies. What is your motive?

I was detained at the U.S border, this was after multiple interferences into my career in the corporate world, and even at my university in my MBA program. The Americans let my wife and I enter because quite frankly I am not a threat, anyone with two brain cells would know this, this will not stop the Canadian authorities from making up a good story, in which they generate the facts like every good communist does and entrap, misrepresent and target, but of course, never ever charge with anything. That is how much faith the Canadian Stasi have with their own activities, they are liars and cowards.

The interactions at the border have not been unpleasant and have even been cordial on occasion. I don't blame the U.S at all, they are going on Canadian information in the CPIC database and low performing plain clothes officers. This is information which is based on lying, disingenuous, self serving agents and agencies who are concerned with protecting their asses and not the truth. They care little about out Charter of Rights, nor Canada or Ontarios future as long as their budgets and powers continue to increase.

As it were, when asked if there was a problem (when detained 20+ minutes), I was told, "not with us, but you might want to speak to your government. Have a nice day". We were free to enter. I have entered since without any problem, and have not had any difficult interactions. An FOIA request also gleaned great information, and I shared what I knew with the Obama administration, explaining Canadas "human rights" record. Ironically, I received more transparency from the United States than from the Canadian government. This, by the way, is consistent across every interaction. Whether trade and NAFTA, border issues and processes, business regulation decisions and such. Canada is not much different than a former Eastern Bloc nation in regards to transparency of government. We are rules, not governed it seems. America must not ever let their guard down and become like Canada.

When police enter American corporations and manipulate the workplace, including management and an executive position, there is a major problem. When police spread hatred against America, suggest America and Israel were behind 9/11, and push for interest in unions at U.S businesses, a tactic I am aware of being used at multiple businesses. well, if you are an American now you have a problem with NAFTA don't you. The RCMP and their surrogates have tried time and time again to deny me information, not providing any of the details shared with the U.S or their abuses against me in Canada. The has gone on for longer than a decade, and I know they are full of it, I am aware of too many details and have shared them with our allies, this makes me a threat to THEM, not Canada or America. I've told them my feelings via email, on the phone, and in person. I know the names and details of a couple of dozen of undercovers in media and in corporate "security". Many of them foreign corporations.

In short, I have done great research, reached out to many people and will continue to do so. Without question, Canada is exploiting America. I have experienced a great deal of harm because of this. Threats, intimidation, general harassment. The TPS, OPP and RCMP can kiss my behind. Their plain clothes officers are no friends to Canada and an outright enemy to America. They can surf my forum postings, they know who I am. As they do their worst to me, I will do my best to expose them.

Mr. Ross and Mr, Trump should not sign a deal for NAFTA unless you are protected by the abuses of low performing countries who rely on American businesses and tax payers to subsidize their illegal activities against American businesses and stealing jobs from workers.

No offense, but you sound crazy.

I'm crazy, but the RCMP and Public Safety Minister have denied me access to my files for a decade. Why so defensive and protective? I've named people and they know it, they despise me because I don't lay down and give in like some coward. I'd like to think I would take the courageous road if the Germans were knocking on my door during the war, others are a little too open to fascist impulses. Understand?

How about this, email this to Ralph Goodale, Commissioner Dansereau and Vince Hawkes. They can come on here and publicly state that they know who I am and have no information in their "investigative" database about me. Hell, we could have a public discussion, I publicly name their operatives, they can denounce them as not being "one of ours" in an open forum. Not in 1000 years would they do this. I offered to do a polygraph exam and asked them to have an FBI agent oversee the details I provided because they would want these details for their own security. Of course they refused. Some character.

As much as the RCMP pretends it's like the FBI, they are not, sorry to say but they aren't even fit to breath the same air. They are no more than wannabe Stasi agents, who are a threat to both Canadian and American interests. Ditto for the dirty OPP. Vince Hawke has openly smiled and bragged about the "intelligence capabilities" of the OPP on CP24. The guy is a used car salesman, as about as trustworthy as any Moscow police chief, and just as accountable. He even wore his uniform in the interview to exude some sort of authority and prestige. We are to respect him when he wears this uniform, because he is apparently keeping us all safe...

My hope is that our allies don't believe this narrative anymore. We simply don't have a trustworthy system or trustworthy agencies. Decades of perverted abuses have proven this.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

Sounds like you did something pretty bad.

What did you do?

I have no idea but apparently he tried to leave and go to the US and he couldn't get in. Of course he blamed CSIS (our version of the CIA) for refusing to let him leave the country.

I'd cheerfully out this ungrateful piece of shit on an ice flow and let him fend for himself.

