Canada is free !! Rejoice !!

Well they have cleaned the streets of trash. I have been critical of the police but they have shifted the rubbish wihout loss of life. That has to be considereda big win.

Its interesting to see that the police confiscated guns from these freedumb idiots. Also interesting is that the 79 accounts frozen contain £185m. Thats a hefty sum for these downtrodden working class victims. Where did all that cash come from ?
No wonder they could sit on their arses all day honking their horns and shitting in driveways.

You havé a warped sense of free
Well, good poster Sparky, I ain't upper class, nor a conformist, nor any of that lickin' stuff you're schooled in.

Nonetheless, I would like to read here your mansplain'n of the need for a fringie group of disgruntled commercial drivers blocking the livlihoods and living conditions of millions of people on their side of the international border.....and ours.

Truly, I wanna hear about what you think you know.


Well, I noted they seemingly were also protesting ---and preventing --- the good people of Canada, of Windsor, of Detroit, of the auto industry of Michigan, the sale and transfer of beef cattle, chickens, hogs, and a whole bunch of other foodstuff from going where they needed to go.

And you know what, good poster Meathead, I'm gonna bet those Canucks and those Detroiters who really really wanted to go to work but couldn't cross the bridge over the Detroit River probably think your sense of "freedom"....... is the "freedom" of one whose ox ain't the one being gored.

Just sayin'.

Oh, the good poster Hawk, again.
Now protesting a vaccine shot intended to help not only that individual but society as a whole......yet, the good poster Hawk is quite OK with 'justifying' the lynching some black guy who somebody ---maybe somebody like the Grand Dragon, the Exalted Wizard, or the bowling alley owner----'believes' is guilty of ....of.....what?
Maybe, whistlin' at a white woman.*

So, in the end, spare us your personal sense of "freedom" poster Hawk.

(*that's all re-purposed from another thread. Forgive me as I try to excercise a little economy.)

Oh boy, I'm gonna bet we may soon hear on this forum that the use of Nazi swastikas, symbols, icons, metaphors, and really all authentically "Native".

OK, let 'em do it. It is, after all, a free country. But......while some self-designated Natives embrace a Third Reich fetish view of America, I'm gonna sit on the side of the tent with the CodeTalkers who embraced their own version of America.
Not the Nazi's version.

That's just who I am.

"not once did the gov step in to stop the protestors"?

Is that some chemtrail addled Q'ster slipping into the gossiproom?
Nonetheless, I'm sure that the good poster, iceberg, upon reflection, has merely lost his notes that about 14,000 folks got arrested* for their activities during the 2020 'Police Brutality' demonstrations
(* the 'government'. They didn't self arrest. Trust me.)

I knew that was coming.
Another of America's WhiteyRighties momentarily loses an ability with our language to articulate and define a plausible argument to advance --or defend -- a political position.

It is what discourse has devolved into -- lamentably vulgar and crassly crude epithets as the best way to present one's arguments.

It's sad.

Why a mosque?
Couldn't a synogogue work just as well?
And there's probably a lot more of them around. No?
would you prefer I write my insults in war and peace versions?

prove worth the time.
Unfortunately the concept of "unlawful occupation" is determined by the regime in power. A brief tour of parks in the American and Canadian northwest reveals camps of homeless degenerates who have taken over. It would be refreshing if they considered the permanent camps of degenerate alcoholic and drug addicted squatters to be "unlawful occupation" but liberal regimes have different priorities.
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Well, good poster Sparky, I ain't upper class, nor a conformist, nor any of that lickin' stuff you're schooled in.

Nonetheless, I would like to read here your mansplain'n of the need for a fringie group of disgruntled commercial drivers blocking the livlihoods and living conditions of millions of people on their side of the international border.....and ours.

Truly, I wanna hear about what you think you know.


Well, I noted they seemingly were also protesting ---and preventing --- the good people of Canada, of Windsor, of Detroit, of the auto industry of Michigan, the sale and transfer of beef cattle, chickens, hogs, and a whole bunch of other foodstuff from going where they needed to go.

And you know what, good poster Meathead, I'm gonna bet those Canucks and those Detroiters who really really wanted to go to work but couldn't cross the bridge over the Detroit River probably think your sense of "freedom"....... is the "freedom" of one whose ox ain't the one being gored.

Just sayin'.

Oh, the good poster Hawk, again.
Now protesting a vaccine shot intended to help not only that individual but society as a whole......yet, the good poster Hawk is quite OK with 'justifying' the lynching some black guy who somebody ---maybe somebody like the Grand Dragon, the Exalted Wizard, or the bowling alley owner----'believes' is guilty of ....of.....what?
Maybe, whistlin' at a white woman.*

So, in the end, spare us your personal sense of "freedom" poster Hawk.

