Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks

How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks

Idiot. "Right to work" laws are really "right to get screwed up the ass" laws. They are meant to crush unions. As if the union crushing on steroids that sending our jobs overseas isn't crushing enough. Anybody who supports right to work laws needs to be lined up against a wall and shot! But impalement would also be acceptable.
Unions cut their own throats. They raised costs to the point that the concerns that they worked for could no longer compete. I watched it happen time and time again. I'm not necessarily anti-union but they often do more damage than good. I will say that I'd shut my business down and retire early if I had to deal with a union.
A Union is an unnecessary middle man who has to be paid, which raises the cost of goods unnecessarily.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks

How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

What was your career?

Sales and finance.

That's illegal in Canada?
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks

How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

What was your career?

Sales and finance.

That's illegal in Canada?

No. They have blacklisted me. Not just from finance, but other careers, this is a full court press to destroy me and cost us our home. What it has done is make me more determined and more transparent with other countries and business leaders.

Until there are consequences for Canada for the abuses they engage in against people like myself and foreign businesses, they will continue to do what they do to whom they want. I have faith in president Trump and his team of strong advisers to do the right thing for America and capitalism.
A Union is an unnecessary middle man who has to be paid, which raises the cost of goods unnecessarily.
. Not about the cost of goods in that way, but more so about the fair treatment of workers right ? The company is supposed to see huge savings in that, where as happy workers make good productive safe workers, and that is where the cost gets controlled.
'Right to work' is con double-speak right out of Orwell's 1984 that stands for 'get rid of unions because they are a real power against wealthy conservative donors'.

So glad Canada and Mexico are telling drumpf and his lepers to fuck off.

Perhaps you are thinking of the rightfully defeated 'Employee Free Choice Act'?... a prime example of double-speak.

Right to Work - ensures the right to voluntary union membership, not a condition of employment.
Employee free choice - removes the employee's right to a secret ballot.

Which brings me to public sector unions - hard to believe that the same benevolent big government who's considered by many to be eminently trustworthy when it comes to running its citizens lives is not considered trustworthy as an employer. :dunno:
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks

How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

What was your career?

Sales and finance.

That's illegal in Canada?

No. They have blacklisted me. Not just from finance, but other careers, this is a full court press to destroy me and cost us our home. What it has done is make me more determined and more transparent with other countries and business leaders.

Until there are consequences for Canada for the abuses they engage in against people like myself and foreign businesses, they will continue to do what they do to whom they want. I have faith in president Trump and his team of strong advisers to do the right thing for America and capitalism.

Why haven't you gone to the press?
'Right to work' is con double-speak right out of Orwell's 1984 that stands for 'get rid of unions because they are a real power against wealthy conservative donors'.

So glad Canada and Mexico are telling drumpf and his lepers to fuck off.

Perhaps you are thinking of the rightfully defeated 'Employee Free Choice Act'?... a prime example of double-speak.

Right to Work - ensures the right to voluntary union membership, not a condition of employment.
Employee free choice - removes the employee's right to a secret ballot.

Which brings me to public sector unions - hard to believe that the same benevolent big government who's considered by many to be eminently trustworthy when it comes to running its citizens lives is not considered trustworthy as an employer. :dunno:

The government wants unions so they don't have to deal with employer negotiations on a one on one basis.

With millions of employees, they need an expeditious way to negotiate wage and benefits that is fair, across the board, without anyone playing favourites. Unions provide that.
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks

I'm not sure I get the context of half of what you've said, but it sounds to me like you're calling Canada bastards for doing what you want Trump to do.
The government wants unions so they don't have to deal with employer negotiations on a one on one basis.

With millions of employees, they need an expeditious way to negotiate wage and benefits that is fair, across the board, without anyone playing favourites. Unions provide that.

I see. You've heard of the US Department of Labor and FLSA and their works, no doubt. Just curious, was the public sector union you were a member of representing US federal employees, or state/county?
The government wants unions so they don't have to deal with employer negotiations on a one on one basis.

With millions of employees, they need an expeditious way to negotiate wage and benefits that is fair, across the board, without anyone playing favourites. Unions provide that.

I see. You've heard of the US Department of Labor and FLSA and their works, no doubt. Just curious, was the public sector union you were a member of representing US federal employees, or state/county?

