Canada is free !! Rejoice !!

See, the thing is, 'sparky'........that handful of Vax-shy commercial drivers in Canada.....really don't say the pledge of allegiance to the United States of America.
Yeah, they're all singin' O Canada, yet their goal is the same

I'm hearing it's all coming down the street here too

People should know when they've being subjugated, because they'll all be oppressed before they realize it

Trust me on that Chill

.yet, the good poster Hawk is quite OK with 'justifying' the lynching some black guy who somebody
Fail. I was merely saying that modern Democrat policies and current black murder rates has killed more blacks than lynching did.
"Tommy is in the UK so what does the US have to do with it?"

Ah, there's just got no quit in ya? Eh, Azog?
Still, fussin' over Tommy's ability to find a faith-house to build the terrorist bombs you suggested?
So now you are looking to the UK?

If that's the case, and Tommy is who you want to pin in on....and I think Tommy is Welsh, .......well Wales does have more mosques ("about 40").......vs........synogogue (I counted 11 on one google page).

If those numbers are close to correct, Azog, your math about bomb-making will look like this:

  • Synogogues in Wales = 'about 11'
  • Mosques in Wales = 'about 40'.

Either seems that it should be enough for you, in my opinion.
So you can choose to build your bombs.....or have them built for you......with either the Jews or the Muslims.

But, for the life of me, I really cannot fathom your interest in terrorists bombs.

Just sayin'.

Ah, there's just got no quit in ya? Eh, Azog?
Still, fussin' over Tommy's ability to find a faith-house to build the terrorist bombs you suggested?
So now you are looking to the UK?

If that's the case, and Tommy is who you want to pin in on....and I think Tommy is Welsh, .......well Wales does have more mosques ("about 40").......vs........synogogue (I counted 11 on one google page).

If those numbers are close to correct, Azog, your math about bomb-making will look like this:

  • Synogogues in Wales = 'about 11'
  • Mosques in Wales = 'about 40'.

Either seems that it should be enough for you, in my opinion.
So you can choose to build your bombs.....or have them built for you......with either the Jews or the Muslims.

But, for the life of me, I really cannot fathom your interest in terrorists bombs.

Just sayin'.
So I was right and you look like an idiot. Thanks for playing.
"I was merely saying that modern Democrat policies......."
Noper, good poster Hawk. Noper.
You are backtracking, no offense intended.
You posted a lot more about your concept of "justified lynching
You know that.
I know that.
And others too.

*For God's sake!! In Hawk's worldview, a lynching can be a "justified lynching".
After all, in that narrow little world the Grand Cyclops or the Exalted Wizard can simply say "that black suspect" needs be hung from the Tallahatchee Bridge because, well, is 'justified'.

THAT world is a sadder world than the one my avatar lives in.
Ummm, "UK moke" "racist"?
Who knew?
I though it was slang for 'that guy', or 'fella', etc
Typical white privilege excuse [one derided by whitey when the great unwashed claim it]...if ignorance of that kind of racism is acceptable to you then you would do well to resist taking to task others who you think might be dumb but know better than to use racist phrases and claim ignorance as though it were a virtue...

My Pop, god rest his soul, used to use it along the lines of: "That bunch of mokes over there smokin' cigarettes......or....."That moke in the Cubs hat."
then he was a racist as well, god rest his soul, R.I.P.

But the good poster 'frankeneinstein' prompted me to look it up.
And I found out there is some nuance there, some regionality.
NUANCE...LOL... only white liberals have nuanced racism :abgg2q.jpg: What kind of nuance?
you looked for what you wanted to find [nothing] I typed in "online dictionary" and the first thing I found [it took seconds]
when I typed in "moke" was this:

Older Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a Black person.

I read this: Moke ----"a 1950’s British military vehicle, the classic Moke quickly evolved into an iconic beach cruiser beloved by surfers, celebrities, and Caribbean travelers alike."

Who knew that either?

So, in the end, I'll blame my Pop. Dead these many many years,

(tho he still votes ;) ).
my goodness, a white liberal pointing the finger at someone else when confronted with their own racism...who'd a thunk it?
again this is just white privilege, if that were anything other than a lame excuse or ignorance of this kind then no one is guilty of racism if they chose to be ignorant [ironic eh?]

