Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks

How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks
Unlike the U.S. Canada is one of the most admired countries on the planet. Apparently they have some crybabies there too. WTF is your problem anyway?
If the U.S. Is not admired...then why is every Third World fucker on the planet trying to come here?
'Right to work' is con double-speak right out of Orwell's 1984 that stands for 'get rid of unions because they are a real power against wealthy conservative donors'.

So glad Canada and Mexico are telling drumpf and his lepers to fuck off.
. Ok, and if you had your way, then what would the system look like ? What kind of market system do you want to see in operation ? Tell us what you think other than just standing on the sidelines criticizing the current administration.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks
We are a sovereign nation. Snow bunnies can step back.
Actually, we're not sovereign.
We answer to the WTO.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks
Unlike the U.S. Canada is one of the most admired countries on the planet. Apparently they have some crybabies there too. WTF is your problem anyway?
If the U.S. Is not admired...then why is every Third World fucker on the planet trying to come here?
. Well people ain't got to like us in order to come here and use us. You should know this by now. Plenty of people coming here who hate us, but see opportunity here where there isn't any where they are at in their part of the world. Don't you think that the reputation of American's being useful idiot's is getting around ? They come here, meet the Demon-crats, and learn how to play the system like a fiddle. They ain't got to like us love us or admire us to get over on us.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks
We are a sovereign nation. Snow bunnies can step back.
Actually, we're not sovereign.
We answer to the WTO.
. That has to change.
'Right to work' is con double-speak right out of Orwell's 1984 that stands for 'get rid of unions because they are a real power against wealthy conservative donors'.

So glad Canada and Mexico are telling drumpf and his lepers to fuck off.
. Ok, and if you had your way, then what would the system look like ? What kind of market system do you want to see in operation ? Tell us what you think other than just standing on the sidelines criticizing the current administration.
Sir Newton is a communist.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks
We are a sovereign nation. Snow bunnies can step back.
Actually, we're not sovereign.
We answer to the WTO.[/QUOTE
We are a sovereign nation within WTO and need to pull out and tell them to go fuck themselves.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks

Idiot. "Right to work" laws are really "right to get screwed up the ass" laws. They are meant to crush unions. As if the union crushing on steroids that sending our jobs overseas isn't crushing enough. Anybody who supports right to work laws needs to be lined up against a wall and shot! But impalement would also be acceptable.
You speak as a foolish man, because you know what has taken place over the years, but you choose to spin and spin and spin.

i know exactly what happened. Other countries made their industries more competitive, while we gave tax cuts to rich people. And now most Americans would rather buy a Japanese car than an American one.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks
WE should demand that Canada adopt the First and Second Amendments.
You speak as a foolish man, because you know what has taken place over the years, but you choose to spin and spin and spin.

i know exactly what happened. Other countries made their industries more competitive, while we gave tax cuts to rich people. And now most Americans would rather buy a Japanese car than an American one.
Your theory that there's some connection between tax cuts and productivity is laughable. If anything, tax cuts mean higher productivity.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks

Idiot. "Right to work" laws are really "right to get screwed up the ass" laws. They are meant to crush unions. As if the union crushing on steroids that sending our jobs overseas isn't crushing enough. Anybody who supports right to work laws needs to be lined up against a wall and shot! But impalement would also be acceptable.
Then you won't object when we break into your house and beat you to death.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks

That law was named wrong. To be accurate, it should be called The right to work for less.

Also, Right to get fired.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks

How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

What was your career?
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks

Idiot. "Right to work" laws are really "right to get screwed up the ass" laws. They are meant to crush unions. As if the union crushing on steroids that sending our jobs overseas isn't crushing enough. Anybody who supports right to work laws needs to be lined up against a wall and shot! But impalement would also be acceptable.
Then you won't object when we break into your house and beat you to death.

You Canadians are mean!
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks

That law was named wrong. To be accurate, it should be called The right to work for less.

Also, Right to get fired.

For any reason, or no reason.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks

How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

What was your career?

Sales and finance.

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