Canadian Cannibal Who Beheaded Victim Granted Complete Freedom


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
WINNIPEG, Manitoba – A Canadian man who was found not criminally responsible for beheading and cannibalizing a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus has been granted his freedom.

Manitoba’s Criminal Code Review Board announced Friday it has given Will Baker, formerly known as Vince Li, an absolute discharge, meaning he is longer subject to monitoring.

Baker, a diagnosed schizophrenic, killed Tim McLean, a young carnival worker who was a complete stranger to Baker, in 2008. A year later he was found not criminally responsible due to mental illness.

McLean’s mother, Carol de Delley, has been outspoken against granting Baker freedom, saying there would be no way to ensure he continued to take his medication.

She declined comment in a post on Facebook Friday, saying “I have no words.”

Read more at: Canadian man who beheaded bus passenger granted total freedom


Absolutely amazing.
WINNIPEG, Manitoba – A Canadian man who was found not criminally responsible for beheading and cannibalizing a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus has been granted his freedom.

Manitoba’s Criminal Code Review Board announced Friday it has given Will Baker, formerly known as Vince Li, an absolute discharge, meaning he is longer subject to monitoring.

Baker, a diagnosed schizophrenic, killed Tim McLean, a young carnival worker who was a complete stranger to Baker, in 2008. A year later he was found not criminally responsible due to mental illness.

McLean’s mother, Carol de Delley, has been outspoken against granting Baker freedom, saying there would be no way to ensure he continued to take his medication.

She declined comment in a post on Facebook Friday, saying “I have no words.”

Read more at: Canadian man who beheaded bus passenger granted total freedom


Absolutely amazing.

Pretty outrageous, it says that Will Baker is a diagnosed schizophrenic, he beheaded and cannibalised his victim Tim McLean, it's understandable he was found not criminally responsible due to his schizophrenia, he's a very mentally sick person.

He should NOT be released onto the streets, he is a continuous danger to public safety. Carol de Delley is absolutely correct, he cannot be trusted to take his own medication, schizophrenics cannot even register that they have a mental illness to begin with, this makes it doubly problematic with them being trusted to take their own medication.

Without being heavily medicated and on a daily basis Will Baker will remain a continuous threat to the public.

This decision to release him back into the public sphere is both outrageous and borderline criminal.
People who are that deranged usually don't do it just once. They are usually serial killers and I've little doubt that this wasn't his first victim.
People who are that deranged usually don't do it just once. They are usually serial killers and I've little doubt that this wasn't his first victim.

Exactly, which is why this decision is borderline criminal.

I agree on both points, there's a good chance he's killed before and the authorities don't know that he has, because he's not mentioned anything about it to them, possibly because of his schizophrenia he might even have forgotten if he's killed before.

Releasing such a person back into the public and him not being able to be trusted to take his medication, I'd say that there's a 90% chance he'll kill again.
This is almost unbelievable. Liberal IDIOTS in charge!

Canadian man who beheaded bus passenger granted total freedom

WINNIPEG, Manitoba – A Canadian man who was found not criminally responsible for beheading and cannibalizing a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus has been granted his freedom.

Manitoba’s Criminal Code Review Board announced Friday it has given Will Baker, formerly known as Vince Li, an absolute discharge, meaning he is longer subject to monitoring.

Baker, a diagnosed schizophrenic, killed Tim McLean, a young carnival worker who was a complete stranger to Baker, in 2008. A year later he was found not criminally responsible due to mental illness.

McLean’s mother, Carol de Delley, has been outspoken against granting Baker freedom, saying there would be no way to ensure he continued to take his medication.

She declined comment in a post on Facebook Friday, saying “I have no words.”

Baker was initially kept in a secure wing of a psychiatric hospital but was given more freedom every year.

Canadian man who beheaded bus passenger granted total freedom

....He repeatedly stabbed McLean while he fought for his life. As passengers fled the bus, Baker continued stabbing and mutilating the body before he was arrested. He severed McLean’s head, displaying it to some of the passengers outside the bus, witnesses said...
I've read about serial killers quite a bit. And decapitating and cannibalizing a stranger on a Greyhound bus is a very brazen act. They usually don't get that brazen until they've gotten away with it so many times that they think they can get way with anything.

There are probably hundreds of active serial killers in the US alone. And thousands of people just disappear every year.
No tellin who'll be his next victim.
I've read about serial killers quite a bit. And decapitating and cannibalizing a stranger on a Greyhound bus is a very brazen act. They usually don't get that brazen until they've gotten away with it so many times that they think they can get way with anything.

There are probably hundreds of active serial killers in the US alone. And thousands of people just disappear every year.

Mr. Lucy is a psychiatrist and I've brought this article to his attention and he was like WTF?! Because it is a WTF?!

Yes I agree, it's a brazen act and as such it suggests they've done it before.

I remember reading an article about Ted Bundy, and he'd told the FBI or the police that for every one of him they catch there's ten more of him out there that they'll never catch, pretty chilling thought.

Also sometimes serial killers can go undetected for decades and decades, look at The Green River Killer for just one example.