(*that's all re-purposed from another thread. Forgive me as I try to excercise a little economy.)

Oh boy, I'm gonna bet we may soon hear on this forum that the use of Nazi swastikas, symbols, icons, metaphors, and really all authentically "Native".

OK, let 'em do it. It is, after all, a free country. But......while some self-designated Natives embrace a Third Reich fetish view of America, I'm gonna sit on the side of the tent with the CodeTalkers who embraced their own version of America.
Not the Nazi's version.

That's just who I am.

"not once did the gov step in to stop the protestors"?

Is that some chemtrail addled Q'ster slipping into the gossiproom?
Nonetheless, I'm sure that the good poster, iceberg, upon reflection, has merely lost his notes that about 14,000 folks got arrested* for their activities during the 2020 'Police Brutality' demonstrations
(* the 'government'. They didn't self arrest. Trust me.)

I knew that was coming.
Another of America's WhiteyRighties momentarily loses an ability with our language to articulate and define a plausible argument to advance --or defend -- a political position.

It is what discourse has devolved into -- lamentably vulgar and crassly crude epithets as the best way to present one's arguments.

It's sad.

Why a mosque?
Couldn't a synogogue work just as well?
And there's probably a lot more of them around. No?
Because he is an Islamist. And no there aren’t more of them, Antisemite.

Well they have cleaned the streets of trash. I have been critical of the police but they have shifted the rubbish wihout loss of life. That has to be considereda big win.

Its interesting to see that the police confiscated guns from these freedumb idiots. Also interesting is that the 79 accounts frozen contain £185m. Thats a hefty sum for these downtrodden working class victims. Where did all that cash come from ?
No wonder they could sit on their arses all day honking their horns and shitting in driveways.
Canada is under a dictatorship. They aren't free.

Freedom idiots? Yeah, those dumb bastards wanting to be free. What the hell??

Link to shitting in driveways?
Yeah, these are the good guys....


I’m from Canada. Don’t believe everything you hear about the trucker protests​

Americans know very little about Canada. Fewer than half of Americans surveyed in 2011 knew where Canada’s capital is (hint: it’s Ottawa), and two-thirds acknowledged they learned next to nothing about Canada’s history in school. (Truth be told, it’s not as interesting as America’s). In another study, nearly 40% of American eighth-graders thought Canada’s government was a dictatorship.

I'll give some examples in a moment, but first, a caveat:
I ain't here to defend the OP. That UK moke has shown a pretty fair facility to trip-up, slap-down, kick-over, and ridicule-off most every fringie WhiteyRightie this gossiproom has been able to muster against him.
No, he needs no help from the likes of me.
Cute, very cute, in fact there's an old axiom for something that cute..."too cute by half" I see what you did there

calling him out for being a moke [racism aside] to prove your complete and total disgust for the creature you deem him to be, and then pretending that what you feel is a lack of acumen to be all his and not yours as well.

All the while pretending even something that is so mundane and utterly useless in your mind was enough to beat back the cause of your sleepless nights...

and then in a transparent attempt to take advantage of his left wing social education correctly, you let him know he has an ally by trying to ply him with the belief that you do not think him to be the dumbest person you have encountered even if you do consider him somewhat beneath you.

How accurate would you say that is? on a scale of 9-10, 10 being the highest [but I'm pretty sure you already knew that]
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Well they have cleaned the streets of trash. I have been critical of the police but they have shifted the rubbish wihout loss of life. That has to be considereda big win.

Its interesting to see that the police confiscated guns from these freedumb idiots. Also interesting is that the 79 accounts frozen contain £185m. Thats a hefty sum for these downtrodden working class victims. Where did all that cash come from ?
No wonder they could sit on their arses all day honking their horns and shitting in driveways.

Yes......fascists like you are gonna fascist........

You guys are evil....through and through.......
Bastards! Protesting for freedom! WTF do they think they are?

Hey, used that racist word...."Freedom." USmessageboard has standards and using racist slurs like "freedom," could get you banned....

Well they have cleaned the streets of trash. I have been critical of the police but they have shifted the rubbish wihout loss of life. That has to be considereda big win.

Its interesting to see that the police confiscated guns from these freedumb idiots. Also interesting is that the 79 accounts frozen contain £185m. Thats a hefty sum for these downtrodden working class victims. Where did all that cash come from ?
No wonder they could sit on their arses all day honking their horns and shitting in driveways.
As always you prove you are a commie who is all in for depopulation,can’t wait till your not around anymore while you reserve your spot in hell with posts like this.

Anybody notice that only one other paid shill here liked the post of this resident paid troll.
Canada is under a dictatorship. They aren't free.

Freedom idiots? Yeah, those dumb bastards wanting to be free. What the hell??

Link to shitting in driveways?

You too......if you use racist words like "freedom," you can expect to be banned from polite society....

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