Canadian Indians Teed Off at Refugees


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Indigenous peoplesā€™ leader Jenna Wirch

ā€œItā€™s further colonization,ā€ Wirch said of refugee resettlement. ā€œWe [Indigenous people] are further being displaced from our lands, from our food, from our waters. And itā€™s wrong.ā€

So things arenā€™t all sweetness and light for our neighbors to the north. (I have no doubt the same holds true to the south.)

Many arrived in Manitoba, whose capital Winnipeg has the largest Indigenous population of any Canadian city. The city also faces problems with violence, drugs and homelessness. [So of course it is the perfect place to insert Middle Eastern refugees!ā€”-ed]

More @ Canada: Conflicts revealed between Indigenous people and refugees w/links to more.

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