1. I have never been a member of a union in my entire life. Nor would I want to be.

2. My only stint of working for any government was a 6 month "untendered contract" cleaning up problems with construction liens and holdbacks for the Ontario Realty Corporation (a Crown corporation which holds all government property in Ontario), in 2009.

3. I am not an American, which you could have easily known if you looked at my location.

Any other stupid questions you'd like to ask me?
1. I have never been a member of a union in my entire life. Nor would I want to be.

2. My only stint of working for any government was a 6 month "untendered contract" cleaning up problems with construction liens and holdbacks for the Ontario Realty Corporation (a Crown corporation which holds all government property in Ontario), in 2009.

3. I am not an American, which you could have easily known if you looked at my location.

Any other stupid questions you'd like to ask me?

Oh my yes, so glad you asked!! Just a wee little one tho', scouts honah. :salute:

'Course I truly appreciate your input into such matters, just wondering mind it came to pass that you know so much about something you know nothing about, within a system you've not lived under? :wink_2:
1. I have never been a member of a union in my entire life. Nor would I want to be.

2. My only stint of working for any government was a 6 month "untendered contract" cleaning up problems with construction liens and holdbacks for the Ontario Realty Corporation (a Crown corporation which holds all government property in Ontario), in 2009.

3. I am not an American, which you could have easily known if you looked at my location.

Any other stupid questions you'd like to ask me?

Oh my yes, so glad you asked!! Just a wee little one tho', scouts honah. :salute:

'Course I truly appreciate your input into such matters, just wondering mind it came to pass that you know so much about something you know nothing about, within a system you've not lived under? :wink_2:

I worked in corporate commercial and real estate law for 30+ years and 10+ years in banking before that. A lot of our legal work involved cross border and international deals.

I also have a LOT of American family and friends who bitch regularly about the crap they put up with, and I read and study continuously.
Excellent - then surely they've explained to you that 'right to work' laws protect employees from forced union membership.
Excellent - then surely they've explained to you that 'right to work' laws protect employees from forced union membership.

Yes. I'm aware of that.

Were you aware that in the original NAFTA negotiations the Americans tried to make repeal of the Canada Health Act (the legislation which gives Canadians universal government funded healthcare) a condition of NAFTA? They tried to have the CHA declared an "unfair employer subsidy".
Yes. I'm aware of that.".

Then you must also be aware that individual states have the authority under the Taft-Hartley Act to decide the issue for themselves. Union bosses and some politicians really hate that.

Were you aware that in the original NAFTA negotiations the Americans tried to make repeal of the Canada Health Act (the legislation which gives Canadians universal government funded healthcare) a condition of NAFTA? They tried to have the CHA declared an "unfair employer subsidy".'d that work out?
How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

This isn't a surprise at all. The Canadian government and the security apparatus want their families to have work, nepotism, crony capitalism and elitists to get opportunities and pervert the free market. America should never agree to these tactics, nor should they buckle on America First taxpayer spending.

Socialism and neo-communism countries like Canada cannot mix with capitalist countries like the U.S. Hence the demands they make, under the false guise of "employment standards". F off with it. How about human rights and individual liberty? Canada will be quite silent on these principles.

Don't give in Mr. Ross or Mr, Trump. Noone should shed a tear for Canada being dealt with firmly, they certainly don't give a damn for American democracy, corporations on Canadian soil, or Canadian citizens rights. If Canada doesn't want to embrace capitalism and liberty, America should walk away from NAFTA. It would be extremely popular politically, and you would absolutely dominate Canada in the free market, forcing Canada to change from their fossil like, East German methods against their citizens and U.S businesses and enter the 21st Century of capitalism and individual liberty.

Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks

How rich. The country called Canada, that has denied me my right to a career and is causing the loss of our home, interfered with my career, threatened my wife and I, spread hatred against the U.S and abused NAFTA, AND punished me accordingly for speaking the truth about this, wants America to get rid of "the right to work" policies.

What was your career?

Sales and finance.

That's illegal in Canada?

No. They have blacklisted me. Not just from finance, but other careers, this is a full court press to destroy me and cost us our home. What it has done is make me more determined and more transparent with other countries and business leaders.

Until there are consequences for Canada for the abuses they engage in against people like myself and foreign businesses, they will continue to do what they do to whom they want. I have faith in president Trump and his team of strong advisers to do the right thing for America and capitalism.

Bernie? I thought you were in jail!

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