Once again you repeat my story with little semblance of accuracy. Stop speaking on my behalf when you never gets the facts straight. You're making me wonder why you have taken such an interest in my situation, and with such inaccuracies. What is your motive?

I was detained at the U.S border, this was after multiple interferences into my career in the corporate world, and even at my university in my MBA program. The Americans let my wife and I enter because quite frankly I am not a threat, anyone with two brain cells would know this, this will not stop the Canadian authorities from making up a good story, in which they generate the facts like every good communist does and entrap, misrepresent and target, but of course, never ever charge with anything. That is how much faith the Canadian Stasi have with their own activities, they are liars and cowards.

The interactions at the border have not been unpleasant and have even been cordial on occasion. I don't blame the U.S at all, they are going on Canadian information in the CPIC database and low performing plain clothes officers. This is information which is based on lying, disingenuous, self serving agents and agencies who are concerned with protecting their asses and not the truth. They care little about out Charter of Rights, nor Canada or Ontarios future as long as their budgets and powers continue to increase.

As it were, when asked if there was a problem (when detained 20+ minutes), I was told, "not with us, but you might want to speak to your government. Have a nice day". We were free to enter. I have entered since without any problem, and have not had any difficult interactions. An FOIA request also gleaned great information, and I shared what I knew with the Obama administration, explaining Canadas "human rights" record. Ironically, I received more transparency from the United States than from the Canadian government. This, by the way, is consistent across every interaction. Whether trade and NAFTA, border issues and processes, business regulation decisions and such. Canada is not much different than a former Eastern Bloc nation in regards to transparency of government. We are rules, not governed it seems. America must not ever let their guard down and become like Canada.

When police enter American corporations and manipulate the workplace, including management and an executive position, there is a major problem. When police spread hatred against America, suggest America and Israel were behind 9/11, and push for interest in unions at U.S businesses, a tactic I am aware of being used at multiple businesses. well, if you are an American now you have a problem with NAFTA don't you. The RCMP and their surrogates have tried time and time again to deny me information, not providing any of the details shared with the U.S or their abuses against me in Canada. The has gone on for longer than a decade, and I know they are full of it, I am aware of too many details and have shared them with our allies, this makes me a threat to THEM, not Canada or America. I've told them my feelings via email, on the phone, and in person. I know the names and details of a couple of dozen of undercovers in media and in corporate "security". Many of them foreign corporations.

In short, I have done great research, reached out to many people and will continue to do so. Without question, Canada is exploiting America. I have experienced a great deal of harm because of this. Threats, intimidation, general harassment. The TPS, OPP and RCMP can kiss my behind. Their plain clothes officers are no friends to Canada and an outright enemy to America. They can surf my forum postings, they know who I am. As they do their worst to me, I will do my best to expose them.

Mr. Ross and Mr, Trump should not sign a deal for NAFTA unless you are protected by the abuses of low performing countries who rely on American businesses and tax payers to subsidize their illegal activities against American businesses and stealing jobs from workers.

No offense, but you sound crazy.

I'm crazy, but the RCMP and Public Safety Minister have denied me access to my files for a decade. Why so defensive and protective? I've named people and they know it, they despise me because I don't lay down and give in like some coward. I'd like to think I would take the courageous road if the Germans were knocking on my door during the war, others are a little too open to fascist impulses. Understand?

How about this, email this to Ralph Goodale, Commissioner Dansereau and Vince Hawkes. They can come on here and publicly state that they know who I am and have no information in their "investigative" database about me. Hell, we could have a public discussion, I publicly name their operatives, they can denounce them as not being "one of ours" in an open forum. Not in 1000 years would they do this. I offered to do a polygraph exam and asked them to have an FBI agent oversee the details I provided because they would want these details for their own security. Of course they refused. Some character.

As much as the RCMP pretends it's like the FBI, they are not, sorry to say but they aren't even fit to breath the same air. They are no more than wannabe Stasi agents, who are a threat to both Canadian and American interests. Ditto for the dirty OPP. Vince Hawke has openly smiled and bragged about the "intelligence capabilities" of the OPP on CP24. The guy is a used car salesman, as about as trustworthy as any Moscow police chief, and just as accountable. He even wore his uniform in the interview to exude some sort of authority and prestige. We are to respect him when he wears this uniform, because he is apparently keeping us all safe...

My hope is that our allies don't believe this narrative anymore. We simply don't have a trustworthy system or trustworthy agencies. Decades of perverted abuses have proven this.

Ralph Goodale? I was active in Saskatchewan politics back in the day. He's about as mild-mannered and milquetoast as they come.

I don't know your story, but what you are saying doesn't sound plausible.