Gary Ridgway - Wikipedia
yeah , its something special eh , what do the couple of Canadians think of this deal . I remember when the murder happened . I wonder if 'head doktor' DWind knows about this happening .
Just because someone is not "criminally responsible", doesn't mean he's no longer a danger.
This is so irresponsible to let someone like this out, the idea that all is well as long as he takes his medication is insane.
I've read about serial killers quite a bit. And decapitating and cannibalizing a stranger on a Greyhound bus is a very brazen act. They usually don't get that brazen until they've gotten away with it so many times that they think they can get way with anything.

There are probably hundreds of active serial killers in the US alone. And thousands of people just disappear every year.

Mr. Lucy is a psychiatrist and I've brought this article to his attention and he was like WTF?! Because it is a WTF?!

Yes I agree, it's a brazen act and as such it suggests they've done it before.

I remember reading an article about Ted Bundy, and he'd told the FBI or the police that for every one of him they catch there's ten more of him out there that they'll never catch, pretty chilling thought.

Also sometimes serial killers can go undetected for decades and decades, look at The Green River Killer for just one example.

Gary Ridgway - Wikipedia
Ted Bundy was a Satanist. When speaking of serial killers in the United States the FBI has done us no favors by pretending that Satanism is some innocent organized religion and that Satanic covens do not require members to become serial killers. Of course they are serial killers and it is high time they begin reporting occult crimes and local law enforcement reveal the details of every single crime scene they encounter and hold back nothing. The American people deserve to know and they also deserve to know about the hundreds of thousands of missing children / persons that go missing each year and are never found because they are sacrificed on altars dedicated to Satan.
Just because someone is not "criminally responsible", doesn't mean he's no longer a danger.
This is so irresponsible to let someone like this out, the idea that all is well as long as he takes his medication is insane.

This is how the English dealt with a man named Peter Sutcliffe, a diagnosed paranoid-schizophrenic known as The Yorkshire Ripper, this was when it was appealed that after 30 plus years incarcerated he posed no more danger to the public.

The English Court of Appeal made the absolutely correct decision in saying that Sutcliffe would always be a threat and should spend the rest of his life incarcerated.


"An application by Sutcliffe for a minimum term to be set, offering the possibility of parole after that date if it is thought safe to release him, was heard by the High Court of Justice on 16 July 2010. The High Court decided that Sutcliffe will never be released. Mr Justice Mitting stated:

This was a campaign of murder which terrorised the population of a large part of Yorkshire for several years. The only explanation for it, on the jury's verdict, was anger, hatred and obsession. Apart from a terrorist outrage, it is difficult to conceive of circumstances in which one man could account for so many victims.

Psychological reports describing his mental state were taken into consideration, as was the severity of his crimes. Barring judicial decisions to the contrary, Sutcliffe will spend the rest of his life in Broadmoor Hospital. On 4 August 2010, a spokeswoman for the Judicial Communications Office confirmed that Sutcliffe had initiated an appeal against the decision.

The hearing for Sutcliffe's appeal against the ruling began on 30 November 2010 at the Court of Appeal. It was rejected on 14 January 2011. On 9 March 2011, the Court of Appeal rejected Sutcliffe's application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court.

In December 2015 Sutcliffe was assessed as being "no longer mentally ill". In August 2016, a medical tribunal ruled that he no longer required clinical treatment for his mental condition, and could be returned to prison. Sutcliffe is reported to have been transferred from Broadmoor to Frankland Prison in Durham in August 2016."

Peter Sutcliffe - Wikipedia
I've read about serial killers quite a bit. And decapitating and cannibalizing a stranger on a Greyhound bus is a very brazen act. They usually don't get that brazen until they've gotten away with it so many times that they think they can get way with anything.

There are probably hundreds of active serial killers in the US alone. And thousands of people just disappear every year.

Mr. Lucy is a psychiatrist and I've brought this article to his attention and he was like WTF?! Because it is a WTF?!

Yes I agree, it's a brazen act and as such it suggests they've done it before.

I remember reading an article about Ted Bundy, and he'd told the FBI or the police that for every one of him they catch there's ten more of him out there that they'll never catch, pretty chilling thought.

Also sometimes serial killers can go undetected for decades and decades, look at The Green River Killer for just one example.

Gary Ridgway - Wikipedia
Ted Bundy was a Satanist. When speaking of serial killers in the United States the FBI has done us no favors by pretending that Satanism is some innocent organized religion and that Satanic covens do not require members to become serial killers. Of course they are serial killers and it is high time they begin reporting occult crimes and local law enforcement reveal the details of every single crime scene they encounter and hold back nothing. The American people deserve to know and they also deserve to know about the hundreds of thousands of missing children / persons that go missing each year and are never found because they are sacrificed on altars dedicated to Satan.

I wasn't aware that Ted Bundy was a Satanist, I know he was a highly intelligent man and had a law degree and I think at one point he worked for The Governor of Washington State.

I know that whenever I've visited America, I've found it very disturbing and upsetting to see pictures of missing children.

I found it very upsetting to have seen a picture of a missing child stuck next to a public payphone in a hotel lobby, this child was very beautiful and had from memory been missing for more than a year, and I just felt she was long dead and as a parent I felt deeply for her parents, an empathy I think that perhaps only a parent can feel for other parents.

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