Canada’s Trudeau announces plan for national freeze on handguns

They don't have mass shootings.
Mass shootings are caused by crazy people, not crazy guns. Guns are inanimate. But you knew that. Maybe we should look into why we have so many crazy people and boys who are so confused they want to murder? How about promoting objective morals and values?
Most Swiss army guys turn their guns in after their service. I used to live there. Norway is peaceful.. I haven't been to Sweden in ages. Are they having school shootings?
You don't have any evidence but your anecdotal observations. Did you go door to door asking?
Most Swiss army guys turn their guns in after their service. I used to live there. Norway is peaceful.. I haven't been to Sweden in ages. Are they having school shootings?

And you were saying...

All healthy Swiss men aged between 18 and 34 are obliged to do military service and all are issued with assault rifles or pistols which they are supposed to keep at home.

Save Canada's school children is my first priority.

A large Russian and Chinese communist population in Canada would add to our safety and security. Canada's real enemy has become the threat of fascism from without.

We're headed in the direction of a culture of war but this move by the Lib'ruls is a precautionary measure.

There are few handguns but even one is too many!
So, Donny, you guys have mass school shootings too? Go tell Surada. LOL Canada is currently being run by a Commie and a Fascist. You may need a gun....Just sayin'
So Sweden is the only European country with a significant increase since 2000. have French criminals using fully automatic rifles......but for some reason the criminals in Sweden, home of the Swedish bikini team are more violent...

Can you explain why Sweden has more gun violence?
Mass shootings are caused by crazy people, not crazy guns. Guns are inanimate. But you knew that. Maybe we should look into why we have so many crazy people and boys who are so confused they want to murder? How about promoting objective morals and values?
How much more productive would we be if everyone had access to free mental healthcare? AND we will have fewer of these shootings in the long run.

I say it's worth it.
You never heard of it? You must be very young.
Yeah, I've heard of it--I don't put any credence to a site that allows anyone to edit. You must like FB.

Wikipedia is a multilingual free online encyclopedia written and maintained by a community of volunteers through open collaboration and a wiki-based editing system. Individual contributors, also called editors, are known as Wikipedians.
Even one person dying in a car accident is too many. When are you going to ban cars.
It's premature to ban gasoline and diesel driven cars but it's coming in perhaps the next 20 years or so.
Gasoline and matches are used in wild fires and domestic arson. Are you going to ban those as well. Oh, I know--that's different, eh duck?
As to gasoline, see above reply. I don't see any point in banning matches. Do you?
How many school children have been killed in mass shootings in Canada?
Look at gun crime stats in Switzerland where they have millions of guns and less restrictive gun laws than almost anywhere on earth. See how that works moron, for every obvious success story due to government over reach, I can show one that contradicts it. Fascism is never better than freedom.
It's premature to ban gasoline and diesel driven cars but it's coming in perhaps the next 20 years or so.

As to gasoline, see above reply. I don't see any point in banning matches. Do you?
Now you're trying to tell me that Arson fatalities in Canada? LMAO duck. There were nearly 9K arsons in Canada in 2020. Ban matches, ban flammable liquids. If it saves just one life it is worth it. SMFH, you're a moron.
How much more productive would we be if everyone had access to free mental healthcare? AND we will have fewer of these shootings in the long run.

I say it's worth it.
Yes but, mental healthcare and laws are no substitute for objective morality. What we have now are a powerful minority of far leftists pushing relative morality. They attach moral value to gender and claim that anyone questioning transgender is immoral. It is a trick they use in order to undermine the foundation of a society so they can 'build back better.' IOW 'build back' to Marxism.
Now you're trying to tell me that Arson fatalities in Canada? LMAO duck. There were nearly 9K arsons in Canada in 2020. Ban matches, ban flammable liquids. If it saves just one life it is worth it. SMFH, you're a moron.

Toronto...drug hub........criminals need guns......

Firearms too easy to get

Marc Alain, a professor at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières and a researcher with the Centre of International Comparative Criminology, says one of the biggest drivers of gun violence is how readily available handguns have become in Quebec and throughout Canada.


Maria Mourani, a criminologist who has studied Montreal street gangs and written about organized crime in Quebec and around the world, says she's not surprised by the recent rise in gun violence.

Mourani says she started to notice an uptick in shootings last fall, but things have escalated in the last couple months.

"When we have shootings it means there are conflicts between different criminal groups," she said. "Fights over territory, over drugs, unpaid debts…sometimes it's just two people who disagree."

She says an ongoing war between rival gangs, the Profit Boys in Rivière-des-Prairies and Zone 43 from Montréal-Nord, is causing a lot of the bloodshed.


Part of the problem is the proliferation of guns. Although Canada has some of the strictest gun laws in the Western world, with Bill C-21 poised to make them even stricter, getting a gun has never been easier for some segments of the population, namely criminals.

“It’s not hard. They’re everywhere,” says Dwayne Beckford from behind a glass partition.

Beckford is currently remanded on gun charges at Toronto East Detention Centre. In his late 30s, he has spent most of his adult life behind bars
You're a real Trumper. You even hate the neighbors.
You're a real idiot democrat that can't read--I said fuck Turdeau and the globalist Canadians. I know many Canadians and every one of them would like to see Turdeau and his fascist globalist minions run out. I don't GAF if you're a geriatric from TX--you're a fascist socialist and I abhor your politics as much as theirs. You damn sure don't embrace American values. My question is, "Why the fuck don't you get out if you think these other places and policies are so much better?"
You're a real idiot democrat that can't read--I said fuck Turdeau and the globalist Canadians. I know many Canadians and every one of them would like to see Turdeau and his fascist globalist minions run out. I don't GAF if you're a geriatric from TX--you're a fascist socialist and I abhor your politics as much as theirs. You damn sure don't embrace American values. My question is, "Why the fuck don't you get out if you think these other places and policies are so much better?"

You're disgusting and very stupid ...
Some powerful military. If Afghanistan can beat us, ANYONE can beat us. Biden just sent our troops into Somalia, for no obvious reason --- and they beat us YEARS ago. Blackhawk down.
More proof that citizens don't need "F-15's and nukyalar bombs" to fight off our own fucking government.
uns are ubiquitous in the world. Somebody ought to tell Trudeau......That horse 'left the barn' hundreds of years ago.

Yeah, well how many gun companies have gone under? The reason the NRA has to pimp them for the manufacturers as consumer goods, is because of the sales numbers. If it wasn't for the same morons buying more guns they don't need and can't use, much less afford, even more manufacturers would be filing for protection.

It might seem like nothing to you, but losing those sales in Canada is going to hurt, and it's going to hurt bad. And what it does, is open the door to legislation down the road, to take incremental steps on regulating imports to other countries, which will put some out of business.

You gun nuts are on borrowed time. It isn't going to happen next, next month, or even next year.

But you're on borrowed time. Bank on that.

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