Is this in the press? Why wouldn't some anti-NAFTA publication like the Toronto Star or the Briarpatch be interested in what you have to say? They've love to pull Canada out of NAFTA. Do you have a website?
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks

Well...the proper response to our socialist buddies up north......F**k you and the polar bear you rode in on......
During NAFTA negotiations, the US tried to get Canada to end our universal health care on the grounds that it gave employers an "unfair advantage". They also wanted American healthcare companies to have access to the Canadian market. We said no.

When NAFTA was ratified and became law in 1992, Americans shut down so many Canadian branch plants that Canada was plunged into a "Made in Canada" recession.

When NAFTA became law, there were 20,000 auto workers in Oshawa working for General Motors and their suppliers. Today, there are fewer 1,000 and they're going to lose their jobs at the end of this year.

To thank Brian Mulroney for his fine work in getting us into this piece of shit deal, his Progressive Conservative Party went from a landslide majority in the House of Commons to 3 sitting members. They lost Party status, offices, and the funding that came with it and were absorbed by the Western based Reform Party.

That Trump thinks that Canada is "taking advantage" of the US via NAFTA, shows how little he knows about NAFTA and its effect on the Canadian economy.
Sounds like you did something pretty bad.

What did you do?

I have no idea but apparently he tried to leave and go to the US and he couldn't get in. Of course he blamed CSIS (our version of the CIA) for refusing to let him leave the country.

I'd cheerfully out this ungrateful piece of shit on an ice flow and let him fend for himself.

Once again you repeat my story with little semblance of accuracy. Stop speaking on my behalf when you never gets the facts straight. You're making me wonder why you have taken such an interest in my situation, and with such inaccuracies. What is your motive?

I was detained at the U.S border, this was after multiple interferences into my career in the corporate world, and even at my university in my MBA program. The Americans let my wife and I enter because quite frankly I am not a threat, anyone with two brain cells would know this, this will not stop the Canadian authorities from making up a good story, in which they generate the facts like every good communist does and entrap, misrepresent and target, but of course, never ever charge with anything. That is how much faith the Canadian Stasi have with their own activities, they are liars and cowards.

The interactions at the border have not been unpleasant and have even been cordial on occasion. I don't blame the U.S at all, they are going on Canadian information in the CPIC database and low performing plain clothes officers. This is information which is based on lying, disingenuous, self serving agents and agencies who are concerned with protecting their asses and not the truth. They care little about out Charter of Rights, nor Canada or Ontarios future as long as their budgets and powers continue to increase.

As it were, when asked if there was a problem (when detained 20+ minutes), I was told, "not with us, but you might want to speak to your government. Have a nice day". We were free to enter. I have entered since without any problem, and have not had any difficult interactions. An FOIA request also gleaned great information, and I shared what I knew with the Obama administration, explaining Canadas "human rights" record. Ironically, I received more transparency from the United States than from the Canadian government. This, by the way, is consistent across every interaction. Whether trade and NAFTA, border issues and processes, business regulation decisions and such. Canada is not much different than a former Eastern Bloc nation in regards to transparency of government. We are rules, not governed it seems. America must not ever let their guard down and become like Canada.

When police enter American corporations and manipulate the workplace, including management and an executive position, there is a major problem. When police spread hatred against America, suggest America and Israel were behind 9/11, and push for interest in unions at U.S businesses, a tactic I am aware of being used at multiple businesses. well, if you are an American now you have a problem with NAFTA don't you. The RCMP and their surrogates have tried time and time again to deny me information, not providing any of the details shared with the U.S or their abuses against me in Canada. The has gone on for longer than a decade, and I know they are full of it, I am aware of too many details and have shared them with our allies, this makes me a threat to THEM, not Canada or America. I've told them my feelings via email, on the phone, and in person. I know the names and details of a couple of dozen of undercovers in media and in corporate "security". Many of them foreign corporations.

In short, I have done great research, reached out to many people and will continue to do so. Without question, Canada is exploiting America. I have experienced a great deal of harm because of this. Threats, intimidation, general harassment. The TPS, OPP and RCMP can kiss my behind. Their plain clothes officers are no friends to Canada and an outright enemy to America. They can surf my forum postings, they know who I am. As they do their worst to me, I will do my best to expose them.

Mr. Ross and Mr, Trump should not sign a deal for NAFTA unless you are protected by the abuses of low performing countries who rely on American businesses and tax payers to subsidize their illegal activities against American businesses and stealing jobs from workers.

No offense, but you sound crazy.

I'm crazy, but the RCMP and Public Safety Minister have denied me access to my files for a decade. Why so defensive and protective? I've named people and they know it, they despise me because I don't lay down and give in like some coward. I'd like to think I would take the courageous road if the Germans were knocking on my door during the war, others are a little too open to fascist impulses. Understand?

