Canada is free !! Rejoice !!

seems you bitch at the right regardless of having shared rights with all.

I never saw you ONCE belittle BLM, antifa and the rest for doing far worse.

you must be president of your local troll chapter.
Paid trolls like him and tommy will never belittle BLM or antifa sense they are fans of groups like that who beat up on children and the elderly and burn down cities.
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According to Tommy Twatter:

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Free Speech is Violence
Martial Law is Democracy
:thankusmile: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Best damn post on this thread.:thup:That is indeed trollboy Tommy’s version of world peace.he has reserved himself a spot in hell.
I'm not being facetious in asking this but the poster [chillicothe] is a dude? I really thought he/she was a female
You really thought he was a reminds me of how some posters here somehow mistake candyass for a girl instead of the dude he is,they see the word candy and they automatically make the ignorant assumption he is a she ignoring the username is candyCORN not just candy. :cuckoo: Sense we’re on that topic,please tell me Oddball and Frankeneinstein surely you two weren’t thst stupid and thought candyass was a gal?
Paid trolls like him and tommy will never belittle BLM or antifa sense they are fans of groups like that who beat up on children and the elderly and burn down cities.
yea, they're uppity little shits. :)
"Care to explain your racist remark belle?"
Ummm, "UK moke" "racist"?
Who knew?
I though it was slang for 'that guy', or 'fella', etc.

My Pop, god rest his soul, used to use it along the lines of: "That bunch of mokes over there smokin' cigarettes......or....."That moke in the Cubs hat."

But the good poster 'frankeneinstein' prompted me to look it up.
And I found out there is some nuance there, some regionality.

I read this: Moke ----"a 1950’s British military vehicle, the classic Moke quickly evolved into an iconic beach cruiser beloved by surfers, celebrities, and Caribbean travelers alike."

Who knew that either?

So, in the end, I'll blame my Pop. Dead these many many years,
(tho he still votes ;) ).

And if poster franken is offended......well that is regrettable.
And if poster Tommy T. is offended......well lemme know, and I'll dodge and weave and backtrack and claim belatedly it was unintentional.*

*it was.

ps......but, poster Franken, I saw nothing in google about 'Moke' being "racist" or "racial".

But nonetheless, we note your feelings of grievance.

"as always you prove you are a commie who is all in for"
Are we travelin' back to 1954?

Look, good poster LaRam....Communism is dead.
Krushchev is NOT coming to get you.
Trust us here.

Come out from your backyard underground bomb shelter.
You are safe now. Relatively speaking.

Don't be the U.S.Marine of today who is still gearing up to chase Black Hawk's band into the Wisconsin swamps.
Believe us here, that your feared Reds-in-Our-Beds in the rearview mirror.

Trust us.
Meanwhile in Toronto, Castreau's Gestapo tactics are backfiring bigtime....

Man did you ever see this coming growing up,thst citizens of entire countries would be marching in the streets around the world in protest of the same thing,I never saw this one coming,I figured the world would come to an end with nuclear war.
Well, good poster Sparky, I ain't upper class, nor a conformist, nor any of that lickin' stuff you're schooled in.
I'm not 'schooled ' in any of such things Chill
Truly, I wanna hear about what you think you know.
I like my freedoms, that's what our pledge of allegiance is all about in the USofA.

they were not 'free'

either one respects that, or does not deserve to live in the USA

Those that protest gub'mit trampling on them have my support

It's just that simple Cill

and no, i do not 'mansplain' anything here


And no there aren’t more of them, Antisemite.

The good poster Azog responds to the rhetorical query on--- if one was gonna build WhiteyRightie terrorists bombs why build them in mosques, as Azog recommended........when there are, after all, more synogogues available to do the exact same thing.

Azog respectfully demurred......and replied that there are NOT more synogogues than mosques in the United States of America.

However, Professor Google, also respectfully-----demurs on Azogs demurral.

In fact, per the Professor there are 3,727 synogogues in the U.S....................vs.......just 2,106 mosques*.

So there is that. Accordingly, if a WhiteyRightie is in to building terrorist bombs and likes to do it in places of worship.....well, he'll find more venues for it one side rather than the other.

Just sayin'.

*And good ol' heart of Texas has a lot of mosques.
Who knew?
They have the 3rd most of all our states.
Who knew that, too?
I like my freedoms, that's what our pledge of allegiance is all about in the USofA.
Oh, yeah.....that is a fine tale. Told well.
However, good poster 'sparky' the devil in the details.
I'm mildly sure you know that.

See, the thing is, 'sparky'........that handful of Vax-shy commercial drivers in Canada.....really don't say the pledge of allegiance to the United States of America.

Trust us on that one.

The good poster Azog responds to the rhetorical query on--- if one was gonna build WhiteyRightie terrorists bombs why build them in mosques, as Azog recommended........when there are, after all, more synogogues available to do the exact same thing.

Azog respectfully demurred......and replied that there are NOT more synogogues than mosques in the United States of America.

However, Professor Google, also respectfully-----demurs on Azogs demurral.

In fact, per the Professor there are 3,727 synogogues in the U.S....................vs.......just 2,106 mosques*.

So there is that. Accordingly, if a WhiteyRightie is in to building terrorist bombs and likes to do it in places of worship.....well, he'll find more venues for it one side rather than the other.

Just sayin'.

*And good ol' heart of Texas has a lot of mosques.
Who knew?
They have the 3rd most of all our states.
Who knew that, too?
Tommy is in the UK so what does the US have to do with it? Are you ever not a complete douchebag?
Bastards for inconveniening the locals and disrupting democracy. What about the locals ?

Poor little Nazi boy...........inconvenienced by a few truckers asking on the peoples behalf for the government to keep their damn noses out of the peoples bodies. Poor little Commie ass-kissing Nazi boy!!!! (Idiot can't even spell "inconveniencing" correctly!)
You really thought he was a reminds me of how some posters here somehow mistake candyass for a girl instead of the dude he is,they see the word candy and they automatically make the ignorant assumption he is a she ignoring the username is candyCORN not just candy. :cuckoo: Sense we’re on that topic,please tell me Oddball and Frankeneinstein surely you two weren’t thst stupid and thought candyass was a gal?
Hey oddball waiting for you to comment here.
Poor little Nazi boy...........inconvenienced by a few truckers asking on the peoples behalf for the government to keep their damn noses out of the peoples bodies. Poor little Commie ass-kissing Nazi boy!!!! (Idiot can't even spell "inconveniencing" correctly!)
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Mr humanity hater is crying hating to see patriots stand up to tyranny.

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