Canadian Ebola vaccine begins testing


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Jul 23, 2014
Human testing of an experimental Canadian-made Ebola vaccine began Monday, with federal officials saying the drug could be shipped to West Africa within months if it proves successful
The World Health Organization says has killed more than 4,000 people...
Do we really have a threat?
And I have another thought. Could this virus become a new kind of mass destruction weapon for terrorists?
Kinda like, "Hey, let's try it out on Mikey first...

Fauci: Ebola Vaccine Will Be Tested in West Africans
October 27, 2014 -- The U.S. government is "moving along" in its attempt to develop an Ebola vaccine, Dr. Antony Fauci told "Fox News Sunday" with Chris Wallace.
"We're in phase one. We're going to finish that in November. Then we're going to go into much larger trial in West Africa, likely in Liberia and Monrovia, to determine if it works. That's when we need to make sure that it works, because you don't want to distribute a vaccine that could be harmful or not work. "The sooner we prove it's worked, the sooner we can distribute it widely."

Wallace also asked Fauci about Dallas nurse Nina Pham, who was declared Ebola-free and released from the National Institute of Health on Friday. "Have you determined how she got the virus? Was it a problem with the CDC protocols?" Wallace asked. "Well, first of all, you never can tell exactly how she got it because she was under one protocol for a few days and then the other. So, whatever it was, she certainly was at a risk and got infected. So, whenever you see that, Chris, you try and tighten things up."


A clinical research fellow at Oxford University holds a vial of an experimental vaccine against Ebola in Oxford, England

As has reported, the CDC was widely criticized for not immediately requiring head-to-toe covering of health care workers at Texas Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, where the first Ebola patient on U.S. soil was treated and later died. "Right now, the CDC protocols are much tighter than they were," Fauci said on Sunday. "Those are protocols that actually worked very well historically in Africa. We find now that with the intensive care setting that we have (in) this country, they may not be optimal enough and that's why CDC has changed them."

In mid-August, CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden said the U.S. was well-equipped to care for citizens with Ebola: "We know how to stop Ebola with strict infection control practices, which are already in widespread uses in American hospitals, and by stopping it at the source in Africa,” Frieden said at the time. But one month later -- after two Dallas nurses contracted the disease from a Liberian patient -- Frieden said, "We could've sent a more robust hospital infection control team and been more hands-on with the hospital from day one about exactly how this should be managed," he said on Oct. 14. Later that same day, Frieden told Fox New's Megyn Kelly, that "more is not always better" when it comes to the protective gear health care workers use. "Sometimes you put on more layers, it's harder to put on, harder to take off, you increase your risk of exposure. That's what the science tells us."

Five days later, on Oct. 19, Dr. Anthony Fauci, an infectious disease expert with the National Institute of Health, explained that protective measures that "worked in the field" in West Africa were not adequate for a hospital intensive care setting. "What what's very clear now, if you're in an intensive care setting, doing things you would never do in the bush or in the field in Africa, very invasive type procedures, that that is not the optimal way. So, we don't know for sure, but it is likely she (nurse Nina Pham) got infected because she was not completely covered."

Fauci Ebola Vaccine Will Be Tested in West Africans CNS News

See also:

Vaccine ignorance is both deadly and contagious
October 27, 2014 ~ Laurie Garrett is senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations and the author of “I Heard the Sirens Scream: How Americans Responded to the 9/11 and Anthrax Attacks.” Maxine Builder is a research associate for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations. This column first appeared in the Los Angeles Times.
In the absence of credible, strong political leadership, paranoia about disease can go viral. We’ve seen this happen around the world with a wide range of illnesses, from swine flu to SARS to Ebola. And even after threats are addressed, a new form of conspiratorial thinking often emerges, this time focused not on the microbes but on the tools used to keep the germs at bay — especially vaccines. Since 2008, the Council on Foreign Relations has been collecting data and publishing weekly updates on an interactive map of vaccine-preventable diseases, and the map is now robust, dense with six years of data. One terrible truth stands out: Misinformation and rumors from just one persuasive voice, delivered effectively, can derail entire immunization campaigns and persuade millions of parents to shun vaccinations for their children.

In 2007, Maulana Fazlullah, who currently heads the Pakistani Taliban, went on Pakistani radio and denounced vaccinations as a conspiracy of Western nations to render Muslims infertile. A few years before that, a handful of political and religious leaders in Nigeria advocated the boycotting of polio vaccinations, claiming the products were contaminated with sterilization agents, HIV or cancer. In both cases, the misinformation resonated with parents. In Nigeria, mothers refused immunization for their babies and the number of polio cases there doubled in just a year, going from 355 in 2003 to 782 in 2004. It has taken years to recover the lost ground in West Africa, with Nigeria finally reporting only six cases this year. In Pakistan, the so-called Radio Mullah’s exhortations also found an audience, and he was given an assist in 2011 with the release of the American movie “Zero Dark Thirty,” which falsely connected the CIA to an oral polio vaccination ruse that was part of an attempt to catch Osama bin Laden.

In reality, the CIA used a false hepatitis B vaccination scheme in hopes of injecting children inside the compound in which it was believed that bin Laden was hiding, and then testing the syringes for evidence of his genes. The fake vaccine effort failed when the immunizer was denied access to the bin Laden children. But the movie’s incorrect linking of it to polio immunization heightened existing mistrust in Pakistan and provided the Taliban with “evidence” that its anti-immunization campaign had merit. Today, vaccinators and health care workers providing lifesaving interventions are targeted for bombings and assassinations, and children in Pakistan are suffering. Our interactive map clearly demonstrates the correlation between an increase in Taliban propaganda and assaults on health workers and the resurgence of polio. Worse, recent outbreaks of polio and other vaccine-preventable diseases in the Middle East have been linked to Pakistani-trained combatants who have carried pathogens to Syria and Iraq, along with their anti-immunization ideology.

And anti-vaccine sentiments aren’t limited to the developing world. The effects of Andrew Wakefield’s now thoroughly debunked 1998 Lancet study claiming links between vaccinations and autism are still being felt in the Western world, as can be seen in our interactive map. Outbreaks of pertussis in wealthy California communities, of mumps in Ohio college towns and of measles throughout the United Kingdom demonstrate the broad impact of the anti-vaccination movement. In light of the paranoia evoked by Ebola, political and public health leaders must appreciate that not a single voice dispensing misinformation should go unchallenged. The general public has proved its inability to weigh facts accurately and reach a rational conclusion when fear clouds its judgment. Remarkably, in the case of the purported associations between autism and vaccines, the concept has gone viral in some of America’s most highly educated and wealthy communities, as has unscientific advice about delaying certain immunizations to avoid “vaccine overload.”

Too many political leaders around the world have either fanned the flames of fear or have shrugged off responsibility for dispelling them, assuming that countering conspiracies and false worries is a job for doctors and public health officers. In Islamabad, Abuja and Sacramento alike, political leaders need to confront false fears. Every baby who has died of pertussis in California, been paralyzed by polio in Pakistan or suffered from measles in the United Kingdom represents a tragedy that might have been prevented.

Vaccine ignorance is both deadly and contagious - Opinion - Stripes

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