Canada Send its Most Elite Unit to Stop MOSCOW BARBARIC Aggression, Solidarity With Ukraine!

Ivan lover, you are lying ,

edit for your : Muscovy has stolen Ukrainian history

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Bogdan Khmelnytsky, like, once signed a "deep" integration with
Muscovy (horde)
... Ukrainian historians say that Khmelnytsky is nothing
signed up and it's all a lie! And there were no papers and no! And the Muscovites
they say that Khmelnytsky signed, but the papers have not survived because of the moth
ate them.
And as a result of what? Ukraine-Russia for many centuries came under
Moscow boot. The Moscow horde stole the name of Ukraine - Rus´(Russia is greek form of Rus´) , all of it
history, mythology, culture and presents it as his own.
Would take that prince
Vladimir, who allegedly baptized Muscovites, also monuments to him brazenly
put. And I do not want to mention .... Revolution, Civil war, famine, repression, genocide ... And finally the war on Dambas,
annexation of Crimea ...


Good luck with your war upon them, this warrior ain't coming to your defense.... ;)
Reagan was just a commie liberal to these people.
A right wing nut job being pro-Russia? Who could have seen that coming? <sarcasm>
I have very simple suggestion for you, you go and and fight the war, you go and kill and maim in defense of Bidens source of corrupt income in Ukraine, you go and you prosecute the war you so thirst after! I will not hold breath, you are a weakling, a cringing, cowering fascist secure in whatever basement it is you most likely dwell within, the last thing on earth you'd ever do, is go and volunteer to lay your life down for someone, or something beyond your own sick, twisted ass.... :banana:
Good luck with your war upon them, this warrior ain't coming to your defense.... ;)
Outnumbered 10:1 and with inferior weapons, how did the Canadians win? The answer is the quality of the men fighting.

we dont need you ivan lover
See how it goes, in time such will happily insert a foot long blade into a childs rectum and literally divide them into two, this is where such hatred inevitably leads, savage atrocity after savage atrocity, good luck with your war, I'm sitting this one out sweetie-pie....
I have very simple suggestion for you, you go and and fight the war, you go and kill and maim in defense of Bidens source of corrupt income in Ukraine, you go and you prosecute the war you so thirst after! I will not hold breath, you are a weakling, a cringing, cowering fascist secure in whatever basement it is you most likely dwell within, the last thing on earth you'd ever do, is go and volunteer to lay your life down for someone, or something beyond your own sick, twisted ass.... :banana:
It's no coincidence the right is now pro-Russia. Did you think they were drowning you in right wing propaganda because they like you? Now that the west needs a united front against an expansionist Russia Putin has allies right here in America.
See how it goes, in time such will happily insert a foot long blade into a childs rectum and literally divide them into two, this is where such hatred inevitably leads, savage atrocity after savage atrocity, good luck with your war, I'm sitting this one out sweetie-pie....

Me too. I'm not getting involved, but I am betting on NATO, once they get dragged into this shitshow. They're the strongest military organization they've ever been, after President Trump made them pony up their fare share and get their affairs in order. Russia bases its strength on the sheer number of tanks they have. But given the number of anti-tank weapons flowing into Ukraine and in NATO's stockpile, those T-90 and upgraded T-72 Russian tanks are sitting ducks.
It's no coincidence the right is now pro-Russia. Did you think they were drowning you in right wing propaganda because they like you? Now that the west needs a united front against an expansionist Russia Putin has allies right here in America.

That's a rather broad statement, isn't it? I mean coming from someone whose core beliefs are based on the Marxist ideology.
Me too. I'm not getting involved, but I am betting on NATO, once they get dragged into this shitshow. They're the strongest military organization they've ever been, after President Trump made them pony up their fare share and get their affairs in order. Russia bases its strength on the sheer number of tanks they have. But given the number of anti-tank weapons flowing into Ukraine and in NATO's stockpile, those T-90 and upgraded T-72 Russian tanks are sitting ducks.
Russia cannot wage a land war against the US and Nato, they know this, they would have to default to tactical nukes, they know this, and so to does the pentagon. Now, in Syria, Russia is not gonna do such a thing, its not nearly worthy of such a commitment, but Ukraine is a very different proposition, Ukraine is right there alongside Russia, there is no way they are gonna allow the US and Nato to park themselves there, bristling with missiles, tanks, and aircraft, thumbing their noses at Russia.

