Canada preparing tariffs on China and others

Just as useless as what the US is doing. We should cut off their stuff from entering North America. Period.
Stupid. There are no winners in tariff wars. This will further raise taxes for Americans
Why is it only a trade war when we decide to stop getting taken advantage of? and why are so many libs and GOP swampers in favor of us being taken advantage of?
If they impose restrictions on our goods we have the right to do the same....
Canada Is Preparing Steel Quotas, Tariffs on China and Others

So are the whiners here who hate President Trump for doing this going to stay consistent or give Canada a pass? shockedcanadian what can you tell us about this.

I believe this is a direct response from Canada as Trump, Ross and Navarro called out Canada for allowing cheap Chinese steel to go across the border from China. The Trump administration has demanded Canada stop being the Third Party State Exporter. It's clear that the charade is up after Canada initially vehemently denied they engage in this practice, but have since quieted down (hand caught in the cookie jar?). Which suggests also, that maybe the CIA took a closer look and advised Trump accordingly, as this is now a National Security issue? Just a thought, I have no evidence.

As people like myself have pointed out, this Third Party Exporting is clearly happening as China operates to circumvent International rules and tariffs. Canada doesn't have near the capacity to currently produce all the steel we are sending over to America, so its clear, we've been the Middle Man using NAFTA to flood U.S markets and we got caught.

Also, Trudeau has an election coming up in 2019 and there is a strong sense from Canadians that they like Trumps protectionism of the U.S economy, and those in these industries are asking him "why are you not protecting us from cheap Chinese steel?" The reason is of course, the state patsies like making money from this practice and have not cared about our local industries. That is changing now, there is an election at stake, and it appears Trudeau is behind as citizens are not happy.

As an example, a major liberal hub here in Ontario fell when Conservative Doug Ford (Rob Fords brother) won the province. First time since Mike Harris won in the 1990's. Ford is a businessman, viewed as a mini Trump I suppose, though not to the same extent obviously as Ontario is fleecing the U.S so he doesn't want to stop this exploitation, he will push for "free markets". Which are rarely free for America unfortunately.

It's ironic, because Trudeau was a massive backer of China and Canada relations, and still is, Without Trump, Canada might even have a free trade agreement with them by now. I say without Trump, because it is now a political liability for politicians in the West to not consider their local constituents for the sake of the "Global economy" as pushed by China, people are weary of the Status Quo. Xi basically pushed Canada away from any discussions of free trade a few months ago as I think he viewed Canada as using it as a ploy to scare America on NAFTA (if you can believe Canada was that arrogant, I can).

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