How about this, email this to Ralph Goodale, Commissioner Dansereau and Vince Hawkes. They can come on here and publicly state that they know who I am and have no information in their "investigative" database about me. Hell, we could have a public discussion, I publicly name their operatives, they can denounce them as not being "one of ours" in an open forum. Not in 1000 years would they do this. I offered to do a polygraph exam and asked them to have an FBI agent oversee the details I provided because they would want these details for their own security. Of course they refused. Some character.

As much as the RCMP pretends it's like the FBI, they are not, sorry to say but they aren't even fit to breath the same air. They are no more than wannabe Stasi agents, who are a threat to both Canadian and American interests. Ditto for the dirty OPP. Vince Hawke has openly smiled and bragged about the "intelligence capabilities" of the OPP on CP24. The guy is a used car salesman, as about as trustworthy as any Moscow police chief, and just as accountable. He even wore his uniform in the interview to exude some sort of authority and prestige. We are to respect him when he wears this uniform, because he is apparently keeping us all safe...

My hope is that our allies don't believe this narrative anymore. We simply don't have a trustworthy system or trustworthy agencies. Decades of perverted abuses have proven this.

Ralph Goodale? I was active in Saskatchewan politics back in the day. He's about as mild-mannered and milquetoast as they come.

I don't know your story, but what you are saying doesn't sound plausible.

Is this in the press? Why wouldn't some anti-NAFTA publication like the Toronto Star or the Briarpatch be interested in what you have to say? They've love to pull Canada out of NAFTA. Do you have a website?

Yes, Ralph is an improvement over Vic Toews, Stockwell Day and Stephen Blaney; all of whom should have made the right decision at the time and avoided this harm to Canada reputation. However he is still unwilling to buck the trend, as he is a lifelong career government employee. I let PM Harper know on his way out that his decision on my files (I have an email confirming he had personally acknowledged this concern) was a massive error and it had and would continue to have consequences. I began with the UN some years ago, quickly expanded to various foreign government administrations. If they wanted to arrest me and charge me with something, I would gladly face the courts.

Stockwell had the best opportunity to correct this problem and ensure I went silent, but instead, he did what all patsies do, and now he has been rewarded with regular appearance fees on state run CBC, go figure.

I spoke to an RCMP intake officer just last week. Once again, they refuse to provide me my details. It's become so embarrassingly apparent that I tell them directly, "your decisions are impacting Canada and our economy. You know it and its time to start caring about it". I don't hide what I am doing, I emailed Canadian and provincial authorities from my interactions with state Governors to federal agencies in the U.S. No foreign country is being harmed more by these tactics than America.

Remember, I didn't want this crusade, this was entirely the decision of an unaccountable system that has been hellbent on my destruction.
During NAFTA negotiations, the US tried to get Canada to end our universal health care on the grounds that it gave employers an "unfair advantage". They also wanted American healthcare companies to have access to the Canadian market. We said no.

When NAFTA was ratified and became law in 1992, Americans shut down so many Canadian branch plants that Canada was plunged into a "Made in Canada" recession.

When NAFTA became law, there were 20,000 auto workers in Oshawa working for General Motors and their suppliers. Today, there are fewer 1,000 and they're going to lose their jobs at the end of this year.

To thank Brian Mulroney for his fine work in getting us into this piece of shit deal, his Progressive Conservative Party went from a landslide majority in the House of Commons to 3 sitting members. They lost Party status, offices, and the funding that came with it and were absorbed by the Western based Reform Party.

That Trump thinks that Canada is "taking advantage" of the US via NAFTA, shows how little he knows about NAFTA and its effect on the Canadian economy.

I'm telling you that Canada takes advantage of America via NAFTA.

In the free market, you compete and win market share, you don't get U.S worker jobs (as in GM you refer to), just "because".
'Right to work' is con double-speak right out of Orwell's 1984 that stands for 'get rid of unions because they are a real power against wealthy conservative donors'.

So glad Canada and Mexico are telling drumpf and his lepers to fuck off.
'Right to work' is con double-speak right out of Orwell's 1984 that stands for 'get rid of unions because they are a real power against wealthy conservative donors'.

So glad Canada and Mexico are telling drumpf and his lepers to fuck off.

Unions have a role in some industries and they are naturally evolving out of need, just as government regulations to protect workers safety and investors is needed. Most of their purposes have well overstepped these objectives. It is now often financial hostage taking, and they demand that you stand in solidarity with them, even if a low performer is rewarded with a raise and job protection for shoddy work.

The worst is Canada encouraging these unions in U.S corporations to try and obtain an advantage. Disgusting abuse of the NAFTA agreement and general relations with allies.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks
We are a sovereign nation. Snow bunnies can step back.

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