Russia very well might see this as a matter of survival, and you know what, it may very well be! Suddenly, democrat fascists see a border they are willing to enforce, not their own border mind you, where millions of illegal aliens are ushered across a literally undefended southern border, but rather in Ukraine, a nation that holds absolutely no strategic value to the US, or Nato, but a lot of strategic value for Russia.

Who would benefit from this war, not the American people, this is not a hill worth dying over, its a source of illicit Biden family, and corrupt senatorial income, and not one thing more, suddenly, we have all these brave fascist democrats all over these forums calling for war against Russia, fresh off of the most disastrous military draw down in modern human history, where the president, his advisors, and especially the pentagon demonstrated spectacular incompetence.

Yes, all of these actors combined to demonstrate an almost impossible to believe level of incompetence, and yet we now have all of the fascist democrats and their base, clamoring to have all of the above lead us into a war against the one nation on earth that can annihilate our continent just as easily as we can their continent???

Fuck em all, Russia is not my enemy, and more importantly Ukraine ain't worth the effort, let alone the enormous risk, Taiwan is worth it, not Ukraine, and my gut tells me this whole thing is about handing Taiwan over unopposed to communist China, most Americans are not anywhere near as cynical as they need to be, they do not grasp the depravity of the people they have stupidly handed power too.....
That's a rather broad statement, isn't it? I mean coming from someone whose core beliefs are based on the Marxist ideology.
Putin bought himself some American support. In this case it's the dumbasses that are saying we should just let Putin take what he wants. Thinking maybe he will be satisfied with just stealing one country. Was Hitler satisfied with just Poland? Putin wants his legacy to be a new Soviet union. That can't be allowed to happen.
The above is a fascist democrat, see how he angles for war, how he attempts to justify such? He is clueless to history, and I assure you all, Russia & Ukraine share a history that is three times older than the United States itself happens to be! He thinks it all a fascist game, like making an ass of himself online attacking Americans such as myself, who actually have gone to war, because we do not serve at the feet of fascist democracy, and lick its fucking toes, as he does.

He is clueless, doesn't understand what the "Boomer's" are, or why they are, or that currently Russia has at least two of them parked offshore of the east & west coasts, and that any of them are completely capable of destroying a continent, and are next to impossible to defend against, just as our "Boomer's" happen to be! Nope, its all fun and games, and relief of his boredom, that is what he thinks such a conflict would be.

We have the worst people on earth, positioned in the most ultra-sensitive of stations on earth, at exactly the worst possible time, Russia is not my enemy, the above moron and his political orientation are!
If the Russians have SSBNs or SSGNs sitting off our coast, you can count on the fact that there is a Los Angeles or Seawolf Class SSN sitting astern of them waiting to blow them out of the water the second they start to spin up their missiles. That's why the Typhoons were limited to operating right outside their bases behind mine barriers because neither they nor the older Yankees could survive in the open oceans. US SSNs would pick them up as soon as they left territorial waters and shadow them for their entire patrols.
If the Russians have SSBNs or SSGNs sitting off our coast, you can count on the fact that there is a Los Angeles or Seawolf Class SSN sitting astern of them waiting to blow them out of the water the second they start to spin up their missiles. That's why the Typhoons were limited to operating right outside their bases behind mine barriers because neither they nor the older Yankees could survive in the open oceans. US SSNs would pick them up as soon as they left territorial waters and shadow them for their entire patrols.
Maybe, maybe not, I am not willing to risk that... Are you?
Putin bought himself some American support. In this case it's the dumbasses that are saying we should just let Putin take what he wants. Thinking maybe he will be satisfied with just stealing one country. Was Hitler satisfied with just Poland? Putin wants his legacy to be a new Soviet union. That can't be allowed to happen.

Letting Putin take what he wants is exactly what Biden said the other day, when he gave Putin the green light to invade Ukraine, with his "minor incursion" gaffe. And then there was that time he pushed against sanctions against Russia's Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.

If Russia does reunify into the Soviet Union, you'll have your idiot "president" to thank.
Maybe, maybe not, I am not willing to risk that... Are you?
Yes. Putin's a megalomaniac and sociopath, but he isn't stupid. He knows he can't win a nuclear war so he's not going to start one. He will just keep trying to chip away at surrounding countries taking what he thinks he can get away with until someone either deposes him, kills him or forces him to back down militarily. I hate to use a Hitler analogy, but Putin is behaving like Hitler did before Munich and Chamberlain gave him the go ahead for his aggressions.

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