And if poster franken is offended......well that is regrettable.
TRAMSLATION: If its racist, too bad...bite me

And if poster Tommy T. is offended......well lemme know, and I'll dodge and weave and backtrack and claim belatedly it was unintentional.*
TRANSLATION: being a fellow white liberal I know you don't find racist language offensive when we use it
*it was.

ps......but, poster Franken, I saw nothing in google about 'Moke' being "racist" or "racial".
would that then be justifiable racism?

But nonetheless, we note your feelings of grievance.
I appreciate that and in return your racist remorse [ i.e forgiving yourself ;) ] is also duly noted
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Well they have cleaned the streets of trash. I have been critical of the police but they have shifted the rubbish wihout loss of life. That has to be considereda big win.

Its interesting to see that the police confiscated guns from these freedumb idiots. Also interesting is that the 79 accounts frozen contain £185m. Thats a hefty sum for these downtrodden working class victims. Where did all that cash come from ?
No wonder they could sit on their arses all day honking their horns and shitting in driveways.
Noper, good poster Hawk. Noper.
You are backtracking, no offense intended.
You posted a lot more about your concept of "justified lynching
You know that.
I know that.
And others too.

*For God's sake!! In Hawk's worldview, a lynching can be a "justified lynching".
After all, in that narrow little world the Grand Cyclops or the Exalted Wizard can simply say "that black suspect" needs be hung from the Tallahatchee Bridge because, well, is 'justified'.

THAT world is a sadder world than the one my avatar lives in.
^^ wow, triggered.
"because they'll all be oppressed before they realize it"
Trust me, sparky, I will feel....and I, in fact, will be....oppressed when a handful ...and it would only take a handful......of grievance-ridden ne'er-do-well commercial drivers block my grain trucks access to the rail-head or the market, or for JohnDeere delivering me parts.

Given that me and my family are fully vaxxed.....having some vax-shy ne'er-do-well taking away our freedom to live our American life.....would be, well, it would be worth funding a local attorney group who would advise the county attorney and sherrif in getting an injunction, and then, help me and my vaxxed neighbors bring some kind of civil tort suit (?)or Inhibition of Commerce suit (?). (see below)

We would not go gentle into that good night.
We ain't got that mild-mannered Canada gene.
Trust me.

  • Whoever in any way or degree obstructs, delays, or affects commerce or the movement of any article or commodity in commerce, by robbery or extortion or attempts or conspires so to do, or commits or threatens physical violence to any person or property in furtherance of a plan or purpose to do anything in violation of this section shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
18 U.S. Code § 1951 - Interference with commerce by threats ...

Well they have cleaned the streets of trash. I have been critical of the police but they have shifted the rubbish wihout loss of life. That has to be considereda big win.

Its interesting to see that the police confiscated guns from these freedumb idiots. Also interesting is that the 79 accounts frozen contain £185m. Thats a hefty sum for these downtrodden working class victims. Where did all that cash come from ?
No wonder they could sit on their arses all day honking their horns and shitting in driveways.
Well since the protests were peaceful, other than arrests, there shouldn’t be any deaths. You are seriously deranged.

Canada has no real freedom, they only want agreement for all their policies, no opposition, that isn’t freedom, that is a dictatorshi and that is what they have.

Now be a good little cog and agree.
"wow, triggered."

Ah, no.
That is a sad mis-read by the good poster Hawk.

Rather, my avatar's efforts have a humble ambition, ertwhile intention:
One, to keep the record accurate of who said what about justifying lynching of black folks.

And two, to help the forum establish some sort of honesty, sincerity, and responsibility for posters who attempt to insert a racist canard into the discourse, and when called to account, then attempt to deny and change their story.

I'm sure, good poster Hawk, you would recognize those efforts as promoting the betterment of political discussion. No?
Ah, no.
That is a sad mis-read by the good poster Hawk.

Rather, my avatar's efforts have a humble ambition, ertwhile intention:
One, to keep the record accurate of who said what about justifying lynching of black folks.

And two, to help the forum establish some sort of honesty, sincerity, and responsibility for posters who attempt to insert a racist canard into the discourse, and when called to account, then attempt to deny and change their story.

I'm sure, good poster Hawk, you would recognize those efforts as promoting the betterment of political discussion. No?
Whatever floats your boat, buddy. :itsok:

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